Bnos Avigail | Imamother (2025)

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Bnos Avigail

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (3)

Tue, Oct 13 2020, 10:36 pm

Does anyone have current info on Bnos Avigail Seminary?
The type of girls who go?
Is it hard to get accepted?
Do they offer college credits/how many?
How many girls there per year?
Meals per day? Etc.
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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (5)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (6)

Tue, Oct 13 2020, 11:18 pm

Dont know about the current girls etc. Its on Neve, so there should be 3 meals a day afaik
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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (8)1


Bnos Avigail | Imamother (9)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (10)

Thu, Dec 03 2020, 8:19 pm

Following as it was recommended to my DD along with

Rachon Raya
Bnos Sarah

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (12)

Thu, Dec 03 2020, 8:36 pm

Looks like bnos Avigayil is the hot school. Almost every girl in my dds HS plans to apply there.
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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (14)1



Bnos Avigail | Imamother (15)

Fri, Dec 04 2020, 7:46 am

cat81 wrote:
Following as it was recommended to my DD along with

Rachon Raya
Bnos Sarah

This is a common trio to apply to - Bnos Avigail, Machon Raaya, and Bnos Sarah. All three of them are great seminaries.

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (17)3


Bnos Avigail | Imamother (18)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (19)

Fri, Dec 04 2020, 7:53 am

amother [ Bisque ] wrote:
This is a common trio to apply to - Bnos Avigail, Machon Raaya, and Bnos Sarah. All three of them are great seminaries.

Any comments on any or all of them?

From what I’m reading ——

BS is the most right wing of group.
MR is populated by lots of MO girls that want to be “frummer”
BA education structure is most unique, and therefore may not appeal to many

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (21)1



Bnos Avigail | Imamother (22)

Fri, Dec 04 2020, 7:56 am

cat81 wrote:
Any comments on any or all of them?

From what I’m reading ——

BS is the most right wing of group.
MR is populated by lots of MO girls that want to be “frummer”
BA education structure is most unique, and therefore may not appeal to many

Bnos Sarah is definitely the most right-wing. Highly academic, many reports, girls are expected to be self-learners. Great group of girls every year.

Machon Raaya- that's a somewhat accurate description. MR and Michlalah is also a common application combo. Very academic in a more intellectual-type way (hard to describe). My sister went and was not happy with the materialism and extravagance there (like almost everyone had their parents' credit card and was eating out all the time).

I don't know much about Bnos Avigail directly.

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (24)3


Bnos Avigail | Imamother (25)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (26)

Fri, Dec 04 2020, 8:11 am

amother [ Bisque ] wrote:
Bnos Sarah is definitely the most right-wing. Highly academic, many reports, girls are expected to be self-learners. Great group of girls every year.

Machon Raaya- that's a somewhat accurate description. MR and Michlalah is also a common application combo. Very academic in a more intellectual-type way (hard to describe). My sister went and was not happy with the materialism and extravagance there (like almost everyone had their parents' credit card and was eating out all the time).

I don't know much about Bnos Avigail directly.

My DD is more in line with MR type girls currently (MO friends, listens to non Jewish music, watches movie, reads books), but feels she wants to move further right so BS is her top choice.

However, Given that she wants a career (not typical ones I.e. therapy/nursing), is not interested in going to Touro, and is totally against a Kollel life —— is perhaps BS not the best choice for her?

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (28)

Fri, Dec 04 2020, 8:17 am

amother [ Bisque ] wrote:

Machon Raaya- that's a somewhat accurate description. MR and Michlalah is also a common application combo. Very academic in a more intellectual-type way (hard to describe). My sister went and was not happy with the materialism and extravagance there (like almost everyone had their parents' credit card and was eating out all the time).


I went to BYMR and that was not my experience...could be things have changed in the past few years. My year, we had girls from very RW BY high schools and a girl from a secular Jewish high school who became frum on her own, and everything in between. Very out of towny and not gashmiusdig at all.

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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (30)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (31)

Thu, Dec 10 2020, 6:34 pm

Also looking into it alongside with kitov shachra and binas can someone tell me the differences and the pros and cons
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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (33)

Bnos Avigail | Imamother (34)

Sat, Dec 26 2020, 8:07 pm

Can anyone share with me the contact info for a Bnos Avigayil student, either someone whose there right now or went last year? Trying to find someone for DD to call and ask questions, and no one went there from her school.
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Bnos Avigail | Imamother (2025)


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