Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (2024)

Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (1)

Andrew Allemann 66 Comments

New appraisal tool will give you a free and quick domain name appraisal.

GoDaddy has made its much-improved automated domain name valuation tool available to the public.

The beta tool allows anyone to enter a domain name and receive an instant appraisal that includes some supporting data. For example, when I entered my domain name, I saw:

Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (2)

The basic valuation tool has actually been available for a little while but not publicized. Until today it did not show the comparative sales and valuation rationale that’s now visible on the right site.

The comps are pretty good, too. For, GoDaddy used, and among others. You can view up to 10 comps.

Also, note that the domain name shows up for sale because I have it listed with AfternicDLS.

There is currently no bulk valuation tool available to the public.

Given GoDaddy’s brand recognition, I could see this tool being valuable when negotiating a sale with someone. For example, if you are buying a domain name and offering more than the valuation, giving a link to the appraisal might sway the seller. Likewise, if you are you selling a domain for less than the appraisal the tool could come in handy.

The appraisal tool recently helped me. Prior to the additional data being displayed, a domain seller found the appraisal beta through search. He sent me a valuation for the domain name I wanted to buy. I offered him about 60% of the valuation and he decided it was fair.

Of course, domain sellers might be frustrated when a potential buyer provides a link to a valuation that is much lower than the asking price. That’s when you explain the limitations of automated systems…

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Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (3)

About Andrew Allemann

Andrew Allemann has been registering domains for over 25 years and publishing Domain Name Wire since 2005. He has been quoted about his expertise in domain names by The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and NPR. Connect with Andrew: LinkedIn - Twitter/X - Facebook


Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (4)

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  1. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (5)Anonymous says

    Link is broken.



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (6)Anonymous says

      Never mind. Works if you don’t have a country, other than US, set with GoDaddy.



  2. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (7)Abdullah Alkulaibi says

    LOL… gave me a value of $25,000 on
    Back to the drawing board GD!



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (8)Joe Styler says

      It gave you a value of more than 25k not 25k. We value names from $100 to $25,000 right now. If it is over $25 we say we think it is more than that and basically you should do a manual appraisal at that point.



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (9)Tony says

        Would Godaddy sell me some of their NameFind domains at these appraisal values?



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (10)Mark Thorpe says

          Exactly! Lol



  3. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (11)Tony says

    I wish I could get premium dotcom’s for godaddy’s appraisal values.



  4. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (22)Mark Thorpe says

    It’s worse than Estibot! Even says some of my domains are available to be hand registered!? WTH GoDaddy!



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (23)Andrew Allemann says

      There does appear to be a flaw with some names showing they are available. I just searched for and it says it’s available. It’s a beta, so I’m sure they want to hear feedback like this.



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (24)Mark Thorpe says

        I have had this happen to me before on their main landing page, when I search for domains.
        Search result says a registered domain is available to be hand registered when it’s not. Been happening for awhile now..



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (25)Andrew Allemann says

          I mostly see it for new TLDs. I think they “cache” some of the availability data, especially for the suggested names. Some of the methods are described in this patent:

          That wouldn’t explain my example, though.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (26)Paul Nicks says

            There is a bug, not restricted to new gTLDs, with some of our availcheck lookups. We are currently working to address it.


  5. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (27)John says

    Looks interesting. It may help in getting more auction listings and completing them for those looking to move names. I imagine it will improve overtime as well. Nice write-up.



  6. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (28)RaTHeaD says

    seems a bit more realistic than estibot. if they continue to refine it they could have something worthwhile.



  7. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (29)James says

    This is going to hurt Afternic sales as they display this data when you search the domain at If you list the domain for sale at $5000 and the “value” next to the sales price shows $400 your buyer will think he is getting ripped off. This is going to hurt sales!



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (30)Andrew Allemann says

      If you search where? On the appraisal page?



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (31)James says

        Correct the Estimated Value displays above the Add To Cart price… not sure where else this displays but will hurt if the estimated value is lower than the BIN



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (32)Andrew Allemann says

          That’s only in the appraisal tool. Given that people are already showing an interest in determining the value at that point, I don’t think it will really hurt sales.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (33)James says

            The domain community understands these automated valuations are a novelty, the end user does not. I feel this will significantly impact aftermarket sales where the value is lower then price.


        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (34)Mark Thorpe says

          Correct, the domain community knows that this automated domain valuation tool and others like it, produce incorrect domain name appraisals and end-users do not know that.

          And yes, these undervalued domain name appraisals will hurt aftermarket domain sales, but only domains owned by “domainers” will be affected.



  8. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (35)FX says

    where is the link ?



  9. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (37)Tony says

    Anyone willing to accept Godaddy’s appraisal tool prices, email me your domain. If I like the domain, I will buy via and pay the fee.



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (38)Andrew Allemann says

      That’s kind of silly, isn’t it? It’s like saying “when I think the appraisal tool got it wrong in my favor I’ll but it, when I think it got it wrong in your favor I won’t buy it”



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (39)Tony says

        No, it isn’t. I don’t want someone’s crappy 4 word dotcom that Godaddy values for $100, etc.



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (40)Andrew Allemann says

          And if GoDaddy values a two word domain for $2k you still want to be able to pass on it.

          It sounded like you were trying to say the appraisal tool undervalues domain names. But by saying you’ll buy domains at the appraised amount but only if you like them, that sends a mixed message.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (41)Tony says

            Bottom line is I hope Joe Styler speaks for Godaddy and Godaddy really is willing to sell their domains priced by their tool.


  10. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (42)John Napoletano says

    How about tips for those who don’t understand why the valuations are off. For example. Comps work great for selling houses by the square foot on the same street. Domain comps can be from retail sales or wholesale clearance sales. The comps are not really comps in many cases, you should make your own manual list of comps using NameBio or other tool. Use tools like Google Adwords and Google Trends to spot keyword volume. Yellow Pages to see how many businesses use the word(s). Compare your pricing to what others have listed on Sedo, Godaddy Auctions. Come up with your own ratios or rule of thumb for ccTLD or nTLD like .de vs .uk 1 to 1 or .com to .uk 10 to 1 (just throwing numbers around so don’t complain, make your own ratios).

    Anyone else have tips? Would love to hear them.



  11. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (43) says

    $787 for QLUD dot king

    Is this tool for investors or for end users?

    I think it’s broken



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (44)Andrew Allemann says

      It’s literally including the previous purchase of as a comp. I think the appraisal is closer to its value than your asking price.



  12. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (45)Michael Castello says

    Yikes! No thanks
    Estimated Value: more than $25,000



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (46)Andrew Allemann says

      Err…you don’t think it’s worth more than $25k?



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (47)Michael Castello says

        Andrew, yes and I think is worth more than a dollar. It’s a worthless application. It sets no worthwhile valuation for the seller.



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (48)Andrew Allemann says

          For domains over $25k it doesn’t set a worthwhile valuation. I think GoDaddy understands that, which is why it doesn’t provide valuations worth over $25k.

          So it’s worthless for domains valued over $25k, but can be valuable for domains valued less than $25k.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (49)Michael Castello says

            Okay, lets try:

            Estimated Value: $3,785

            I sold it for $40k

            I’m still not getting it. So they extrapolate the price of thousands of sold domains to get a reference point for sub-par domains estimates and that is somehow supposed to help the domain seller industry.

            In my opinion, GoDaddy does very well selling domain names at any price. That doesn’t help the industry in any way to advance the exceptionalism of many of these brands. Their emphasis in on quantity, not quality.


    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (50)Paul Nicks says

      Feel like and are both worth over $25k



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (51)Andrew Allemann says

        I suspect the Michael interpreted this to mean that the domain is worth something just more than $25k. Maybe adding an explanatory note next to these results that the system doesn’t show exact values for domains worth more than $25k.



  13. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (52)John says

    Is it only using historical sales data (comps) from the GoDaddy Auctions platform?



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (53)Paul Nicks says

      We use all available sales data, even beyond GoDaddy Auctions. For retail valuation we exclude wholesale sales of expiry inventory.



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (54)John says

        There are no dates next to when the comp names sold. Is that something you guys took a look? If you add them maybe bu chronological dates (most recent first like an MLS)?



  14. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (55)Mark Thorpe says

    Ask Mike Mann, Rick Schwartz, Michael Berkens or Frank Schilling if this domain name appraisal tool is accurate.
    I guarantee you that the answer would be no!



  15. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (56)Tony says

    Paul (Nicks), I haven’t returned to this thread til now. Will contact you on Monday. For the record, you will accept the tool’s price for the names I’m interested in?



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (57)Joe Styler says

      You don’t have to wait until Monday. We have almost all of our names that are priced listed on you can go and buy them right now at the prices they are listed for. We use the appraisal tool as a tool. We have many names priced in line with what the tool’s value shows. Go check Afternic and start buying.



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (58)Tony says

        Names I am interested in have a price on the tool but not on afternic. I will contact Paul on Monday assuming he doesn’t work weekends.



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (59)John says

        Is there a way to see them all by the name you use on afternic?



      • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (60)Tony says

        For some reason my comment was blocked or hasn’t been posted so this might be a duplicate.

        The names I am interested in are not priced on afternic yet are priced by the tool.



        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (61)Joe Styler says

          Then likely they are over $25k or we are still working through some new inventory. I am sure you can find something in the many names we already have listed.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (62)Tony says

            The tool has them below $25k…


        • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (63)Paul Nicks says

          Depends on how long we have owned the domains. If they are part of one of the 2 recent acquisitions, then we just haven’t finished pricing them yet. I look forward to your offers on Monday, and I think the appraisal tool will give you good guidance on the initial offer. Bear in mind, of course, that the true value of a domain is what is negotiated between buyer and seller. I would not blindly accept offers at the GD appraisal price nor would I suggest any of you do the same. This is a data point, a tool, meant to help those that don’t understand that domains can be sold for more than $10.



          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (64)Tony says

            Yep, that’s what I figured. That’s why what Joe Styler wrote got me going on this.

            Tony says
            November 30, 2017 at 6:27 pm

            I wish I could get premium dotcom’s for godaddy’s appraisal values.

            Joe Styler says
            November 30, 2017 at 6:29 pm

            You ca! We use this system to price most of the NameFind domains we own that is how much we believe in it.


          • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (65)John says

            “…Bear in mind, of course, that the true value of a domain is what is negotiated between buyer and seller. I would not blindly accept offers at the GD appraisal price nor would I suggest any of you do the same. This is a data point, a tool, meant to help those that don’t understand that domains can be sold for more than $10.”
            That quote should underneath every valuation that appears.
            Most end users or people who don;t follow the domain marketplace will look at the valuation closely.


  16. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (66)Adam says

    I like the tool. Is it perfect? No, but I think they will continue to improve it over time. I like the comps that are provided. Nice job.



  17. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (67)cybertonic says

    New “domainer” definition: Person who buy at appraisal and sell from price.



  18. Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (69)DomainOverflow says

    It would be nice if they would reverse displaying IDNs on the xn-- format .. because then lots of French and Chinese words could be placed in this equation, for the same benefit, imho. ( ex: Marché dot com as opposed to xn--march-fsa dot com ).
    What is the resistance from GD ? It would greatly benefit them too. It could be applied universally and it would increase attractiveness of auctions overseas.
    Thanks for the article.



    • Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (70)DomainOverflow says

      ps: that would also be great if applied to Afternic listings….txs.



Godaddy releases domain name appraisal tool to the public - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News (2024)


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