Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (2024)

Research suggests the cannabis/hemp plant may have lots of therapeutic potential for anxiety.

When most people think cannabis, they think THC – or as it’s more specifically called, delta 9 THC. This powerful psychoactive cannabinoid is widely known as the psychoactive ingredient in weed.

But for anxiety and stress, many people are finding that delta 8 THC, a weaker variant of delta 9, is more effective than traditional delta 9 THC.

Delta 8 users posit that it’s less likely to cause paranoia and anxiety as side effects, therefore making it more beneficial for promoting calm and relaxation.

But there are still situations where delta 9 may be better. In this article, we’ll compare these two cannabinoids and discuss which is more effective for anxiety.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (1)

Jump to section

1. What is Delta 8?

2. What is Delta 9?

3. Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: How Do They Make You Feel?

4. How Delta 8 Helps with Anxiety

5. How Delta 9 Helps with Anxiety

6. Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: How They Work In Your Body

7. Which Cannabinoid is More Effective for Anxiety?

8. The Legality of Delta 8 vs. Delta 9

10. Conclusion: Two Natural Alternatives

11. Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Frequently Asked Questions

What is Delta 8?

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 8) is a cannabinoid that naturally occurs in the hemp plant.

But although delta 8 occurs naturally, it occurs sparsely; delta 8 is not economical to directly extract and put in products, so the delta 8 you’ll find in products has been produced synthetically.

Like regular THC, delta 8 creates psychoactive effects and will get you high. But since it’s not as overpowering, it’s become popular for therapeutic, as well as recreational, uses.

What is Delta 9?

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9) is also a naturally occurring cannabind in hemp. Delta 9 is a major cannabinoid (as opposed to a minor cannabinoid), meaning it’s naturally found in high concentrations in hemp.

When most people think or say “THC,” delta 9 is what they have in mind – it’s the cannabinoid that provides the signature high people get when they smoke weed or consume edibles.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: How Do They Make You Feel?

The effects of delta 8 and delta 9 differ in both strength and nature.

The high from delta 8 is just half as strong as that from delta 9. Delta 8 and delta 9 also affect your body differently. Whereas delta 9 provides a powerful head and body effect, delta 8 provides a milder head experience with strong bodily relaxation.

Some delta 8 users have even reported that its physical effects are stronger than delta 9’s, however, no research has been done on this.

Another notable difference between delta 8 and delta 9 is the likelihood they’ll cause paranoia and anxiety as side effects. Most people report low or no anxiety and paranoia when using delta 8 as compared to delta 9.

Although delta 9 can be beneficial, some people find that it makes them feel anxious or paranoid. Many people have reported that delta 8 is less likely to do this, and it makes sense, given that delta 8 isn’t as strong. However, delta 8 may still cause these side effects if you take too much.

The implication of is that, if you’re using THC for anxiety-related purposes, you may find that a milder experience (such as that from delta 8) is what you’re looking for, as stronger cannabinoids may exacerbate the problem rather than make it better.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (2)

How Delta 8 Helps with Anxiety

Learn More: Does Delta 8 Help with Anxiety?

Delta 8 is a multifaceted cannabinoid, and it may help with anxiety in a number of different ways.

Direct Support for Anxiety

Anecdotal evidence suggests that delta 8 promotes feelings of relaxation and euphoria, which may be beneficial if you suffer from anxiety.

Although we have ample testimonials, researchers from the University of Buffalo decided to conduct a formal survey of over 500 delta 8 users to assess people’s opinions on it.

In response to the survey, participants reported feelings of relaxation (71%), euphoria (68%), and pain relief (55%) after using delta 8 products.

While clinical evidence about the efficacy of delta 8 for anxiety is lacking, this research, as well as anecdotal evidence from people who use it, indicates that delta 8 may have therapeutic potential for providing anxiety support.


A lack of sleep can cause anxiety, just as anxiety can make falling asleep more difficult. Due to its calming effects, delta 8 may help to break this cycle.

As with anxiety, there is some anecdotal and scientific evidence to show delta 8 is beneficial for sleep.


Being in pain makes getting good quality rest extraordinarily difficult. But delta 8 may be able to help.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that delta 8 may provide therapeutic potential for pain by promoting physical relaxation.

And unlike delta 9, delta 8 is able to provide physical relaxation without causing an extremely powerful head high, leading many people to prefer it if they’re dealing with pain and other discomfort.


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How Delta 9 Helps with Anxiety

Delta 9 has many of the same potential benefits for anxiety as delta 8, but with some slight differences due to its stronger effects. There is also more research on delta 9 than delta 8, as it’s naturally more abundant in cannabis/hemp, and therefore subject to more testing.

Direct Support for Anxiety

There is research to show that delta 9 may both directly decrease and increase anxiety.

In one study of 42 volunteers, participants who took a 7.5mg dosage of delta 9 THC reported a reduction in distress after engaging in a stress test. However, some of the volunteers who were given 12.5mg of delta 9 THC saw an increase in negative emotions.

Indeed, there is other evidence suggesting delta 9 may increase, rather than decrease, anxiety.

This research seems to indicate that delta 9 may be beneficial for anxiety in smaller doses, but may increase the problem when taken in larger amounts. However, it will affect each person differently.


There is a direct connection between sleep and anxiety; when you sleep well, you feel less anxious, and when you’re less anxious, the quality of your sleep improves.

Many people find that delta 9 renders therapeutic support for sleep, and there is scientific evidence to back this up, too.

One study, which looked at 29 people who self-reported as having clinical insomnia, found that those who used medical cannabis experienced up to an 80% increase in the quality of their sleep as compared to those who were given a placebo.

Another research review found that delta 9 THC may improve sleep in those with sleep disorders such as insomnia.


As with sleep, there is a connection between pain and anxiety. Reduce pain, and you also reduce anxiety.

Research has concluded that delta 9 THC may provide therapeutic relief for pain, especially when in combination with CBD.

Many people find that delta 9 helps with physical discomfort because it’s able to create such powerful head and body effects.

Other studies have shown that delta 9 has benefits for various forms of chronic pain, including neuropathic and central pain.


Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (4)

Finally, Delta-9 THC that works.

No weak, ineffective, or potentially dangerous products here. Only high-strength, American-made delta-9 products that have been 3rd-party lab tested.

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Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: How They Work In Your Body

Delta 8 and delta 9 THC work by interacting with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), a receptor system in your body responsible for regulating your vital functions, including mood, sleep, inflammatory response, and others.

By regulating you vital functions, your ECS keeps your body balanced. Normally, it functions fine on its own, as other bodily systems do.

But when you’re feeling anxious, your body is unbalanced, and introducing cannabinoids like delta 8 and delta 9 can help your ECS re-establish mental and physical equilibrium.

To understand how these cannabinoids work with your ECS, it’s important to know the two main types of cannabinoid receptors:

  • CB1 receptors — Located in the central nervous system and throughout the body. These receptors are responsible for regulating the effects cannabinoids have on your mind.
  • CB2 receptors – Located all throughout the body, except for in the nervous system. These receptors are responsible for regulating the effects cannabinoids have on your body.

Both delta 8 and delta 9 are able to interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptor types, thereby rendering mental and physical effects. This multi-receptor interaction is the reason why these cannabinoids have such a diverse range of benefits and uses.

Researchers don’t yet know the mechanism by which delta 9 renders stronger effects than delta 8. However, we do have a general idea of how these cannabinoids (and other psychoactive cannabinoids) support mental and physical relaxation.

Which Cannabinoid is More Effective for Anxiety?

Neither delta 8 and delta 9 is superior to the other for anxiety. That’s because your mental wellness all depends on your situation and what you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a milder head high and a lighter overall experience, or have used delta 9 and found that it causes anxiety, we’d recommend opting for delta 8.

On the other hand, if you need a stronger head experience in order to get the necessary relaxation to combat anxiety, delta 9 is the better option.

The Legality of Delta 8 vs. Delta 9

Delta 8 and delta 9 are both legal on a federal level in the US, in their hemp-derived form, as of the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp is cannabis containing less than 0.3% THC by dry weight.

However, some states have restricted access to these cannabinoids. The following sections detail in which states delta 8 and delta 9 are and are not legal.

States Where Delta 8 is Legal

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
  • District of Columbia

States Where Delta 8 is Illegal

  • Alaska
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Montana
  • New York
  • Nevada
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • Washington

States Where Delta 9 is Legal

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Puerto Rico
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
  • District of Columbia

States Where Delta 9 is Illegal

  • California
  • Colorado
  • North Dakota
  • Washington
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky (in dispute, still legal)
  • Pennsylvania (in dispute, still legal)
  • Vermont (in dispute, still legal)

Delta 8 & Delta 9 On Drug Tests

Because delta 8 and delta 9 are both variants of THC, which is targeted by most drug tests due to its presence in cannabis, they will both cause you to fail a drug test.

In this case, you may consider opting for Cannabidiol (CBD) to provide natural therapeutic support against anxiety.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (5)

Conclusion: Two Natural Alternatives

Delta 8 and delta 9 are two psychoactive cannabinoids that have therapeutic potential to help with anxiety.

Delta 8 provides a milder experience. Its effects as half as strong as those of delta 9, and delta 8 less likely to cause paranoia and anxiety as side effects compared to delta 9. Delta 9, however, provides stronger mental relaxation, making it beneficial depending on the level of anxiety you’re experiencing.

The cannabinoid you choose ultimately comes down to the strength you’re looking for — your wellness goals are unique, so your choice of cannabinoid should be, too.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions customers frequently ask us about using delta 8 vs. delta 9 for anxiety.

Does delta 9 reduce anxiety?

By promoting euphoria and relaxation, research and anecdotal evidence suggest delta 9 may have therapeutic potential for anxiety and stress. However, there is some scientific research showing delta 9 may increase anxiety, especially if taken in higher doses.

Does delta 8 lower anxiety?

While more clinical research on delta 8 is needed, scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests it may reduce anxiety. Users report feelings of euphoria and relaxation after using delta 8.

Is delta 8 good for anxiety and panic attacks?

Although delta 8 hasn’t been clinically researched for anxiety and panic attacks, anecdotal evidence suggests it may have therapeutic potential in these areas, as it promotes mental calming.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? (2024)


Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Anxiety: Which is More Effective? ›

Delta 8 provides a milder experience. Its effects as half as strong as those of delta 9, and delta 8 less likely to cause paranoia and anxiety as side effects compared to delta 9. Delta 9, however, provides stronger mental relaxation, making it beneficial depending on the level of anxiety you're experiencing.

Which is better for anxiety, delta-8 or 9? ›

One notable difference between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC is the level of anxiety, and paranoia associated with their use. Delta-8 THC has been reported to cause low levels of anxiety and paranoia compared to Delta-9 THC.

What delta is best for anxiety? ›

Users find delta-8 THC a better choice for medical use. Scientists are still studying delta-8 THC, but early cannabis research shows it might help with pain, anxiety, and nausea. Its milder psychoactive effects make it an interesting option for medical use.

Does Delta 9 help with anxiety? ›

Yes — delta-9 THC has been associated with a wide range of potential medical benefits. According to 2021 research , THC might be able to treat: anxiety.

Is delta-8 bad for anxiety? ›

Many people who use substances such as Delta 8 THC to stimulate their appetite or calm their mental health symptoms may find that the drug actually increases their feelings of anxiety and stress. Delta 8 THC panic attacks can be frightening, as the symptoms can include: A sudden feeling of doom that can't be explained.

Is delta-8 or 10 better for anxiety? ›

Differences Between Delta-10 vs. Delta-8. Consumers often prefer delta-8 for a euphoric experience, as the feelings of euphoria with delta-10 tend to be less intense. Delta-10 is less psychoactive than delta-8, making it a more suitable option for consumers who struggle with anxiety and depression.

Is delta-8 sativa or indica better for anxiety? ›

Indica strains tend to have higher levels of CBD (cannabidiol), known for its relaxing and anti-anxiety properties. Sativa strains, conversely, may have elevated THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels, providing an uplifting and euphoric experience.

What is the most calming delta-8 strain? ›

As an Indica-dominant hybrid strain, BlueBerry OG gives a relaxing, giggly effect. Many users enjoy it for anxiety and stress relief. Lab testing reveals that Blue Moon Hemp's Blueberry OG carts contain 702 mg/gram of delta-8, with some CBD and soothing CBN.

Is delta-8 or delta-9 more euphoric? ›

Delta 8 will get you high, and it's roughly half as strong as delta 9. Delta 9 is also euphoric and relaxing, but it's typically more sedative than delta 8. It's also twice as potent.

Do Delta waves help with anxiety? ›

In general: Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) range have been associated with deep sleep and relaxation. Binaural beats in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range are linked to REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, as well as meditative and creative states.

Does Delta 9 release serotonin? ›

And delta-9 THC binds to the CB1 receptors in that system, activating the release of neurotransmitters. They include dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for regulating mood and behavior, and such an interaction causes people to experience relaxation and altered perception of time and space.

Does Delta 9 lower cortisol? ›

Since its discovery in 1964, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has garnered much attention in the psychological control of stress (Maccarrone et al., 2015). While this psychoactive component of cannabis is commonly prescribed to reduce stress, it is also known to increase plasma cortisol levels (Ranganathan et al., 2008).

Does Delta 9 increase dopamine? ›

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces dopamine release in the human striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology.

What's better for anxiety delta-8 or 9? ›

But for anxiety and stress, many people are finding that delta 8 THC, a weaker variant of delta 9, is more effective than traditional delta 9 THC. Delta 8 users posit that it's less likely to cause paranoia and anxiety as side effects, therefore making it more beneficial for promoting calm and relaxation.

Which Delta is best for anxiety and depression? ›

Delta-8 THC may enhance relaxation and calm without producing anxiety, according to Dr. Norris. Meanwhile, delta-10 THC may lead to feelings of euphoria and increased focus, he says.

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Mar 31, 2024

Is Delta 8 or HHC better for anxiety? ›

HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) is recognized for its psychoactive effects, which are generally milder than Delta-9 THC yet stronger than Delta-8. The HHC high is often described as clear-headed, with fewer instances of anxiety and paranoia, making it a safer alternative for those sensitive to stronger THC effects.

Which Delta 8 vape is best for anxiety? ›

CBDivine Delta 8 Blue Dream Vape Cartridge – Known for its beautifully soothing effects and delicious taste, Blue Dream is one of the best strains for those with anxiety. This CBDivine Delta 8 Vape Cartridge mimics the usual Blue Dream experience in the form of a potent Delta 8 vape cartridge.

Does Delta 8 improve mood? ›

Delta 8 is a milder variation of delta 9 THC, the cannabinoid notorious for producing cannabis' intoxicating effects. Although delta 8 makes you high, it's half as potent as regular THC, delivering more subtle psychoactive effects. Many users describe the delta 8 high as clear-headed, relaxing, and mood-elevating.

What is the best Delta 8 strain for relaxation? ›

Top Delta 8 Strains to Try for a Relaxing Experience
  • Bubba Kush. Hailing from the renowned Kush family, Bubba Kush is a potent Indica strain that promises to melt away your worries. ...
  • Gorilla Glue. Don't let the name fool you. ...
  • Zkittlez. ...
  • Grandaddy Purple. ...
  • Sour Space Candy. ...
  • Skywalker. ...
  • Northern Lights. ...
  • Purple Punch.
Mar 11, 2024


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.