Goldfish in a Bottle - Lucky_Fluffy (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Log-1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Log-2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Log-3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Log-4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Log-5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Log-6 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Log-7 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Log-8 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text >“Emergency containment breach in Site 9. code RED. All available security personnel of correct clearing please relocate to Cell 5. Other personnel please relocate to a different site. This is not a drill.”< Notes: Chapter 9: Log-9 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Log-10 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Log-11 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: M0_/2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Log-13 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Log-14 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Log-15 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Log-16 (S) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Log-E̸͓͎͌͑r̵͈͎̞̤͂̅̒r̷̡̲͓̭̼̞͖̮̒̄̂̑̏̌̌ơ̵̥̻̩͉͚̭͇̈́̊ṙ̴̮̺͛͐ Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Log-18 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Log-19 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Log-20 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Log-21 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Log-22 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Log-23 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Log-24 (S) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Log-25 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: M0_2-6 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Log-27 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: L-Ov̴̧̛̭̯̎͗3̷͎͔̱̀̇͗̽̓͑r̴̹̻̺̯̠̾̉̈́͗̈̄ͅg̴̱̪̟̓͒̄͗̍̒̓̕̚͜ŗ̵̛̥̭͈̙͙͉̰̭̊͌͊͐̏̚ǫ̸̞̼̝͓́̊̽̄̑̿̈̐̚w̴̤̝͔̤̥̩̙̱͋͒ṋ̴̲̺̮̬̪̃̈͑͗̀̈̆͝ Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Log-29 (S) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Log-30 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Log-31 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Log-32 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Log-33 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Log-34 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Log-35 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Page-36 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Log-37 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Log-38 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Star-39 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Log-40 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Log-1

Chapter Text

Sirens were blaring and the lights were flashing red, hurried footsteps were trying to rush to their destinations. Everyone knew of the newest subject that arrived today. Along with the dangers that came along.

People were carrying the half-alive bodies to the infirmary, many having their last breath just before getting there. The hallways are full of voices screaming for assistance.

Voices that were shouting at one another hushed as the clinked sound of heels approached, not daring to raise their voice as the two doctors made their way to the source of all the ruckus, oblivious to the distress around them.

“Simeon, are you sure this job is cut out for me? I mean my first case must be beginner's luck.”

A snort came from the taller man along with the shove he gave you, nearly throwing you off balance with the force that came with it. You were quick to give one back.

“Are you sure? I feel ‘beginner's luck’ wouldn’t make everyone silent as they do now-” Vaguely waving at the people speed walking around them with a huge circle. “It's the respect they have for you. Others have died trying to achieve what you did. The same thing happened here... How many casualties this time?”

Footsteps slowed down with the ruffle of papers. Your eyebrows frowning while eyes scanned the pages.

“107 so far, but since it just got restrained we can finally do a full body count.”

Fingers gently traced the many folders of paper, soaking in the most important information that they earlier highlighted.

And as the pair neared it was obvious to see that the number would get much higher, as body bag after body bag passed them with the smell of blood that lingered on them. All those who managed to hide or escape had already been brought out of the room. After another minute of walking, they got a small glimpse of the carnage. The huge iron door was smashed open with blood splattered all across the opposing walls and floor. Absent-mindedly you thought that the janitor that has to clean all that won’t be happy.

As if sensing your worries a heavy hand landed on your shoulder, a reassuring weight.

“Well, so far it’s not as big of a number as last time. Over 200 deaths within the first 5 hours, That was a new record. subject L-3V1_03 has been in containment for already one day so this is already a much lower number.”

A dry chuckle left his throat, clearly trying to lower the tension.

“Well, let us meet him then.” He whispered.

As they entered you took one gulp of air and instantly regretted it. Everything was still soaked in blood along with the disgusting irony smell that comes along with it. Living with peace in the facility really made you go soft again. You could barely look anywhere and not see a limb or an indistinguishable body laying around, nausea steadily rising with every pile of goo that used to be human. So your focus could land on the one thing that was surprisingly not painted red.

The first thing you took in was its massive size, only its torso was pretty much as big as you are. The moment the subject entered you got all the files, detailing information about the creature. Shall there be a chance you would be assigned to it, considering your history. Although it included information about what it looked like and how it was found, seeing the sizes in real life is always slightly baffling.

And not to even speak about the tail. The huge thing was tied to the ground just as the rest of its body. But the tail must be at least three times the size of its upper body, if not longer. It was easy to guess the power of the tail seeing it was most likely the weapon used to kill the others. A mental note being taken to be as wary as possible around it. Restrained or not.

Although, the tail was definitely something to look at. The black, purple and orange scales made quite a mesmerizing pattern. Even with blinding white lights from the ceiling the black scales still appeared to be pitch black. The tail itself was hard to describe, but from what you could see, it most closely resembled that of an eel, at least the shape did. If you ignore all the purple-to-orange gradient fins that made him resemble a betta fish.

You took a careful step away from the tail to look at the upper portion of the subject. Simeon followed close behind.

If you don't mind the strange way its body seemed to overlap with the purples and black of its tail. He- no, it seemed suspiciously humanoid. Well, of course, it still had frills for ears and coral-like horns on its head. So it would still be quite hard to pass off as a normal human.

Another mental note is taken after a glance down the arms at the hands, claws, that do have blood on them. The red liquid shining in the white lights of the room.

“How long will the tranquilisers work? It may not be my field, but I feel like the ropes won’t hold out for that long when it wakes up.”

Simeon seems to hum amusingly as he walks to the tank where the subject was originally housed. Could you even call it a tank? it must be as big as a pool; if not bigger.

The electric walls on top of the tank are currently turned off. As for what happened, the subject had been unmoving after it was first placed within the new waters. And to make sure it was still alive they turned off the power of the walls to come close enough to look. But then it rushed out of the water and killed the scientists and other staff during its escape attempt.

[appears docile to lower guard.]

After writing some more notes on the clipboard you carried you cleared your throat and straightened up before facing the staff that was still within the room.

“Subject L-3V1_03 claws must be clipped to their lowest point right this instant. it will cause the creature great distress but it shall be a necessary action.”

The present people quickly went to act out the orders, others came in to clean the rest of the goo laying around.

Carefully navigating the ground you made it to the moderating station located in the far right corner of the room on the side of the main door. Everything appeared to be stable, if not the heart rate was a bit slow. But that's understandable if the subject got dosed with the amount one could kill a whale with. You put down the papers you had been holding while picking up the other clipboard that laid there.

A multitude of daily chores and tests littered the paper. Making you groan already, earning a chuckle from behind.

“Just so you know, Simeon. I will not be the only one to do all these. Have you seen this? it looks more like a grocery store list if anything!” You huffed.

“Considering the higher-ups chose you again to be the main lead to be on this project, it seems that you still will be doing most of these though.”

Before you could give a snarky response one of the workers with a yellow bowtie came up to them. Not daring to look them in the eyes. it was still odd the way people treated you now.

“Umm.. sorry to disturb you. Could you both please come with me?”

The two doctors gave each other a look before following the worker back to the creature.

“The previous supervisor has been sadly killed during the incident. But I had been instructed to show all the equipment that will be used during the habilitation of Subject L-03. Ah! You already have found the checklist, right?”

You nodded your head. “Yes, is the ‘other’ list made for daily, weekly or monthly? Some are easy to do weekly. But.. physical checkup where the creature is fully secured sounds quite hard to do on a week-to-week basis when the creature is still quite unstable.”

As they stood next to the creature again, seeing the trouble the others are having clipping the nails it makes you silently judge. The slightest twitch of the subject's finger made your heart drop for a second. But with no further movement, you ceased to alarm and instead kept your guard high up.

“Ah yes! Of course, most of the tasks are meant to be done in a week. The tasks where there is meant to be cooperation between the subject and Handler or where help is needed from the facility is meant to be a monthly thing.”

Humming in thought you looked at the new clipboard again. Simeon spoke at your side, “So it will be a similar case just like with subject M-02?”

Surprisingly, the worker seems to brighten up at his words. “Correct! At first, they wanted to keep the regular schedule, but seeing it seems to be of high intelligence and strength it was best to keep it rather open. While everything on the list must be done, everything else is up to you two. Seeing that the new doctor so far managed to make the most violent creature we had, and made it docile, without eliminating the creature. seems that their way is the best so far, even if we don't exactly get how that is done.”

Even if the worker made it sound so casual you were still not so sure about it all, befriending M-02 had been more a stroke of luck rather than expertise.

Having studied as a wildlife biologist you did not expect to end up in an institution where they conserve and study literal monsters. When you were freshly done with school, Simeon; your long-term best friend, said he had been working at RID for quite a while and offered a nice word with his boss to maybe help you get the same job as well.

You first started to dig for information about “the Royal Institution of Diavolo”. While it was hard to find any information about it, what you did find was the money you'd get if you started working there. which is… a lot.

So yes, maybe you were a little broke after an extremely expensive study. And was a little too eager to accept Simeon’s invitation.

And now you stand here, three and a half years later, risking your life once again. You would like to ask how in the world Diavolo can get away with all the deaths caused down here. Everyone knows most of the ‘workers’ are inmates from prison where they were serving death sentences. Still... This is a bit too much in your opinion.

Quickly shaking your head to get back to the present. One of the heavyweight cranes was lifting the creature back into the water. Really hoping that the machine wouldn’t be needed every time a checkup would be done.

“Quite a fascinating subject isn’t he? The worker from earlier told me that the containment cell is much bigger than it already looks. There is a huge glass wall exhibit on the lower floor for observation. There are also several tubes connected to make paths throughout this experiment room. This cell is an old one, it had been made as a precaution if we ever had to hold a siren or mer-like creature.

But the tubes are only meant to be used once the subject is at least considered stable.” Simeon said as he gave a hard look towards the other.

“Haha, yes of course- But please show me the way to the other floor of the tank.” you asked while pointedly staring at the other side of the room. There is no denying you tend to be a bit on the impulsive side. Usually not thinking of the risk until you have already done it.

As they walk past the side of the tank again, this time with the electric fences on. You can’t help but feel slightly concerned, is this really going to stop it from escaping? By now they have reached the other right corner of the room where there is a metallic door in the wall.

Simeon pulled the door open with ease, gesturing you to enter first. For a few moments a silent staredown was happening, soon you accepted defeat and walked through the door first. His eyes have always been so bright that it almost burns to look at, you knew that his gaze could melt you within a second if you weren't careful. Still, you refuse to go down without a fight though.

The door leads to a swirling staircase down. Before long they reached the bottom of the stairs with yet another metal door. Taking a deep breath you opened it to meet with a room coated with gentle blue hues with walls stretching along with the tank.

Hesitant steps follow yours. On the wall on your left there was an arrangement of buttons and an emergency lever, you are going to need to learn what each singular one is for aren't you..? The only familiar things in the room are the equipment that shows the creature's vitals.

Deciding to push that for another day you turned around to the glass wall on the opposite side. The one thing that instantly took all of your attention was the motionless monster far inside a corner, still dead asleep.

“So… this will keep the water there and the air here?” you jokingly asked, throwing a glance at Simeon who was also looking at the unconscious monster.

“As far as I am concerned, yes. No matter how strong his tail might be, this is several layers of toughened glass. So within the first three strikes, it will only crack. And we have more than enough time to escape and call for backup.”

“It won't be able to.”

Simeon then turned to you with a smile and a raised brow. Frowning you explained;

“It might be a large space of water, but it is clear the creature itself has no advantages. It is deep, but not enough to jump out. Wide enough just so it can fully stretch out in all directions without being cramped. But it will not have enough room to smash its tail with full force. Nor reach high speed within the tank. That is why I think it waited to go onto land since the lab room is bigger than the tank to cause more ruckus...”

A hand being placed at the small of your back made your mumbling startle to a stop. Feeling the warmth even through the several layers of clothing.

“Finally, there is the confident and intelligent person I know.” Simeon said with a grin that showed off his teeth.

Huffing you tried to fight off the heat that tried to climb up your face. “Just doing my job. I think we should go back up so I can file off today's report and get more comfortable with the groceries list y’know?”

The hand made its way up to their shoulder to give a light pat on it before the touch got removed. “I think that's a fine idea, Little Lamb.”

He already started walking back to the stairs while you tried to compose yourself again. You made a small glance back to the creature only to be frozen in place. Turning back fully the creature's eyes seem to be closed. Swearing you saw bright orange boring into yours, but by the time you looked again, everything was the same as it was before.

As Simeon called for you to hurry up, your body started to move again without your eyes leaving the creature once.

By the time they reached the top again, the floors and walls were white again as if there was never any blood on it to begin with. Leaving you slightly unsettled

Together in silence they walked back to the workbench. With you instantly slumping in the crappy plastic chair. They would need to buy more comfortable stuff if you need to spend more than 7 hours here daily. Oh, how you wish to be back up in your home in bed.

Flinching for a second when Simeon ruffles your hair before swatting the hands away.

“Now, I’ll be in my office, or inside the Labrotrium if you need my assistance on the days when I am not working with you. I will leave now. You can do it, Lamb. But remember to rest please.”

With a grumble and wave they said goodbye to one another.

Signing, you took the report paper and started writing.

Wondering if they will make it.

Chapter 2: Log-2


Our Fishboy is NOT happy with his new captive situation, he hates it and is determined to show it. All he wants is to go back to his cosy cave in the ocean. But Reader is incredibly determined to become besties with him.

TW//Dehumanization, mentioned medical drug use. (This is the last time i'm mentioning dehumantization since it's really common in the beginning.)


I know I said bi-weekly updates, but I got very excited about the second launch of this story, so have a treat ;p

I'm also terribly sorry if the characters feel OOC. Writing with pre-established characters is a lot more difficult than I thought, especially if they are your favs ;-;

Chapter Text

With a shock you jump upright when the lights stimulating the day and night cycle automatically turn on, winching at the pain all over your body. Sleeping in a plastic chair with your face on a desk really does no good.

Loud pops and cracks echoed through the room when you stretched your back, with a relieved sigh afterwards. Despite Simeon's warning, you kept working until the late hours of the night. In a place where there is no sunlight to be seen; the lights above are the major way of telling time. Not that a lot of people that worked here cared what time of the day it was.

After the mandatory stretching, you went to the side of the tank. The cords were still the same as before and no difference is to be seen. The same didn't apply to the creature down at the bottom.

It had moved from one corner to the other, appearing to be curled in itself. You’d have to move down to inspect it from close.

You first decided to cross some boxes off the clipboard.

Check if all the equipment is working properly and if no objects are missing since the last check-up.

Hands went to swipe at the multitude of screens around the desk displaying all kinds of information. Everything seemed to work fine, the security cameras were all active. Next, you went to the lockers on the opposite side of the desk to check if all the replacements and edibles were still in place. Seeing it was the same as the paper said you crossed the boxes off.

Feed the pellets in the mornings and afternoon, do not feed that day if the creature has misbehaved.

Huffing at the last sentence you crossed it out with your pen. The folder said that the creature is suspected to be an omnivore but has a preference for meat. You knew why they only ever fed the creatures pellets and not actual food, but it still felt rather mean. Although M-02 is an exception to this. But he always seems to be an exception to everything.

Your hard research into the night proved fruitful when you located the feeding button on your little tablet that still laid on your desk. That large wall of buttons downstairs? Yea, those outdated things got modernised. About 3 quarters of the things there you can also do with your tablet or at the Monitoring station. You pressed it while looking at the screen that showcased the creature.

A loud whirring noise hit your ears as one of the panels in the wall opened. A long half tube placed itself above the middle of the tank. Slowly but surely massive pellets slid down into the tank. The creature could be seen snapping to attention within the crappy camera quality. Even as several football-sized pellets sunk to the bottom, no further movement seemed to be made.

Frowning, you took one of the tablets on the desk under your arm. The subject has not eaten a single thing since arrival, that can't be good. Walking to the lockers again you grabbed a bunch of edibles for breakfast. Workers need food as well.

With both hands full it was rather hard opening the metal doors but somehow you managed to do it. Walking down was a harder feat. Once again you slowly stepped down the stairs until hitting the bottom again.

Pushing this door open was luckily a lot easier and you entered the observation room again. The reflection of the water made gentle shapes against your body as you walked to one of the benches against the wall. It really felt like an aquarium. But, unlike the colourful array of fishes or sometimes sharks. It is an incredibly dangerous and hostile creature that could, and normally can, kill anybody it wants within a second.

Having sat down on the hard bench you carefully laid down the stuff that was being carried. taking a deep breath in, you looked back to the tank. Almost instantly making eye contact with the monster.

You had been right yesterday, the eyes were a bright orange, with the black sclera barely being visible. For the first time you were able to look at the subject while it was not unconscious and above the water. The black scales seem to shine even more. but unlike before, the scales seem to have an ever-changing colour reflecting off them. Rainbow coloured of you will.

While your eyes seem to take in the creature its eyes never seem to leave yours. Watching with the fear of a feral animal. You noted in the tablet how the subject still has not eaten, along with how its body seems to be coiled in a corner to strike at the smallest movement.

Sighing you took your breakfast off the couch and walked until you were in front of the thick layers of glass and sat down again.

Seeing that the monster still followed every move you pointed towards the food in the tank and continued to mime eating with your hands and face, repeating the motions several times.

What you were doing must have looked ridiculously funny and stupid, but for a second it worked. The eyes of the monster seemed to look at the food and back. The expression is surprisingly neutral.

You smiled encouragingly without teeth, it tends to aggravate them. Gentle motions towards the food again and to your mouth, body posture is calm and relaxed.

The monster surprised you once again as it slowly unravelled out of its curled-up state and seemingly crawled forward with its claws. Taking another mental note to write that down, its suspicious behaviour is not using the tail to move around.

Just as you were about to grab the tablet again a huge purple mass hurried towards you. A startled noise escaped your mouth as the creature smashed against the glass. It seemed to make a flabbergasted emotion only to immediately go back to the other side of the tank, only to ram against the glass again. Having anticipated it and not seeing the glass have a single crack, you now just sat as they observed.

After its 3rd attempt it smashed the glass with its tail too, but once it did that, a painful snarl crossed its face for a second. Soon its face snaps to yours again. Eyes full fury.

Despite the creeps fighting their way up, you stood- well, sat your ground. Head tilted up to not break its gaze. If the creature knew that you were even the slightest bit scared there, it would be disastrous to form an even footing, tailing? Between you two.

Your left hand reached for the white plastic wrapper laying next to you. Its eyes moved so quickly that you almost didn't notice that it looked at the movement at all. Slowly you ripped the plastic open and a granola bar nearly fell out. Without breaking eye contact you lowered your mouth a little and began chewing on the dry bar that served as breakfast.

Seeing its expression go from anger to pure dumbfoundedness nearly made you laugh if you were allowed to. Taking another mental note on how expressional the subject can be.

Finally, the creature seemed to observe you as well. As it was looking at every inch of you from both its limited angle and space. You closed your eyes as they continued eating, taking an additional sip from the flask you brought along as well every now and then.

When you opened your eyes again after a bit its face was as close as it could be to the glass, eyes searching yours. It probably found what it was looking for because it swam away towards the pellets.

More mental notes being taken about how one should probably be wary around its eyes. The pattern reappearing in its scales and its apparent focus on it could mean danger. So far nothing bad actually happened. but we should try to avoid accidents. And an one note that you instantly wrote down when you saw a long injury on the flank of its tail.

Still, your gaze could not help but track the monster's movement as it warily pokes the now falling-apart pellets. Even with all of its apparent suspicion it still started eating, making a few funny faces before continuing with consuming it.

Only now do you notice that like the (previous) claws, its teeth also appear to be razor-sharp. Ripping the pellets to smaller sizes. It's surprisingly common for the monsters to have unnaturally sharp teeth, the big question is if it only has 1 set and not multiple rows of teeth.

Quickly shoving the rest of the neglected bar in your mouth you began writing some more stuff down on the tablet and checking off some more boxes. The first few days would be relatively calm considering trust is the most important factor at the moment.

Dusting off the crumbs that fell on the coat after eating while standing up made you think. Simeon will probably visit any minute. A small smile graced your lips. Even though he knows by now that you can handle yourself fine enough, he keeps acting like a worried hen. Well, more like a shepherd dog. His nickname for you that he jokingly gave so many years ago managed to stick around.

Picking up your now-eaten breakfast you gave one last look at the subject. Who again was in the corner where you found it in. Although it seemed to be much less on edge now. The fear is normal and you hope that they will be able to explain the situation to it one day.

Climbing up the stairs again made you realise how tiring this is going to be. You will have to climb this thing up and down multiple times a day from now on. Once up in the main room again you couldn't help but think that leg day can be skipped now. Said legs were also feeling like static now after you had been sitting on the hard ground for a bit, you shook your legs a bit to let the feeling return.

No sooner than you had placed your stuff on the desk did the entrance to the workspace opened with obnoxious hissing. A second later seeing the familiar smiling face of Simeon. Wearing the same stark white of the lab coat that you too wore, contrasting against his warm chestnut complexion.

“Ah, good afternoon, already working hard? I think I can safely guess you didn't heed my advice.”

Although he said it in a teasing tone you couldn't help but hear the secret scolding within it too.

“Yes, these files aren't going to read and organise themselves. I am also not a little kid anymore, I can decide for myself when I sleep. But good evening to you too, I didn't realise time passed by so quickly.”

Simeon huffed and with one look at the messy desk, he raised a playful eyebrow.

“Oh shut it, we got more important matters than the state of my desk or non-existent sleeping schedule. Subject L-03 appears to be wounded.”

At this he jerked at attention towards you. “What? No injuries are recorded in his file besides old scars that were already there.”

In one fluid movement, you grabbed the tablet and handed it over to Simeon. “That is what I thought too.” Leaning a bit against his shoulder you traced a finger over a circled bit of writing. “I noticed a lack of movement with the tail so I was suspicious. But afterwards when the creature came up close a clear fresh wound was on the flank.”

A hand came to rub at the back of his neck, you knew exactly why he was suddenly so distressed. Muttering under this breath the faintest hint of a curse could be heard.

In a usual situation, you would have gasped and in a fake-hurt way told him that he shouldn’t put foul words in his mouth.

“Now the examination needs to be done this or next week instead of next month”

Letting out a very deep breath, you started dragging him by the arm towards the pool again. “So far it seems to be very responsive but only after a lot of convincing. It was a struggle just getting it to eat.”

Closing his eyes, Simeon rubbed his temple in annoyance. “If we noticed the injury while he was still unconscious this would have been so much easier. Now we either need to forcibly drag him out of his pool, risking more injury for the creature and us. Or drug the water with etorphine. Both options the boss won’t like.”

Now next to the edge again they stood still. You turned around and poked him in the chest, meeting his eyes you responded, “Hey, it’s not our fault. The helpers were assigned to check L-03. We had no say in it. It's by chance that I saw it, it was hard to notice-”

As you removed your finger from his chest both their gazes landed on the water where there was a rapid movement coming up. Instantly your hands were back on him again but to roughly push him far away as possible.

It happened too fast.

First, the sight of Simeon hitting the ground hard.

Second, as you faced the water the large body of the monster shadowing yours as it rose high out the water.

And third, a pained ear-piercing shriek could be heard as its skin came in contact with the electric fences surrounding the tank.

And just like that, the room was silent again.

The floor was covered in puddles of water, small sparks fizzling into nothing as the cords became stable again and the harsh breathing came from both the doctors as the adrenaline rushed through their bodies. The closest person, who was you, was utterly drenched after the creature fell back into the water and the splash created crashed against you headfirst.

Your mind was absolutely buzzing as if you were shocked instead. Half a thought went to the ruined tablet now on the floor. The only thing you heard was the blood rushing through your ears. Not until a warm embrace was pulling you backwards that you realised your name was being called.

“-mb, Lamb! Oh thank God you’re back, are you alright? You did not respond at all, so I was worried that you'd gone into shock.”

Shaking your head a little you wiggled out of his hold, and reluctantly he let you. Seeing that now his clothing is drenched too you huffed a little. “No, no, I'm alright. I was just taken by surprise. It's not like there hasn't been an attempt on my life before by the creatures here. I keep underestimating this one's size and that is what mostly spooked me.”

Still frowning he wiped a loose wet strand of hair off of your face, still clearly worried.

“Spooked you say as if you just now weren’t frozen in place. Also since when did you have so much arm strength? I think you gave me early back problems.”

Now that your heart is beating fast but for another reason, the ability to speak was lost for a bit. Patting his shoulder instead you moved to walk closer to the desk, distracting yourself with the action. No-one was surprised as you dropped the wet cloth called a coat on the ground on the way.

“Gosh, that thing was heavy as f*ck. And who are you blaming me for back problems? I have seen your shrimp posture when you are writing.” You couldn't help but throw back with a smug face.

Quilty as charged his smile returned to his face and he made a pleading motion with his hands. “Oh, please don’t show my sins to the world, little lamb.”

Putting the best poker face you had, you tried to hide the badly concealed laughter.

“Maybe your sins will be forgiven, angel, if you bring me lunch from the cafeteria. Preferably those soft bread buns.”

“Hey, just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I'm all forgiving.”

“I’m the one supposed to forgive you!”

It took about 6 seconds before the two broke out in full-on belly laughter. It continued up to the point where Simeon nearly slipped on the puddle that your clothing was still producing.

“Oh yea, I kinda forgot that. I think we better redress before I get a cold.”

Letting out a little wheeze, Simeon picked up the coat still laying on the ground and before you could argue it was still your clothing he wrung it out. “Why would only you get a cold? Or are you just not worried about your best friend anymore?”

Blowing a bit of air out your nose you snatched back the coat, now a little less soaked. “Simeon, the last time I have ever seen you have a cold was when we were 9, if not younger. Your immune system is crazy strong.”

A thank you was mumbled somewhere in the back as he reached for the phone to call for a clean-up crew.

“I am pretty sure we have extra clothing in here, but I don't feel too comfortable undressing in a room full of cameras.”

“Why would we have extra clothing here then?

“I’m not all-knowing Simeon.”


You both giggled as he sorted the issue of the room being flooded and called some cleaners. The two of you walked out of the room after thoroughly checking the cameras to make sure L-03 was fine after getting tasered like that. All the vitals seemed fine, if not the heart rate was a bit high, but nothing dangerous.

You two separated to clean and dry off. Even if that wasn't the first priority on your mind. You really need to start earning the creature’s trust. And you had just the plan to do that.

Chapter 3: Log-3


MC talking to themselves for hours for several days straight: "Pfew I'm so glad nobody can hear me. Or else that might be embarrassing."
Levi, seeing everything: "This human is clearly insane, why are they the one holding me captive bruh."

TW//None(unless asked), it's one of the few fluffier ones ;)


This was proofread while I was terribly hung over from a birthday party, so please point out any mistakes I made! I'm so exhausted from throwing up and shaking that I probably missed a lot so sorry for that,,

Chapter Text

Waking up was luckily an uneventful affair. After you got back in your room after the water fiasco you immediately hopped under the shower to get the tank’s salt water off. You whipped up some quick food and jumped under the covers. It was still rather early but with the night you had you could afford some extra sleep.

When you sat upright in the bed and stretched lightly, you heard a lot fewer cracks and pops. When your eyes didn't feel like lead and you opened them you got greeted by the well-familiar privacy screen.

Every worker that works in the much more shady parts of the institution are granted a living quarter in the facility. It has all the basic necessities such as a bedroom, a kitchen and small living room in the same place. And in a separate room a surprisingly well-furnished bathroom. Complete with a toilet, sink, shower and even a bath. Towels were also there already, which are the only things provided by the facility itself. Guess they really care about keeping up personal hygiene for… whatever reason.

You didn't have to pay any rent or bills at all for the room. Which was amazing. You had your own house outside the facility, but since you worked about 90% of the time it was a lot more efficient to just stay in the little free room. All you had to buy was some food or clothes and boom.

Life of luxury.

After freshening up you made and packed a few sandwiches and put some tea in a thermo flask. You’ll need this today. Finishing up with the iconic and wholly unnecessary lab coat you set off on an adventure.

A long walk later you arrived at the containment cell holding L-03. Barely hesitant with opening the door. Walking in you immediately noticed the floor was spotless and clean, a brand new tablet on your desk too.

If the whole splashing thing would be a recurring occasion you’d have to ask for water-proof devices.

You didn't feel like reinstalling everything on the new tablet, so you just picked up one of the other ones, shoved it under your arm with all your other stuff, and headed downstairs.

You really tried your best to close the door silently behind you but with your hands full it proved futile as the door loudly slammed shut. Winching at the sound you looked to your right to look at the creature. It was already boring their eyes into you from the far corner, so no need to be subtle.

You placed your heap of stuff at the place you sat yesterday and crouched down. Really hoping this would work.

You tried your best to not stare too much this time around but failed immediately as it was already moving around. Definitely not moving closer to you, but from one corner to the other. Suppressing a flinch when even through the slightly murky water and distance the wound was still visible to your eyes. You prayed a week was enough time, even if it was wholly unrealistic.

You fully sat down and picked up your tablet to find the feeding section again. You didn't need to grab its attention but you still gave a small wave and then pointed upwards. Without looking away you pressed the button to release the pellets again.

It was no surprise the creature got startled when the things initially dropped down. But it seemed to quickly make the connection with what you mean this time.

Casting your eyes to the floor you picked up the sandwiches you made earlier and started eating your breakfast. When you opened the thermos flask it was still steaming hot and you were glad you wouldn't be drinking lukewarm tea.

Halfway through the second sandwich, you saw some notable movement from the creature again. It sneaked towards the pellets again and with a surprising lack of suspicion started eating them. You let a relieved breath out at that, at least it wouldn't be starving itself.

You finished eating earlier than it. You thought about going back up but decided against it. Although you left the paperwork; information too sensitive to be stored digitally, you still had your tablet with you.

So, you began writing.

Most of it were written logs of what happened so far in the few days you’d worked with L-03. Others were about the creature’s appearance, behaviour and how it's taking to the new surroundings. Everything you knew so far was rather limited.

You may have received a small booklet of information on the first day, but really most was biological information. Nothing that would help you understand the creature.

Every now and then when your legs began cramping too much from the uncomfortable sitting position on the floor you would walk circles in the small space. Every time it was an awkward affair since the creature’s eyes would track you like a hawk, every wave or smile you gave it just resulted in what appeared to be a scoff.

Around noon your stomach started rumbling so loud you heard it more than felt. Grabbing the creature’s attention was luckily quite easy. When its eyes were on you, you just pointed upwards with your finger while mouthing the word “up”.

Once you were actually on the top floor again you walked to the lockers to grab something easy to eat. You knew Simeon wouldn’t come over today so you were in charge of your own food. You could quickly walk to the cafeteria, but when you spotted the purple hair of the creature shyly poke out above the water in your peripheral vision you decided against it. Acting like you didn't see it.

After picking the first thing you could find you turned around with calculated slowness, giving the creature more than enough time to hide again. Quickly hopping over to the desk to snatch the papers you forgot earlier and speedily going back to the underground part of the room.

Nothing interesting happened either that time round. Truly, beyond all the work you had, the most interesting thing that happened was L-03 swimming around in tight circles on the opposite side of the glass. still unwilling to come close to you.

The rest of the day went without any action too. L-03 seemed surprised when it was fed a second time that afternoon. And startled you realised to do that yesterday after the splashing, guilt hitting you hard. You shouldn’t let rebellious behaviour distract you from giving proper care.

Immediately you searched the information of his containment tank, looking at the PH levels, chlorine and salt levels they all seemed to be fine. What did worry you is the lack of necessary bacteria and algae inside of the water, it's nearly sterile compared to what it would need to thrive considering the original environment they came from.

It really made you wonder if that first day the creature was simply too paralysed from the shock of the different water conditions, rather than out of ill-will.

You didn't think twice before calculating exactly how much nutrients you’d need to acclimate the water to get it to the correct values. You weren't sure how long it would take for the order to arrive, but you’d have to inform Simeon too about it. Adding too much at once could cause the creature to go into shock too, you’d have to slowly introduce them to the correct levels again to get it accustomed.

All filtration systems worked perfectly so there was no need to worry about that. Your last worry was how skinny L-03 was. Anyone can see without the blood results it was malnourished. Apparently, the creature had been starving for weeks before it was rehabilitated here. The reason why nobody could guess. You’d have to search for the files holding the information on what kind of nutrients the pellets hold and see if you can increase them. Simply giving it more food would only upset the stomach after a long era of not eating much.


You can't help but groan at all the work that still needs to be done. This site barely holds any aquatic specimens and it's painfully clear to you. While it definitely wasn't your major as a wildlife biologist, but you'd have to make do.

And it continued like this for a week.

Every day you came over to eat all your meals, down where you could see the creature. Some days Simeon joined you, but most were spent alone.

You wished you could listen to music while working, but alas you can’t. Currently, it's much too dangerous. You have to keep your ears pinned on any unusual sounds, music will leave you deaf and unguarded. Still, the only sounds that kept you company were the loud whirring of the filters and light, along with either the tapping of your fingers or the writing of your pen.

…well, you were alone anyways. So nobody was able to hear you hum to a song, nor was anybody able to hear you talk to yourself as you theorised about the many creatures you cared for, or L-03. they were the only one really present, but it never really acknowledged you talking so it's only fair to assume it either couldn't hear or understand you.

It made the days just a little more bearable.

It had been about eight days since you first started eating together. It was afternoon again and you were leaning against the glass this time, trying out a different position than the hunched one you were always in.

You must admit you were not really working right now. Mostly toying around with your tablet. over the past week, most of the things became stable. Especially L-03, they weren't as anxious anymore as they used to be. Most of the time they were swimming around in circles. But not the tight ones from before, they’re now using the full size of the tank. If you were sitting close to the glass they would swim out of the way, but if you were sitting on the benches they had no issue swimming past the glass now.

Still, time was running out and you were no closer to explaining that a check-up needed to be done. You and Simeon would need to get them out with force it seems.

Your brows furrowed as you received an email stating the check-up needs to be done before the end of the week. It's Wednesday, so you have 4 days left. As you were typing out a reaction to Simeon with the email attached you nearly stiffened when a dark shadow loomed over you.

Not daring to look back, you tried to continue typing the message at a much slower rate than you could. Out of the very corner of your eye, you could see how L-03 was quite literally looking over your shoulder at your tablet. Early on you noticed they had an odd fascination with the thing. Multiple attempts have been made to purposely show it off, but with their fear for you, it made it quite tough.

Eventually, you ran out of things to write to Simeon and were forced to send it. Still, it was the first time they had been so close and you didn't want to lose this chance.

Nearly desperate you thought of things to do. When every idea fell flat you just opened the first app you saw.

The familiar intro of Devlix played, and you decided to pick a random show you had on your to-watch list for probably years at this point. It ended up being an anime show you had seen some funny clips of. and decided you should probably accept defeat that you ruined your chances of keeping the creature’s interest by not thinking of something better.

But the shadow didn't leave, it in fact got darker as time progressed. When you dared to take a glance on the opposite side of their face you saw how a majority of the tail had barricaded against the glass, almost as if it wanted to see the screen better so they just made the room darker.

You still weren't sure if anything was audible beyond the glass barrier but, you put the little speakers of the device to the max, even if it hurt your ears at certain parts. Together like that the two of you watched an entire season of “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl!” At one point during your surprise binge session, the lights went out signalling nightfall.

Although you didn't quite get the hype it got when it was first released, the creature behind you seemed utterly captivated. During the last episode of the season finale, you looked with dread at the little battery you had left. Thankfully you just made it with 7% to spare.

With deliberate slowness, you turned the tablet off and started to wake your sleeping limbs. When your little shadow disappeared you didn't even hide the smile on your face. Picking up your discarded stuff you turned back to look at the Leviathan.

They were in the middle of the tank. Not quite looking at you, but not entirely avoiding you either. So you did what you always did, gave them a smile and wave. Their response was swimming to their corner to curl up but that didn't dampen your mood. You walked away with a hop in your step. Despite the bad news, it was a good day.

You just hope the health inspection will go this well.

Chapter 4: Log-4


You and Simeon get some bonding time while you both prepare for the dreaded check-up. It's such a shame you keep getting distracted by such a handsome angel though.

Levi will finally show off who has the pants on in this relationship. (It's reader btw.)

TW//talk about death and execution, (please read the tags)


in the past this used to be 2 chapters, but I merged them into one!
Nothing really to say beyond the fact that I do NOT know how doctors work and I'm relying on Wikipedia so hard, you have no clue.

I also realized this Simeon would have no reason to wear his angelic outfit which is nearly a sin *sob*. Just imagine that he's wearing his outfit from the card A Private Consultation.

Chapter Text

It's now been two days since the discovery of Ruri-Hana. And every day you’ve successfully sat down and watched episodes with them. Is it the most productive thing to do? Probably not. But it has been the most success you’ve had with the creature since their arrival. Every time after you’ve done all your necessary work, you would lay back against the glass and slowly start up Detflix to watch a few episodes.

It may not be the best, but this way the creature’s attention is solely on the little screen and allows you to closely observe their physique from up close. Although they’ve only been under your care for two weeks, you could see how their body is slowly filling up. Every day it's getting a little harder to count their ribs. Not as malnourished as they once were.

Today will be a little different though, today Simeon will be working alongside you. Of course, you’ve kept him up to date on everything that happened. Still, you were giddy to let him see everything firsthand.

You also really wanted to see if L-03 would have the same response if Simeon was the one holding the tablet. It wouldn't be good to only let them get used to you and not Simeon, you learnt your lesson before when that happens.

Before you would show him, both of you started to do your regular duties. Plus the extra ones. You only had two days left after all. Before you’d have to drag the creature out of the water, so you and Simeon started doing some preparations in advance.

Despite how bad you felt, the anaesthetics to subdue the creature had already been ordered and delivered. Specifically designed medical instruments are also laid in the boxes ready to unpack. Those were the few items capable of piercing through the thick skin of their tail, the place where you’ll be operating on. Maybe operating is a strong word, but stitching the wound of a creature this large should be operation worthy.

Simeon would do his usual to take samples from L-03, along with helping the therapeutic messages for their muscles. If you would do that by yourself the anaesthetics would run out before you’d be able to start with the injury. Compared to their size, the containment tank is laughably small. Considering the sea was once their home.

From the moment you walked into the room with Simeon, you saw how the Leviathan kept poking his head above the water. By itself, it wasn't such strange behaviour. They often did that and then duck underwater the moment either one actually looked at the creature. But the frequency was unusual.

Still, you mostly shrugged it off. Maybe they were less scared of you now so they became more curious. You knew you would be.

You two worked in comfortable silence, every now and then you gave a little quip about something and he gave one back. Once everything felt like it was properly unboxed and laid out, you went over to Simeon’s side with a stack of papers confirming the deliveries. And… just looked at how he worked.

Everything he did just looked so graceful and smooth in how he handled things. Picking up each needle, knife and tube and carefully inspecting it. Turning them around with his slender hands before laying it to the side and starting on the next item. It was also one of the rare occasions he wore his glasses, he continuously pushed them up as the scrunching of his nose kept pulling it down.

Every time he met your gaze he shyly looked away before continuing.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Mmh, nothing. Just looking.”

That caused a smile to bloom on his face and you made no comment about it, he knew you saw. He quickly finished up and together you walked to the edge of the tank, the inhabitant not visible from your current angle.

“I’m afraid the progress I made with them hasn't been enough, Simeon. I just hope this doesn't damage the small and fragile bond that I created. But even if it wasn't an order from the ‘big man’ I can't let them keep swimming with that injury. It’s clearly infected and intervening with their movement and health.”

He answered with a noncommittal hum, but you could see the slight furrowing of his eyebrows.

“I also wish we had more time but like you said, we can't wait any longer. I'm giving you my condolences in advance because I know that infection is going to smell horrid.”

Faking an offended gasp you turned to face him with disbelief.

“You're going to need to take samples of the puss that comes out anyways! I was going to do it for you, but now not anymore. “

“I wish you would let me have a little more fun.”

“I let you have plenty of fun, but sometimes- What is that?”

You didn't get a lot of time before you saw a mighty portion of the creature’s tail rise above the surface, only to come crashing down. Sending a wave of water to splash against you and Simeon. Both of you stumbled to the ground and coughed up some of the water you accidentally inhaled.

Quickly you wiped at your eyes to regain your vision and you saw Simeon in a similar state, but thankfully not hurt. Looking to your right you saw the water greatly disturbed but the creature was nowhere to be seen. Did the little rascal splash you guys for fun?

He was the one to stand up first and you gracefully accepted his offering hand to pull you up

“While I now know we have extra clothing in here, I know from previous experience we don't feel too comfortable undressing in a room full of cameras. ”

As if reacting to his words, suddenly the lights flickered off. Small explosions could be heard as the cameras shut off. The red emergency lights bounced off the white walls of the room.

“Oh dear, come here quickly. Could there be another containment breach?”

Luckily they were stationed close enough to the desk so you could check on the monitors. “No… it’s not a containment breach. It seems that the power got shut off within the room. If it was one then we would receive the memo from somewhere.”

Fiddling with one of the desk’s cabinets you got two high-voltage teazers and gave one to your partner. “Okay. We should then get out of here as soon as possible, I’m not sure how long the emergency power can la–”

Then, Simeon, surprised at your sudden silence glanced down just to see your eyes locked into something, following your gaze, he also couldn’t help but freeze. The monster’s upper body was almost out of the water, still behind the cables since those didn’t turn off.

Instantly Simeon tugged on your sleeve to get you two far away from the monster until a loud growl interrupted him. Followed by speech that was undoubtedly human, an unknown accent heavy on its tongue.

“No. You stay.”

This time Simeon tried to shield your body from the monster only for it to growl louder, only quieting when you were still in its view. Seeing that you were the centre of its attention you tried to appease the creature despite Simeon’s quiet protests.

“Hello, are you the one who made the room dark? We only wish to leave, if you have a request we can try to fulfil it for you.”

There was a pregnant silence where the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat drumming in your ears. Your skin felt clammier the more seconds you held the creature’s gaze, up to the point where one of its arms was lifted towards Simeon. Its eyes never leaving the humans.

“Him, I want him to leave.”

The temperature within the room suddenly dropped below freezing. The hands that were now grabbing your arms tightened. Simeon worriedly looked at your determined face, which caused a stone to sink in his stomach.

Muttering under his breath he said; “You seriously cannot be thinking about it.”

Hissing back, you replied. “What else can we do? I go and distract it and you run for help. The emergency power is mostly directed at keeping the creatures where the creature needs to be. The doors can only open,” Signalling your head at the still-staring monster. “if it lets us.”

Despite the warning growls it did not stop Simeon as he hid your body from view again “You could die if I leave.”

Turning them around, you gave him a tight hug, words muffled in his clothing “That is the danger we accepted when we took the job. Now go while it will let you.”

Walking backwards, with every step laced with hesitation he finally reached the door, the red got replaced with the white ones as he tapped in the passcode to leave the room. Then, after giving him a small wave and shoo-ing motion, the doors with Simeon outside them finally closed. And not a second later the red lights came back. It was clear the creature could control the power supply from where it was.

Taking one deep breath to stop the shake in your hands you faced the monster, only to see the head barely halfway peeking above the water, a conflicted emotion on its face. Just like how it looked like when you had your first shared meal.

Taking confident steps until you were still a few metres away from the creature, crouching down and attempting to use a coaxing type of voice you asked;

“What is it that you want to say with only me?”

Coming out just a little more above the water its mouth opened a few times. Eyes everywhere but on you. It seemed to have made a decision when its vibrant orange eyes landed on you again.

“Why am I here?”

So much for the first few relatively calm days huh?

Your mouth dried as the question repeated itself in your head. At first, you thought it was capable of mimicking. But it clearly responded to your questions. And a phrase like that? How in the world it managed to learn English is beyond you. So far there have been minimal supernatural creatures that spoke in a human language. An aquatic creature there has been none so far, their throat simply incapable of making the sounds required.

Even though you spoke to it before, no actual reaction was expected. It was more hoping that it understood there was no threat from them. But not apparently.

Realising that you still hadn't answered, quietly you cleared your throat.

“You are at the Royal Institution of Diavolo. Here we take care of beings, like you, that are hurt or seem to possess a threat to the existence of humans. If you are fully healed and are deemed safe we can send you back into nature!”

You really tried your best at keeping the tone happy despite the obvious lie. Most monsters that are caught will never leave the facility or die trying. The very few that are let go are being closely moderated. And the ones that after long periods of time are still not deemed safe get executed.

At the memory, you nearly gave a shiver but kept on looking steadily into the eyes of the monster. Screw safety precautions.

The creature’s gills were still under the water but could be seen wildly flapping around. It was also the one to break eye contact first. It seemed to struggle a bit to formulate the words, before spitting out;

“I wasn’t hurt. I... Was safe home. You humans took me away.”

You nodded before crouching on the floor, both your clothing and the ground were still wet so who could it hurt? Sneaking a glance at the ruined papers you dropped laying a bit further away and let out a sad sigh. It's not as if you hadn't memorised it already but it was always handy to have on hand.

“Your file said you were found on a southern beach coast. having presumably lost consciousness due to the oil leak that contaminated that part of the ocean and you having ingested it. Your body was covered with industrial oil, taking several hours to remove. Since your body size is quite.. large. We couldn't do a scan to see if there was anything left inside your lungs or digestive system. We had to make sure you were fully stable again before running any more tests.”

Having read that during the diagnostic test when it arrived unconscious, they attempted to collect samples such as the hair, blood, scales and skin it seemed that the surgical knives did so little damage it didn't do anything really. Even though the fin frails have cuts and the tail has scars, the highly advanced equipment was incapable of inflicting even a scratch. It was a wonder they could inject the anaesthesia so it would remain unconscious as they worked.

Even after your monologue, the creature seemed to be deep in thought. Making you worry if the choice of words were too difficult. Before you could rephrase, they spoke again.

“Well, whose fault is that? Always ruining our homes. Dirtying it.” The anger was clear to hear, but their expression betrayed the sadness. you could say nothing but apologise. This was the wrong choice apparently as they dragged as much of their body out of the water, towering over you again behind the fence.

“What would you humans do if I killed you right now.?”

This instinctive shiver you couldn't fully repress, but you would be damned if you dared to back out now. It wasn't the first time you did this dance. Voice becoming grim as you spoke.

“They would send somebody else. Again and again. They would be sad about the loss, sure. But I am but one person, replaceable. You aren't, so they will keep trying. Until they won't…”

The creature stood as still as marble. The only way you knew they were alive was because of the fins that occasionally twitched. The heaving of their chest was also nearly unnoticeable in the red flashing lights of the room. You weren't sure why, but you felt like whispering as you said to them;

“But there is one difference between me and them. There are many that tried to do what I do, but so far none succeeded because they lack the patience or lack the heart. I want to know you. How you are and not how you work.”

The creature scoffed in annoyance and sunk back into the water partly. Perhaps their skin was starting to get too dry. They were swimming along the edge now. Still keeping a close eye on you, who was now sitting instead of in a crouch. “What brings me to my next point. Do you know what a name is? Do you have a name? I'm only asking this if you're comfortable with telling me though. You probably heard Simeon say my name before. Even if he mostly calls me his Lamb.”

You saw how they froze in the water and started sputtering. Although soon it went back to being angry again.

“Why should I trust you with my name?”

To this, you made a noncommittal noise and pulled a little on your now mostly dried shirt. It wasn't actually wet anymore but still damp enough to be uncomfortable. “You don't have to trust me at all. But I do want you to know, that as long as I am here I do not wish any harm upon you. Also, since you can understand us it feels kind of.. Awkward.. to keep calling you subject, creature or monster.”

Trying to be as neutral as possible you tried to keep busy by smoothing out your clothes so you looked a little less deranged. It worked since… they… he? Started to warble presumingly in his original tongue, deep in thought.

Loud banging on the doors made both of them flinch hard. Muffled shouting demanding to open them.

With slow movements, you gently placed your hand on the ground to stand up but the growling in front of you stopped it.

“I’m truly sorry, but you must bring the electricity back. They will force the door open eventually. And in the time they will need to replace it, you will need to be under anaesthesia. If you don't know what that means, it means to be forced unconscious. So the first option is a lot easier for both of us.”

The growling didn't stop but it did lessen. His eyes seemed to flash purple for a second and then the original white light of the room blinded you for a second. While you were busy blinking ferociously to get your vision back, you could already hear the door opening and the people’s voices properly. Still, you couldn't afford to turn your back on the subject in such a vulnerable situation.

“This seems to be my cue to leave, sorry.”

As you stood up, you heard footsteps approaching. You were rather sure an entire squad of people were standing there, but only one dared to come closer. The owner of these steps were as recognizable as the light of day for you. While it sounded hurried, the lightness was unmistakable.

“Little lamb, I need you to move back as gently but fast as possible.”

The sound of his voice lifted so much stress instantly from your body like a flood. Swiftly your shoulders lost their tension. Still, there was an incredibly anxious monster in front of them that would only become more agitated if left alone.

“Thank you so much for listening to me. And it was nice speaking to you. I hope when I come back we will be able to talk some more. Goodbye for now.”

By now Simeon was close enough to grab and pull you away, and that he did. The moment he touched your shoulders the monster hissed, but no more movement came from it. As they were about ten steps apart, a sound so small, you couldn't have heard if you didn't have all your attention attached to the creature. But you did.

“It’s Levi.”

Chapter 5: Log-5


That was quite the spook for Mc and Simeon that last chapter, wasn't it? Dont worry, we are meeting some more old friends today to help with all the stress ;D


Dear readers, i am posting this from the Macdonalds on my phone, so please point out any errors i make! Thank u :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You're pretty certain that Simeon was pulling you along in the hallways, but after they exited the room everything became a blur. Distantly you could hear his voice talking, then again, everything sounded as if you were underwater.

Somewhere along the way you heard the clinking of a door handle and then warm browns and cool greens entering your vision. Suddenly it felt much easier to breathe.

Taking a look around your private quarters you saw how Simeon was intensely staring at you, seemingly waiting. You tried to speak to him, but you only muttered his name before at once your ribcage felt like being crushed.

Promptly you returned the embrace with a greater strength.

His midnight brown hair tickled your ears as his face was squished into your shoulder. His heart beating just as fast as yours, with every pump more heat radiated from his body. Their hold tightened every now and then before loosening again and so forth. Neither of them knew how long they stood there, neither also cared about something as idle as that.

The faint smell of sandalwood and honey floods your lungs after a drought. And for a second you could forget that both of them are working at a place that could rip them into shreds faster than you could blink. For a second they were just normal people.

All too soon for your liking Simeon lifted his hands to tenderly cup your face, wiping a few stray tears away. When did you start crying?

“Oh little lamb, since when did you become so self-sacrificial?

If you weren't crying before, you would be now. A wet chuckle left your throat as you looked him in the eyes. “Well, little angel. I wasn't really planning on it but I don't think both of us dying would really benefit anything.”

His forehead was then placed upon yours, his voice cracking along the edges but soft as a flower pedal.

“I could have lost you.”

Even though every cell in your body screamed to stay, gradually you pulled away. Now it was your turn to hold his face as you gave a light kiss on his crown.

“It's how it is. Just a little more, and we could retire by age 40 and then we will be swimming in money.”

The attempt to lighten the mood clearly worked as he tried to hide his snicker. Just as he lifted his gaze you walked away to the small kitchen on the side of the room.

Grabbing your trusty tea kettle you started to boil some water. Your own space was nearly covered in plants from head to toe. There is a complex vent system to make sure air comes in the underground. But you always found the air so stale, so having asked permission you were allowed to keep small houseplants inside your room. Ignoring the strelitzia plant in the corner that surely crosses this rule.

Your hands made swift motions of making tea, having it done so many times you didn't even think about it. Neither did you actively think about Simeon who was surely standing beside you. The plants seemed to absolutely thrive in the room and soon started making more. So all little baby plants you can't place anywhere are gifted to Simeon. His collection now after 2 years is nearly as big as yours.

You finally acknowledged him by pushing his tea to him over the tiny kitchen counter. He grabbed the cup and nodded in your direction as a ‘thank you’.

Your own cup was lifted to your face to blow some of the heat off. Taking a small sip despite knowing it was boiling hot. Why wait to cool off when you could also just drink it and burn the entirety of your mouth?

The calm atmosphere within the cramped living space felt forced and uncomfortable, yet neither of them was willing to break the small truce. A heated debate was raging within your mind. On one hand, you understood Simeon's worry. But the currently louder part was arguing that this was their work. They both signed the same contract, a copy of that laying in the nightstands next to their beds. If you acted as if the world was ending every time one of them was in some semblance of danger then they would get nowhere.

His protectiveness is certainly not new, you mused as you nonchalantly pushed yourself off the counter and started pacing around the small room. He definitely worsened in the past few weeks, although you're unsure as to why.

Three rhythmic knocks on the door stumbled you out of your thoughts as they came to a still. You glanced at Simeon as he put his cup down into the sink, his expression neutral although being slightly distrustful.

Your hand wrapped around the door handle as you hesitantly opened it.

In front of you stood a man with deep green eyes. The ends of the dark green hair gradients into a light turquoise colour. His clothing seemingly out of place with the dull grey halls of the corridor, for it oozed the energy of a Victorian servant. An ever-pleased, but empty smile on his lips. Diavolo’s shadow stood there in the flesh.


“Good evening. I hope I did not disturb your tea time.”

You were pretty sure you looked slightly like an idiot right now, but if there was one thing you did not expect was for Barbatos to be standing in front of your door. Quickly you tried to compose yourself by fully opening the door and inviting him in.

“Oh, uh, good evening to you too. You didn't Interrupt, no need to worry. Do you want some tea as well?”

With clasped hands behind his back, he politely shook his head. “No thank you, but your presence has been requested by Lord Diavolo. He wishes to speak to you. Alone if you may.”

With this, he gave a flat-out look at Simeon. What is it with today and everyone wanting to be alone with you? Still, having to be alone with the director and his butler was utterly nerve-wracking. There have been minimal interactions between you two. So little you could count them on one hand. The man carried a strange air of dignity and overwhelming amounts of charisma. Not that you get to experience it often. The man is always so busy.

Usually, Barbatos was the carrier of information. Which is something you greatly preferred. While barbatos also carries an air of supremacy around him, his always calm and friendly demeanour far outweighs it. The fact that he sometimes brings you sweets when he accidentally made a few too many may have caused some favouritism.

Besides being the right-hand man of the organiser of this whole operation, he also handles multiple high-level sections of the facility on his own. Which is quite a feat considering you can barely handle a singulair easy section at a time.

“Of course Barbatos, I'll be there in a moment. I need to re-dress in an appropriate manner, my clothes are still contaminated with L-3V1_03 water.”

He gave a small bow before you watched him walk away, presumingly to Diavolo’s office. Quietly closing the door when he was out of view, sighing you looked at Simeon who had a way too smug look on his face.

“What is with the sudden posh words? re-dress in an appropriate manner.’ Where are you from, the 17th century?”

“Oh shut it you. I was nervous and the visit was very unexpected.” You hurriedly stripped out the majority of your clothing. Shame around him long gone since the two of you grew up together. You were about to pull your pants down when you felt a nudge by your shoulder. And there was Simeon holding a clean set of clothing for you.

It was a simple white collared blouse, black jacket and a matching pair of dress pants. You felt just the tiniest bit of guilt since you're dirtying the nice clothes. But it's not like you wear it often. Sometimes you felt as if you lived in your work clothes.

And all you could think of at the moment was the nice long and hot shower you would take after the talk. Fighting the buttons of the blouse, Simeon started to make the crows nest that is on top of your head into some resemblance of actual hair.

Now not looking like a drowned cat you bid Simeon goodbye. Surprisingly he put no struggle into trying to persuade you to let him come along and just agreed when you said you’d go by yourself. He promised to still be there when you returned and to clean your little room. There really wasn't a mess to begin with but whatever floats his boat.

Closing the door behind you meant that you were now standing within the eerie corridors. If anyone were new here, guaranteed they will get lost. But luckily you knew the layout by heart now. Walking down the straight paths Barabtos surely took too, you arrived at the elevator room. Currently, you are at one of the lowest levels of the facility, meant for personnel only.

One of the elevator doors opened, and the person who walked out gave a small wave before presumably walking to their room. You took your badge off your neck and swiped it past the scanner, took a step into the small space, and the crappiest elevator music started to play.

Diavolo’s office is all the way up where it is above ground, so this was going to take a loooong time.


A person's sense of time easily gets warped underground, the only way to tell the time is the automatic lights system, but for sure you didn't trust it. Furthermore, you could also manually turn them on and off, making it even worse. You hadn’t brought anything with you in your haste. The only way to not get bored to death was humming along with the songs and thinking how to not f*ck up whatever conversation the director wanted to have with you.

Before you knew it a ding blasted through the music. Looking up, the automatic doors opened and faint moonlight filtered through the hallways.

Stepping out, you slightly stretched your legs, standing still for so long isn't really all that good for you, huh. They should put some chairs in there.

The walls up here were much more colourful with the murals. Different kinds of swirls, dots and vague shapes adorned the walls. Coming across the first window you just stood there for a bit. It has been really long since you went outside. The air is so pure and lacking that sterile smell.

Looking into some of the classrooms a massive wave of nostalgia hit, seeing all the newbies gawking at every- and anything during the night classes. Back when you were new, you thought that maybe one day the wonder of this place would wear off. But every day is still stuffed full with them.

It still surprises you how only one director can handle everything. While you work in the classified institution part. Above the facility was something you could even call a school. It specialised in education about wildlife and other things around the same topic for volunteers or legitimate students. You studied up here too, when you first got hired.

You must admit you also weren't sure if the academy is a cover-up or not, since it is a place available to the public. Just how rich is this guy?

Arriving at the grand stairs you couldn't keep on stalling anymore. Walking up them proved to be more of a struggle than you believed it would be. Trying your best to keep looking professional while completely out of breath.

Just a few steps straight of the stairs and then you were in front of the doors of doom.

Steeling your resolve you took a slightly shuddering breath and lifted your arm to rasp your fist on the door. Before you could graze the wood the doors opened and were once again greeted by the pristine butler.

“Welcome. please, come inside.”

Greeting him back you warily took a few steps inside, hearing the doors close behind you. Lifting your eyes, you met piercing golden ones.

“Well hello, doctor! It's been quite a while hasn't it? please, come take a seat. Barbatos, could you bring us some tea and snacks?”

Swallowing back a huge gulp of nerves you walked forwards to the man. His red hair is nearly as bright as his toothy smile. Tan muscles strained against the black dress shirt when he waved his hand to the chair opposite to his desk. Giving off an imposing aura despite his cheery demeanour.

Sitting down on the surprisingly comfortable chair you could only think back to how you woke up that first morning, phantom pains creeping down your back. No sooner had Barbados come back with a small cart. Out of politeness you accepted the steaming cup and grabbed your favourite tea flavour and a cookie.

"It has most certainly been some time, Sir Diavolo, since we've spoken face to face. Pardon me for being blunt but I assume I have been called about specimen L-3V1_03?"

The sudden booming laugh nearly shook you off the chair. His laugh was definitely not unpleasant in any way. But it will remain quite unique… and loud.

"Oh, it's always a surprise with you! I can never expect what you will do, it's what makes you so interesting. If it soothes you, you're not in trouble. I just want to ask you a few questions regarding the creature."

It did soothe you immensely. The tension leaves, making your shoulders relax a bit. By now Barbatos was done and standing next to Diavolo. Both their eyes focused on you now. You gave a nod to indicate he can start.

"Normally I wouldn't ask someone so soon into a project. But what are your thoughts? I know it's extremely sudden... but seeing you have worked on a similar project, still working, if I am correct? Then you must know how this progress will most likely go."

You nodded in confirmation while the nervous feeling in your gut became worse. Diavolo leaned with his arms forward on his desk. The imposing aura only becomes heavier as his delighted expression remains unchanged.

"You have presented us with great work and even greater results. And by now I fully trust your opinion on this matter. If you think L-03 can be rehabilitated, just as M-02, then you and your assistant Simeon will be allowed to continue as you do. But if you see no chance in this creature, then we can terminate it prematurely before it causes more casualties and waste our resources and time.

The choice is yours."

It was a good thing you were already sitting because if you weren't you would have been on the floor. That was in no universe a simple question! Your hands that were holding the cup started to slightly shake, so you put it down.

Yet, the answer was on your tongue before you could think it through.

"L-3V1_03 will not be terminated."

Curiously the man in front of you raised an eyebrow. A smile still on his lips as if he didn't just ask you to make the choice to kill a living, sentient being, or not. Seeing as both men seemed to be waiting on an explanation you continued, albeit much less confident than before.

"Even on the reports it stands that the creature is highly intelligent. Not only did h- it trick the previous team by luring it into a false sense of security, it seems to have almost known how to manipulate us. When I mimicked eating food it has been copying me. Along with this, it has been doing it without prompting. Its humanoid face is clearly able to show emotions as well. Ones that I or Simeon have never made.

Moments earlier I assume you got the alert that it tried to attack us. Along with this, it was able to cut off the electricity inside the room. As to how we don't know yet."

You nearly got startled when Barabatos let out a hum, you almost forgot he was even there. Taking a glance at him, he looked almost deeper in thought than Diavolo. You slightly hesitated on the fact that if you should bring up that he can speak. Simeon hasn't made a mention if he heard the creature say his name. So far the boss has never necessarily pushed for results. But you still decided to play it safe.

"And it also appeared to understand the English language. I've made leaps of progress in my quest to build trust and keep attempting communication, although unsuccessfully. After I tried appeasing it after Simeon managed to flee, I warned that if it wouldn't return the electricity, force may be used to open the door anyways. Its eyes seemed to glow and then the normal lights returned. Not soon after, it hid inside of the water again."

Both their eyes widened almost comically when you brought up the first fact. After you stopped talking the two shared a hushed conversation. Eventually, they were done and they turned their eyes towards you again. Barbatos was the one to break their silence.

"Thank you, Warden. This conversation was insightful and Lord Diavolo wishes to think all the new information over. We thank you for your time."

They politely smiled at one another before you stood up from the chair. Diavolo asked you a few more questions about your and Simeon’s well-being, you were also told the way power will be supplied to the room will be completely rearranged so no further incidents could occur. After discussing it for a while, you were allowed to leave the office. Barbatos offered to walk you back to your room, but you respectfully declined.

Walking back through the hallways and swiping your badge to take the elevator down seemed to go by much faster than before now the looming threat of your boss wasn't there. You were back in the creepy corridors before you knew it and nearly dragged your exhausted body to the door. Turning down the handle you noticed it was locked. Suspiciously you grabbed your badge again and opened the door with it.

Your eyes instantly landed on a sheet of paper on the bed. It was from Simeon, sincerely apologising that he left. Apparently, there were some issues with one of his subjects and was forced to leave.

A small smile grazed your lips as you walked to the bathroom, easily imagining his face of annoyance hearing he has to go back to work this late. But dammit you were going to take that shower you were longing for. Quickly stripping from the confinement of your clothes you stepped under the steaming streams. A content moan slipped out as your poor muscles finally got a break.

After rinsing your hair with some shampoo and conditioner you turned the handle off and started towelling yourself. Not really caring that your hair was still damp, you put on the comfiest sleepwear that you had and plopped down on the bed. Tomorrow you could deal with all the consequences. After snuggling underneath the warm blankets was a matter of seconds until your mind grew hazy and sleep claimed you with its grasp.


Also i love it when i get comments from you guys! I flex and show them off all of them on my friends

Chapter 6: Log-6


Reader is that vine where they are making excited goblin noises as they are assigned a new creature, and also realise they actually have to do stuff. "I have to go to work."

We also get to see the tiniest world-building because I can't help myself, teehee

TW//infections, non-descriptive mentions of needles


Me writing this:
"I don't know how the hell laboratories work please send help"
Please don't mind the inaccurate everything I am shaking all of this out of my sleeve and hope for the best.

We are finally at 100% new content! everything is a big surprise from now on~

Also, holy sh*t thank you for 150 kudos and over 2500 hits! I didn't actually expect to get this many as this isn't so... smut focused as most fanfictions in this fandom are, haha

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rhythmic tapping of nails on a screen was the only sound that echoed through the near-silent space. It has been about a week since the incident with L-03, and quite a few things have changed. The major thing was that the power supply to the room had been altered in a way that the subject wouldn't be able to access it. He's still being closely monitored since it was unknown how far of a range it has.

A thing you quickly did learn about was that the creature supposedly took great joy in exploding the camera and audio recorders in the room. No matter how much you changed and replaced they kept getting destroyed. It wasn't anything major, but it was definitely an annoyance.

There was a slight pause as you looked across the room towards the water containment.

Although the subject, Levi; the name that he gave you, was yet to give any other type of interaction. All attempts of communication from your side have failed. He won't give even a hint of acknowledgement of anyone’s existence.

Their workplace has also been slightly altered, having more things to monitor. The conditions of the water were already being watched but now the levels of electric currency is now also boldly displayed at the top on one of the screens. The statistics show that Levi has attempted multiple times to access his ‘powers’ but due to the new precautions have been unsuccessful. Other minor adjustments have been made, mostly for the sake of safety.

A sudden harsh wave lapped at the edge of the pool. He finally decided to stop sulking then.

Walking down the path to the underground observatory you were met with the unusual sight of Levi actually swimming around, like he had been doing before the breach. It didn't last since after about 4 of your steps his eyes snapped to your form. Taking the small opportunity You pointed a finger upward. Hopefully a signal for him to follow. Quickly making your way up, having to take a few deep breaths from the exercise. You stood at the edge of the pool.

And just like the past week, nothing happened. They were running out of time once again.

It has been a hefty discussion with Simeon but in the end, they decided it was the safest option. The wound festering on the flank of his tail has been worsening and it has to be looked at immediately. The check-up had already been delayed. but you can't allow it to take any longer.

All equipment and other necessary items had already been delivered and packed out before the small incident. If today you couldn't get him to cooperate then they would put him under anaesthesia tomorrow.

At the end of the day, all you were able to do is read through and sort more documents. not even a glimpse of the massive creature roaming the small pool.


The next day when Simeon and you arrived it had been several hours since the first dosage of many that had been given. Just like when they first met the leviathan, he had been strapped down on the designated operating platform. Since last night you have been calling him that in your head. The term siren or mer just didn't sit well somehow.

Some of the D-class personnel were surrounding the massive creature. But after seeing the pair most of them fled the room. Some lingered to explain what they did and soon enough it was just the three of them. You shifted a bit in the extra clothing. Barbatos gave them a firm reprimand that they must absolutely wear the protection vests, pants and helmets. They didn't complain but it all weighed quite a lot.

It was unnecessary to speak another word as they both got to work. Simeon grabbed the trolley with his stuff on it and went ahead to collect some more biometric samples, while you re-checked your gloves before inspecting the wound on his flank.

The slash itself was longer than it was wide. Neither was it very deep. But a glance told you that the wound had gotten a small infection, the skin puffy and red. When you gently squeezed at a particularly bad-looking part a small stream of puss oozed out. You wiped the area clean after squeezing it all out. Luckily no sign of a fungal infection. You continued to sterilise and disinfect the wound, keeping an eye trained on the creature as you applied it since you know it stings pretty bad. But beyond the tiniest twitch of the tail, no other reaction occurred. Not even Simeon looked up from where he was draining a vial of blood.

The best solution would be to bandage and wrap it but no way that he wouldn’t tear them off when he had the chance. So plan B it was. You carefully felt around the flesh, the injury running hot under your hand. The injured skin didn't have scales anymore and the scales in the area next to it were frail and brittle. In all honesty from this viewpoint all of the scales looked dry and damaged. To your surprise the tail itself felt rather cool. shaking away the thoughts you went back to the original task. One thing at a time.

You had decided on a simple running suture to mend the wound. Although there was a tube that went through the leviathan's nose to continuously apply water with anaesthesia, no one truly knew how long it would calm the beast. Time was scarce.

The tissue forceps, needle, needle holder, scissors and silk tread were all displayed and ready and you got to work.

The size difference between a normal one and these larger tools were nearly comical if it wasn't such a serious situation.

Just as you were tying the stitch to an end Simeon appeared at your side helping clean some of the blood that had been spilling. It was a good sign that meant the flesh was still healthy enough despite the infection. With the conjoined effort they still did a bandage wrap around the wound. Neither knew how long it would last underneath the water but after a re-evaluation the risk was too big to just leave it exposed.

While you were cleaning and disposing of most of the used supplies, he told you everything was properly collected. And that he would bring it to his Labratorium to properly document it to see if there have been any significant changes.

At last, both of them did a short muscle test. The majority of wildlife that got captured and put in containment suffer from muscle decrease. Especially if you go from 7 open oceans to a deep pool, it can be a shock to the body and mind.

As expected the muscles in the tail were particularly stiff, yet the torso showed barely any strain. Next time they did a check-up, a massage or two would greatly improve the creature's life. But the occasional twitching had gotten worse so it was time to put him back into the water.

You went to the monitoring desks to manage the programs to put him back while Simeon kept the creature in check to see if everything went alright and to remove the tube. After a few too many accidents with the programs, you didn't trust Simeon anymore with any technology.

Simeon pushed most of the tail back into the pool and gave a thumbs-up. While this system was still unfamiliar, it didn't take you too long to make the operating platform move along with Levi on top of it. With an unexpectedly large splash he hit the water as the bindings loosened.

Grimacing you activated the security protocols again, through the camera’s you could see how he sank to the bottom. The water cushioned the fall so it didn't... look painful when he landed on the floor.

Now that it’s done there wasn't a lot more to today, on your part at least. You could see how Simeon was nearly standing on his toes with excitement as he boxed everything he collected.

“Do you need help getting that to the lab?”

“Ah, that would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Those small white boxes over there aren't too heavy.”

The walk to the Laboratorium was a peaceful one. Both of you talked about what you did and how it went. But seeing as everything went smoothly, soon a comfortable silence fell until you arrived at the destination.

With a swipe of his badge you entered the huge laboratorium.

You would never admit it to anyone but the place is terrifying to you.

Every crook inch and corner is filled to the brim with tubes, jars, boxes, papers, plants and other sciency stuff you probably couldn't pronounce the name off. Although most of it is one huge room, each different section is blocked off with plastic screens or half-walls.

You genuinely felt like a baby lamb following its mom as you stuck as close to Simeon as you could. The fear of knocking anything over nearly paralysing you. A single plate with some fungi growing on it could be the work of years of progress.

The place was never truly empty, as Simeon always tells you. With how much work there is to do and things to study, there is always something to learn and discover. As you pass by a few people he greets every single one. You would too if you wouldn't be so afraid to trip over the cables littered on the ground. Powering all the machines of god knows what.

When Simeon finally assigned you a place to put the box down you couldn’t help but sigh with relief.

The table you're at was clearly his space. The papers scattered about had his neat cursive handwriting all over it. You could take an easy breath as you sat down at one of the stools as Simeon started unloading and organising everything. At least here you knew what was safe and what wasn't. Every little detail he did here, he spoke to you about. You didn't understand most but you could recognize a few of his current projects. For example the small fetus of a 3-headed hell-hound growing in a special container.

Creatures being born or created here wasn't a common thing. But it most certainly wasn't rare. You hoped the small thing would survive since the species has a high child mortality rate.

Mostly letting Simeon do his thing, you kept yourself busy with writing the daily report. At one point you saw how Simeon’s superior; a man named Micheal, came to help him with Levi’s samples. Feeling like it was your cue to leave, you gave a farewell to both men. They seemed saddened by your departure but you promised to come back later. It was time to check up on the Leviathan.

Walking back was albeit a bit boring now that you did it alone.

As you walked into the room it was dead quiet as always. Making your way over to the monitoring station, to your surprise you could see how Levi was still dead unconscious.

With how twitchy he was you assumed it would only be a matter of minutes before he woke up again. But he’s still soundly on the bottom floor of the tank.

Now that you're here anyways with nothing to do you went to the observatory glass downstairs. Perhaps it could be good to see how he’d react to the bandages.


It took about an hour, but finally you could see movement from him. It was a sluggish process to see him wake up. His body moved from the sprawled-over state to his curling around himself like that of a snake. Only when that happened his eyes started to open slowly.

He didn't seem to notice you, even as you were almost pressed against the glass. It was the first time you saw him waking up through something that wasn't a screen. Seeing the way his spinal fin stretched high as his muscles tightened and constricted from stretching his back.

Yet his drowsy mood seemed to disappear in an instant as all his fins flared just to twist around. A small yet aborted sound crawled up your throat as you saw his claws reach for his bandaged flank. Only stopping a second short from tearing them apart.

Seemingly needing a moment to realise what it was he ran a hand over them instead. Twisting all kinds of directions to.. inspect them? After what looked like some weird underwater dance to look all over himself, he seemed satisfied enough.

It was the most relaxed you had ever seen him. The angsty fidgety monster almost looked at ease. That was at least until he finally noticed your presence, body frozen in place as he made eye contact.

You smiled sheepishly at him and gave a small wave. Normally he would sneer but all he did was frown and huddle back to his corner. Well… this could definitionally be counted as a win in your book.

Now that Levi wouldn't be randomly dying on your watch it was time for the next step.


Also, keep in mind for the next two chapters that I will be updating the tags a LOT, so keep your eyes peeled. :)

Chapter 7: Log-7


Making friends is scary, especially if they are gigantic sea monsters.
Luckily for our Lamb this sea monster loves pizza and anime


I have actually pre-written the entire first Arc of this fic! so you guys will be getting a small surprise soon to celebrate~

Also me?? Not traumatizing anybody the past 2 chapters? Unheard of. Dw guys, I'm gonna fix that

Chapter Text

You think you finally know how those dolphin trainers feel, to make them choose their job. Because looking at the current footage that you were showing Simeon felt nothing short of a bizarre magic trick.

You kept up the routine of having lunch and dinner with Levi. Watching the occasional Ruri-Hana too, despite the little slip-up that happened a few days ago. You were so incredibly thankful that this was one of those animes that had an absurd amount of episodes to watch despite it barely having any popularity.

You always felt a little bad by his saddened and pouty expression when it was time to wrap it up. Still, seeing him happily cuddle up to the glass when he knew you were going to watch the show again with him made you giggle successfully every time.

As a week almost passed by you noticed the wrap getting looser and looser, even fearing that it might fall off any day now. You even discussed with Simeon the pros and cons of getting him out of the water to replace them. Until the thing happened to make your jaw drop.

When you came in the morning, the first thing you noticed was that something was off about Levi. It wasn't his behaviour, your greeting got ignored but he was still eagerly waiting for you to sit down so he could eat too. His movement too was nothing odd. His body and tail have improved greatly with new fluidness since the infection has been (presumably) healing.

No, you finally realised what was wrong when you noticed how the bandages were wrapped differently than how you and Simeon did them. Careful assessment even proved that they were wrapped better than how you did them.

That should be impossible. You worked yesterday too, and nobody could have done the whole procedure during the night, especially not without your permission.

Breakfast forgotten you raced back upstairs, missing Levi’s startled expression.

And that brings you here with Simeon a few hours later. Looking at the recorded footage of Levi re-wrapping his own bandages underwater during the night, cleaning off any excess goo he found underneath it too. His face held no confusion before and after, he even looked slightly bored. This was clearly something he’d done a million times before. Especially since he did it better than them.

It was obvious evolution hadn’t given him hands and arms without a reason but seeing him actually use them like this was a huge surprise. Your mind ran wild with possible tests and experiments you could potentially do together with him… Once he was considered safe enough, of course. It wasn't a surprise he was bored to death, so having him do things or have some enrichment could be great for further progress.

You couldn't sit still with the excitement and had to pace around. Gesturing wildly with your hands and arms

“Simeon, this is great news! Not only do we not have to knock him out to care for him, but he can do it himself. This also means his species has evolved enough to take care of the sick and wounded instead of letting them die. If he knows how to wrap a bandage. Wait, we don't have an X-ray of his body right? At the next health routine inspection, we must take one. If we can find a healed broken bone it could be revolutionary! It would make him the first large aquatic species recorded to have been able to do this all by themselves with no human intervention! I can't believe I didn't see this-”

Your day couldn't have gone better. You have no clue how long you paced and spoke about the newest development in your research. Simeon, (Who you ran to and straight up dragged out of the lab.) sat patiently on the horribly uncomfortable chair of the monitoring station as you rambled about.

Both of you were so focused that neither of you noticed the purple head of the confused Leviathan peeking above the edge of the tank.

“-haven’t been a recording of a similar creature, but… Oh! Simeon, do you think we can get him to also apply the cream on the injury too? Oh, I can't wait-”

“Lamb, dear. I know you're excited, but we can't start right now. We haven't spoken to him since the breach, and he’s been refusing communication with us. If you manage to lure him out of the water you can suggest things. But we need to keep it slow.”

Your disappointment was immeasurable, but he was right. You need to be able to communicate if you want to get anywhere.

Still, this wasn't an opportunity to be wasted. There were still more than enough hours in the day to experiment.

You collected some gear for your little test and went to your room to grab your personal laptop. It wasn't water-proof so you had only one chance. It quite sucked that shortly after you left, Levi conveniently exploded the camera’s again. But there could be worse things

You nearly forgot to bring dinner with you when you headed down. You practically inhaled the food and gave yourself hiccups. Even Levi noticed your impatience and you got a few odd stares but he mostly brushed it off.

When he finished his dinner he moved to the glass so he could watch some more Ruri-Hana with you. But paused as you held up your hand in a stopping motion. You showed a picture of Ruri on your tablet and pointed upward. You then nearly skipped to the doors with your enthusiasm. Not catching Levi’s confused face as he watched you leave.

Realistically, you knew he would reach the surface much quicker than you, but you were still surprised to see his eyes peek above the water. Trying your hardest to not spook him you picked up your bag and with confidence walked to the pool.

It scared him enough to send him a bit away from the edge, thankfully not enough for him to retreat back into the water. Taking your laptop out of your bag you placed it a metre or 3~4 away from the edge to be sure nothing was within striking range and opened Devlix. The sound echoed through the room.

You held back your grin as you noticed he recognised the intro with the way he swam closer.

You started up The Magical Ruri Hana: demon Girl!, on the last episode you both were last on and sat to the left on your laptop. It was a tad bit hard to follow the subtitles or see the screen in general. But it was so worth it when you saw Levi’s starry-eyes expression. The fins that act as his ears continuously move around to catch all the sounds. Confirming he wasn't hearing anything through the glass barrier.

You really wondered how much of the show’s lore he actually got or if he just enjoyed the animation.

Maybe you watched a few more episodes than you usually would. Maybe just to see all of Levi’s reactions to everything.

You tried to be subtle, but your attention kept being stolen by the large leviathan whose arms were leaning on the water grates to push himself closer. The large black claws send a slight tremor through you. His nails grew back faster than you had anticipated.

You tried, okay? But it was tough not to stare at this terrifyingly beautiful creature. He himself was distracted by the show so it took him long to notice your staring. When he did, he sunk back away again while still being able to watch the screen. This repeated a few times until he caught you staring almost instantly every time.

When it was time to wrap up you crawled forward and paused on the next episode.

Slowly turning around you made eye contact with the large creature who by now mostly retreated back into the water again.

You wouldn't dream of hiding the smile plastered on your face. And with the usual wave, you said what you always did.

“Thank you for watching with me, same thing tomorrow?”

All you got was a few ear flicks before he dived underwater. All it did was make you even more confident in your plan.


On the 3rd day of interacting with Levi on the surface, you took a calculated risk. But damn are you bad at math.

Repeatedly eating the exact same meals every day got very plain and you were longing for something different. Simeon sometimes cooked some self-made lunches or dinners and gave them to you, but you couldn't rely on him all the time.

Today was a lazy day for you, there just wasn't a lot to do currently as you're waiting for more data to be sorted through. For your dinner, you just decided to get something from the cafeteria. Thank the stars for the staff that worked there, they didn't even blink at you when you requested a large rainbow pizza at 9 pm.

You've been trying and nearly praying that Levi would say anything to you, so there would be a better bond that could grow. So far the only thing you managed to do is get him to stay longer than a minute after you're done watching the anime.

It frustrated you to no end, but it's understandable. He doesn't show it often but it's not difficult to see that the unfamiliar predicament is placing a hell lot of stress on him. You don't like to say it, but you're pretty much gaslighting him into getting Stockholm syndrome.

Pushing the questionable morals to the side you entered the large containment cell again with Levi eagerly waiting on the side of the pool.

After his eyes swept over you his stare became transfixed on the pizza box you were holding. He fully pulled his head out of the water to presumably smell the air before turning a questioning face at you.

“Sorry Levi, but this is my dinner. And I'm starving.”

When you fed him the pellets again he pouted at you. It made you feel a little bad but damn it shouldn't have looked that cute on such a terrifying creature as him.

You got to about half the pizza before he finished. deciding you'll just continue eating while watching the show, so you put it to play. And for the first time, you saw how he wasn't hyper-fixated on the show but instead on you. Or well, the open box of pizza. Absolutely boring holes into your back.

When the absurdly long ending song was playing of the second episode you watched, you had 3 slices left.

A thought entered your mind that would most likely trigger Simeon’s 4-hour-long scolding instincts. Pursing your lips with the internal debate.

The fences that kept Levi where he needed to be, still have gaps at the bottom. Where he could probably reach his arm through without getting electrocuted. Hence the reason you still kept your distance while sitting on the floor.

Still, now that small sprout of a plan has entered your brain you couldn't let it go.

“Hey Levi, do you want some?”

Well, there goes any chance of not doing it. Now you ought to sit it through.

There was a mild surprise on his face but reluctantly he nodded. You couldn't shove the box to him, you had no idea what he would do with the carton. Taking a stabilising breath you picked up the (now cold) pieces of pizza and crouched over to the edge of the fence, positioned in case he decided he’d much rather eat a piece of you.

Your approach seemed to spook him as well, but after you placed the pizza as close as you dared and hovered away again. He didn't hesitate much to move back to the food.

He looked a few times back at you and the pizza as if you were going to somehow take it back despite the distance. You gave him a shaky thumbs up, nerves a little fried from being so close despite the half barrier.

Your eyes tracked his hand as he lifted it above the grate and shook it dry the best he could. You also wouldn't want to eat soggy pizza. Then he slowly edged his left arm between the lowest hanging cord of the fence and the floor.

His hand easily picked up all 3 slices you put on the floor. Looking comically small in the palm of his massive hand. You half expected him to gorge it all down but he ate it bite by bite, savouring the taste. Alas, with his size it all was quickly eaten and with something bordering puppy eyes he looked at you.

“L-Levi don't look at me like that. I really am not supposed to give you anything but the pellets-”

You might've told him you enjoyed kicking kittens in your free time as he looked at you with that dejected expression. He went so far as to sadly lick the top of his fingers with his long forked tongue as if he wanted to taste the faint trace of the pizza.

“If anyone figured out I’m giving you anything but what we already give you, then I would get in big trouble. I would love to give you more but it just isn't allowed right now-”

“I could just tell them, lmao.”

You nearly fell flat on your face as you finally heard him speak again. It was so unexpected you gaped your mouth until you saw his surprisingly smug expression fall into one of embarrassment again. However…

“Who the hell says ‘lmao’ out loud.”

Clearly, this offended him on a personal level as he and his spinal fin rose high above the water. Sputtering out his defence between hisses.

“A normie human like you wouldn't understand. Still, you forgot about my threat immediately lolol.”

Oh my god, he said lolol aloud too. Where did he learn English like that?? Fixing your awkwardly crumpled posture you tried to regain some composure as you met his newfound pettiness.

“Tell who though? The only people that come here are me and Simeon. And I could most definitely plead innocence with him. Moreover, you refused to talk to us until just now. So your threat just got nullified.”

You shot him a co*cky smile as his face melted into a frown. That's right you got his fish ass. Apparently, you got him too hard as after a few failed attempts to fire back he just delved back underwater, the anime that was still playing long forgotten.

Luckily nobody took notice of your newfound appetite for rainbow pizzas the following weeks. After all, both of you are in agreement that they taste quite good.

Chapter 8: Log-8


!!Firmly WARNING you to look at the tags closely!!
I don't want to spoil this chapter with trigger warnings, but a lot of the tags apply to this chapter. It's quite graphic at certain points.

I will put a short summary in the end notes in case you don't feel comfortable reading this chapter, but I still highly recommend trying to read it. As it is an incredibly important point within this story.


To date, this is my favourite chapter I have written so far, mostly because I simply had so much fun with it. I probably should get that checked out... regardless!
I hope you like my double update, as a celebration! Soak up the Levi content, you're going to need it. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The past month has actually been really… nice, in a way. If you ignore the attempts on your life and how Diavolo handed you somebody else's life and asked you to kill it or not. Then everything has been quite well.

Not only have you managed to get Levi out of his little corner, but you've also both progressed so much that now you're even talking to him… emphasis on you talking. He would make a quip or two in an hour-long conversation. And even then he’d shy away

He has been incredibly tight-lipped about his prior life situation, especially if before this he lived alone, with a partner or group. But most of the sentient creatures were secretive about it so you never pushed.

One of the biggest surprises was when he dared to come closer. At first only his head would pop above the water a metre or three away. But now he would cling to the pool's edge or even sit on top of it.

Water drains bordered the edges of the tank to catch the excess water that splashes around when he swam, and the space was clearly much too small for a creature his size.

When he was seated on the edge you tried your best to not stare, he seemed oddly self-conscious about himself. But it was mesmerising to watch his body language, each frill and fin moving in such a specific pattern to leave messages you couldn't understand. Yet, you hoped.

Some were obvious, the way his chest and fins puffed up meaning he showed off or was excited. Frills dropping or sticking close to his body, a clear sign he’s upset at something or stressed. His sail was also a good way to tell his mood for the day. If from the moment you walked in and it was raised high he would be agitated and need to be treated with extra care. If it was laying flat on his back you'd try your best to cheer him up.

You could also swear you sometimes saw light emit from him but you don't have any concrete proof of that.

On the days he did not overload the cameras and they actually had a chance to work, you and Simeon would observe the footage until the late night to try to decipher them.

You tried to ask Levi himself but he immediately shot you down. It was the same with his spoken language.

It mostly consisted of clicks and chitters, almost dolphin-like. But on other days it sounded like the calls of whales. The long-drawn songs usually sounded at night. Although you didn't understand, it felt like… longing. Not that you could blame him.

At first, when you brought your findings to another wildlife biologist inside the facility, the two of you didn't think it was a language at all. But more a way to express himself the way that dogs bark and growl.

But after a longer time, you realised they were too intentional. A few times when you came in super early and if you were talking, he would respond with a series of clicks, thrills or whistles. It takes nearly a minute for him to recollect himself and respond in the human tongue. And from there you reconsidered

So you went back to deciphering. But it was tough, with Levi’s very limited use. Most of the audio recordings you had were of him talking to himself underwater, which slightly distorted the sounds.

In the meantime, you tried to explain more about the facility he was in. And foremost explained how the facility primarily focuses on the safety and health of humans and creatures alike. You weren't lying when you told him that the main focus is the rehabilitation of magical creatures if they weren’t sick or violent anymore.

With guilt in your stomach, you left out how some will never be let out. For such minor things too, completely out of their control. You know of one subject who is just a regular human. But if he touches anything that is made of paper, it catches fire. This small abnormality is now the cause he can never enter society again.

Something else that needed to be said also held a weight on your shoulder. Another health inspection needs to be done on him soon. One would've happened much sooner if to the bafflement of you and Simeon when video recordings showed Levi re-wrap his bandages with practised ease.

Still, it left them unable to see how the stitches did. And when Levi spoke of them starting to feel restricting, 6 weeks after you put them in, it felt like the perfect opportunity to bring it up.

To say he was hesitant about it was an understatement. He withdrew the entire day until he said he’d be corporate. As time passed it became more and more apparent how shy the Leviathan actually was. The silences were not because he didn't like talking. But because he was nervous, you could almost call it cute if he wasn't a sea monster that is at least 4 times your height.

You told him everything a health check-up inquired and how it would go. You did admit to him how he was still a massive safety hazard, so he would need to get drugged, but he could choose how it would go. The only thing expected of him was to lay in the brancard that will be lowered in the water to make transportation easier for everyone.

A date was discussed and set. Now, all they had to do was wait for the day.


Of course, life is a massive bitch as usual.

Waiting in your room for Simeon to arrive, you learn that he got an emergency call to the laboratorium, something went wrong with a sample and resulted in a large issue. And taking care of it would take too long for him to join you. He tried to arrange something to not go but it was fruitless, he was the head researcher. He had to go.

He left in a hurry after apologising profusely to you. You kept telling him that it is alright, there were also times you got called up. He promised to make it up to you as you pushed him out of your room.

When entering Levi’s cell he was already strapped down by the personnel and clearly under… influence. He couldn't stop chirping and chittering, even if it sounded a bit slurred somehow. The wet towels covering him, so he didn't dehydrate, were barely affecting the audibility of it all. Not fighting the urge to smile at the sight at all, you cleared your throat.

“Hey there Levi, I’ve got some news for you.”

The chittering stopped for a few seconds before he started again softer. You could see him try to wiggle free from his towel jail. You giggled as you approached him. When you finally pulled the towels off you got a full face of his blown wide pupils staring straight at you. Oh yeah, your boy was high as balls.

“So.. a little something came up so it's just you and me today. Instead of a full routine, I'm just going to look at your stitches and muscles. And then I'm placing you back into the water okay?”

Still no human response comes, but a few curt chirps told you he was somewhat present. Neither was he hissing at you like an angry cat so it's all positive here.

Beginning how you ended last time you started with the upper body massage to encourage blood circulation and muscle recovery. Only this time you were narrating everything you did, it should help the creature relax and get used to your touch if no surprises happen.

It was definitely needed with Levi too, you noticed. Despite his earlier enthusiasm when seeing you, he became tense and nervous. After putting on some surgical gloves you began the massage and he was as stiff as a could be, so tensed you could mistake him for stone. After about half an hour he still hasn't made a peep or moved a muscle, but he felt considerably more relaxed to the touch.

After another half an hour, you could feel your hands and arms start to protest loudly at you. Yearningly you looked at his tail, you really wanted another up-close view and feel for it. But the painful throbbing in your limbs made you mentally move it to another day.

With a sad sigh, you moved on to the next objective. The injury.

Softly trailing your hands from his side all the way to the injury you kept narrating what you were doing. It startled you when he wiggled the tiniest bit to the side. As if the touch tickled. you so desperately wanted to tease him, but work goes first.

Arriving at the bandages, you quickly put on new gloves and picked up a pair of special bandage scissors to cut them with.

After removing them you inspected the injury closely, and all in all it looks pretty good. The infection had been long gone by now thankfully. The stitches too don't seem to be necessary anymore. The wound has closed properly despite all the movement he’s been doing. Along the edges of the injury, you can even see some tiny purple scales growing back. Huh, interesting.

“Well Levi, the healing process has been great. It is slower than that of a human so we have to keep a note on that. I'm going to cut away the stitches to remove them. It may feel a bit strange. If it hurts hiss at me, or something like that.”

He’d grown nervous again you could see. And as you were working on him you muttered quiet praise of how good and brave he’s been doing. Still, the air is tense so you try cracking a joke. While quietly cutting all of the stitches loose.

“I hope you won't grow so hard and stiff every time I touch you. That might make check-ups more complicated in the future.”

You could literally see how his body grew slack with shock before he furiously began to stutter a mix between his own tongue and the human one.

“Relax Levi, I didn't think your face could become a more vibrant purple. Don't tell me you got flustered by little ol’ me saying that?” you couldn't help but tease.

He made the awkwardest half laugh-cough to cover himself up and you couldn't help but nearly find it adorable. Luckily for him, all the stitches had been safely removed and no new ones will be necessary. At most you’d slap on some cream to help against any soreness and without thinking you pat his tail a few times, he’d done so well.

Your brain registered the sight you saw first. It was Levi’s head really close to your face, despite the fact you were standing all the way down where his upper thigh would be. His own face morphed from confusion to understanding to unfiltered horror. Your eyes wandered slightly to the side where his hand was holding a pretty big scrap of your clothing that was slightly tinged red.

Angling your eyes downcast you finally catch on to what happened. At this point, you weren't even sure if the rasping and shaky breaths belonged to you or him. What you do know is that your hands moved to instinctively press against the gaping hole in your waist.

Deep claw marks cut into your body. In your hysteria, you couldn't even recognize if he would have hit any major organs. You were surprised your intestines were not hanging out at this point. Perhaps your hands were the only thing causing them to be still inside. You needed help, fast.

All of your thought processes tunnelled to the emergency button that was on the side of the operating area. In case something went wrong during the procedure, you needed to press it.

You searched around to look for the bright red button, but since when was your vision so blurry and cloudy? With a raspy gasp, you belatedly realise you had fallen to the floor. With one arm you tried to push yourself up, but the pool of blood now underneath caused you to slip and fall again. That surely can't be good.

With the furious pounding of your heart and your suspiciously wet breaths, you failed to hear the sounds of leather and rope snapping behind you. Not that you could have done much. All your strength was rapidly leaving your body despite all the adrenaline being pumped into your bloodstream. With the added black spots in your vision you started to slightly worry for your health. That can only end badly for you.

A second of clarity hit when you felt the ground beneath you vibrating the way only something big hitting it can cause. The moment the shaking stopped you could hear it more then see how the containment breach protocols activated.

Great. Just what you needed on top of this all. The loud sirens and flashing red lights really helped against your steadily rising headache and nausea. Your skin felt clammy and hot in all the wrong places. Did your clothing stick to your skin due to your sweat or blood?

Eventually, you realised through the waves of dizziness that you were moving.

Your lungs failed you when you tried to scream and instead got into a coughing fit which left you with even less air than before. Not being able to do anything beyond cry when your hands get peeled off your injury. Something much bigger and colder pressed against it. It was soothing for a moment until you realised you couldn't even open your eyes, when did they close?

Somebody was speaking to you, that much you could grasp. But comprehending it over the sound of the sirens and all the sounds your body was producing proved fruitless. At most, you could catch that you needed to stay awake. And you really tried to since they sounded frantic about not falling asleep.

But the blood loss and literally everything else combined made you so exhausted. Together with the surprisingly soothing voice and embrace you find yourself in, the deathly blessing of sleep slowly pulled you in.

With the last of your efforts, you opened your eyes to a sea of purple hues. Eyes the colour of amber looked at you in shock before you fell unconscious.

>“Emergency containment breach in Site 9. code RED. All available security personnel of correct clearing please relocate to Cell 5. Other personnel please relocate to a different site. This is not a drill.”<

He had been last second requested, well, demanded, to go to the Laboratorium. Levi wasn't the only creature in this facility. Many others also had to get health checks and often had to get DNA and other bodily fluids samples drawn. Specifically in this batch a lot of species had abnormalities. Samples randomly started levitating, twirling and bouncing. Not willing to get all the creatures through unnecessary stress again and not wanting years of several projects to go to waste he had to go investigate and stop it all himself.

Leaving his little lamb all alone to deal with L-3V1_03.

Now known as Levi; by only them and him, had shown leaps of improvement behaviorally and physically. Although it's clear to see he prefers the other doctor over him. On their days off, days where Simeon would take over he would walk in and see Levi's excited face fall flat. Or perhaps start pouting when Simeon appeared instead, which was funnier than he’d like to admit. So he didn't mind too much since it was preference over hostility.

Now though his legs were straining to carry him from one part of the facility to the entirely opposite side, a different floor. In his haste he had abandoned his lab coat and arriving at his destination he ripped off his badge to open the reinforced doors of the cell.

Security personnel had arrived faster than he could and all were armed to the tooth. Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw the medics at the ready and he prayed they were unnecessary.

He unlocked the doors and security took his position in front of him. The doors loudly hissed as they deactivated from the tight protocols. His face was hit with the overbearing scent of iron that left him frozen in place. And the scene he saw made his burning blood run cold.

His eyes followed the trail of blood to the centre of the room where a bristling Leviathan hunched over a body. Their body, laying limply cradled within its claws.

Experiencing the most gut-wrenching feeling in his stomach when he couldn't directly see if they were just unconscious or dead.

He forced his mind to not go off the rails when he heard the sounds of the guns locking into place and shortly told them to hold it.

The expression on the monster- Levi's face was too fearful and protective for just his own safety from what he observed previously from the shy creature. Along with the way he curled even more around the body when he too heard the clicks of the weapons.

There was the smallest of staredowns between him and Levi. before Levi started moving forwards, startling Simeon and his team. With slight difficulty and a shiver in his hands, he still withheld his impromptu team from firing.

Levi’s massive form was nearly belly-sliding across the floor as he dragged himself forward with only one arm available.

By now he could see how all the other personnel were shaking with restraint as Levi had now reached the door opening. Easily within striking distance of them all. With bated breath Simeon remained quiet as he saw the fingers flexing on the guns they were holding.

The leviathan lifted himself up, towering high above their smaller forms with ease. Simeon's flinch stopped halfway so his heart could leap out his throat instead. There within his palm, he saw their body cradled in his grasp once more. Then to his surprise, Levi outstretched his arm towards them, as if he doesn't want to be closer to any of them.

With a harsh wave, he signalled the medics to rush forward. They were by no means wet behind the ears. He knows firsthand of all the messes they have had to stitch up, yet, beneath the Leviathan they looked one breeze from falling over. Even he couldn't hide the way he fretted if he had to do it himself. Still, one of the medics was brave enough to directly pick up their body to move it to a safe distance. When the brave one signalled back there was a pulse he nearly collapsed to the ground.

He couldn't celebrate just yet. There was still Levi to deal with. Averting his eyes back to the creature he noticed how Levi had shrunk back all the way into the room. Avoiding all eye contact and cowering in himself.

Despite all common sense he told the Security personnel to leave position and instead help the medics any way they can. At last, he moved into the cell and locked the doors behind him.

He desperately wanted to ask him for answers. What caused this to happen?

Looking towards the middle he could see how all the restraints had snapped as if they were blades of grass. The blood he followed was a trail from the operating table halfway to the emergency button, clearly theirs. No way they were the one to press it, so Levi had to be the one to ring the alarm.

Still, while Simeon didn't get much time to see just how bad the damage was to his lamb, It wasn't difficult to see where it had come from. The only dangerous thing in the room was, well, Levi. The only other thing stained red with blood inside this room.

But as he carefully tracked the Leviathan's movement and the way he was shaking, right now wouldn't be the time. Not taking his eyes off him for a second he walked to the monitoring station to the right, and typed in his password to deactivate the fences with some effort. Not a moment later he saw Levi diving into the pool without a single glance back.

After thoroughly checking if all safety measurements are back online. Which was a small struggle for him, pop-ups kept blocking his screen somehow. He took a long hard look at the camera feeds which were luckily still working. Levi has curled up in the little corner again, like the first week. He couldn't spare more time for Levi, he had to see if you were alright.

Walking back to the bleak-coloured hallways was a silent affair.

Clearly, they had long been moved and the only thing remaining was a small pile of ripped-off clothing and a worryingly large bloodstain where they once laid.

His pace started slow as he trekked to where he knew you’d be brought to, the medical bay. But with the fire roaring through his body, his veins, it wasn't long before he broke into another sprint.

He prayed that he wasn't too late to save you.


Reader and Simeon were supposed to do a health check-up on Levi, primarily to remove his stitches. Unfortunately, something comes up and Simeon needs to leave. Leaving Reader alone to do it themselves.

Our Reader decided just to get rid of the stitches and leave the rest for later. The procedure goes well and the stitches are removed. The injury is just a sensitive scar now. However, Reader accidentally hits it. This caused Levi to break free from his restraints and instinctively lash out at our dear Reader. Who now has a long bleeding wound on their side.

While Reader tries to hit the emergency button, the blood loss and concussion from their fall makes them black out before they can.

It cuts to Simeon who got an emergency alert and races to Levi's cell, joining the response team. They open the door and find Reader cradled by Levi, who just handed over the unconscious Reader to the medic team. He then retreated back into the water.

Chapter 9: Log-9


Uh oh, a lot of things happened last chapter. Good thing there are a lot of doctors around the facility. Surely they can fix our dear reader right up? if not, we always have our angels right by our side.

TW//hospitals, medical drug use, panic attacks, dissociation, mild vomiting


Sorry dear readers, after this we go back to the regular upload schedule! unless I have something to celebrate again ;D

I've been in a bit of a writing stump, so I have to make sure I have more than enough to post until I get my inspiration back. Luckily for you guys, comments motivate me more than enough!

Chapter Text

When you came back to awareness it was slow and to the noise of machinery whirring. The sound of quiet snoring accompanies the occasional beep in the background.

You had no idea where you were and how you got here, panic tried to slide in but with the pounding of your head it was hard to let your brain think on something long enough to be properly alarmed.

Opening your eyes was a battle you nearly didn't win, the thin skin felt like it was made of lead. As you tried to refocus your vision you couldn't be more grateful for the darkness you found yourself in. The bland white ceiling also didn't give you many clues either of your location. Turning your head to the left and was met with a screen that was brighter than you wanted to look at, so instead turned your head to the right and found all kinds of hospital equipment where you have no clue what they do.

You wanted a closer look to look at the cables because it appeared they were going to you. With your arms, you tried to push yourself into a more upright position. But this failed mostly for two reasons.

First, the pain at your side knocked all the air out of your lungs the moment you moved a single muscle. It stung and burned and you had to take a deep and harsh breath to calm yourself from all the sensations that you were suddenly feeling.

And second, the weight of something, or rather somebody was laying on your non-hurting side that by definition pushed you down. Following the IV cable that was embedded into your arm you found Simeon sleeping on it.

Even so, your small panicked twitch was enough to rouse him from his presumably light slumber. With his eyes filled with sleep, he took a second to blink his brain into waking up. It obviously wasn't in working order yet, but when his bright blue eyes met yours through his messy bed hair he shot upright like an arrow.

Wonder and surprise painted his face as tiny sparks seemed to pop into the crystal blue of his iris. It's been so long since you saw his bed hair, it's been even longer since the two of you woke up in the same bed. His adorable sleepy demeanour having dissipated into thin air, you missed it, you missed him.

Your heart suddenly flooded with love.

Now that your arm was freed you tenderly placed your weak and shaking hand against his cheek, nearly crying as he melted into your palm. Since you woke up yourself your emotions felt so fuzzy and confused.

Clearly, you were in the medical bay of the facility. But why?

Your side felt unbelievably cold when Simeon moved away. The heat partially returned as he helped you sit in a more upright position in the hospital bed. You nearly wished he didn't as every centimetre he moved you, sent hot flares of pain from the unknown pain near your stomach. What happened??

With every pained whimper that left your lips, Simeon whispered another apology in your hair.

After a few minutes of struggling not to cry out in pain, you awkwardly half-sat on the bed. Your skin felt clammy as sweat made your hospital gown stick awkwardly to your skin. Your lungs were burning as if you ran a marathon instead of just sitting up.

As you were still gasping for air you felt something cool touch your cheek. Startled, you see through teary eyes Simeon pressing a small water bottle against your way too-heated head. Giving him a strained chuckle you eagerly accepted it with trembling hands. Now that your attention was off him you could only notice how your throat and mouth felt like a desert.

Even if you tried your best, you could not escape his eyes. His hands closed over yours to hold your shaking bottle that you couldn’t keep upright long enough to even take a sip. You made quick work of the water, and as you drained it he filled it again and that too you drowned down despite his chiding to drink slowly.

By now you felt a lot more awake and refreshed. Yet, it still felt like there was something of you missing. Nagging at the back of your mind to find it.

You send a very pointed and questioning look at your guest.

He looked like he’d rather not say, but when you reached for the hand that was laying on your bed he relented. The trembling hand you held, clasped back nearly desperately. With a deep sigh, Simeon rubbed at his neck as he began to speak about what you missed.

“In summary, you have been unconscious for about 3 days. Not only had you lost a lot of blood you also had a small concussion. Your injury is a lot shallower than it looked like, even if it was still terrifyingly close to your intestines and right kidney. The wound has been stitched up for the time being. The doctor and I instruct a lot of bed rest.”

“Damn, that's crazy.”

He couldn't hide his horrified expression or the snort he let out afterwards. All too soon it warped back into a very unimpressed stare. You tried to laugh but it came out more as a coughing fit with a grimace since laughing apparently hurt too much.

After reassuring Simeon you're fine he leaned back into his seat for a few seconds before he started shifting around. He undeniably wanted to tell you more, but something held him back. With a reassuring squeeze of your hand, you urged him to continue.

“...Do you remember what happened? You seem rather chipper.”

Well… you didn't. So you shook your head at him

All you remember was meeting a very stressed Simeon at your door in the morning. And that's what you tell him.

The rest of your memory is accompanied by that weird buzzing feeling you’ve had since waking up. Since they performed surgery on you they clearly had to put you under some stuff so you assumed that's causing the weird feeling. But this felt worse, like something much stronger.

At your answer his face frowned quite a lot. You wanted to ask further but were stopped as he called for a doctor and the nurses to check up on you, since you finally woke up from your coma.

Much too soon they all flooded into the room along with them the light returned. Something you quite vocally complained about as your headache returned at full force.

You were barely aware of what was happening as people were suddenly touching you all over. They were speaking to you and asking all kinds of questions and you're sure you told them something but you were feeling much too overstimulated to actually catch what you're saying.

Simeon was the one to tell them to give you your space back when he noticed you were nearly crying from the overstimulation.

Everything appeared to be going much better with you physically than anticipated. Your condition was pretty much fine beyond your apparent memory loss together with your dizziness.

And of course your injury.

Your new clarity was roughly ripped from you the moment you mysteriously calmed down, not even sure if they put anything in your IV while you were distracted. But they re-bandaged the.. slash? On your torso.

The doctor allowed you to hover your hand above the wound until you started touching it. Removing your fingers as if you were a misbehaving child as you attempted to touch it again when he let you go.

The nagging little voice that you tried to ignore comes back with even more pressure. What in the world happened to cause such a serious injury?

Simeon refused to explain anything to you, and neither did any of the other staff. They all just looked at you with so much pity and it made your insides boil.

You became desperate enough to ask your doctor, the ever-stoic Raphael, for an answer. But he, too, stayed silent on the matter.

When you saw him walk in he was as surprised as you were. While this wasn't the first time you were in his Medical bay, you also can't say you frequently see him either. None of your injuries ever severe enough to come here.

The man with ash blonde hair and beige skin, while a good friend of Simeon, was nearly a stranger to you. With his royal blue eyes, he thoroughly checked you and wished to finish with some questions regarding your memory. All while the nurses were removing the plethora of tubes and other things that were connected to you.

You told him the same thing you told Simeon earlier, how you can't remember anything after you left your room. After a lot of fuzzing, he finally allowed you to be discharged. All that you would be doing is laying in bed regardless, you might as well do that inside your own bed. They will send you off with a hell lot of painkillers, oh yea they definitely secretly drugged you up. Is this how Levi feels?

Ouch, just thinking about him sent a pain straight to your skull. Definitely ignoring that then.

Raphael sends Simeon off to get your prescribed medicine as the nurses dressed you with more comfortable clothes. When you were out of the hospital gown the doctor stood in front of you and carefully grabbed your hand.

With his love for details you expected him to do another check, just to be sure. Refusal was about to leave your tongue, but your eyes widened as he leaned close and pressed a small cold object in your hand.

Your ring.

“I couldn't salvage the cord it was originally hanging from, so I made a temporary one. I hope you don't mind. Do you want me to help?”

You fought the bittersweet emotions that were crawling up your throat and politely thanked him and declined his offer to help you wear the improvised necklace. You couldn't, not right now. You were thankful Raphael had sent Simeon out of the room for this.

As said man walked back into the room you quickly shoved the ring in your pocket. These feelings were for later. Still you couldn't help but track Simeon’s right hand. Where an identical ring was worn around his finger. A ring that wasn't there last time you saw him.

Both men escorted you back to your room as you sat in a wheelchair. It felt incredibly unnecessary. Your legs were working fine.

Being in your room you were placed on your bed and sat patiently as Rapheal reminded you for the 7th time that you would need to come back every other day, to keep track of your healing process. After a curt nod, he left.

You felt a bit spacy as Simeon hugged you tightly from behind and you let go as you leaned back into his embrace. You remained silent as he dug his face deeper into the crook of your neck, close to where your pulse was sluggishly beating through your veins. Nor said anything about the way it tickled.

The two of you sat there for a while, basking in each other's presence.

Eventually, Simeon said something about Diavolo and Barbatos wanting to visit you too. But he told them you won't be having guests until you are properly rested, through muffled speech.

With the tiniest giggle, you ruffled his hair which in return made him squeeze a little tighter. Which caused you to hiss in pain from your sensitive side.

He let go at once and for the second time today, you missed his warmth soaking into yours. At once he tried hoarding you properly into the bed.

“Simeon. I literally just woke up after 3 days, I'm not going to sleep again so soon.”

And then this man had the audacity to shush you.

“If you won’t sleep, then read. Or do those word searches you like so much and have hidden in every nook and cranny of this room for.. whatever reason. I also forbid you from leaving the bed.”

At the last part, his face morphed into a terrifyingly intimidating smile. He was undoubtedly clear about what he wanted from you. But he hasn't scared you since he was 9 years old.

“What if I need to piss, or a number 2?”

“...Well I can ask Raphael for a Bedpan-”


“Ahaha, don't fret. I allow you to go to the bathroom. The doctor said a little exercise is good for you during your recovery period. But, do not. Push it.”

You gave him the nastiest side eye you could muster but didn't protest any further. The pair continued to chat while he looked for all the word searches you owned inside the little room… It ended up being 13 of them. They all had different sizes and thicknesses, he asked you where you even got all of them from and even you had no clue.

With deep regret, he told you he would rather stay by your side all night. But he has already been doing that for the past three days and has been neglecting all of his work. And Micheal was getting impatient as always. For a guy that licked samples to taste, he sure had strict time schedules.

You reassured him multiple times that it’s fine and that you're used to this, which caused him to sadden even more. You promise him that you will keep him updated on every little thing you do while he’s away.

He turned around to leave. But at the last second, he walked back to you and gave you a featherlight kiss on your forehead.

“Please stay safe, my dear Lamb.”

Your stomach fluttered in a painfully familiar way but you stumped them all down as you waved him goodbye.

In spite of the fact you hadn't felt full when he was near, the little gap you felt just became bigger than you imagined. Bordering on painful. What were you missing? What is so wrong?

Ignoring his strict orders you wiggled your way out of your bed and waggled to your small kitchen. You eye the strip of painkillers, maybe that was wrong, you don't want to feel the pain. That's what it is.

With some effort, you grab a water bottle from the mini-fridge. But regret it when your previous forgotten injury roars to life when you bend down. The uncapped bottle falls as you sink to your knees when the agony overwhelms every sense. Instinctively clutch your pained side, only adding to the hurt.

As the pain subsided a little you removed your hands, only to be met with them covered in crimson. No way your stitches tore already. You wanted to push yourself up until you realised the entire floor was covered in blood too.

You couldn't take notice of how your breathing has sped up significantly. Not when all you could see was you drenched in blood, the dark liquid pouring from the gaping hole in your stomach. Desperately you fought to keep your intestines from spilling out. No matter how hard you tried, the wriggling organs kept spilling through your fingers.

It was a losing war. The wound was too big, too deep, your pathetic attempt to save yourself never stood a chance.

Why is this happening to you, what happened–

Your body locked into place as you remembered.

The way Levi's restraints snapped like paper, the way his claw soundlessly sliced through your body as if it was made from butter.

You couldn't breathe, you couldn't breathe–

You hadn't felt nauseous before but now you were dry heaving in the middle of the room. You hadn't eaten anything yet, all you had to offer was the water and the acid of your stomach as you threw up.

The last thing you did was fall unconscious in the small puddle of water.

Chapter 10: Log-10


Were you guys getting sick of Levi's and our little Lamb's room? Don't worry, we will FINALLY get some more space to explore! After all, Levi isn't the only creature that lives in the facility, there is much more to this underground building than it seems.

TW//mentioned illness, mentioned injury, minor PTSD


*evil wrings hands together* oh boy, I can finally do some world-building! That you can actually see-

I admit this is more of a build-up/filler to the next chapter. But it's definitely still interesting!

I can finally stuff in some of the lore I have planned for future chapters, although you need a keen eye to catch it. So good luck dear readers~

Chapter Text

Having spent a few days locked up in your room, the amount of pity and respect for the creatures here inside the facility had multiplied tenfold.

Being cooped up in this tiny space definitely had some impact on your sanity. All you could do was those stupid puzzles and crosswords and whatever other entertainment Simeon could provide.

Talking about Simeon, you hadn't told him about your… little breakdown that you had after he left. After waking up, you cleaned the mess you made by spilling your water and vomit and disposed of the evidence.

All you did was inform Simeon and Raphael that your missing memories returned the next day. Lying through your teeth you told them you simply woke up from a nightmare and remembered it all. While Raphael believed you, Simeon’s suspicious gaze has been following you ever since.

He tried to keep you company to the best of his abilities. But he could do only so much.

Even though he isn't the “boss” of the laboratorium, he still did most of the lab work (you could still not grasp what he did exactly). Along with this, since your accident he has also taken over the duty as Levi’s handler, managing all that work on top of his own.

As much as that pained you, nothing pained you more than needing to inform Diavolo and Barbatos that you can’t face Levi right now. Not that you got the chance to do that when you opened your door early in the morning.

“You have my deepest and most heartfelt apologies for getting hurt underneath my own roof. There wasn't any video surveillance or audio recordings of the accident since they had been destroyed the previous day. But after careful reassessment of the scene, the bindings that held Subject L-3V1_03 were strapped too loose and the rope was too brittle for a creature his size and strength.

The fault is entirely ours for such an avoidable situation. I know my sorry won't change the fact that this happened.

If you decide to leave us that's an understandable outcome, and we most certainly won't blame you. The RID will continue to financially support you until you deem it necessary, no matter what choice you make. We still wish you a healthy recovery doctor.”


You kind of just stared blankly at Diavolo. It was 7:13 in the morning and your ass was definitely not awake yet. You refused to blame yourself for not giving a Shakespeare-worthy response when you were still busy searching for your 3 working brain cells.

It didn't surprise the man in red all that much, but he was still awkwardly hovering in your door opening. It was Barbatos that spoke up again.

“Excuse us, please. Good morning Warden. It is most unfortunate of your accident, and we wish you the best of health. The young Lord would like to discuss the topic of the accident if we may?”

Clearly, your brain isn't working all that well yet as you didn't quite realise the weird title used for your boss.

“Uh, yea sure. Feel free to come in. Do you want something to drink?”

“No thank you, we are strictly here for business today. And you are still freshly injured. Please, don't exert yourself for us. If you still feel unwell we can wait until you are ready.”

You absolutely loathe this. Diavolo is a nice guy, truly. But you were feeling very intimidated at the moment. You were now standing to the side of your door in your pyjamas because you thought the one at the door was Simeon. But no, it was your boss and his assistant standing fully suited up.

Grimacing internally. You felt like a gazelle in a lion’s den as the two men walked into the middle of your space.

“It's alright, I feel well enough. Please make yourself at home. I’ll quickly dress myself, I’ll be right back-”

A large heavy hand planted itself on your shoulder and gently guided you to the small couch. While Diavolo took a seat in one of your two chairs. Making it look comically small with the man's tall and broad build.

“Don't worry, that won't be necessary doctor! Barbatos and I will be just asking you a few questions and then we’ll be on our way again.”

You shifted a bit in your place. You haven't taken your pain medication yet and as your sleepiness wears off the itch gets harder to ignore. But you bite your lower lip and nod to the men. You still open your mouth before they can start.

“I would like to say I would prefer to keep working here, since I think I heard you say it's still a possibility..?”

Genuine surprise painted his face, as if he didn't expect you to say that at all. Your eyes left his face as a sharp pain flashed through you and you tried to keep up appearances by staring at the little plant on your coffee table as a distraction.

“W-working here has admittedly been amazing. Yes, there are many dangers with this work, and this is most certainly a step back for me. But… I can’t back out now at such a critical moment. Y’know? And I feel like I will miss my deathly creatures if I leave.”

Diavolo was in full serious mode when the pain subsided enough to look at him again.

You got spooked as you felt something touch your shoulder. When you looked over it was Barbatos handing you a glass of water and your blessed painkillers. You muttered a thank you under your breath as you drowned the pills. But you didn't get a moment of rest as Diavolo started speaking again.

“This does solve a lot of issues we had before going in here. But our biggest concern is you right now. It's no problem for us to let you take as much time to heal as you need. But as Barbatos has informed me, you don't like keeping idle much, do you?”

And when you awkwardly rubbed at your neck at the blatant call-out his laugh echoed through the room. It was painfully true that you have continuously nagged at Simeon about how bored you are. You could only stay in place for so long before the jitters hit.

“Well, as much as we value your freedom, I'm afraid we can't let you work on Subject L-03.”

Your slightly relaxed poster posture sat up straight on the couch and you were ready to protest before you felt a gloved hand on your shoulder pushing you back down on the couch. Oh yeah, Barbatos was here too.

“The young lord wishes no ill with this intention. L-03 is too unstable together with your current condition. However, since you are quite the workaholic, we do allow you to work on the less.. dangerous levels of the facility until you are deemed healthy enough by our medical professionals.”

Ouch, they are really getting your ass while you're vulnerable huh. Although you're not sure how you feel about it. Diavolo just looked thoughtfully at you.

“Consider it as a small break or vacation. Just some easy work if you really cannot stay still. And as you said, most of our subjects do miss you from when you worked with them. You had quite a positive impact on the creatures under your care. Surely you would make them quite happy.”

Okay now you just felt guilty, you did kind of abandon them after your transfer… promotion? To the lower levels. This whole underground place works in some weird layers.

The closer the layer is to the surface the easier and safer the subjects are considered. Not 100% safe of course, but about as safe as a trained dog you would say.

Talking about dogs. That's about how smart the creatures are in the first layer, in the second layer the creatures are sentient though. But peaceful and friendly towards humans so they don't need to go to the lower layers. But essentially the more violent and sentient a creature is. the lower level is where they are contained.

There are 9 layers in total if you also count the personnel spaces. but 7 of them are used for housing the variety of subjects that come in-

“Well, if you wouldn't mind we already have chosen the subject for you Doctor! We had intended to make you spend time with them regardless if you had quit or not. But we supposed it would be best if you spend some time with the fairies. Considering their love for humans and slight healing properties. It wouldn't be all that taxing, but since you worked with them you know how energetic they can be. So you’ll definitely have your hands full.”

Well, energetic is definitely not the only word Diavolo could have used to describe the fairies.

“Honestly I can't even believe Aera would even try talking to Thana during the midnight moon dance.”

“After that stunt they pulled on her? How back-handed can a fairy be, oh could you please pass me that flower-? Thank you.”

“You're welcome, but exactly! Did you also hear what one of the water nymphs did to that poor new employee-”

If you would have used any other words, then gossip would 100% be among them.

After even more days of losing your sanity from boredom, Diavolo personally escorted you to the fairy section and explained to them how you're going to be working with them for the time being.

The fairy section is unique since the fairies need organic nature to live. Thus their “cell” has been modified to resemble a fairy forest. Plants, trees and just greens littered everywhere they desired. Fairies too are regular visitors of the facility due to a variety of reasons. From being permanent stays because the fairy is exiled from their group, to having illnesses that the fairies themselves can't cure, so they temporarily stay with us. So their space is quite luscious and well-thought-out.

The stale and barren white walls of Levi’s cell entered your mind but you roughly pushed them aside.

The fairies were ecstatic to say the least. It's been only a few days but you would almost be able to call yourself a model. Every day they have successfully managed to intertwine a field's worth of flowers on top of your head. They made all kinds of jewellery for you with whatever flowers they could find. And they would get greatly offended if you didn't wear them the next day.

You feared the day the flower necklace would wither. They may only be the size of your forearm, but they have some sharp teeth.

The rest of you wasn’t spared either. They also put their version of make-up on you and if you had clothes on that exposed your hands, arms or legs they would draw patterns on them with this weird clay much to your dismay.

This was only after they smothered you with their “beauty routine” as you looked like sh*t (in your words) when you met them.

You can't lie, you are feeling a lot better physically than you have in a long time. Your skin hasn't felt this smooth since you were a baby. And Simeon’s extra appreciating glances in your direction when he visits are also not going unnoticed.

What's also trying to not get unnoticed is the pink and purple haired fairy in front of you. Her bright green eyes burning into yours

"Hey, human! When are you gonna tell us what injured you? You are trying to be all secretive about it but it's obviously a big one. No matter how much we spend coddling you, it's still hurting you a lot! Do I need to test my new traps on you to make you spill it?”

The bold fairy, what was her name again? Thirteen? She was insistent on not letting you know her real name. Was capturing everybody’s attention in the forest. So you tried your best to remove the attention off you.

“Are you really sure you're not actually a Fae? They are usually the mischievous ones.”

“Oi! Don't lump me with those crazy stuck-ups!”

The other fairies that were making braids into your hair also piped into the conversation.

“The Fae are psychos compared to our Thirteen! Do you know one of the tricks they use on humans? Swapping a human's young with that of a changeling? If the human doesn't fall into the trap and get their young back, the Fae just abandon the changeling! One of their own no less!”

“I agree, they are horrible creatures. I also don't get how some humans can't even recognize their young. They say changelings are quite gluttonous, and that they don't grow as fast as a human does.”

“The fair folk are only nice to humans when their name is taken! They are so mean, tsk tsk.”

Before long their little squabble became unknown to you as they slipped from the human tongue to their own bell-sounding language. All but one fairy. She’s been trying to get your attention back by digging her tiny yellow nails into your wrist, but you could barely feel the touch.

“You’re avoiding answering me! What happened that is so bad you can't tell us, dewdrop? Even though nobody asked us, we've been trying to heal that injury of yours. You’ve been more understanding and kinder to us than any other human here. It's only fair. ”

You could feel as at least a dozen eyes were staring you down, the pressure nearly made you spill it all immediately. But it wasn't until a small fairy the size of your hand landed on your knee, a child, spoke to you.

“Even if you don't tell us we still want to keep healing you! We want to thank you for being so nice to us when everybody else were being meanies.”

You couldn't keep it in anymore and let out a wet sob before trying to reel back in your emotions. But were powerless as a few silent tears streamed down your face. Powerless as his claws sliced through your skin-

“It was a work accident. Our newest subject broke free and injured me. I- I don't think he meant to do it on purpose but… I was so scared I thought I was going to die. I want to see him, to see how he is doing. It's been nearly two weeks since the accident. But… I don't think I can face him anytime soon.” I miss him.

Many other fairies rushed towards you when you started crying and the flapping of their butterfly wings would normally mesmerise you. But some of their purple wings reminded you of him and damnit don't start crying again-

“New subject? What happened to the other one?”

Other one?

Oh my god. The other one.

Hastily standing up from the tree stump you were sitting on you ignored the small bell-sounding shrieks from the fairies huddled around you. Your injury barely hurt anymore, the skin just felt uncomfortably stretched at best.

But you paid no mind to your body as you raced to pick up your work phone to make a call.

How could you forget??

“Hi. I'm really sorry to bother you Barbatos. But can I please ask for an immediate workplace transfer?”

“Greetings to you too, Warden. If this is about transferring back to your ongoing project, I'm afraid we must decline-”

“No- Not him. I'm asking for a temporary transfer to subject M-02.”

After all, you should always remember your first.

Chapter 11: Log-11


Your first is something, or somebody, that you can never quite forget. Even if they might be a pain in your ass.

This pain in particular is quite clingy. And somehow doesn't get what personal space is and that you don't like having feathers in your mouth.


I had quite a few ideas on what character should play what role within this story. but Mammon has always played the same part through it all. Even though I have written him before in a previous fic, as the main character no less! I was so nervous to write about him again. still, I enjoyed it quite a lot! I'm definitely striving for a different dynamic with our Lamb then the others have

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once you got the green light from the director you couldn't wait to work the next day. Your head has been so distracted with Simeon and Levi you forgot about your other best friend here in the facility.

The check-up with Raphael was awkward, to say the least. His sharp eyes cast harsh judgment when he hears you've been working already without notifying him. You nearly had to plead with the stoic man to give you the go-ahead so you could work with M-02.

The fairies' healing magic sped up the healing process of your injury significantly. There is severe scarring tissue on your torso that's still highly sensitive to the touch, so you prefer to keep the bandages on. Definitely not because you couldn't stomach the memory that you associate with the sight of the scars.

You also had permission to work in regular clothes instead of your work clothes. The shirt felt too restricting and caused you a small panic attack or two when you attempted to wear it. So now you're wearing some comfortable pants and a hoodie a size or two too large.

You had a pep in your step as you neared his room. Old claw scratches were scattered across the floor. They tried to fill them in, but how whiny he could be they gave up eventually.

The door was an older model, so you typed in the passcode before it could open. Revealing what nearly looked like a huge indoor zoo enclosure for monkeys.

The floor is made of a rough rock-like material. Large rubber balls and other toys laying around. Large boulders and tree logs were propped up, with thick ropes and nets hanging off them. Some wooden bridges connect the tree-like structures as if it were paths. While the room was wider than it was tall, falling from such heights would probably make somebody break or fracture a bone.

Regardless, you knew this place like the back of your hand. And this isn't where he would be this early in the morning. Walking all the way to the back of the room there was a big net horizontally hanging off two connecting walls. Blankets cover the entire thing, making it resemble a nest. And you wanted the birdie inside of it.

“Hey, sleepy head! It's already 9 am! Shouldn't it be time for you to wake up?”

A sluggish annoyed groan came from above and a pair of white wings drooped off the sides of the blanket nest, a matching tail revealed itself too. At last, two tanned arms and a mop of shaggy white hair with curled horns poked above the edge of the net.

“Can’t ya give a guy 5 more minutes? How can I be so great if I don't get my beauty rest?”

“Mammon if you don't drag your ass out of that nest, I'm climbing up there to do it for you.”

The harpy nearly fell off the net in his haste to jump upright.

Mammon's blue and golden eyes widen in his shock as he sees you. Immediately afterwards, he actually tumbles down, taking a hoard of blankets along. Sighing fondly you moved over to untangle him as the harpy was screeching unhappily, trying to get out.

Once he was freed he stood up straight on his bird-like lower legs. He too, like most other creatures, towered over you. But most definitely not the same way Levi does, more like a really really tall human.

Clearly, he was embarrassed and trying to hide it. But the way his tail was wagging rapidly behind him gave it away. His clawed hands clenched over and over as he kept looking at you up and down.

“I'll be the first to say it then. I missed you too Mammon, sorry for being away for so long.”

Not a moment later you felt the way your feet had left the ground and somehow he managed to pick you up and lift you into his weird nest thing. Plopping you down in the middle of it while he perched himself on the edge of the nest.

“Wh- What are you talking about?? Of course, the great Mammon would never miss a human! It's also like I wasn't worried sick with how you and Simeon suddenly stopped visiting every week and I most definitely haven't been feeling lonely. I'm just placing you here where such a fragile human like you won't hurt yourself.”

You let out a snort at the blatant lie but opened your arms regardless. The large creature looked conflicted at first before head diving into the hug, nuzzling his face into the left side of your neck. It felt like a horse collapsed on top of you with how heavy he was.

Still, you smiled as you ran your fingers through his silken hair, paying extra attention to the little white feathers you knew were hiding in it. He deserved some special love. You fought off a giggle when you heard a purr crawl up his throat. He's like a massive house cat with wings.

Mammon was the first project you worked on. Before him, all you did was some small maintenance on level one, or perhaps level two creatures.

After a disastrous first meeting, which is saying it lightly. You nursed him back to health and he has been inseparable from you ever since. He'll loudly mope about everything you do, but the moment another person shows the tiniest disrespect to you, he’ll jump them.

“I can't believe ya would just abandon me like that. Replace somebody as amazing as me the first moment a new creature comes in. Psh.”

Giving his hair a rough ruffle he looked up and puffed up his cheeks to show his displeasure.

“When the new creature was found they immediately warned me I might need to take over the project. And you were there when they told us. And then I warned you I might get to see you less in the beginning stage. As we are still warming up to one another. I would never abandon you, my Mammoney.”

A faint blush covered his face before he suddenly moved away and started to rearrange the nest. Aw, he felt embarrassed again. You could barely hear his voice above the purring he was unconsciously doing.

“What does this stupid creature have that I don't huh?”

“Well for one, he’s probably like 5 times your height. He also has a really cool tail-”

At the second remark, he lightly hit you with the tuft of his own tail. Unfortunately, it was your recently healed side. Even though the hit was lighthearted at best it still made pain bloom across your stomach and you couldn't help the small pained cry you let out. You attempted to muffle it with your hand but it was too late.

Mammon immediately froze. His previously dilated pupils turned into slits as he observed you.

Hesitantly you shifted in the nest while letting your hands awkwardly hover in front of your stomach. You debated it for a few seconds but you knew there would be no keeping secrets from Mammon. So you opened your arms to him once again while getting more comfortable on the blankets.

He slowly crawled forwards as if you were a scared little animal. His movements would have resembled a hunting predator if you didn't know him better. His large hand gently pulled your hoodie up and his gaze landed on the bandages.

His questioning face looked at you while one of his nails tugged at the top of the bandage. You nodded to tell him he could continue and he gently cut open the offending fabric. You had your eyes focused on the ceiling to avoid looking at him, but you couldn't avoid hearing the sharp inhale of air.

You dared to take a glance at Mammon and he was hyperfocused on the three jagged scars that ran along your stomach and waist. His fingertips danced featherlight across your skin in a disbelieving way, and it sent shivers up your spine. Without taking his eyes off you he asked you a question.

“Who did this to you.”

You haven't heard him growl like that in a long time. His voice had dropped a few octaves in his anger and you couldn’t suppress an instinctual flinch. Which also didn't go unnoticed by him with the way he was frowning and lowering his growl.

“This is the reason I'm going to take care of you again for the foreseeable future. Even though I have mostly physically healed, I'm afraid my mental state isn't too-”

“That wasn't what I asked ya.”

Huffing at his too-serious state, you started again. The way his feathers are puffed up means he wouldn't accept anything but the truth. You’re surprised his wings aren't rattling with how agitated he was. Not at you, never again.

"It was my new project. L-3V1_03. He was not restrained properly and I accidentally aggravated his wound and he unknowingly broke his bindings and attacked me.”

Mammon finally looked in your face again and boy he is pissed.

“If I ever meet that guy I will slowly tear him to shreds and eat him from top to bottom and then crap on his remaining corpse. I will make that f*cker pay for hurting you-”

woahwoah, wait. We will not be killing anyone! And like I said it was an accident he surely didn't mean to. In fact, I will be working with him again after I fully recover. But in the meantime, I really wanted to be with my favourite harpy during these tough times.”

Your attempt at defusing the situation worked when you saw how he brightened up at your praise. He gloated for a second before becoming flustered again and pulling your hoodie down.

“W-Well of course! Who wouldn't wanna spend time with the Great Mammon? I'm the strongest creature to exist. And I'll make sure no pathetic low-ranking creature, like that L0-whatever-his name-is could ever lay their nasty hands on ya! I'm so kind I ain't even gonna ask for anything in return.”

He went on stroking his own ego for a bit and you let him while you just laid down in the nest. You hoped you could relax a bit now that you didn't have two dozen fairies hovering around you. But alas, you forgot about your massive protective cat-harpy.

Said harpy is now nuzzled against your side after he was done gloating, one of his large wings draped over you. It's clear he wants to push further, but he has also known you long enough to not press.

“I also want to ask you some things Mammon. Your and his situation are quite similar. What made you more comfortable and relaxed here? I know the enrichment with the ropes and other stuff helped you with cabinet fever. But since L-03 is still unpredictable and classified as dangerous we can't give him special privileges yet. But I still want him to feel more… safe? Here too. Since he’s going to stay here for a while."

His purring had quietly started up again as he laid next to you. He was definitely mulling it over.

“Well, what kinda creature is he anyway? I only know he has a tail.”

“Oh, uh.. he’s a type of Leviathan and Merperson combined I guess? We don't have any records that display a similar creature. He’s quite large. Just his torso is as big as my entire body.”

You couldn't help but notice how he tensed up for a split second when you said Leviathan. wanting to ask more on the subject, but unfortunately he beat you to speaking.

“Well, being larger than you ain't difficult in the slightest. Ya are a tiny human after all, a pretty little snack. I could probably gobble you up in one bite if I wanted to.”

With a faux insulted expression you shoved him away at his shoulder as he loudly laughed, clutching his belly.

“It's not my fault all you mystical creatures are either tiny or huge compared to humans! My size is perfect as it is, just because you are bigger than me doesn't make me tiny.”

“You're probably a guppy next to him.”

“Now you're just bullying me, you feathery ass.”

With a smirk, he displayed his sharper-than-average teeth to you. Completely unphased you sat there waiting for his comeback he no-doubt had. Yet despite the current levitation, he dragged your ass into the floor.

“Hm, perhaps a guppy isn't the best way to describe you. What does your mate always call you? His little lamb. Right?”

Suddenly your heart jumped to your throat and it became a little harder to breathe. The ring around your finger felt like it burned.

“For the last time. Simeon is not my ‘mate’. He is my best friend. There isn't anything between us.” Not anymore at least.

Suddenly Mammon was way too close and started sniffing your hair.

“Don't pretend I'm stupid. I can smell how some days his scent clings to yours like a second skin. How there are little marks scattered across both your necks when you still worked with me. And like right now-”

You blinked twice and Mammon was somehow holding the small golden ring, how’d he get that so fast?! He was admiring it like it was a special treasure. And with that glint in his eyes, you were not sure if he could part with it now it was in his grasp.

“-You're wearing his sign. I'm not the best with human courting rituals, but I'm pretty certain only mates have things like this. From what I learnt from other employees that work here, at least.”

“Mammon give that back-!” Hopelessly you tried to reach for the ring but it was useless, he was bigger and faster than you.

“Not unless you tell me what the hell is going on.”

The jackass jumped off the little platform that the net created and was balancing on one of the tree logs closest to the nest.

“Mammon what happened between us is kinda difficult to explain. But yes we were ‘mates’ but not anymore- And it's a little messy right now. Just don't worry about that, but I really want that ring back. It's very important to me!”

Mammon, while you know he was listening, was completely ignoring you. Instead deciding to parkour through the room instead. You’re aware there is a ladder made of rope to the side of the nest. But both of you know you wouldn't be able to go down on that without risking your injury tearing.

You sighed and accepted your fate of being stuck until he was done jumping around and taunting you. While you face-planted in the middle of the nest, there was a small sprout of anger inside of you. But you pushed the nasty weed back down. From what he told you, his species mated for life. So a break-up is probably a foreign concept to him.

As you were wallowing in your regrets for transferring you felt the net dip as Mammon returned to the nest. You didn't look up as you felt him move closer to you.

You decided to stay as still as you could to see what he’d do.

To your surprise, he gently tugged on the neck of your hoodie exposing your left shoulder. You were quite frankly confused as to what he was doing until he lightly grazed his knuckles in an oval-shaped pattern across your shoulder. Ah.

Levi definitely didn't give you your first scar. Where Mammon was touching you there was a bite mark that dug deep. A teeth pattern that just so happens to align with his. You didn't need to see his face to know it was probably laced with guilt.

In the span of two years, he apologised for this more times than you can count. At the time he didn't know humans were so fragile and squishy compared to him. You’ve long forgiven him of course, not that he has forgiven himself.

It probably shouldn't be a fond memory, the day you met Mammon. But as you reminisced about it, you couldn't help but feel like it was yesterday when you confronted a scared, hurt and feral Mammon.


If you guys have any ideas or desires of what you potentially like to read or perhaps explore within this story, you can leave that in the comments at any time! I have a lot pre-written, but I can definitely shove some things to the side or add a little extra hehe

Also! Hold on to your seatbelts because the next chapter is going to be one hell of a ride.

Chapter 12: M0_/2


This chapter is pretty much

Mammon trying to bond with the odd, squirmy, clearly terrified human: :3

Lamb (internally): "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!? IS HE GOING TO EAT ME? I am never going to make it out here alive, tell Simeon I love him."

Mammon to himself: "I am so great at this, the human is already attached to me. No wonder I'm Lucifer's most trusted man, I'm amazing at whatever I set my mind to."

TW// VERY graphic descriptions of violence, death and gore. non-descriptive nausea. Mild cannibalism? (not really?? but a human leg gets eaten by a non-human). Authority abuse, medical inaccuracies, needles, hostages, please check the tags again


Despite the absolutely horrific summary, I really enjoyed writing this! I can finally write another personality in the story, really refreshing :")
Also, I inform you that this chapter is 7000+ words long! The majority of my chapters are around 2k~ words, so this is triple the usual amount. So strap in this is a longer one!

Ps, one of my commenters asked if I could share art of what the boys look like in this story. At the end, I have some drawings if you want to look :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

>“Duncan Walters please immediately relocate to site 9, your assistance is needed.”<

Disgusting chewing noises came from the creatures in front of you as they were chewing on the pieces of meat that you gave them. The way the three creatures were devouring it like it was made of cake made you feel a little disgruntled. The behaviour was nearly unrecognisable compared to the three creatures that were hugging your legs and hoping for pets just moments earlier.

The young Hirikkas are usually a skittish bunch with their large yellow eyes and big ears. But right now it's you that is restlessly walking around the room. Intentionally feeding the thickly furred creatures more than you are supposed to.

Anything to keep your mind off the names that are being called upon through the speakers. At first you didn't think much of it, names are always being called through the speakers after all. While at the beginning all the names were unfamiliar to you, you’ve started hearing names that you’ve heard before.

>”Rose Hugues please immediately relocate to site 9, your assistance is needed.”<

You put on special gloves and re-check your mask to make sure it's properly in place. Grabbing some towels, you wet them and signal for the creatures to come to you. Cleaning their muzzles free from blood and gunk one by one. Picking out some leftover meat that's stuck in their fur.

Their saliva and mucus are poisonous to humans so you dispose of everything that their spit could have touched. This subject is quite easy to take care of, thankfully. With a lot of the creatures you still have to check manuals on how to safely take care of them.

Make sure the Hirikkas are always fed properly, they get extremely aggravated and feral when they feel hungry. Play with them and give some affectionate pets to the cubs and make sure to clean everything.

Seriously. 80% of your job is just cleaning. You would be surprised just how much each subject under your care sh*ts, vomits, pees, and just whatever by-product their body produces, on a daily basis.

>”Matthew Williams please immediately relocate to site 9, your assistance is needed.”<

It was already late noon and your shift was almost over. You still had to do your nightly duties before you could go home. As you were wrapping up you couldn't help but recognize that last name too. It was a mild-mannered man you have seen in the cafeteria every now and then.

Dread was crawling up your spine, you wish Simeon was here to comfort you. Giving the Hirikka’s pups some more cuddles and hugs for the last time you exited the cell and went to decontaminate yourself in a separate room on this site.

The last on the list were the Mandrakes. On the outside, they looked like regular plants or flowers, but their roots looked suspiciously like humans. They are quite friendly as long as you don't invoke their wrath. If you do, they might scream and they have the capability to make your eardrums explode with their voice.

You put on your sound-cancelling headset and entered the room. Heads of all sizes popped up from various flowerpots. Curiously looking at you as if you haven't been working here for the past three months. The braver and much younger mandrakes were playing on the floor, chasing each other or other various games they came up with. The thin layer of dirt crunched beneath your shoes as you walked to a special separated section of the room.

>”Ellie Ferrell please immediately relocate to site 9, your assistance is needed.”<

Unfortunately the intercoms were connected to the headsets, in case communication is needed.

You opened the huge sack of fertiliser and grabbed small biodegradable bags and started filling them with the fertiliser. Once the bags were filled you threw them in the bucket next to you.

Once the bags were the same number of mandrakes in the room, 32 , you picked up the bucket and walked around, distributing the bags to the Madrakes.

While a majority of the subjects in this room are young, there are also some older mandrakes. And those who bear fruit, vegetables or flowers gratefully give you one for the fertiliser. Even if you decline, saying it's not necessary, they insist. So when you're done distributing you have half a bucket with fruit and veggies. And in your hand a fistfull of flowers

You can't eat them of course, you have to turn them in for data collection, but you still told them your appreciation.

You were busy watering the mandrakes when you finally heard the dreaded message.

>” ████ ███, please immediately relocate to site 9, your assistance is needed.”<

That was your name. They called for you.

Nearly dropping the watering can, you rush over to clean up everything before readying yourself to go to the dreaded site 9.

You’ve only heard hushed whispers of it in the cafeteria. The site was empty, reserved only for the most dangerous and violent creatures this facility had to offer. So far there had been none on a level that extreme. Until now apparently.

Were you even allowed to go that far down? You're pretty certain you only had clearance to go to the first three sites. Maybe you’ll get a pass since it's an emergency? What would they even need your assistance for?? You just started working here!

Running you went to the elevator room and there were two security personnel waiting at the corner. You couldn't see their faces, black masks covering everything. But they were waiting for you as they nudged their heads for you to enter the elevator.

The two people were like statues as they silently stood side by side next to you. While you were faring much worse. Just from the anxiety of the unknown, you started to sweat immensely and there was a certain shake in your legs you couldn't quite hide.

You watched as you went past the numbers you have never seen before. The ride down was over much too quickly and the two security walked forwards and you cluelessly followed behind them.

Surprisingly the corridors here didn't look too different from the ones you are slowly starting to get used to. Just a lot dirtier. You could see how the dusty floor had fresh footprints and how near the ceiling there were old and new spiderwebs loitered around.

You entered a room and nearly began coughing with the amount of dust in the air. Looking at the desks and chairs it resembled a break room that was abandoned long ago, with how here too there was a ridiculous amount of dust and spiderwebs.

Some of the desks are shoved together and you can see papers, laptops and other electronics scattered around on them. With a bunch of very distressed-looking people around them.

When one of the guards announced you were here one person immediately turned around. The one that looked the most in disarray. Her hair was escaping from the hair clip she had put into it. Wild strands sticking out on all sides.

While her surprisingly pretty face held an inch of panic, once she met your very confused face her expression almost became uninterested and bored. She shouted some orders at the other personnel and before you knew you were being dragged away by the woman.

You would have said some sort of protest if you wouldn't have seen the badge around her neck. Maddie, she’s one of the big ones looking at the level on her identity badge. You really can't afford to be blunt with her if you want to keep working here.

As she was pulling you along she started explaining.. something to you. It was way too quick and you could barely catch anything. She probably asked you something, but you didn't respond since she stopped and was looking at you, waiting for an answer.

“I uhm… Did not catch that ma’am..?

“I asked if you know how to handle a gun.”


When you tentatively told her no she just rolled her eyes and continued dragging you to lord knows where. Telling you it's pretty self-explanatory. And it isn't much of a gun anyways.

That just leaves you more confused!

You arrived in front of a large iron door, absolutely barricaded with security. You immediately understood why as a muffled but loud growl sounded from within the room, almost immediately followed by a feminine ear-piercing scream.

You had to roughly swallow a gulp of saliva as your mouth immediately dried up from the fear. As you turned to anyone for an answer you felt something being roughly pushed in your hands. A tranquiliser gun. The weight being surprisingly little.

“You don't even need to do much. Just aim this at the thing, and shoot. It will probably be a bit pissed at you, but as long as you keep your distance you should be okay.”

A security person grabbed you by the shoulder and faced you to the door. In your panic, you turned around again but were met with an unseeing black mask and the voice of the woman that led you here.

“Oh, and try your best to not look at anything inside the room. The smell also won't be the prettiest I bet.”

Christ did she underestimate everything in that sentence.

The doors opened just enough for them to push you into the cell before they shut again. You couldn't take in one last breath of air before the smell hit.

You couldn't decide what was worse, the odour of blood, faeces, urine and whatever the hell the rest is. It all screamed death. The stench forced your eyes closed as they began to tear up at the scent that stinged. So you immediately forced them open by the unseen threat was somewhere in this room.

Only to meet a red-stained door, claw marks grated deep in the metal as if something was tried to get out. Something big that tried to get out.

At the sound of a muffled sob, you sharply scrambled around with the tranq gun aimed and ready. Only to freeze.

There was a monster with a pair of huge wings in the middle of the room. Standing on its hind legs that resembled that of an owl. You couldn't see much since its back was facing you. What was crystal clear to your eyes was the person it was holding in its hand.

Specifically, it was holding the person by their head in its hand. Where the muffled sobbing and screaming were coming from. You assumed it was the woman called in earlier, screaming earlier. Her nails were uselessly scratching at the creature’s hand that nearly enveloped her entire head.

You let your eyes wander through the rest of the room for a few seconds before setting them on the pair instead. There were mauled bodies everywhere. Most were at least missing two more limbs, if they even still had some. Organs were spread around, on the floor, the walls. Despite the higher-than-average ceiling, the gore reached there too.

Bodies upon bodies littered the floor. Most were unrecognisable as they were assumedly ripped to shreds or straight-up squashed. And despite all this, there were still some bodies slightly twitching on the floor.

You must have made some sound of horror as the creature’s face snapped to you. While it was some distance away from you, its golden eyes were impossible to miss as crimson seemed to cover the entirety of its body. Its mouth was open and heaving severely as blood dripped out of it.

Nothing could have prepared you as the most sickening crack and crunch came from the woman's head before she went limp inside the creature's hand.

Vomit immediately shot up your throat but you roughly swallowed it down. You couldn't be vulnerable when its eyes had not left yours for a second. Your breathing had long ago sped up and you had trouble keeping a firm grip on the gun because your skin was so clammy from the fear- The gun!

Just as you made the realisation that you still had the tranquilliser in your grasp, so did the creature. As its gaze left you to stare at the gun for a few seconds. It nonchalantly dropped the woman's headless body to the floor and the growl you heard earlier erupted from its throat. Its feathers rattled against one another as a dangerous display.

There’s no way you’ll make it out of here alive. Those people outside should have known too. All those names you heard being called today, those are the people on the floor. Matthew is most likely an unrecognisable puddle here too now. And you're next. Did all those people have guns too?

You wanted to check the floor for metal to confirm, but your gaze was resolutely glued stuck on the monster in front of you. Especially as it slowly stalked forwards to you.

And at once your self-preservation evaporated.

“Hello, hi, uhm. So. This might seem really bad. But, I,, uhm-”

The monster actually seemed surprised at your word vomiting for a whole 2 seconds before it was moving again. Eyes now focused on the gun.

"Oh, uh, this? D-Don't worry about it, I don't know why I'm still holding it. See- See I'm gonna throw it away now.”

And you actually did. You have no clue why, but you moved the gun to your right hand and attempted to throw it as far from you as you could. When you initially moved the gun the monster looked ready to jump you, but as it landed with a wet squelch somewhere it stilled.

f*ck. Why did you do that?? That was your only line of defence and you just threw it away! Not that it would do anything you desperately assumed. What would one singlair dart do to a creature that big?

“I... I don't know what I am doing here. They kind of shoved me inside of here with that thing. And I’d rather leave b- but, I'm afraid they won't let me.”

The monster carefully tracked where the gun was on the floor and back to you where you pleadingly held your hands in the air. Voice becoming weaker and weaker.

“I probably messed up real bad in their eyes. But I can't do this.”

You were so close on the verge of a mental meltdown you're surprised you haven't started crying yet. Wait, no, tears were already steadily streaming down your face.

And you couldn't hide the terrified hiccup you let out as once again the creature shifted towards you. There was definitely still a growl coming out of its throat but it had quieted down significantly.

Which made the sound of the creature walking all over the corpses even louder in the room. The wet and cracking noises of bones snapping and meat being squished making your skin crawl all over. Especially when you saw it step on a man's back and it straight up snapped in half.

“P-please, I just- I just wanna go home.”

It gave you a look of “shut the f*ck up” with its surprisingly humanoid face and you clang your mouth shut.

It was nearly standing in front of you now and you couldn't bear to keep your eyes open anymore and closed them. With the creature so close to you it reeked of death with the sound of fresh blood still dripping off of it.

You could feel it's disgusting breath on your face and every inch of you was screaming to run away. But there was nowhere to run. All you had was a door behind you that you knew wouldn't open. And an omen of death in front of you, that will most likely tear your throat out if you even moved an inch.

“Please don't kill me. A-and if you do, please make it quick.”

Its breath had moved from your face to your left. The only thing separating the two of you was the work shirt you were wearing. And as you nearly started praying, a dull pain came from your shoulder. No second later you felt how its teeth had sunk deep in your shoulder. Pain blooming from where he bit and flowing throughout your whole body

You cried out in pain but there was nothing else you could do but stand there. Your back was pressed against the door and you already knew if you pushed the creature away it was death regardless.

You dug your hands into your side as you cried. This was it, this was the end. You wished you could have told Simeon you loved him one last time-

You were being moved.

At first, you couldn't feel it, the feeling of the creature's hand on the back of your neck, leading you away from the door. You whimpered out in pain as you stumbled over the bodies of your coworkers, which agitated the rapidly bleeding wound in the crook of your neck.

You were put in a corner at the very edge of the room. And you leaned ungracefully against the rounded corner. One hand pressing against the injury. You don't know why it is procrastinating on killing you, but you wished it didn't torture you beforehand.

As you had your focus solely on the monster again you saw how it was moving the corpses away in a half circle around you. As if it was cleaning the place. They deemed it done when it had a shockingly disgusting wall of corpse remains in a very wide area away from you. If you ignored the blood that stained everything you could almost pretend they aren't even there.

With your heart beating so harshly it nearly leapt out of your mouth you tried your best to sneak off. But you didn't even get to take a full step before the monster turned around and gave you the “don't you dare move” glare. Not even a growl accompanying it, the silent threat was enough.

You resigned to your fate and sank to your knees. The slight blood loss was making your head dizzier by the minute. You hoped it wasn't fatal, but you can't be sure anymore with everything stained crimson. Including you now.

With the fact you were working all day since the early morning, and it's probably around midnight now, you should be exhausted. But with the deadly co*cktail fix of adrenaline and fear your eyes were wide open taking in every movement of the creature.

The majority of its body was covered in blood, but its wings were almost a brighter white than the room you both were in. Still, you couldn't help but see all the dust and dirt on the outer layer. You swore you could even see sticks and leaves. Did the creature recently transfer in?

Oh God, they really put you in here with a fully feral subject to let you die.

The thought alone nearly made you vomit. But you tried to ignore it by taking a proper look at the monster again. It was tough to see but the creature was surprisingly humanoid.

Its head, torso and arms were fully human, with the skin being sienna coloured through the blood. Beyond that, there wasn't a lot of human any more.

The biggest hint was the pair of feathery wings on its back, a long tufted tail protruding from where our tailbone would be. At last on its head, you could also notice two black spiralling horns pointing out. And the owl legs didn't feel like a correct description anymore. But you wouldn't know how else to describe it beyond bird-like. Even the clicking and whistling sounds it kept making sounded bird-like.

You would be fascinated by the creature if it wasn't still building a small bump of human corpses. At once as if it noticed your staring it looked back at you. You held your breath as it started approaching you again. You couldn't shrink into something smaller since you were already kneeling on the floor.

Luckily for you all it did was sniff the air around you when it was close and then started patrolling? The circle. Okay. Yea, you could deal with that.

Despite the horrid odour and the blinding artificial lights above you, drowsiness started taking hold of you. And before you knew it you had drifted off.


The next day wasn't a lot better. You woke up in complete silence from a dreamless sleep. You tried to move but your entire body was sore and in pain. With your shirt awkwardly sticking to your skin in odd places.

After remembering what happened you saw how the creature had its back facing you once again while it sat on the floor. Its wings were spread as if to hide you from view. The long tail with a fluffy tuft slowly sliding from side to side.

The room was darkened but still dim enough to see a little. The corpses had been shoved away even further and you were glad with the darkness you couldn't see anything beyond dark blobs.

Perhaps you unconsciously groaned from your sore body because the creature turned towards you. Appearance crystal clear through the little distance there was between you.


“Hi um, G-Good morning?”

Ah, it's squinting its eyes at you, that can't be good. Now that you're focused on its eyes, they weren't as golden as you thought. Majority of it was a slightly darker shade of blue, and only some splashes of yellow were lower on the iris. Its slitted pupils were still dead focused on you.

You wanted to say anything, for what reason you didn't know, perhaps fill the deafening silence.

Your choice was stolen from you as it slowly crept forwards on its hind legs. You were already sprawled on the floor in a corner so you couldn't make yourself smaller even if you wanted to. You could only press your back harder against the wall and close your eyes.

You weren't sure what to expect but to hear the creature sniffing you again wasn't it. Its face was nearly in your hair as it was smelling you. Sitting frozen in surprise you opened one eye to glance around. It was practically laying on the ground to meet your height.

Despite the unexpected situation, your heartbeat was getting faster and your breaths became a lot more audible as time slowly progressed.

At last, the creature travelled, sniffing and all, from your hair to your neck and settled near your shoulder. It made the weirdest noise in the back of its throat you wouldn't even begin to describe. You didn't get time to ponder as its teeth started pulling at the rim of your shirt.

Forgetting who you were with for a second, you pushed the face away from you. Letting a slightly offended shriek before realising what you did.

You and the monster stared at one another while the air in your lungs were stuck.

The creature huffed and reached towards your shoulder again and you instinctively moved right with a squeak to avoid the pain that came when anything touched your left shoulder.

You were now half-laying against the wall and floor and the monster looked horribly amused.

You tried your best to move even further away while its mood seemed to not be aggressive. Slowly sliding to and across the floor to create some distance. It was useless of course. You barely were a few centimetres out of its grasp before it took a step and caged you in.

It was standing above you with its sharp talons on either side of you, and suddenly it dawned. The creature is a harpy.

You know enough about them through mythology, but in the facility’s beastiary there has been no concrete information. This must be the first time the facility is housing one of them.

The creature has bent at the waist and is nearly grinning at you from above with its sharp teeth. A quiet rumble coming from their chest. But the way their pupils had dilated to a regular size was not easily missed from the proximity.

Harpies are incredibly playful and mischievous around humans, or so the tale goes. They love shiny things and have a very strong sense of community. Thus, they should be dubbed as social creatures, like humans are.

Of course, they're not gonna fare well when shoved into an unfamiliar room and then also throwing in a bunch of humans! If you make it out alive here you're giving whoever's idea this was the scolding of a lifetime.

You put the lightest of pressure on one of your feet to slide away a little more and the harpy hopped forwards and put one of their own feet on your coat. Immediately regretting your aesthetic choices the harpy hovered close above your body. It was clear they won whatever game they thought you were playing and promptly shoved their face in your neck again.

You fidgeted in its grasp but with a low growl in its throat, you stopped. Right. Still a deadly creature with a high kill count.

Now having free access to your neck it pulled away the rim of your blood-caked shirt, apparently it couldn't move enough as it easily tore a small part off. You couldn't quite complain since they probably couldn't understand clothing rules, but what use does dignity have here?

The feeling of a rough cat-like tongue swiped across where you know the bite mark is. The wound horribly stung from where they were touching it and you hissed from the pain.

They rub their head against yours every time you react with pain as if to comfort you. You don't know how long you laid on the floor with the harpy licking your injury until it was satisfied with its job. You really tried your best to not think about the potential diseases they could have given you with their tongue.

They finally slightly escaped your personal bubble to stare at you expectantly.

“Wel.. Thank you..?

The harpy absolutely preened with your little praise. Puffing out their wings, you could also faintly hear the thumping of the tail.

You laughed under your breath at the ridiculousness of the situation. It was like a giant cat.

You couldn't enjoy the moment of a truce for long. The overhead lights turned on to their previous brightness. Making you squint painfully from the harsh transition, even with the creature blocking most of the light with their body.

Suddenly the harpy practically laid down on you, with a growl so threatening it shook you to the core. You also quickly realised it wasn't directed at you, as you could hear a sound you rather would have heard a day ago.

You have never been so scared of a door opening as when you do now. While the harpy was pinning you down, you just barely had enough wiggle room to turn to your stomach and see whoever was in the door opening if you looked over at the… flesh wall. It was the same woman from yesterday.

The harpy’s growl increased tenfold at her appearance. And you're feeling lucky both of you were on opposite sides of the room. Although no doubt the sound was crystal clear on her end with how the growl vibrated through your body.

But the thing that terrified you was when you saw the familiar face of Simeon appear in the door opening too. It earned you a side glance from the harpy when you gasped out loud.

Two extra pairs of eyes landed on you miraculously enough and neither could hide their surprise and horror respectively.

You knew Simeon would have bolted into the room if two security guards wouldn't have held him back. The two humans said things to one other but you would never be able to hear it above the still growling harpy above you.

Still, the overwhelming fear that coursed through your veins at the thought of Simeon entering this room of death made you throw all caution out the window. While your fate is uncertain, his isn't.

“Simeon! Don't you dare enter this room! If you do and we both make it out alive I'll kick your ass so hard you'll fly into the sun!”

Your little outburst spooked all three others, with the harpy even stopping for a moment to... Snort? Did it seriously laugh at you? Before they continued to growl, although at a slightly lesser volume.

All the way across the room Simeon made an obvious “no way” sign at you. But the woman somehow convinced him to not run inside and die. And you hated her a little less for that.

The door closed again with little fanfare and you two were alone again. Eventually, the growling stopped and the rumbling sound returned. The harpy lifted itself off you and they started nudging you back to the original corner with their head.

Slightly numb you allowed it.

The rest of the day mindlessly passes for you. The harpy is very intent on you staying in the corner and you made no complaints. The creature could absolutely not sit still though. It looked like it was constantly patrolling the room. Occasionally moving around the corpses that were still laying around. It surprised you how quickly you became numb to your dead colleagues.

One thing that you did realise was how the harpy cleaned themselves at some point in the night. They weren't as blood-soaked as when you saw them first. Particularly on their backside most of the dirt was still stuck, but that must be a rough place to reach.

Not that you could do a lot. So with an increasingly hungry stomach and dry mouth, you fell asleep when the lights dimmed again


On the third day, or night? You woke yourself up with a nightmare. You can't remember what happened in the dream, the moment you woke up it slipped through your mind like sand. Only recalling vague feelings.

You anticipated the harpy to be staring as they always seem to be. But once again you were met with their backs in the darkness. It seemed to try to touch something near their wings. But it just wasn't possible.

Perhaps with the leftover adrenaline from waking yourself up you slowly crawled forwards to the creature. When you would be a few steps away you hesitantly asked.

“Can.. Can I help you perhaps? Maybe I can reach it easier.”

The harpy was so busy it apparently didn't notice that you woke up and were so close, since they turned around with a growl. You flinched back but when you met their gaze the growl immediately stopped.

It seemed to observe you quietly as it walked around you like a shark hunting its prey. You apparently passed the test when the harpy quietly settled in front of you. You had to stand up to be able to reach his back, and when you did their tail gently wrapped around your legs.

The huge wings were spread out far. Giving you a good view of them, but surprisingly enough that wasn't what captured your attention

Their back was absolutely littered with tranq darts. Through the filthy fur, the red plumes nearly blended in. They have been living with this for three days?!

Softly you placed your hand on the fur, to let the harpy know where you were. Their body twitched and the tail around you tightened for a second but there were no further signs.

One by one you removed each dart and with each one your heart broke a little more. Every now and then you tenderly ran your fingers through the matted fur to try to detangle it or rub the exposed skin the creature had to comfort it through the painful removal of the darts.

When you threw the last dart on the floor you could see the harpy visibly relax. Your hands felt and were dirty with all the gunk on them now. You tried to wipe it off on your shirt. But oh yea, the old blood was flaking off it. You settled with the gross hands then.

Well, now that they were yucky regardless…

Carefully you laid your hands on their back again and began carding through the fur. And to your amusem*nt, the harpy nearly melted into a puddle beneath you. You swore you could hear something akin to a purr but the sound kept being audibly swallowed back.

Eventually, your exhaustion came back from wherever it went and your movements slowed down significantly. Apparently, the creature noticed and turned around just to nudge you back to the corner. Unluckily for them, you were too tired and just sank to your knees and then laid on the floor where you stood.

Your eyes slipped closed before you knew but the feeling of something nearly overwhelmingly warm settling around you was unmistakable. What is also impossible to miss is the sound of a very masculine voice speaking above your head.

“Thank ya for that. Couldn't have done that on my own.”

The rest of the third day not much happened. The door opened a few times and successfully the harpy blocked you from view and with the loud growling it blocked any communication you could have heard.

What you did notice every time was that there were just a little less corpses on the floor. So he did allow the humans in as long as they didn't get close. Since they were removing the bodies out of the room.

What you could appreciate was when he brought back a few water bottles. They didn't just throw him in this room apparently, but were also working on something before havoc broke loose. And your best guess was the harpy himself.

Back when you were removing the darts you couldn't help but notice how he was actually horribly injured. Small and big gashed all across his body. And the bruises are even worse. He fought something before being found by the facility, that's for sure. But what could have injured him so badly if two dozen darts barely had an effect?

You slowly drank the offered water, to not upset your stomach. Now that your thirst was quenched the hunger became a lot harder to ignore.

It was clear early on he had some understanding of English since he seems to respond when you say things. Since he somehow found water you tried asking him if he found any food. And you clearly had to specify what type of food. He nearly made you throw up the precious water you just drank.

He plucked a leg off one of the corpses in the room and proudly presented it to you like a cat that just caught a mouse. You couldn't help but gag a little at the sight and promptly explained why you would NOT eat a human leg.

“Well, your loss then.”

Your fascination that he could actually speak a second time was overshadowed by the fact he straight-up dug into the leg and started eating it. His sharp teeth cut and crushed bone like it was nothing. And that you had those teeth in your shoulder a few days ago did not help with the lingering nausea swirling around.

To your dread, the leg did not satisfy him and he hunted around the room of bodies to occasionally snack on somebody.

You just curled up in the corner and covered your ears to block out the sounds he was making while eating.


Another two days went past and the harpy became a lot more forgiving and… touchy on the fifth day. It was now nearly constantly rubbing your body with his head or lightly tapping you with his tail. Once he nearly knocked you over with his wings.

He also allowed you to roam around the room, at first only in the messed up circle he created in the corner. But he also allowed you to walk around the whole room now, not close to the door. But it gave you something to do.

If you came across any bodies the staff hadn't picked up and still had their head you closed the eyes for them. Ignoring the bloated and even more foul-smelling bodies as the days passed. Feeling relieved that the flies hadn't found this place yet.

One blessing you were granted was that on this day they placed a small tray in the middle of the room, as far as the harpy allowed the others to come. When they left he was the first to investigate the tray. And you nearly cried when you saw it had proper food on it.

When the food was within your grasp you fought off every instinct to shove it in your mouth. And instead ate slowly so as to not upset your starving stomach.

In your desperation for anything edible, you nearly didn't notice the little earpiece hidden between the food. You grabbed it all and willingly walked back to your corner. Pleasing the harpy who was patrolling the room again. You put in the ear pierce and it immediately connected to the others outside the room.

It had become a habit of yours to talk out loud in the otherwise silent room. Beyond the two times that the harpy spoke, he just communicated with growls and purrs. And the very occasional clicking sound.

But he didn't seem bothered in the slightest when you spoke to yourself. So while you were slowly chewing the food it went unnoticed as you spoke with the people outside the room.

You told them everything that happened while you were being held hostage. And that no, he didn't allow you to come close to the door, you tried. But most importantly you told them how you are actually safe, and beyond the first few hours he hadn't shown any aggression towards you.

It did scare you half to death when you heard your boss’s voice through the mic in your ear. But there is definitely a bigger danger around you right now. They told you how they are trying everything to get you safely out, and that you just have to hang there for a little longer. Great. You love being surrounded by dead people and a slightly homicidal harpy.


On the sixth day, you found something particular. The gun you threw away that first day. You glanced around but the harpy was busy sniffing something in the other side of the room so you quickly bent down and put one of the darts in the pocket of your coat.

When you found the other used and discarded darts later on you noticed most of them were half full or didn't even release properly. The creature’s skin was way too thick where most of the darts had hit.

So perhaps if you could get him in a vulnerable spot…

The rest of the day you acted like all the other days, and he noticed nothing.


It was a weird day on the seventh day. He placed you to stand behind him while he sat on the floor. You thought he wanted to kind of comb his fur again but when you did so, he huffed and fluttered his wings impatiently. Expectation shined in his eyes.

“I.. don't know how to preen wings. If that's what you want from me.”

He cuffed at you as if you were an annoying child. You wanted to point out the lack of wings on humans but paused when you saw that he was actually demonstrating how to do it on some of the more easily accessible parts of his wings.

Only now realising most of his wings were shiny white again. But the back remained filthy, where he couldn't reach.

You tried your best to follow the movements he showed you. But with your human hands it was quite troublesome. But you did well enough with the way he was practically slumped forwards on the floor. The purr in his chest was so loud you could feel it in your fingertips.

Your brain tried to supply a fact about wing preening among birds but you kept forgetting.

Still, this was your opportunity. Your chance.

Discreetly you moved one of your hands to your pocket. The dart never having felt this heavy and cold in your life. You felt so bad with the way he was showing one of the most vulnerable sides to you. But you had to leave.

He showed no sign of realisation as he was becoming a purring puddle on the floor. You took a quiet breath and struck the needle in the side of his neck.

The reaction was immediate and you pounced on him to lace your arms around his neck to make sure you couldn't be thrown off or hurt.

Your ears hurt from how loud he was screeching and he tried to claw at his neck but you remained firmly against him.

Despite the fact all the others failed, it wasn't long before you felt his struggle become weaker and more sluggish.

When he was down on all fours you slid off. He noticed, of course, but he wasn't fast enough to catch you.

“Open the door!”

You practically screamed in the little mic and you dashed to the door. Loudly you crashed against the door and hurriedly you turned around to face the harpy.

He was desperately trying to crawl to you but his body was working against him. The tranquilliser worked much faster and was stronger than you had anticipated.

The betrayal and hurt were apparent in his eyes. But the soul-crushing wail that he let out along with your name nearly brought you to tears. You didn't have to witness it for long as the door loudly opened and you were dragged outside again. Taking the first breath of non-corpse infected air.

You didn't even realise it was Simeon that was holding you until you already moved locations. Surrounded by god knows who. All you knew is you had to throw up whatever food you had in your stomach with your new freedom.


Ps, the art is quite old, back when I was experimenting with what I wanted Levi to look like. so there isn't one set design, although I like the scribbly design best atm! I'm planning on drawing Mammon as well, but I'm quite busy with school and work sorry!

Goldfish in a Bottle - Lucky_Fluffy (1)

Goldfish in a Bottle - Lucky_Fluffy (2)

Goldfish in a Bottle - Lucky_Fluffy (3)


Don't worry lovely Readers, you'll get to see Levi soon! I'm sure he misses us too.
In the meantime, you can leave a suggestion in the comment of what you potentially would like to see in this story. I'm always open to suggestions!

Chapter 13: Log-13


Have you guys missed our lovely fishboy?

Well, our Lamb definitely does as well. Surely this won't cause them to do illegal things. Afterall, Levi is in good hands and nothing has gone wrong in their absence.


Surprise! More chapters!
And guess what? I've finished the entirety of writing arc 2 as well! And now I feel significantly prepared to update weekly <3

Thank you for all the support I've had so far! Finally, we will get to the romance part of this, well, romance story. If you remember that- There is just something, or somebody, in the way right now...

Chapter Text

You prefer to not say what happened in the time after you rescued yourself. But through the weirdest loopholes you ever witnessed you somehow got promoted to being Mammon’s handler.

Both of you had no f*cking clue what you were doing. So the road both of you walked was filled with spikes and holes. But through everything, you had each other's side despite all your differences and mess-ups

And looking at the harpy that was happily snoring on top of you, you couldn't be more glad about the way everything eventually played out. Even if he was slightly crushing your ribs with his weight.

You warned him time and time again to be even gentler with you than usual because of your injury, but he was intent on smothering every part of you with his scent for “temporarily replacing him”. Your human nose couldn't pick up the scents he always spoke about. But you trusted his expert opinion.

Time passed in a weird way when you started chilling- uhm, working with Mammon again.

You barely grasped glances from Simeon since he was doing double work. And every time you met him, his gaze held something intense. Something you haven't seen in a long time in him that lets your heart race in all the good ways.

Mammon heavily judged you for it every time you told him about it. But you trusted him enough that he wouldn't gossip the information back to Simeon.

Talking about information. Everybody refused to tell you anything about Levi.

Even Simeon was withholding any kind of info about the Leviathan, and it drove you up the wall. You weren't even allowed camera footage to see how he was doing. While you know they could easily give you the tablet you always used to carry and you could just do it yourself.

But it hurted you more than anything that you didn’t know how Levi was doing.

While he did severely traumatise you, how was the whole incident affecting him? Beyond the now usual nightmares of you dying in gruesome ways. Other memories have been slowly seeping in. Like his face of dread and fear when he too realised what happened, his teary face when he held you just before you lost consciousness.

He can't be doing all that well mentally either, after something like that.

Being with Mammon was great, because he knew how to entertain himself and you too. He's been stuck for so long around here that he had to. Most of the time was spent with you “chasing” him through the room as your injury healed more.

Although he had wings there wasn't enough space for him to actually use them. So he taunted you all the while he jumped and climbed across the many obstacles inside his room, with you pathetically running after him with the little stamina you had.

You tried to put your foot down with Mammon about sleeping in your own quarters, but oh, you were weak against him.

Despite his brave facade he was lonely, terribly isolated. And while he was cracking jokes and being an overall idiot while entertaining you, you could still see the harpy missing his pack.

So perhaps there have been some nights where you were snuggled deep in the blanket nest with the world's largest cat, whereas you were supposed to be sleeping in your own bed. And you found yourself not really minding the company and warmth in the night.

Like Levi had been, Mammon too was tight lipped about his prior living situation.

As time passed Mammon opened up little by little. But about his pack barely anything slipped past. All you know is that the injuries he had, which had led to him being captured by the facility, were because he got into a big fight with the pack leader.

Who this mysterious leader was and what the fight was about, you still didn't know. But his expression was so miserable when he spoke about it you didn't dare ask.

Another thing that was great about Mammon is that he had the thing you and Simeon referred to as “good boy privilege”.

Due to his high intelligence and sentience he was allowed to wander around the facility and a few of its levels. Only because of his excellent behaviour and that he got the approval of Diavolo.

He had to be chaperoned by a higher-ranking employee every time it happened. But he could if he wanted to. This caused you to be more social than you have been in the past three months of working with Levi.

It began easy, just walking through the broad hallways of site 9. But despite your indifferent act, Mammon immediately realised that at one specific door you started trembling. After all, funnily enough both of your creatures happen to be placed on the same level.

This caused Mammon to drag you to the special elevators to go to different, less triggering, levels without a word uttered. There were the personnel elevators, but there is also a different and much larger and specifically designed transportation “elevator” for the creatures and equipment alike. Since both can happen to be quite large.

Since he “banned” you from his own site, the two of you mostly stayed on the safer levels of the facility and bothered personnel and subjects alike. Your current favourite parttime is taking mammon to levels 1 to 4, where the newbies work.

Seeing their scared yet impressed looks when a human is walking in casual clothing through the halls and having a three metre tall harpy following them, has caused a few to pee their pants at the sight of Mammon. Which gloated his ego. So a win-win in terms of entertainment for both of you.

Another thing you like to do is sit in the cafeteria with Mammon. You specifically go to the beanbag area so Mammon can chill there too. He has permission to really eat whatever, as long as you document it all.

It's also quite funny to see the other new staff that weren't familiar with the two of you, be conflicted if they should tell you to leave or just something, about the deadly creature inhaling a cup of spicy noodles on your side. But most end up walking away when they see the badge hanging around your neck, displaying your high rank.

Still, before even three weeks passed you became restless again. While your meetings with Simeon were short and sweet, he was an open book to you. His distressed behaviour was tough to miss. He was severely worried about something that wasn't you for once.

You pried a little but he brushed it off like it was nothing. So it must be related to Levi. Simeon has never once held back talking about a project he is working on in the lab.

This caused you to be distressed once again, which worried Mammon in turn. You became desperate to see Levi, but your pleas went to deaf ears.

Eventually you had enough and directly confronted Barbatos about it.

His face was so passive in a nearly agitating way. And once again he declined after appearing to give it a thought for about 3 seconds.

“Barbatos, I am serious. I am not saying that I want to go back to working with L-03, not yet at the very least. All I want to do is to visit him. See how he is doing and leave. At worst he doesn't even realise that I am there. At best I can tell him I'm doing better and then leave.”

You admit, you felt a little bad. You corned him just as he was done wrangling some of the more violent creatures the facility had to offer, and was still covered in grime. He wasn't even dressed in his usual attire. But you know he is like a slippery shadow, if you don't manage to catch him when his guard is slightly down, you won't catch him at all.

“It is the young lord's direct order that you're not allowed to assist in the care of subject L-03. Not while you're in the state you’re in-”

You cut him off with a loud and annoyed sign. Your patience has been wearing thin since the accident and nobody is taking you seriously.

“You are not listening to me! I don't wish to work. I wish to see. Nobody is giving me reports on how my subject is doing. While Simeon is currently his handler, I am still the head of this project despite my current condition. How can I know if there is progress being made? He might be dead and I couldn't even know.

If everybody keeps in the dark about L-03, then cut me off the project fully. I can't stand all this half-work and egg-walking around me. I can handle a kick or scratch just fine. What I can't handle is this disrespect to my work ethics.”

He finally looked like he started to consider it. But you held back from relaxing. You and Barbatos are known to be the most stubborn people that work here. It's a fight between two powerhouses.

Of course he has a lot more power then you. Since he is the boss’ right hand and has a lot more say then you will ever have. But dammit you will get through this man's skull. And if you can't, you have to put on your big adult pants and take it up with the boss yourself.

“Well, like you said. He never prohibited you from visiting.”

Nearly you sagged in relief, but you knew there had to be something else.

“At minimum Doctor Simeon and I will assist you during this visit. And if either of us tells you to leave, you must do so without fighting the order. If you agree with this, then it wouldn't be an issue to schedule some visiting hours.”

Of course you wouldn't decline that offer. No matter what you chose you were stuck waiting until both the men had a free day. And you know first-hand both of them were worked to the bone.

But you agreed regardless, and told him that if he manages to pick a date to inform you.


This is such a bad idea and you knew it. You were risking your job for this but you couldn't wait any longer.

In the night you were standing in front of Levi’s door, your badge held tight in your shaking grip. Last chance to be smart and walk away.

You closed your eyes and swiped the card across the scanner, and for a few time-frozen seconds there was silence. You've never hated hearing “authorization granted.” as much as you had now, but they had not revoked your access to the room. Rookie mistake, truely.

Slowly you opened your eyes and they raked through the room. You weren't sure why you were expecting the blood to be still staining the floor. It's been almost a month since you had last stepped foot in here. It's been a month since you've seen Levi.

Your now fully-healed injury started burning at the memories that flooded your brain and you tightly clutched the side of the door opening. The cold of the metal grounding you a little.

“Come on, you can do this. If you can't face the room alone. How will you fare with an audience of three?”

You hovered there for a bit as you calmed down. All you will do is look at the camera’s, see him still alive, loop the camera footage to hide your visit, delete the data of you entering the room, and leave like nothing happened.

You're so going to be fired.

On the tips of your toes you edged closer to the monitor station. The screens are your only source of light within the darkness.

When you touched your desk you took your first proper breath since you entered. You hastily glanced back to the water. But the inky black water showed no sign of life.

You logged in via Simeon’s account, just in case they felt like checking your info or usage history. The first thing you looked at were all of Levi’s vitals. His heartbeat portraying he was indeed sleeping and you sagged into the seat of your desk with relief.

You quickly opened Simeon’s backlogs to hastily scan the text to see what info you missed, and all that you read was increasingly worrying. Highly unresponsive and refusing to eat? Your heart sank the more you read about Levi refusing to do basic living necessities.

You couldn't avoid it any longer and immediately opened the cams. The night vision camera’s not showing what you wanted. You replayed old footage of when the lights were on and choked on your breath. You opened more folders of footage of when you were absent.

Witnessing how the Leviathan had remained in this one singulair corner for the past month. You could count on one hand how often he left the corner the past 28 days. You felt sick. They were hiding this from you?!

You quietly shut off every pop-up you opened and made sure you looped all video’s of you entering and leaving the room before putting the monitors off to sleeping modus. When you were allowed your “proper” visit, it was going to be tough to act normal.

They will eventually be forced to show you what you missed. And when the truth comes to the light, you’ll make sure to show them what happens when they hide information about your creatures from you.

And for Levi, despite the fact he put you in this critical condition. He was also the one that ended up saving your life when he could have let you die. Levi begging, crying, for you to remain awake. Levi who clearly suffered the most because of what happened.

You swear to make it up to him.

Chapter 14: Log-14


Our Levi is definitely in a.. roughed-up shape, isn't he?

Fortunately, Dear Lamb has a lot of love to share, why would that be though? surely there aren't any... unresolved feelings floating around? Nah, that would be silly.


SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER!! I was hanging out with friends and completely forgot.

its still Sunday where I live so, I count it as being on time

Chapter Text

Despite the fact you were here a mere 9 days ago, standing in front of this door with Simeon and Barbatos was more nerve wracking than you thought it would be.

The walk from Mammon’s to Levi’s room couldn't have taken more than two minutes. But the air was surprisingly strung tight between the three.

Mammon had given you a pep-talk about not worrying about the “large stinky fish man”, which definitely got a chuckle out of you and Simeon.

But now you’re here in front of the door, with Simeon unlocking it for your little group. A bit sheepishly he informed you during the walk he wasn't able to inform L-03 of your visit. And you had to act shocked when he told you he hadn't really come out of his corner the past few days.

Now you're walking between the two men and things couldn't be more awkward. The climb down to the observation room required a lot more effort on your part. To the point where Simeon offered to carry you down.

But with a nervous glance to Barbatos you declined and gracelessly continued to walk the way too many stairs. Once at the bottom you had to take a bit of a breather, your side was hurting so bad. And you weren't even sure if it was from the physical exertion or from the memories that have been playing in your head on loop since you entered.

You do know that both men were looking at you with different levels of concern, but before either got the chance to call this off you sauntered to the door and opened it.

The familiar blue light of the water’s reflection slowly soothed your brain and you continued walking into the room without looking if the men followed.

Your scars were burning. But you were scared to death if either saw the pain on your face and sent you back.

You took position exactly in the middle of the room, turning to the glass and walking until you were barely separated from it.

There was Levi, laying curled up in his little corner. It reminded you so much of when you first met him. But unlike the angry spitfire he was at first, now he was a sad little ball. He refused to do as much as look-up the whole time. Normally he would at least check-out who was there.

You guess you will need to get used to the new normal for now.

Raising your hand you plainly knocked a few times on the glass. The same way you would get his attention, when he was still swimming around.

That did get a small reaction out of him. He lazily moved his head to the side to skim across the glass, before doing a double check. His gaze suddenly laser-focused on you. Before you could blink twice he had long dashed away from the corner and speeded to the glass.

The sudden movement got a heavy flinch from both the men, but you stood as still as marble. His large figure blocking off most of the light around you.

Although he raced to the glass wall, now he seemed uncertain and unsure of what to do. Staring at you helplessly while he slowly crumpled in himself and away from you.

You were fighting off tears when you looked at his complexion, his once healthy skin looked colourless and you were capable of counting his ribs again. It felt like taking two steps forward and then taking three back.

Together you two had learnt a little sign language, for the days he didn't feel like talking or coming above the water. As you signed for him to come closer, he did without hesitation.

All your guilt was eating you up from the inside. While you were off dancing with the fairies and frolicing with Mammon, Levi had been here all alone. Between these mind-numbing white walls that ate away at him. He had nobody to talk to, nothing to entertain him, just his mind all this time. You should have fought much sooner to visit him.

He looked so happy as he finally saw you, and you realise that right now you were really his only social interaction. No other of his species may have been recorded before. But there is quite a chance that he too is a social animal.

You really screwed this up didn't you?

Mammon once secretly admitted to you at night that while he has his own pack, sometimes it felt like you were part of his pack too. Even if he never officially took you in.

What if it had been the same with Levi too? Everybody was so hell-bent on keeping you two apart that nobody saw the damage being done to him by taking you away.

Mammon has enough people tending to him that he was at least acquaintanced with somebody while you were separated from him. Levi had nobody beyond you and a fragile bond with Simeon. And you’d be damned if anyone ever dared to separate you again.

Ever so carefully you lifted a hand into the air and placed it gently against the glass. Focusing on Levi only. Who had nearly sunk to the floor trying to become smaller than you, but when you had your hand pressed to the glass he rose a little to meet you face to face.

He struggled to make eye-contact, but even through the reinforced glass and water you saw how his hand trembled as he slowly placed it over yours.

The hand created a large shadow over yours with its gigantic size, the hand that has nearly killed you. But as you saw that flicker of hope reappear in his eyes you couldn't help but smile at him.

You nearly swore an oath right there and then. That you would show him a better life. A life where he would never have to feel alone. A life where he can be free.

You're not sure how long you stood there basking in his shy presence. As you regain your confidence you remove your hand. Not missing the disappointment in his eyes.

You signed for him to meet you on the water's edge, and he nodded in understanding.

At last you looked at the men who had taken the earlier sandwiched position on either side of you.

Simeon just looked relieved and even Barbatos had a mysterious little smile dancing on his lips.

“Well… This time ‘round I would like a little assistance getting up the stairs, please.”

You were never speaking about that ever again, so embarrassed were you by the ordeal.

But at last you were on the regular floor level again, breathing and all.

When Barbatos opened the door for you you gave a little thanks but your eyes weren't on him at all. But instead on the wet mop of purple hair shyly peeking above the water drains.

The three of you awkwardly stood in front of the Leviathan, who was looking like he’d rather be anywhere else than here.

You decided to be the mature one and sit on the ground directly in front of Levi. Who scooted a lot more to the side to put some distance between you. Alright. You can work with this.

“Hello L-03, it's been a while since we’ve seen each other. I've been doing a lot better than I was before.”

You and Simeon had decided early on to not tell anybody else of Levi’s ability to speak English. And once you were on the level where you two held conversations, you told Levi it's better if he hides it too. And he really didn't mind fewer people to talk to. All he had to remember was that his name is now L-03.

You saw him nod, and he chittered in a questioning way. All anyone knows is that he can understand English flawlessly, and only sometimes responds in his own ‘language’.

“So, I'll try to keep it simple. You're aware Simeon and I are your handlers. This will temporarily change. Simeon will be your primary handler for now. Sadly I am still very unwell, so I can't work with you right now.”

You saw his hopeful expression become crushed when you delivered the news. But nothing was as crushing as you watching him move even further away when his eyes trail down to your stomach. Where you were subconsciously covering the scars with your hand, even if your hoodie hid it all from view regardless.

“Not that you need to miss me too much! While I… recover… I will be staying with the creature I was previously the handler of. I will be visiting you of course, don’t think you’ll get rid of me this easily. But I'll be a lot less active than I was previously.”

You could nearly feel the disappointment radiating off him but all he did was sadly nodding in confirmation. It was tough to keep talking professionally when all you wanted to was to comfort him. But with both men still standing behind you it was impossible to say the things you wanted to say.

Eventually you settled on telling Levi more about the plans you have in the future, once he regains his health again. While Simeon refused to look in your direction as you detailed all that appeared wrong from just this meeting. He did eventually join in the conversation of future plans.

Barbatos stood silently at your side for a while during this all, before he told you it was time to leave. You felt a little betrayed but you promised to not make a fuss. So you moved to stand up before-

“Please remain seated. I simply ran out of time and I have to return to the young lord. But according to everything I have witnessed, you and Simeon will do quite fine in my absence. Feel free to stay here some longer if you require it. Have a good evening, and I wish you both the best of health in your recovery.”

You could nearly kiss the man so thankful were you. But you settled on a much more normal way of thanking somebody, and with a smile you told him you appreciated it and wished him luck with work in return.

He just gave one of his classic smiles back, and left.

You returned your eye back to the Leviathan who immediately looked a lot more relaxed.

“So, you promise you’ll still visit me?”

His voice was a lot more raspy than usual, probably from the lack of use.

“Of course, you're still my creature after everything. It's just that right now Simeon can take better care of you then I can. But once I'm better, you better know I'm all up in your hair.”

He mouthed “in my hair?” silently to himself but still nodded. He looked at you like he wanted to say more, but with the glimpses he threw at Simeon you knew you had to wait until you were allowed to be alone with him.

You on the other hand, had no qualms in holding back.

“Still, for what it's worth it Levi, I forgive you. What happened was not your fault.”

His fins went flat with shock before being puffed up defensively. You cut him off before he could speak.

“We will not bicker about this. If anything it was my fault for accidentally aggravating you when I should have known to be careful. And… Thank you for helping with the blood loss and lessening the damage. Even though I'm supposed to be the doctor between us two.”

Wordlessly he flattened his fins again in annoyance but he didn't argue with you so you counted it as a success.

The trio left off where they started and spoke about some cool future ideas they had planned. Of course, most needed some testing and approval from Lord Diavolo. But with the way things seemed to be looking, you had full trust that Levi would easily surpass their expectations.

Eventually Levi honestly told you he was too tired and ended up diving back into the pool to sleep.

Now, it was just you and Simeon sitting cross-legged across one another. Both in the worst awkward silence known to mankind.

Since the day you woke up in the medical bay Simeon has been acting.. Off.

He tried to apologise for not being there when the accident happened and you shut him off immediately. Nobody could have anticipated it, and he gave in without too much of a fight.

But the fleeting glances he has given you each time you passed each other in the halls or other spaces started to scorch you.

Long in the past you were used to them, appreciated them even. But now they leave your poor heart confused. The way he too, started wearing his ring again after you woke up, also didn't go unnoticed by your eyes.

You wanted nothing more than to ask what you two are now. Once upon a time, you called him yours. But he broke it off for reasons still unknown to you. And now you are best friends again like you were since you were kids.

But you yearn for him to be your lover, and the way he has been acting has been suggesting he wants you back after everything. But he ended it, and he needs to be the one to fix it again. You wanted to be back in his loving arms, but he must be the one to open them for you first so you could melt in his grasp.

And this was his chance, you knew he was free for the rest of the day. He told you. You looked at him expectantly, for him to tell you the words you have been begging to hear for the past two years.

“Well, I'm quite glad Levi is out of his hermit phase. Of course only you were capable of waking the beast with a few knocks on glass.”

It was nearly impossible for you to hide your heartache. You were so close to breaking at his refusal to speak about it.

“Yes. You should have allowed me to visit much earlier. How weird is it that I suggested it several times before.”

Suddenly you couldn't stand being so close to him. Not when he gave you that cute and shy smile. Not when he was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck in a gesture that meant he was nervous. Not when his eyes still held so much love for you that you could feel it.

He tried to steer the conversation to Levi but you struggled to speak past the lump in your throat. Most likely he noticed your curt responses and suggested bringing you back to your room.

You turned down the offer and told him you want to visit Mammon first. He still walked you to the cell but luckily remained silent.

You bid him farewell as the doors closed. And when you faced Mammon you collapsed against him and he held you as you cried your feelings out.

Chapter 15: Log-15


Finally, bridges are starting to be re-build again.

Levi and Little Lamb are regrowing the fragile bond they had before.
Although, what is going on with our sweet angel?


AAA I'm sorry that I am a day late! The Ao3 curse got to me.

A few days ago I heard I'm basically getting kicked out of my parent's house because my SD hates me. In the meantime, I've been staying with a friend. Along with this my entire friend group broke up and ghosted me and 2 other friends without warning So... messy times.

Hopefully, this shouldn't affect my posting schedule again. Sorry!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Physically you recovered quite fast. By the time you met with Levi again, at the worst of times the healed scars would burn occasionally. But Rapeal gave you some cream to help against the worst of it.

Mentally you were faring quite worse. At one point you were assigned a facility-trained therapist who helped you get through the worst of the mental baggage you recently gained. But some days were definitely worse or better than others.

Like you had promised, you did try your best to visit as much as you can. But it was a lot less determined on how much free time you had, but more on if you could even bear to walk through the doors.

Sometimes you could spend days in the presence of Levi, talking or just relaxing. But majority of the time just the sight of him spiralled you into a panic attack. How you managed to keep your cool during that first visit you had no idea.

Mammon, of course, had no problem with you spending even more time with him. He was even overjoyed. Often telling you he wished you remained a little mentally ill just so you wouldn't have to return to your other project.

You made sure to really side eye him whenever he said that and he eventually got the memo to stop saying it.

Things have been tense with Simeon ever since that first visit with Levi. He was already acting odd for the past month but he keeps topping it somehow.

You can see he keeps trying to come close to you, more often than not you notice him reaching out to grab your hand or to lay his arm around your shoulder. But you brushed it off each time, giving a pointed look to make him know you want him to talk first.

It hasn't worked so far.

Despite your current dispute with him, both of you remained professional on the workfloor; the facility was no place for messy relationship drama afterall.

Since the visit Levi has been rapidly improving in terms of.. Well.. Everything actually.

He quickly grew out of his unhealthy weight, he started taking care of his scales again so they were as shiny as they used to be. He regularly swims around in the tank and just keeps up his physique more than he ever did before.

Levi’s newfound energy was relieving to everybody to say the least. If you had to see the depressing sight of him rotting away in that corner again… You wouldn't even know what to do anymore then.

One thing endlessly entertaining to you were the diving experiments, it had been one of the first things you wrote down for future tests.

With Levi’s ridiculously large size, the tank was way too small. Barely big enough for him to fully stretch. So exercise was your nr.1 priority.

Your first idea was diving hoops. The first day you wanted to use them Simeon had to explain the activity to Levi, it was one of those days for you. Still the date had been set and you didn't want to miss it. Even if you had to regularly regulate your breathing to something normal again.

The experiment was easy, hoops would be positioned inside the water and all he had to do was swim through them. Seeing Simeon hold one of the comically large hoops to demonstrate definitely got a giggle out of the both of you at his expense.

You sat down at the observatory and Simeon stood above to check if everything went alright. Speaking through walkie-talkies. You also had the tablet with you because it had a special speaker function where it allowed you to be audible through the water.

Really hoping this would provide a little mental stimulation to him, or just something fun to do. You mean, if you had a tail and could swim through water you would love to do tricks and twirls through the hoops.

“Alright Levi! You can swim now.”

Levi who was sitting impatient in the corner didn't take a moment longer before shooting off through the coloured hoops. Most of them came out of the panels of the walls, but there were a few that were floating in the middle of the tank at different angles.

While Simeon did not instruct a specific order he started going into them from the lowest hanging ones and made his way up. With a terrifyingly fast speed.

Your mouth was agape as you watched him destroy the small obstacle course in barely a minute. At the last hoop highest up he even did a little twirl before looking down at you, a little out of breath it seemed.

Some of his fancier frills were wilding flapping around in his excitement. You took this activity as something he enjoyed doing.

You stood off the bench and gave a small applaud to him. Through the walkie-talkie you told Simeon it was safe to come downstairs too to watch. Grinning when you gave the next command.

“Amazing performance, but could you do the same course even faster?

For the next couple of hours you and simeon sat in the observatory looking at Levi pulling out all kinds of tricks and twists and he dashed through the loops with ease. And you made sure he was showered in praise, and snacks of course. But the snacks came much later in the form of his favourite pizza when it was just you and Levi long after Simeon left to sleep.

Once while he was doing some sort of complex pattern through the hoops, his long tail ended up getting tangled with a hoop that hung off the wall. While Simeon held back his amusem*nt, you on the hand were on the floor with laughter as Levi was hanging upside down, desperately trying to untangle himself. At the end of the day you were confident enough to even lightly tease him about it. And the way his purple-hued skin managed to get an even darker shade of purple made it so worth it.

A lot of other tests were done. But those were more standard facility type of tests, to test the creature’s intelligence. Such as memory games with colours, pictures or letters of the alphabet.

To your surprise you learnt he was also capable of writing and reading. Where did he learn it? Once again no idea. Even Mammon wasn't literate when you first met him. He is now. But only after long, long study lessons with you and Simeon.

Levi was also allowed to express what type of food he preferred. While you couldn't be there that day, Simeon told you everything from his disgusted face as he tried some samples, to his eventual favourite.

Unfortunately due to your mental state you had to miss most of the experiments, but luckily Simeon still told you every detail of each test and you couldn't be more appreciative.

You weren't sure when in the following two months it happened, but Levi and Simeon ended up becoming suspiciously close to one another. On the rare occasions when you walked in the room you saw the two excitedly talking about something. When you asked about it the two men just smiled at you. Clearly they had an inside joke and didnt want you to be privy to it.

You didn't really mind, you were just glad Levi started becoming friends beyond somebody that didnt still have nightmares about him on the daily.

It was about time, just one month ago the three of you celebrated the half year anniversary of Levi “arriving” at the facility. With special permission from Diavolo you were allowed to give Levi a feast. You managed to pry out of him what he used to eat when he lived in the ocean and on the day you gave him the live feed of it.

While you couldn't stand seeing him shred the fish to little pieces, his elated expression as he realised what was happening made it worth it.

Luckily your “exposure therapy” with Levi actually worked.

It's been three weeks since your last panic attack inside the room and you call that a win in your book.

You also early on realised that you have never felt afraid around Levi. It was more that his presence sometimes triggered the bad memories and those made you feel the fear. But the Leviathan himself never did anything to spook you.

If anything he appeared to be more scared of you then you are of him.

He was by nature already shy and withdrawn. But now he actively sought distance when you got close and if anything it made you feel saddened in a way you couldn't describe.

Two of the three men you cared about were actively avoiding your presence for their own reasons. And you had to turn to Mammon for advice.

You didnt turn to him for long as his “advice” was to just dump both and ignore their existence. Him wanting to hog all your attention? He would never.

Still your best guess at fixing at least one of those friendships had to be Simeon.

You wanted to move on. Desperately so. But he just couldn't allow you to do so, with what he was still doing to you.

Since Simeon refused to come to you, refused to open up what has been bothering him all this time, I guess you’ll just have to fix it. Like always.


You made 100% sure he was done with work when you texted him to immediately come to your room and that there is an emergency. You even messaged Micheal, asking if Simeon was actually free.

You were hidden behind the door as you could hear Simeon struggle grabbing his special card that had access to your room.

He burst inside your room calling your name. Looking around frantically.

Instantly you slammed the door behind him and locked it. For an even better measure you placed a chair under the door knob before sitting on it.

You haven't seen the man flinch that high in a while, nearly convinced he grew wings for a second.

He looked at you like he saw a ghost before becoming slackend with relief.

“Sweet Lamb what happened? I saw your message and I raced over-”

“Now you're capable of responding?”

His eyes widened with shock. He opened his mouth a few times before he glanced to the side. Time to become the pants wearer.

You stood up from the chair and moved to Simeon, when you were close he nervously looked down at you. No, you refused to let this become another staring contest. You looped your arm around his and dragged him to your bed behind the privacy screen.

He looked at you confused before you forced him to sit down on the bed, resulting in his adorably flushed face- Focus.

You took place next to him, making the bed slightly bounce and you took your chance to lean your head against his shoulder. You tried your best to not think too hard before reaching close to grab his hand, the one with the ring.

You toyed with it for a bit, it had been forever since you saw both your rings this close to one another. And also signalling to Simeon as to why exactly you brought him over. It was tough to not let your emotions let the best of you so you took a calming breath every now and then.

“So, what do you have in store for me..?”

You had mulled that question of his over, time and time again, wondering how you’d ask him. But decided to just say whatever your heart is telling you in the moment.

“Simeon, do you still love me?

At that Simeon turned around to look at you with worry. His hands now holding yours too. The sound of metal against metal making a small clinking sound.

“Of course I love you! What could have made you think I don't? You're the most dear person to me.”

“No. Do you still love me?”

The immediate regret on his face tasted like ash in your mouth. But as he tried to pull his hands away, your grip turned to stone, keeping him in place.

“Simeon, please. No more guessing games. I still love you in every way. And if you still love me like that, then let us be together again. If not then we must break this lovers-but-not-really off. I can't allow our hearts, my heart to keep breaking like this. Over and over again.”

“Lamb.. I do still love you, so much more than you can imagine. But im not right for you and i've already told you that-”

You squeezed his hands so hard it probably would have been painful. While his burning grip remained gentle as he let you whisper-yell at him through the overwhelmingly large urge to cry.

“Simeon, I told you before, it doesn't matter to me! Just because you can't have biological children does not mean you are any less deserving of my love. I still don't get how you got that thought in your head. We could adopt, or even be childless. I don't care. I'm not putting a non-existential child above you.

I love you so much it hurts. But we can't continue this confusing relationship status. Reject me, and I can learn to move on. Or decide to properly love me and I'll love you back even more.”

His reason still sounded as stupid as it was the first time he told you, when he broke off your engagement once upon a time. And he better get this through his thick skull that you’ll love him regardless of what happens. But he must choose an ending. For both of you.

“So you mean by this…”

“Yes. Choose whenever we will remain as just friends; No more sneaky adventures or longing glances across the hallways. No more sweet nothings during the night. Just two friends.

Or we will be lovers, like we were before. But this must end tonight. And you will leave this room only when you decide on either option.”

“Lamb, we can't be lovers…”

You looked him as harshly in the eyes as you could. But it was probably a sad display with all your unshed tears, waiting to pour.

“Simeon. This is the last chance I'm giving you. Decide and I'll respect your opinion. Or walk away without a clear answer and our friendship is over too.”

Your heart was loudly thumping with anticipation. Near praying he would use his incredibly smart brain for his feelings. But as you saw him break eye contact with you and look at your bedsheets you already knew the answer. And somehow ice cold acceptance flooded into your system before he could get a word out.

“If it must end when I walk out the door. Then I wish for our path to remain as two childhood friends. Two close companions who went through life and death together…”

You numbly nodded your head in understanding. You had already known, but still it hurts. More than any wound inflicted on your body ever could.

Before you could release his hands he did it himself, only to cup your face. You didn't get a second to think before you felt his searingly hot lips on yours.

Habitually you pressed closer to him, placing your hands around his waist as he kissed you with the heat of a thousand suns.

Before you knew, he had you pressed against the cool sheets of your bed. As he slowly broke off the kiss you tried to follow him but he stopped you by placing one of his slender fingers against your lips

“But before this relationship disintegrates. Let me show you just how much I love you.”


Hopefully, none of you missed the, eventual smut tag...
I apologise it isn't Levi yet, but don't worry, he'll come.

Chapter 16: Log-16 (S)


Content Warning: SEX(recieving). But not Levi, sorry

If you can't read it because you don't want to or can't, I still suggest you read the very end.

Working these past few days has been difficult."

This is where you should start, this is very important! Or else you will be very confused next chapter.


Another warning, I didn't proof-read this so please point out any errors I might have made!

I haven't written any smut for the past like 2 years so I was a bit rusty, but I consider it a warm-up for everything I'm going to do to our dear Seamonster <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“But before this relationship disintegrates. Let me show you just how much I love you.”

Subconsciously you opened your lips so he could slide his finger into your mouth. Sucking at the slender digit until he added a second one. You watched his gaze slowly fill in with the haze of lust the longer he looked. He moved his fingers around your tongue and you eagerly kept licking around them.

All too soon he removed his finger from you and a whine built up in your throat. Luckily he replaced his fingers with his mouth and started feverishly kissing you again.

It was rough and desperate, you more often felt his teeth than not. Through the heat you managed to bite his bottom lip and he gladly opened his mouth for you. Messily your tongue tried to slide against his passionate one before giving up the fight and letting him explore yours instead.

You bit back a moan as Simeon's hands started to tentatively slide over your body. Shivering when his hands found purchase on your hips and dragged you even closer against him.

You had immediately felt his hard length pressing against you when he initially kissed you. But as he deliberately started grinding his clothed co*ck against your crotch you couldn't help but arch into his smothering hold.

Feverishly you moved your own hands from his waist to the edge of his shirt, tugging at it. You wanted to feel him closer.

He chuckled in the kiss before sitting upright. Never stopping the languid roll of his hips, heating up your body when he wasn't pressing you down. You drank in the sight of Simeon above you as he tried to pull off his shirt in a teasing way. But both of you were feeling much too restless and he ended up chucking his shirt to some corner of your room.

Not wasting a second you ran your hands across his chestnut-skinned chest and torso. A very thin layer of sweat had already accumulated in the boiling heat of the room. Unlike your scarred body, Simeon's was devoid of any flaws. His lean body had enough abs definition to make you drool, yet soft enough to fall asleep on in the cold nights.

He pounced back on you, not wanting to be separated from you. Now it was your turn to giggle as you felt his hand tug your own shirt up.

As you lifted yourself up so he could slip it off, you daringly ground your own hips against his. He let out a moan of his own while instinctively thrusting back. Which caused you to buck back into him.

It resulted in a domino effect of both of you rutting against one another before Simeon roughly gripped your hips to keep them still.

“F-f*ck. You drive me crazy.”

His face was firmly pushed in the crook of your neck as he tried to catch his breath. He was a lot more worked up than he appeared to be.

“You're so beautiful beneath me. I begin to lose my reason when you touch me like this.”

Your restraints to be silent slowly began to crumple and your whimpers and moans started to quietly flow out your mouth as Simeon kissed, sucked and bit at the sensitive skin of your neck. Marking you as his for one last time.

Your nails dug into his back to remain sane as he lowered down your body at a snail's pace. When he enthusiastically started sucking on one of your nipples, your back arched so far up the only reason you still touched the bed was because he still had an iron grip on your hips.

It was the sweetest torture you could experience. Obviously, Simeon wanted to drag this out as much as he could. But you needed him, and you needed him now.

Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his mouth glide over your sensitive stomach, marking every inch of unclaimed skin with more love bites than you could count.

“You're so gorgeous my Lamb, I wonder how nobody else wouldn't immediately worship you when they set eyes upon you.”

During the conquering of your body, his lips eventually neared the scars on your waist. With bated breath you felt him tenderly kiss the lines on your skin. When your body started trembling from the raw emotions he rose back up to kiss your lips instead.

“My love, so, so much stronger than anyone I know.”

You could nearly cry as you feel your pants and underwear being pulled off. Breathlessly you looked up at him, but he was mesmerised by your groin instead. Nearly embarassed by how wet you made things already.

It didn't deter Simeon in the slightest as he ran one of his fingers through the messiness between your legs.

“Okay, now it’s my turn. Let me make you more comfortable.”

You blinked twice and suddenly your positions were switched. Lying beneath you with his hair splayed round like a halo framing his head. With a little prompting, he placed you closer to his face and suddenly you realised what he wanted to do.

“Don't hesitate dear, use me as you’d like tonight.”

He didn't leave you shaking with anticipation for too long as you felt a wet and hot tongue lick along your most sensitive parts, drawing a long-drawn-out moan from your lips.

Your thighs instinctively tried to close as the pleasure flooded your system, but Simeon didn't let up any of his ministrations. And like a man starving he started eating you out. And your hands, perhaps a little too roughly, took hold of his hair.

Your frame shook from the intensity as he licked and sucked. Especially when his tongue tried to prod into your entrance, your whimpers and moans spilt without care. Simeon responded just as eagerly with your vocalisations. The vibrations adding to your deathly co*cktail of lust.

You haven't even touched yourself in these past months with how busy you were. So with all the extra sensitivity, it didn't take you too long before you grinded down into his mouth and he took it all so willingly.

Much faster than anticipated the little string inside you snapped and your org*sm took you by surprise as you came all over his face.

Simeon however didn't let up, when you dubbed over from the ecstasy he just flipped you over to your back and continued just the same. First slowly and gently, as you recovered a little from the aftershocks.

But when you weren't as twitchy anymore, he left you for a second and you sighed at the break. This relief scattered as you heard the pop of a bottle opening.

Your eyes were firmly closed shut as you laid there breathlessly, but they shot open as you felt one of his fingers gently prod at your entrance. Still relaxed from your high and the warmed-up lube, the first one easily slid in.

“You’re so sexy, laying there, your skin gleaming in the light from your sweat. I'm glad I can make you feel so good, my dove.”

It wasn't too long ago from your high, so you were feeling overstimulated in all the right ways. He knew exactly how and where you liked it, as he trusted his finger in and out of you. When his mouth was added into the mix again you keened from the pleasure.

You didn't even notice when he slipped in a second, or a third. All you knew is just how good his heat felt, and praise stumbled from your lips. The wet squelching noise coming from your body is nearly background noise.

“Fuuuck, Simeon, you feel so g-good. Ah~ please, there, right there-”

His motions fastened and you were floating on cloud nine. You wanted him closer, you wanted more, you wanted him.

With one of your hands clenched in your sheets, you used the other to grab his face. He looked so confused for a second with his dazed expression. But as you whined and tried to pull his face to you he quickly climbed back up to your face to kiss you. His fingers still firmly trusting into you

The kiss was frenzied, it was messy, it was hungry. With a cry you broke off and came all over again. Simeon however didn't stop the brutal pace in the slightest and kissed your neck and collarbone when your mouth was unavailable.

Only when the stimulation started to genuinely hurt you slapped his shoulder three times and then did he relent.

You rolled over to your side as shocks ran through your body. He was here all throughout it. Lovingly rubbing soothing circles into your skin with his clean hand. All while drowning you in all his praise of how amazing you were, and how much of a good job you're doing for him. How much he loves you.

“I'm so sorry my lamb, you tasted so good and I couldn't get enough of you. Take your time, I'll be right here.”

It took some time to come down to earth again, the white-hot feelings making your brain and body into mush.

You had been crying during some point because Simeon was busy kissing away all your tears while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. But you couldn't feel anything beyond the bliss you were experiencing.

He was busy with something else beyond comforting you, as you had felt his still-clothed erection rubbing against your leg for a while now. You suppose he was doing it unconsciously as he seemed genuinely concerned for you.

As you became coherent again you turned back to him and tried to tug at his pants. It must be horribly restraining.

You didn't get the chance as he swatted your hands away.

“No, tonight is for you. Let me make you feel so good the only thing you'll remember is how to moan my name.”

This is the last time we may ever do this. Goes unsaid.

For that reason the more eager you were to make him feel good, he firmly fought back though. You lost the fight as Simeon flipped you around on all fours and then pinned your hands above your head.

“Do not worry about me, ill be sure to get my fill as I f*ck you until your figure is shaped in the mattress.”

You stayed quiet and just pushed your face into your bed to hide your embarrassment and your smile. He removed his grip on your wrist and you knew not to move them as you knew he was applying lube to his dick with the slick sounds you could hear.

However, you daringly wiggled your ass and the resulting groan from behind made it so much more worth it.

“You have no idea what you do to me don't you?”

Your cheeks were being pulled apart, giving a perfect view of your needy hole. You sighed and whined when you felt him rub his co*ck over the sensitive skin. No, you wanted him in. And tried to wiggle to tell him to hurry up, but he felt like torturing you. Where did he get all this patience from??

When he “accidentally” slipped in a little and out the tears in your eyes started flowing.

“Simeon! Simeon, please for the love of god f*ck me properly-”

In one harsh trust he was inside you. His chest fully covered your back as he leaned his face in your neck. With the utterly bruising grip he had on your thighs you once again realised he was much closer to snapping than you thought.

“You really want my attention that badly? n-ngh, you're so hot and wet for me. I simply adore you so much, I want to wreck your pretty body so badly.”

With the surprisingly filthy mouth you clenched around him, which just caused him to push you harder into the bed.

This was beyond the point of sweet words and gentle touches as he ravaged your body. Not a single friend of yours believed you when you told them what a beast Simeon could be. But here in bed, he could let free. He groaned, moaned and even whimpered as much as his heart desired and you soaked it all up.

You had always loved every part of him. The gentle, the rough. You wanted it all from him. And even as he had you now with one leg thrown over his shoulder, despite his less-than-kind pounding, when he looked you in the eyes all you could see was his love and adoration for you.

Your third org*sm also took you by surprise, so focused on Simeon you didn't even realise your own peak until it was already there.

With weak and jelly-feeling arms you pulled him close again and the kiss was much softer than you had anticipated. Making you break out the waterworks again.

Simeon now had you positioned half-pressed into yourself and he hit deeper than he ever did, and when his thrusts became sloppier he too got tear tracks on his face.

When the heat of his body filled yours he stayed still for a while afterwards. Even as you felt him soften inside of you, neither moved, afraid to shatter the perfect image.

Only when your back started to cramp from the position Simeon started to move a little. You felt so gross, sweat and fluids stuck uncomfortably to your skin and your bedsheets. But as Simeon still held you close as he plopped next to you in the bed you couldn't care enough.

Tonight you are in his warm arms, the world doesn't exist. And you are his.

“You are made to be cherished.”

The longing kiss you shared that night felt like bitter ash in your mouth. But it was his.

When you woke up that next morning you were freezing and alone.

Your skin and bed were clean from any grime. Your clothes were folded neatly on your nightstand where also a small glass of water stood.

If the mantra of hickeys and bruises did not paint your skin, if the familiar soreness wasn’t between your legs it might not even have happened. You curled your knees close to yourself and cried.


Working these past few days has been difficult. There were times you were scheduled to work with Levi but you couldn't. Because you knew Simeon would be there too. When asked about your absence all you said was that you couldn't mentally take it right now.

All you could do is sit with Mammon while he had his wings around your body, hiding you from the world. He didn't ask, he didn't need to, the missing ring on your body was a big enough of a tell. He was quite smart after all.

Since that night you have seen him exactly once, just as you were about to enter your cabin he left his. You shared exactly 5 seconds of eye contact before you fled inside.

Still, you couldn't avoid him forever. And you refused to let Levi be all alone again by your stupid little heartbreak.

Ever since the incident Levi has been walking around glass shards when you were near. Keeping his distance, barely speaking, afraid he’d say something wrong. Yet when the barrier of glass was there it was almost the same as it was before.

Clearly, Levi didn't trust himself around you anymore. Fearful of hurting you again.

Yet, he was still the one who saved you. He could have tried escaping instead. He saw more than enough times how you used your badge on the door to open it.

He could have tried fleeing by taking your card off you, or just have killed you in general.

Yet instead, he had slowed down the bleeding and cradled you close to him. And even rang the alarm. Effectively trapping himself. According to Simeon when the rescue squad had arrived Levi handed you over to them before crawling back inside the room without a single sign of hostility.

Yet he was so distrustful of himself.

It had been the so manyth time of you waking up in the middle of the night. Dreams of feelings you couldn't remember floating in your heart and in your brain. Only to be forgotten moments later.

Of course, you could go to Mammon, since “the night” you have spent more nights with him than necessary. Your heart just couldn't stand being alone right now. And the nights were so cold.

Maybe it was your lack of rest, perhaps it was the remnants of sleep clinging to your mind. But you didn't think as you picked up one of your pillows and exited the room.

The blank white lights of the hallways nearly flash banged you with the contrast to your own darkened room. It didn't stop your journey as you made your way down.

Levi was so afraid of what he’d do with you, yet he only felt safe when there was a thick barrier separating you two. The force fields are not counting in his head because of the available gaps where you fed him pizza through.

The large doors to his containment cell were much too loud for your sensitive ears and you shuffled through it and closed them behind you when you were in. Grateful for the darkness of the room.

But what if there were no barriers at all?

You stumbled a bit through the dark until you made it to the monitoring desk. The lights of the screens blinded you for a second when you turned it on before you turned the brightness down.

You typed in the commands you only used for when he was long unconscious.

Although the room was silent before, once you turned off the electricity in the fences the quiet buzzing you were barely aware of were actually gone now.

The silence and darkness were a terrifying combination, but all you wished to do was sleep.

There was just enough ambient light in the room to see your way to the edge of the tank. When you reached the drains you briefly considered being a rational person and leave. But clearly you weren't.

You laid down your pillow next to the drains, so you wouldn't accidentally be soaked by a little splash, placed your head on it, and drifted off by the sound of lapping waves.

While you drifted off to dreamland you were utterly unaware of the looming and gigantic sea monster hovering above you.


I CAN'T TELL YOU GUYS JUST HOW EXCITED I AM. The next chapter is my favourite chapter up-to-date. I have written this months before any of the others, so you might notice the writing style is a bit old. I will also tell you guys a little lore behind this story in the notes. so yeah! see you guys next week!

Chapter 17: Log-E̸͓͎͌͑r̵͈͎̞̤͂̅̒r̷̡̲͓̭̼̞͖̮̒̄̂̑̏̌̌ơ̵̥̻̩͉͚̭͇̈́̊ṙ̴̮̺͛͐


Levi: "f*ck humans!"

Reader appears:

Levi: "F-f*ck.. humans??"
Aka 5k+ words on how Levi has been enjoying his stay
(this is the biggest chapter up to date so strap in!)

Minor Violence, Blood, Implied Medical Drugging, (pretty much all from recaps of what previously happened)


AAAAA FINALLY!! I can show you guys my favourite chapter! this one is an oldie, I have written this one before chapter 4 funnily enough.

Now the backstory of this fic I promised. Did you know in early development the main character of this story wasn't Levi? It was Belphegor! And it was the very scene at the end of the last chapter, and partially this one. It was supposed to be a Feral monster Belphie and the reader being "I can fix him." They were supposed to go into his cage(yes he was kept in a cage) by locking themselves in with Belphie and then sleep on the floor. Belphie would then cuddle with them instead of murdering, the end. That was meant to be a silly one-shot.

However, I suddenly got a mermaid hyperfixation and then I was like. "What if, mermaid Levi, and what if, BIG." and then I rewrote the script and then it kind of... spiralled out of control. And became this fic!

Another fun fact, Mammon was always the harpy that reader already befriended. And Simeon was always supposed to be our co-worker, although Solomon was also a co-worker. The other characters weren't meant to be in the story. Oops

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a horrible time since the disappearance of two of his brothers and Levi couldn't keep himself idle anymore. In the end, he too failed and got caught by the humans instead. The humans told him he was caught in an oil leak and that is how they found him.

In the beginning, the puny humans were easy to fool and manipulate. As he made a run for it the humans shot him with sharp things and because he was in a still weakened state they’d got him down much too fast.

Sluggishly waking anew a second time a few human voices surrounded his head. Attempting to move proved futile as he was fully sedated with ropes and iron clamps. Trying to decipher what they were saying in their human language also appeared to be hopeless as his brain was buzzing too loud, and his head felt heavy like somebody filled it with sand.

He felt his claws being shortened before being thrown back into the water. He opened his eyes as he sank down, he didn't have any control over his body yet beyond the tiniest twitch in his fingers and tail. Really ought to avoid whatever they keep putting in him, if this keeps happening.

After laying there for a while and feeling enough strength to at the very least crawl out of the open, feeling so terribly exposed, he pulled himself to a corner and curled up in himself. Each movement made the injury on his flank flash with white-hot pain. It's not that he can do anything about it at the moment. The placement is rather… unfortunate, and he can't reach it.

The loud clang of a door startled the Leviathan and alarmed him that there were people downstairs too. Unfortunately, there were glass panels separating them, breaking them is definitely on his to-do list. He faked sleep as he saw two humans walk past. A tall and slim man with brown skin and darker brown hair walked along a smaller human who was talking to him.

They were wearing different clothes than most of the other humans here did. Signalling that they were more important than the rest. He'll make sure when he escapes he’d get them first.

The humans walked back to leave but the smaller one of the pair paused mid step and turned towards him and met his eyes. Both of them remained frozen, unsure of what to do. their eyes left for a second and he faked his sleep again.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

He was left alone for a while after that, mulling over new plans to escape. The previous one was quite a blunder, so pathetic that he could hear Lucifer nagging in his ears.

There were many electronics within this room, the power of them all was tingling at his fingertips. He wouldn't use it all quite yet, one needs a few tricks hidden after all. Not wanting to move he played and felt around for a bit, finding each device's position. Some he couldn't quite get a grip on, but they didn't prove much of a threat or use.

he hasn’t really been in the human world much, all those normie humans scent clogged up his nose and clung to his skin. But it was important to go there to practise. There is only so much damage you can do by bullying eels, destroying oceanic power cables and creating thunder when it's storming at sea. Sinking ships also got boring a lot faster than you’d think. For now, he’ll just get a good feel of the room before trying anything funny.

Although he’d love to crawl into a hole or cave, he can't. Instead, he was forced to remain in the water with zero places to hide. Even the corners were rounded out. The temperatures were fine, if not a bit warm. He's thankful for it since he could feel the electric currents better. They even gave him saltwater. The humans are hand-feeding him at this point.

By now the lights in the room had long turned off. He had learned quickly most of the lights in his water would remain on or dimmed, to watch or monitor him he assumed. When he swam up, all of the lights were off too, with the exception of one corner where a bunch of screens lit up the place.

His gaze immediately fell on the small lump of clothes. It was the smaller human that had clearly fallen asleep on the desk. Swimming to the side he tried to get as close as possible to the sight, which was not much honestly.

During his first attack, they had screamed to get the doctors to safety, the same people who had watched him from the glass and hadn’t left the room once. This must be a new doctor or handler. He wasn't sure, the humans used the terms on and off.

He watched them sleep in the uncomfortable position for a bit before sinking back into the water. His guards were raised much too high to even attempt to sleep. Curled up he just idly toyed with the electric currents until he fell into some semblance of peace.

Startled, he came back into alertness as large weird balls fell into his waters and gently drifted down. The precious humans tried that last time as well, So he just kept watching the things. Even as the oddest food smell reached his nose he refused to move. Focused on the balls he was surprised to hear the door clang shut and there the small human stood again.

He watched as they walked to the middle of the observation room to one of the benches, laid a few things down that they were carrying and promptly turned around to make eye contact with him.

He kept his gaze trained on theirs, feeling challenged. But his handler’s face was as passive as could be. He felt the tiniest feeling of triumph as he saw their eyes wander to the rest of him, before feeling slightly self-conscious immediately afterwards.

Soon enough they grabbed their notepad and started writing. He watched as they sighed disapprovingly and walked close to the glass. They pouted and made weird movements with their arms and mouth. After a second realising they were pointing to the odd food-smelling balls and making motions of eating.

Surely they didn't think he was stupid enough to just eat whatever they gave him. What if it knocks him out again? The human's face scrunched up in a weird way after he glanced at the ‘food’ and they acted out the motion of eating more enthusiastically despite his disbelief.

Levi must teach the humans he wouldn't be disrespected like this and uncurled himself, his stiff body protesting every movement. The doctor was distracted for a moment and he accelerated forwards when his body hit the glass roughly.

Yet nothing happened.

Completely baffled for a good second. Why didn't the glass break? Roughly body-slamming it had no effect either. And the human still had that dumb passive expression on their face. As a last attempt in his anger he used his tail to smash against the glass too, before a scalding pain emerged from the forgotten injury on his flank. A warning hiss fell from his throat before he could even think about it.

Not that it matters, the human just sat and looked at him.

And to his utter confusion, they grabbed a small white plastic thing, opened it and started eating whatever was inside. If it wasn't for the fact they were still intensely staring at him he might not even have been there to begin with. And then they just closed their eyes!

Now, since he too, was close to the glass he could make out the smaller things on his new “handler”. Like how deep their eye bags seem to be or the rumpled and crooked coat that covered most of the normal outfit underneath. As he nearly pressed his face against the glass he also saw how light reflected on the small gold and silver ring they wore.

The humans’ body posture was as relaxed as could be. Maybe they weren't kidding when they pointed to the balls as food. His stomach was rumbling louder and louder since he hadn't eaten in days while he was searching.

When they opened their eyes again he saw no malicious intent in them, and what did he have to lose truly? He’s stuck here anyways. Eye contact had never been his strong suit and he’s been doing it way too much today. He quickly swam around back to the ‘food’ and begrudgingly started eating it.

He watched as they left the room again. He watched as they got along with that other human who is apparently his other handler as well. And he watched as they got closer to the waters’ edge within his striking range. Albeit forgetting about the fences that surrounded his pool and reeled back into the waters. And he watched as the humans just merrily laughed among themselves, drenched in water now.

Ugh, he felt disgusted to his core with their happy socialising with one another. Before long he curled back into his corner, he would make a plan to get them and escape.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

Levi had hoped to have scared off the doctors, or at the very least to have frightened them. Even if it had failed on his part. But fate was not on his side as the smaller human kept stubbornly appearing each day on the other side of the glass. Sitting down or standing and they would just… eat at the same time he got fed. It wasn't the only time they would bother him. Some days they would come down with hands full of papers just to spread them on the floor and work on them. Or they would toy around with a digital screen that nearly seemed glued to them with how much they carried it around. He tried to get in contact with the device, but he was too isolated from it and couldn't reach it.

On occasion, he could see them talking to the air. Levi humoured himself that it was to be directed at him. but with the glass, water and distance nothing could possibly come across, even with his enchanted hearing.

Other times the taller human would visit in their stead, or they’d be together. They would talk, laugh and be all cuddly and he would try his hardest to ignore their existence. Even if they waved and smiled at him every time without fail when they caught him looking.

The weird scrunching thing the humans did with their faces was meant to convey happiness as far as he got. Most expressions were easy, he’d been around humans before after all. Just.. never interacted. that was Asmo’s and Satan’s thing, those normie social butterflies. They never understood why an outcast like him could never talk to social creatures like humans.

Ever so often he would pop his head above the water to try and follow his handlers' conversations, this way he also learnt their names. And if they ever saw him peak he would hide again.

He kept thinking he understood the way they acted. And then he didn't.

It was the perfect moment. He splashed them with the water to disorient them, cut off all the electricity he could access and threatened them properly. In the end, it didn't matter at all.

And with his stupidity, he revealed to them he could speak the human tongue. He even revealed to the smaller human his name, even if he doesn't quite get why. Still, he made his own escape harder. After the second failed escape he felt how the electric currents had changed and he could barely touch them now. More equipment was placed within the room and pool to watch and monitor. Destroying cameras and audio recorders was still as easy as ever and was one of his favourite activities when he was particularly annoyed.

His injury also kept hurting more and more, the placement was just inconvenient enough that he couldn't do anything about it. But he’d die before asking the humans for help. And still, they did.

He had been knocked out again, as usual at this point.

He had nearly torn it off when he felt something touch him when he regained consciousness. But held back when he saw what it was, his injury wrapped in bandages. As Amateurish as it looked. As he carefully traced his hand across it he also noticed his muscles felt relaxed and lost most of its stiffness. For once it felt like he could breathe.

He kept the bandages on and re-wrap them if they got too loose from the swimming. And things kept going like that for a while. The doctors would visit, eat, and try to talk to him. And as much as he tried to deny it, the last one worked on him. It was always idle chatter they spoke to him, but it was something against the deafening silence when he was alone.

While there was a day and night cycle simulated by the overhead lights he lost track of time easily. And before he knew it he was sitting side by side by the humans on the grate talking and laughing about nothing at all. Of course, the protective fence was always between them at all times. But sometimes? It felt like it wasn't even there anymore.

Naturally he had to mess it all up.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

It was the second routine health inspection as they explained to him. He was only lightly drugged and he got it done willingly, it made him feel drowsy and relaxed. He had been laying on land for a bit, chittering to himself to fill the loneliness. It all sounded muffled due to the wet blanket they laid on him. He felt how his restraints had been done sloppily, but you wouldn't hear a comment from him.

He wouldn't admit to it but the constant presence of his handlers became comforting instead of suffocating. It wasn't as fulfilling as his six brothers but something was better than nothing. He began to tell stories about them. Nobody would understand it regardless, his brain was too mushy to speak the human language so he defaulted to his own tongue.

The small human had arrived and told him plans had been changed. It would be just him and them. Along with this, it would be a small check-up instead. He couldn't keep the happy chirps to himself if he tried.

Still, when they began to touch him, he couldn't help but become nervous, especially every time they got close to his gills. But the feeling of their small hands messaging his muscles helped him relax enough for them, although the gloves they wore felt weird on his skin. They worked on him for a while, narrating everything they did. As they worked he could feel himself slowly sober up, he guesses that wasn't the intention so he kept up the act.

And then it happened. In one breath he was ‘drunkenly’ laughing at a joke they made, but in the next one he’d snapped out of all his restraints and lashed out at them. Creating a gaping wound in their too soft stomach.

He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe. Why did he do that? They weren't even looking at him, just where their hands were uselessly pressing against the rapidly bleeding injury. Staining the floor, their clothes and hands in crimson as it oozed out.

He watched as they mumbled something he couldn't hear over his pulse booming in his ears. They turned around, took about three steps before collapsing onto the ground. And even then they pushed themselves forward crawling shakingly before slipping on their own blood.

As he heard the sound of their head hitting the floor the realisation hit him they were not just crawling away in fear, but instead were reaching for the emergency button. Something they explained to him some time ago. Breaking the last measly restraints, he used his arms to drag himself to the button and press it repeatedly.

The containment breach protocol activated, the alarm loud and screeching in his ears as the red lights flashed all around.

Levi carefully slid to the place his small and so fragile human was laying on the ground and cradled them in his palms without jostling them too much. They were barely conscious and he kept telling them to please stay awake.

With ease he removed their hands from the wound and replaced it with one of his own. Red was still leaking from it despite the new applied pressure and he wasn't sure how much blood humans could lose before it became dangerous.

His instincts were at war with one another. One part wanted him to crush the tiny human in his grasp, make them pay for what the humans did to his family. Yet the other half wanted to hold them closer, take them back into the pool and hide them safe from harm.

Both sides were stupid and he tried to stuff them to the back of his mind.

His human ended up losing consciousness regardless of his effort. All he could do was cradle their body closer to himself. And at that moment the iron doors opened to show a bunch of panicked people. Their pounding heartbeats like thunder in his ears.

He could see how their eyes followed the blood trail and settled on him and the person grasped in his arms. They readied their guns but it was Simeon who withheld them from firing at him.

His instincts were finally in agreement to not let the other humans get close to him and his human. But his rational brain saw the medics among them. Being capable of doing much more than he could in his captive state.

With great effort, he slowly but steadily moved closer to them, something that even startled Simeon. Avoiding their gazes and trying to appear as small as possible he handed the unconscious but still breathing and living body off to them.

With encouragement from Simeon, the medics took his human from him. Even if they were trembling with fear, they were quick to tend to the doctor. As soon as they left his hands he shrunk back inside the room. He wanted to sink back into the water but with containment breach protocol the fences that were turned off were activated again.

He couldn't do anything about it himself but Simeon seemed to know what he wanted and he ran to the control station and deactivated them. He heeded into the water without looking back.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

If time moved strangely before, it certainly did now. He refused to get out of his corner that he was now constantly huddled and sulking in. He didn't swim or move his underused muscles. Simeon regularly visited and tried to get his attention, a few times he actually pounded on the glass. But Levi really could not bring up any energy to as much as greet him

Other times a different unfamiliar human male would visit too. A strange one, with cold green eyes. His clothes are completely different then any other human he has seen here so far. He never tried to get a reaction out of him, he would just stand there for a while and then leave. He didn't put much mind to it.

Once or twice another human male visited, one with bright red hair. He couldn't bring up enough energy to really remember anything else about him, he did the same as the other strange one. Just stand there and look at him for a while. He wished they just left him alone.

Eating felt like a hassle now. The food pellets were given at the same time every day as always, but it just doesn't feel worth it. Only when his survival instincts forced him to gorge down the food through his unwilling throat did he eat. But it felt like stones sitting in his stomach.

It was yet another day and the guilt was still eating him inside out. He heard the downstairs door clang shut but it barely registered in his brain at all. At least, until he heard a knock on the glass. It felt familiar in a way that wasn't Simeon’s.

He sneaked a tiny glance before he was forced to do a double take. His human, standing there in clothes he had never seen before. But it was them nonetheless. His body rushed forward before he could think about it. Still, he couldn't help but pause in front of the glass.

He hurt them, badly. The blood on his hands and chest dissipated nearly instantly when he had hit the pool. But the scent of their blood floated around in the water for far too long, despite the filtration systems that always whirred inside of the walls of his tank.

And still they came to see him? Someone as monstrous and disgusting as him? Their eyes glistened the same way with their hopeful look in the reflected light that came from the water as always. They signed for him to move closer and who is he to refuse?

Simeon and the green-eyed man stood side to side beside them. Looking at each of his handlers movement as if it is possible for them to collapse at any second. But they weren't even giving the men a glance, instead their focus solely on him. He saw as they lifted a slightly trembling hand and put it flat on the glass.

The action clearly caused them pain somehow yet they kept looking at him so expectantly. He lowered himself down and raised his own shaking hand just a few centimetres away from the glass. And hesitantly placed his own hand over their tiny one.

It almost felt as if he could feel their warmth radiating through the thick barrier of glass. What he could feel, was their beaming smile that nearly blinded him with how happy they looked. The two of them stood there like that for a moment before they signalled for him to come above the water.

Up there the three explained to him that Simeon will now be his main handler, and that his human will work with the creature they previously worked with until they are fully recovered. The odd, yet strangely familiar scent they had clinging to their clothes must belong to the creature then.

It felt like a claw through the heart, but they assured him they would visit every now and then.

Time went a lot faster after that. So fast that Simeon and his human ended congratulating him that it's been half a year since they met, and the days continued on. He was currently considered safe enough to try environmental experiments instead of just taking body samples. They made him do diving tests, strength tests and even intelligence tests too.

His injury was long forgotten and healed. Physical check-ups still got done of course. Yet, he refused to cooperate if he wasn't fully knocked out for the procedure. Each time he was relieved yet disappointed when his human was never to be seen when he had to get one. At one point they allowed him to taste test different types of food to see which one he liked best. They were still the damned pellets but it was better than nothing.

That made the special treats the smaller human sometimes brought him even more important. Granted he wasn't officially allowed to eat any of it. But his human never seemed a person that abided by the rules anyways.

In the time that Simeon became his handler the two had become really close. Especially what Levi likes about him are his stories. One late night Simeon told him how his bizarre work couldn't even be compared with the fantasy stories he wrote. With more inquiry (or pestering), his reward for doing anything was Simeon telling more of the world from the Tale of the Seven Lords. A writing hobby he has on the side.

And despite the huge improvement with Simeon there still feels like there is this huge clove between him and the smaller human. Always walking on eggshells, and he just doesn’t know how to fix it.

Which led to this night

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

It had been an hour or two since the lights went out. Levi had always preferred the night and her darkness, but he couldn't be bothered to tell the humans that.

Startled, he heard how the automatic doors of his room opened and promptly closed too. Usually nobody ever comes in after dark, especially not if he wasn't informed beforehand. Restlessly he debated what to do. Nobody came downstairs to see him through the glass either. He wanted to check above water to see who it was, perhaps an intruder?

The thought of a complete stranger breaking in sent his instincts in a frenzy before he realised that couldn't be possible. If he couldn't break out. How could anyone ever break in?

Mid swim he froze in place as he felt one of the electric currents straight up disappear.

The fence.

Surely this was some sort of trick, to test him to see if he’d escape.

Swimming circles on the very bottom of the tank he couldn't help but pace even more, yet nothing else happened. In the end his head yelling at him to at least check sent him drifting to the surface. He peaked out just his eyes above the water

He spotted something, no, a person laying directly on the metal drains of his tank. Heart dropping when he realised it was his human. In an instant he hovered above them, unsure what in the world happened. He didn't dare touch them but nothing appeared to be wrong. No scent of blood or anything strange. They were literally just… sleeping. A small cushy pillow underneath their head.

In unfiltered relief he sagged back down underwater. Hands clinging to the edge to keep him from sinking down before pulling himself up again. He had zero clue why in mother nature’s name they would do this, but it sure looked uncomfortable.

Hands itching to drag them underwater with him and make a sleeping circle, since he doesn't have a nest or a den. He slightly carved away at the urge by firmly planting himself above them, forearms on the ground and awkwardly hovering. Covering their defenceless form from harm.

He was unsure where the overwhelming urge to protect-care his little human came from. This intensity only reserved for his brothers, his pod. But why does this human stir his instincts so much? Was it because they are so frail?

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down failed when the only air that filled his nose was their scent.



The loud buzz in his ears got louder and more urgent. With careful consideration he slowly combed his hand through their softsoft hair for a bit.

The voices in his head telling him it's a very bad idea to touch another person, a human no less, drummed out by the instincts chanting yesgoodyes.

With the smallest amount of grace he scooped with unfamiliar patience his human up. With every twitch he stilled until he was cradling their body on his chest. Floating lightly on the water together for once, a loud purr started up in his throat that moved all the way down to his chest. And quite frankly he didn't want to hold back at all. His scent now clingling as much on them, as theirs clung to him.

He idly paddles his tail through the water as he observes his handler laying on his chest. There were deep bags underneath their eyes, exhaustion seeping from every pore.

And still their face was one of the most beautiful ones he has ever seen in his long life. He laid his still-dry hand on their face, belatedly realising his hand is way too big for his tiny human’s head, he settled by gently stroking their cheek with two of his fingers.

To feel the heat they radiated so close was utterly intoxicating. And he was drowning.

He leaned his head backwards back into the water to cool his head down. Ugh, what are these corny and cheesy thoughts!

He made sure to tip back enough to properly submerge his face but not enough to accidentally drop his human in the water. He wasn't sure if they could swim, and he didn't want them waking up.

Pulling his head up he looked at his handler once again and saw how the human now had their head leaning into his hand while they slept. He could nearly cry from the cuteness! If any of his brothers saw him right now he would have died of embarrassment.

His other arm has dried by now and he hesitantly laid his other hand across their lower back, thoughtlessly rubbing small circles against the soft skin. Now they're completely enveloped in him and he couldn't help but coo with happiness. His heart doing silly flips.

He wasn't sure how many laps he had done around the tank by now, but he did know his throat was starting to hurt with the loud purring he had been doing continuously.

It's just him and his human, nobody here to steal them away from him. Just the two of them floating safely on the water. And with a feeling of fulfilment, he too, drifted to sleep.

He’d deal with the consequences of his choices tomorrow.

As he slept he was utterly unaware of the tiny human that laid on him, who had been awake the whole time.


I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Still haven't written a chapter that I enjoyed more than this one hehe

if there is anything in particular that you like, or didn't, do point it out! I love criticism. I eat it up like breakfast

This also concludes the first Arc! Testing the Waters. I hope you're ready for Ruffled Feathers

Chapter 18: Log-18


This chapter for me radiates the energy of two teenagers having a sleepover for the first time. And one (actually both) not really knowing how to act after they woke up first.


I call this chapter "Writer abuses the absolute hell out of the comma, because f*ck the rules."

I hope you guys were hungry for some fluff because you're getting a whole feast. Eat it up!

Enjoy the carrots before the stick comes back lmao

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was eerily silent within the room, you couldn't even hear the sound of the water sloshing. Perhaps the reason for that was the fact that your brain was screaming at you.

How in the world you're going to explain this you have no idea.

Despite all the weird things that have happened to you while working here, being used as a big cuddle bear by a vibrating Leviathan was NOT on your bucket list.

Your sleep-deprived ass was not thinking about the possible consequences of essentially giving free reign of yourself to Levi.

As you were slowly falling asleep after you laid down on the cold tiles, the sudden noise of water getting breached, almost next to you, kickstarted your brain into consciousness at an alarming rate. Suddenly coming to the realisation this was probably quite a bad idea.

While you knew, knew somewhere deep down Levi wouldn't intentionally hurt you. You weren't sure what he would actually do. So your half baked plan became acting as if you were still asleep.

At this point, you had felt him itching closer to you, but nothing else. With the amount of bustling water, it sounded like he was constantly dunking himself in and out of the pool you thought in amusem*nt to distract yourself against the drumming of your heart.

Trying your hardest to remain unmoving when you feel him move above you. Fighting yourself internally to not get deterred when you felt the smallest amount of water droplets fall on your pyjamas. With the tiniest silver of confidence, you peeked one eye open to look since you were laying on your side.

sh*t, you were definitely caged in.

One of his blackened forearms was directly in front of your face, so close you could see his still moist skin through the darkness. The space for you is so narrow if he leaned down he would most definitely crush you with his weight. And hastily closed your eye again.

What you didn't expect him to do was loudly inhale some air, it was shaky and stuttering. If you didn't know better you’d almost thought he couldn't breathe. To your confusion, he let out an airy warble and breathed deeply again.

This repeated a few times and you felt his warm breath heating up the skin of your neck and the small space between your bodies the longer he did that.

You should have taken into account his other arm. Nearly flinching when you felt it touch your head. You hugged your pillow a little tighter but he didn't even seem to notice.

Although, you were pleasantly surprised, quite liking the feeling of him gently scratching your skull with his long claws. Making goosebumps rile up your skin. Trying your best to not let a content moan slip out at the nice feeling.

Luckily for you the sound of something other than your rapidly pulsing heartbeat or the water distracted you enough to remain silent. If you strained your ears you could hear the faint sound of growling? No… You’d recognize a purr like that everywhere.

You laid there motionlessly for a while as Levi continued quietly purring above you while raking his nails on your scalp. You hoped that would be all, but alas, faith isn't that kind.

You forced your body to not stiffen as you felt him gently prod at your body. Wait… He was picking up your body.

Despite your initial horror of feeling his massive hands picking you up, you quickly relaxed as you felt how careful and delicate he was being. Almost like you were made of porcelain.

Perhaps for him, you practically are as fragile as that. But somehow it didn't feel as belittling and mocking as it usually felt. As he moved you from the floor to him, you almost felt more than you heard the happy warbles and chitters he let out.

When Levi finally cradled you to his chest you weren't sure if you should be relieved or not. Because now you were floating on the water, laying on him like he was a giant air mattress.

For the first time you appreciated instead of fearing his size, as the thought of your clothing becoming wet was not a thing you would have enjoyed. But now your entire body was laying on his chest and the lower half of your legs were on the edge where his human-like skin morphed into his tail. The feeling of the scales against your bare feet is horribly unfamiliar and quite cold. But not actually all that bad.

What also isn't that bad is that the “purring” he was doing had become so loud you could feel it vibrate within your bones. It's like you were laying on a horizontal massage chair.

However, what did feel bad was the way you could feel Levi’s stare burning into your face. You haven't opened your eyes again but everything inside you told you that you were being watched.

Your feeling was validated when you felt something cold press against your face. It took you a second to realise it was actually his fingers caressing your cheek.

The action felt surprisingly tender and intimate and you felt your repressed emotions immediately floating towards the surface. Perhaps it was a good time to tell him you're actually awake-

When you carefully opened one of your eyes again you were met with Levi’s head dunked underwater. Okay. Let's just… close your eyes again and wait to see how it plays out.

Subconsciously you had leaned into his hand. While his skin was unnaturally cold compared to you, the longer you had skin contact with him, he seemed to slowly soak up your body warmth.

You were so distracted by his temperature differences that you didn't realise the sudden pressure on your back was actually Levi's other hand. You really got to get your head focused!

Just like earlier, all he really did with his hand was rub circles on your back. His previous purr grew so loud that it nearly turned into a growl. Was just this little interaction making him so happy?

Well… For him it most likely was his first true skin-to-skin contact in the past half year. Jeez, you feel horrible once again. You should definitely discuss this all with your therapist.

Still, if this was really the worst he would do with you while you were “unconscious” then there should be little to fear. All he wanted to do was cuddle you. You just hoped he wouldn't sink underwater, since you would definitely not be able to break out of his grasp. It was as firm as it was gentle around you.

Despite the subtle rocking you were experiencing on top of the water, combined with the soothing motions Levi was drawing into your skin you had never felt more awake. Levi on the other hand at one point stopped moving all together at some point as he fell asleep.

The hand that was against your face had slipped down back into the water and the other was still on top of you, but had ceased motion.

When the growly purr had shifted into a barely audible one you were confident enough to open both your eyes and take in the sight.

You were laying with your head where his sternum should be, your arms had been above your head but during your transportation they were moved to limply hang to the sides, nearly touching the water.

Quickly you moved them up to lay your chin on your hands, the movement not startling Levi in the slightest thankfully.

Welp. Now you're stuck here. Smack middle of the pool.

You're pretty certain you’d have no problem swimming to the shore, despite being in your pj’s. Nevertheless, you weren't sure if you wouldn't wake up the beast you were laying on top of right now. He’s always hyper-aware of anything that touches or moves in his tank, no matter how small. Your human size would definitely alarm him.

“Ugh, consequences have actions huh.”

You plopped your head down on his chest again, still not a single reaction. You never expected him to be such a deep sleeper.

Now you kinda wish you ‘accidentally woke up’ instead.

It wasn't… unpleasant sleeping on him. You were much more comfortable than you thought. The way his heart was slowly thumping in his sleep was oddly soothing for your own rapid heartbeat. Your own body heat being reflected back by him also tickled your biologist senses in all the right ways.

It's just the thought of unexpectedly falling into the water that scares you the most.

Even so, as if a tsunami of sleep suddenly hit your senses, exhaustion made itself known loud and clear. It was long past midnight after all and your eyes got droopier by the second.

At a last attempt you tried to focus on the little black and purple scales that stood out on his human skin. It was a line pattern from the back of his neck that slithered down to his left chest and ribs and you know it connected again to his lower back where it melted into his tail.

Not even studying it up close like this could keep you awake for long, as you too, fell asleep.


You woke up to a startled shriek that genuinely hurt your ears a little. In an attempt to get away from the noise you instinctively pushed yourself up and away. Only to be stopped by something grabbing your waist and your feet being wet.

Your eyelids sprung open only to be face to face with Levi.

You screamed in your sudden panic and he screamed back. But neither of you could get distance as he was holding you with his arm and now your legs were wet too. He was sinking!

“Levi, Levi! Calm down! Please don't get underwater!”

He freezes immediately and while he was in a weird sort of upright position in the water he immediately laid down flat like a floating plank. The sudden movement nearly rocked you off him. But the arm that was around your back pressed you down against him as he lowered, nearly crushing your lungs.

“Okay one problem over but now I'm slightly suffocating under your arm, could you lift it-”

He clicked worriedly before he lifted it off you. Great, no accidental suffocation today.

Subtly you pushed yourself up again and you could feel his stomach flexing against your hands. You didn't notice it last night, but he felt surprisingly sturdy. Curiously you wanted to move your hands up a little higher, as his second set of gills were just above your hands. You wanted to know if they also felt as tough or if they were softer because they belonged to his respiratory system–, work brain please turn off.

Now awkwardly you lifted your legs off from your weird straddling position, that's why they were hanging in the water apparently, and laid them on his stomach too as you sat cross legged on him.

Levi wasn't really noticing this as he had both his hands covering his face.

He was rapidly saying something but you weren't really catching it, it was too fast and muffled.

“Levi, breathe. I can't hear what you're saying.”

He moved his hands slightly higher so his mouth wasn't hidden anymore but his rambling was still going fast.

“I'm so sorry, you must think I'm a total freak and a weirdo! I just picked you up without thinking and how can you stand being around such a gross monster like me? You must be utterly disgusted I can't do anything right, pleasedontleavemealoneIreallylikedyourcompanyivebeensoalone-”

His speech was so jumbled at the end that you couldn't understand it. But the first part definitely caught you off guard. Quickly you scooted a little closer to his head which put all mumbling to a screeching stop.

“Hey now, first things first. You really aren't a freak. Trust me, I’d know. And I like hanging around you, because you're my friend too, so no worries at all.”

You could see all his fins become rigid, even the ones that are his ‘ears’ as he lowered his hands to look at you in disbelief.

“Y-you think that we are… friends?!”

Now it was your turn to become a little embarrassed.

“Well, uhm, i-if you would like to, then yes. Then I think of you as my friend.”

You slightly regretted your decision as he flung close to you, practically hovering above you in the water. You were still on his “lap”, but unfortunately that was now underwater in his upright position, so now you were soaked waist down.

This didn't stop Levi as he excitedly held your arms to make sure you didn't fall back even further.

“Not like I would want a normie human f-friend like you! But you've been so– so kind so I guess I can make an exception.”

While there wasn't a purr like yesterday, chirps and warbles spilled out his throat seemingly without him really noticing as he happily went on ranting about “normie humans”. You’d love to listen but there was a slightly more important issue at hand.

“Uh, great conversation Levi. I'm happy we are officially friends now. But the water is really cold and I'm kinda still in my pyjamas. Can you bring me back to land?”

He legitimately squeaked before he planked again. Bobbing you back up and down with the waves his crazy movements keeps creating.

“Well, fr-friends should help each other out! That's what Ruri-chan always says to her best friend Hiro-kun!

Deciding to play along, you nod dutifully. And thankfully he didn't sit up again and lazily swam to shore.

It really isn't that big of a distance, just one lazy stretch and he should be there. But the closer you got, the more dejected he looked. You raked your brain for something to say.

“Well, uh. What I did last night was probably highly against the rules. But at the very least I proved you wouldn't kill me. So! If I get approval I can go swimming with you after this. At least if Simeon doesn't murder me...”

He beamed a little at that.

"Really?! That would be so kewl. You’d probably be an absolute noob at swimming compared to me lmao. I’d have to hold you up under your arms so you wouldn't drown or something like that.”

You cringed internally at his slang usage but let it slide. You were too busy figuring out how to move from Levi to the floor. Awkwardly being in a crawling position on his chest, not really knowing how to make the switch. He seemed to notice your struggle and took pity upon you by carefully picking you up, ready to place you back on land.

As if you were talking about the devil earlier, the doors of the room opened just as you were lifted into the air. Immediately making eye contact with Simeon as he stood frozen in the door opening.

He remained unmoving at least, until the moment he dropped everything he was holding to the floor.


I don't normally like spoiling my own stories.
But as a draft, the next chapter had the name "iPad Kid." So take that how you will ;D

Chapter 19: Log-19


After snoozles and cuddles it is time to go back to work, but Levi isn't quite done with giving you surprises

Reader also fails at not giving Simeon continued heart attacks, and is probably shaving like 20 years off his lifespan at this point with the amount of stress they give him.


I hope you guys had a fun Halloween if you celebrated it! I didn't do much beyond getting tipsy, and wearing a half-asses cat costume- So, I hope you guys had more fun!

I don't think there is.. too much happening in this chapter? Just a bit of stuff before the next chapter, which I also greatly enjoyed writing. This is just me dropping some info for important things later on 👀

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

How you managed to calm Simeon down you still have no idea. He was so shocked from seeing Levi lifting you up like in that scene in The Lion King that he couldn't even lecture you.

When you returned sometime later that day in your normal clothes you saw Simeon sitting at the desk with his head in his hands. Levi was at the water's edge worriedly looking at him, letting out quiet distressed warbles.

Simeon had not turned the fences on again.

"Uhm, hi….Simeon?”

He didn't even look up at you, he just sunk his head a little lower. You think you're worrying him into becoming white haired early on.

“So, I definitely had... proper… reasons for what I did. And I will definitely document everything too. Let’s- not worry about it too much.”

He moved a few of his fingers away to look at you. You worried for a second that you broke him, finally the last string that kept him mentally stable. But the small crinkle in his eyes told you he was smiling behind his hands.

“You're really an intriguing person, aren't you? Nobody has ideas that you have.”

“I most certainly hope that nobody has ideas like me, that would end in disaster.”

It still hurt a little to look into his smouldering blue eyes, glittering with amusem*nt and exasperation so you turned your attention to your left.

Levi was still awkwardly hovering on the edge so you decided to walk to him. When you neared you saw how he wanted to move away again. But after a few hesitant glances at you and Simeon, he came to stay. You tried your best to ignore Simeon’s eyes burning into you and Levi.

“Well, hi there Levi. That was an eventful morning. But… I have decided that we wouldn't turn on the fences, since they aren't really necessary anymore. As long as you don't try to escape of course.”

In front of you you heard a quiet “Okay.” and taking a look behind, you saw Simeon nodding his head along.

“Now that you're not a direct threat anymore, in the eyes of others. We can start making some proper adjustments. Since… you're going to stay here for a while. But we’ll first need permission from our boss, Diavolo, before we can make big changes.”

“You know, we could even ask Diavolo for his Sigil of Approval. If we get the clear on that, we can work a lot more independently. Then we won't have to wait as long and we don't have to ask for permission for everything we do.”

You got a little startled at how close Simeon suddenly was to you. But after he was done speaking he gave you the look. You resolutely nodded back. No matter what grievances you had with him right now, the plan came first.

“Sigil of Approval?”

Levi was now pushed up a little on the drains so he wouldn't have to look so far up at the standing pair. You turned to him again and began to explain.

“Me and Simeon call it the ‘good boy award’ if you hear us speaking about it. Pretty much it means the research team and the creature get a lot more freedom to do what they want. It is quite difficult to get since not only is the subject highly scrutinised, to see if their behaviour is truly that ‘well-behaved’. But the team must show all their efforts and progress.

That's a simple explanation at least. They just leave us on our own without really bothering us.”

Levi looked quite contemplative at you and Simeon before he spoke up again.

“Would that mean I can eat pizza instead of those disgusting pellets?”


He kept true to his word and not even once he tried to escape.

In all honesty? Nothing too much changed at all with Levi since your impromptu cuddling session that night.

If anything, that night brought you two a bit closer, like you were before.

Once again you two would sit on the drains. You would talk the most, like always, but you still don't mind it at all. But unlike before he now had the freedom to properly sit with his size, now not forced to be so cramped all the time.

It still scared you at times. Him sitting so close next to you. The barrier gave you a false sense of safety. And now that it was gone your brain always screamed that there was danger nearby.

But as you looked up at the black and purple hued monster, talking about the latest ruri-hana episode you watched. Excitedly making hand motions and seeing his ears flick in that happy way you could barely hear the warning bells at all.

On the days Simeon was working instead, you always made sure to read all the data logs he left behind. And even he wrote about how Levi was more sociable. Even engaging in the conversation first once in a while.

Honestly, at this point you could be writing about what Levi says. The files containing the logs are restricted to your team (you and Simeon), Diavolo and Babatos. But you knew both of them must be so busy that they never read them regardless.

It was more just a daily task you could do to spend the time. Data logs are only pulled up when something goes horribly wrong. The majority of the time, the staff is more likely to look at the creature’s info file, which is public access for all workers, and call it a day.

Like that thing that happened last weekend.

Both of you were laying on the floor close to the pool. Levi has used every opportunity to not be in it once the fences had been properly removed.

When you requested their removal you didn't even get as much of a question as to why. You just walked in the next day and the workers flooded inside to remove them.

You just sat at one of the corners of the pool with Levi next to you. His friendliness only extended to you and Simeon it seemed. Every other human that tried to get close got a mouth full of hissing and venom thrown at them.

Eventually, you got enough of his attempts to be intimidating and placed a hand on his head and hoped it was an off button.

It definitely worked as he quieted. But that wasn't all, his hair was so much softer than you had anticipated. Without really thinking about it you ran your fingers through his hair and it caused Levi to purr up a storm.

He was so lost in it that he had half his head in your lap with you scratching the base of his skull in a random pattern. Although he seemed to get quite flustered whenever you got close to the horns that sprouted from his head or the gills near his neck. So you made sure to not touch it too often.

One of the workers asked if you could move so they could finish. But with a warning growl vibrating over the purr that came from Levi you told them it's better to leave it till later.

The rest of that day was spent with you tipping your legs into the water and playing with Levi's hair as he melted into you.

He refuses to say anything about the fact he did that, but you often bring it up to tease him.

Being back in the present and thinking back on his hair… It has been growing awfully long.

When he came in his hair had been relatively short and sloppily cut. But now as he was watching another anime episode he had to repeatedly swipe his hair out of his face.

“You know Levi, if your hair bothers you I can probably try cutting it for you. If you're comfortable enough to let me come close with scissors. If you’re worried about me doing a bad job, trust me, working here has given me plenty of experience in haircutting.”

Mammon absolutely refused the idea of anyone beyond you or Simeon doing his hair. In general he hates anyone touching him beyond you two.

He seemed to consider the offer in the way he carded his hand through his hair while still watching the show, only to get stuck in several tangles- it's gotten a lot longer actually.

“If you are sure it’s not a bother… I wouldn't really mind my hair being the way it was before. Since I can't do it myself right now.”

“It wouldn't take me that long to grab a proper pair of scissors, we can finish watching this episode and then I can become your personal barber. The only problem is where I'm going to do your hair. You can't sit down, you’d still tower over me when I stand.

But I also don't want you to float in the water, you wouldn't be still enough. Getting through that curtain of hair is also going to take a big chunk of time…”

You sighed a little trying to think how to solve the issue, until…

“Well, if you want to, I can just become smaller. Then I can sit in front of you.”

You sat in silence for a few seconds before hitting the pause button on your laptop, hearing a little “Hey!” behind you. You twisted around and stared him down.

“You can do what?”

And then in front of your very own eyes, you saw how Levi seemed to shrink into himself. Literally. His gigantic tail curled into itself only to become three times as small. You heard the sound of his muscles and bones contracting and moving. If you weren't already familiar with those types of noise you’d for sure have thrown up at the sound alone. Even if Levi didn't look like he was in any pain at all.

When this “transformation” was done, what was sitting in front of you was like a miniature version of your beloved Leviathan.

He was currently resting on his forearms like he was before. He had dragged his bigger form further away from the water so he didn't accidentally destroy the laptop by waterlogging it. So now his much smaller version was fully on land. Only the very tip of his tail was now in the water, instead of his entire lower body.

You were definitely staring too much as you saw him fidget awkwardly underneath your gaze, but you were a bit too stumped right now. He just looked like a mermaid with horns, if you’d be honest. If you turned his tail into legs he might actually be as tall as Simeon.

“You… You could shrink. ALL this time??”

“W-well, yes. But I never saw a need before.”

You shuffled closer on your knees to him and you saw how he got increasingly more anxious. He flinched a little when you delicately placed your hands on either side of his face, but didn’t move away.

“Levi, this is amazing. Do you have any clue how much freedom you have just given yourself? Did you never think anything of all these tubes and small canals inside the room? Now you can reach nearly everywhere!”

You heard the faint rattling produced by his spinal fin, and as much as it used to scare you now you know it had multiple intentions. And you knew too that he was excited at the prospect.

While he was looking away most of the time you were close he met your eyes again when he heard you gasp happily.

“I just realised something you can do now!”

He was stuck laying on the floor awkwardly as you released his face and darted away from him. If you weren't so distracted you could have heard the disappointed thrill he let out.

He resigned to his fate and instead started sitting up. Well as much as somebody could with a tail. It was difficult seeing what you were doing when he was smaller. Not that he was sure what you were doing as you were running around with a few towels in your arms and were doing something at the monitoring desk.

Your excitement was slightly rubbing on him as he couldn't help the happy wag of his tail. So far most of your ideas were cool or tasty when you were this happy. He did make sure to be still when you walked back to him. Although you did look a little surprised when you saw him upright.

“Okay so, I had this thought. While usually me and Simeon are here to entertain you. You probably also realised we aren't always here. So perhaps this can help you.”

He let out a questioning chirp when you showed him one of the tablets.

“You seemed to really like watching anime. And while I know watching Ruri-chan is our thing. There isn't anything stopping you from watching other ones.”

You hoped you weren't being too touchy when you sat next to him. But you had to be close while explaining this. You made sure to first make clear that he cannot take the tablet inside the water.

“So after you come out of the water you need to dry your hands with a towel. This tablet is brand new and not connected so there isn't anything important on it, so I had to use a little parental lock on it sorry. But it can bring you enough entertainment regardless. This button is the Deflix app, try gently pressing it.”

He was shifting next to you during your explanation but eventually settled on half leaning against you to keep his balance. He still often gauged your reaction but you remained sitting as you spoke. So he assumed it was alright.

Not that he could be too worried anymore when you handed him the tablet to hold it.

The next half hour was explaining to him how to navigate the app and how to take care of the tablet.

“We are going to figure out how we charge it when we’re not here. But for now, you can have the tablet when we aren't doing tests or experiments. Hopefully, this can help against your boredom.”

When he looked back down at you his gaze was filled with stars, and you feared you might have created a monster.


Yes, this was me shamelessly using my "Levi has an undercut" headcanon, sorry pookies~

He can also finally be a gamer again once he figures out how the app store works, just give him some time

Chapter 20: Log-20


Sometimes you have to remember Reader isn't the only human at the facility. Even if the others have... interesting quirks.
might even call them, hot-tempered. ;D

Spoiler for this chapter:
Reader: "Really, right in front of my Salad?"


(Note, The chapter is not proofread, point out any mistakes if any!)

NOOOO I AM ONE DAY LATE ON HIS BIRTHDAY. This is a horrible day. I was so incredibly tempted to upload one day early to get it out on the same date but alas.

Also, an important note at the end!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everyday you wake up for your job and every day you regret every decision that led you to this path.

Putting on the wetsuit had to be one of the most uncomfortable things you have ever done in your life. And you have been elbow deep inside of creatures before during check-ups.

Still you fought on, pulling up the thick fabric of the legs to put on the booties. You decide to go gloveless, they don't work on screens and that might hinder you.

You've also been in Levi’s water before and while it's a tad bit on the cold side. It wasn't downright freezing gratefully. And if you got chilly you could easily just get out and heat up again.

Before you head to Levi you decide to go off road for a bit. It was still Simeons turn to work with Levi. You still haven't gotten much interaction with him since the night. The only sort of communication you two have is when the two of you happen to see each other in either subject's room.

The most you have spoken is through a frantic call you got the day after you discovered Levi could shrink.

“So you learned that Levi could transform into a smaller form and you didn't immediately tell me?? And how did he acquire a tablet? He refused to give it back to me, saying it's a gift from you?”

You apologise for not saying anything to him and explain everything that happened. Proper documentations and edits have been made. A few hours later you just got a mysterious thumbs up and a smiling emoji from Diavolo, that nearly sent your poor heart into shock.

Thankfully after your own excitement calmed down after the discovery of Levi’s other sizes you remembered that your original goal was to give him a new haircut.

The sloppy haircut was gone and it was back to a more proper one. Per request you left a longer looking bang at the front, and shaved an undercut since he complained he usually gets a lot of tangles there. Levi however did not appreciate the feeling of a razor buzzing against the back of his neck.

The past few stressful days aside, you finally reached the cafeteria. It was around 7AM and the place was surprisingly packed with people.

As you stepped in you felt way too many eyes land on you and your outfit. You had expected a few stares, but a full room of them was not on your list.

You must admit your set-up is drastically different from everybody else’s. Dressed in a black form fitting wetsuit with orange and purple accents also don't help you being subtle.

Normally you don't mind too much. Used to the looks you receive when Mammon is with you. But without the harpy accompanying you, his large wings draped over you like a cloak. Not having them around you made you feel awfully exposed.

You hastily wave to a few familiar faces as you rush to the kitchen. You warmly greet a few workers and they start up some small talk. In turn you gave them a small list of meals you’d like personally made, you are going to need all the energy you can get.

You had calculated the cost of all the ingredients and preparations and asked them how much extra you should pay for the meals.

They kept telling you it's fine and the regular price is alright. You kept telling them it’s not and insisted you pay for their hard work. Instead, they push you out of the kitchen and tell you the order number and to wait since it's going to take them some time.

You couldn't fight the staff that made your food so you relented. Rather than fighting, you sat down on one of the tables around.

Social media wasn't really a thing you could access here underground. You were stuck doom scrolling through your and Simeon’s reports and highlighting some bits of information. After that got boring as well you opened Deflix to see if there were any new interesting things. But nothing caught your interest.

You weren't sure if you were lucky or not when you heard a voice in front of you.

“What is up with that ridiculous outfit you're wearing? I've heard you are not that sane in the head, but this is definitely of a different breed. I thought that injury of yours only affected your stomach, not your brain.”

Slowly with some effort you peeled your eyes off the screen in front of you to look at the man standing across your table.

Royal purple hair and bright green eyes looked down at you, his tawny brown face set deep with a scowl. Ah, he’s one of the subjects here. What was his name again..? Something with an m? You think.

“Midas is it?”


“Ah, sorry for that. And this get-up has a reason thank you very much. And how kind of you to ask, my injury has healed perfectly. Nothing wrong with it. Where did you even learn I was injured?”

Rather rudely you gave a look at his support cane and back at his face. In any other situation, you would never have done that but he can't go being insulting and not get any shade back.

From information reports you know is when his abnormality appeared he was at his journalism work and accidentally set the place aflame. Some rubble fell on one of his legs and it never healed quite properly because his head was so far up his ass that he refused help from the facility.

He only scoffed and sat in front of you, crossing his arms over one another as he looked at you with a challenge in his eyes.

“Well if you must know you are rather popular around here. Despite you always being busy with your creatures. The cafeteria is a great source of gossip and information on anyone. There isn't much that goes past me. And it's not as if you're subtle, strutting around with a harpy as if you're taking a mutt on a walk.”

He beamed as he bragged about his nobel worthy information-scavenging skills. Still, you wouldn't stand for that last comment.

“Do not ever compare M-02 to a mutt again. He is much too sentient and intelligent for that.”

“If you say so. Still, what is the need for the wetsuit?”

You huffed and nearly didn't even answer him. Until you remembered you have already gotten a great deal of information from him. And perhaps this is enough for him to owe you another favour.

“If you must know. I'm conducting an experiment today with L-03, the Leviathan creature. Little is still known about their social nature so I'm going to see how he reacts with a swimming partner.”

It's more a half-truth if anything. You mostly did it because you wanted to spend some more time with Levi, inside the water where he is most at comfort. But legal wise you're expanding on his behavioural knowledge.

You seemed to actually surprise him with this. His eyebrows nearly flying into his hairline. You saw his body language shift from a nonchalant to a more serious one with the way he finally properly faced you.

“Isn’t L-03 the one who wounded you? How could you possibly feel safe enough to do that with it.”

“It was my fault to begin with, I accidentally aggravated his injury and he instinctively lashed out. But that's in the past now. L-03 has shown exceptional improvements and is deemed safe enough to go without protective barriers.”

You saw out of the corner of your eye as you saw his gloved hand twitch. Almost as if he would have written it down if head a pen and paper. You're really tickling his gossip senses.

“The way you are speaking you want to give him the Sigil of Approval too. This soon already? With M-02 it took much longer if I remember correctly.”

“Different circ*mstances and different levels of experience. All I see is that L-03 is no harm to anybody.”

“Not even to growing plants?”

You shook your head at the man, and he narrowed his eyes at you. If either of you wanted to continue this conversation it couldn't be held in the busy cafeteria, with too many listening ears. Still neither of you would have to move locations as one of the cooks was struggling to carry your requested food.

You hastily stood up from the table and rushed to take over the bags of food.

“I really can't thank you guys enough for making this for me.”

“It’s no problem honey, just make sure you eat it all and tell us how it tasted!”

“Of course, expect me back soon with my good reviews.”

You smiled politely at the laughing cook and turned back to Meph. His perfectly manicured brow raised at you in question. With a subtle head movement and expression you hoped to convey that this would be a conversation for later.

He tsked and stood up from the table too and it took him a mere few seconds to find another person to bother for information. And that was all as you left the cafeteria.

You took an easy pace to Levi’s cell. Snacking on one of the meals on your way

You already got a notification on your phone that Simeon had written his datalog. You hadn't told Levi of your plan yet, you wanted to be a surprise for him.

Your lab coat aesthetic was finally of use as you wrapped it tight around you, hiding the wetsuit. Not that it was of much use. When you walked into the room Levi was nowhere to be seen. The small pile of towels laid neatly next to the drains, with the tablet on top of it. He hadn't even watched any anime yet.

Did Simeon try some physical activities with Levi? You know he doesn't have the greatest of stamina so he’s probably resting somewhere underwater.

Your excitement however was bubbling to the surface.

You quickly skipped to your desk and placed your coat and the rest of the food there. Not wasting more time you walked to the edge of the pool.

From your point of view you didn’t really see any trace of Levi but you didn't worry, he would know you're here soon enough.

You took a few steps back before you ran back to the pool. Taking a jump and diving headfirst into the water. For a few seconds you soaked in the feeling of weightlessness the water brought you, enjoying the feel of it rushing past you before you lost your speed and were forced to come up for air.

You let out a breathless laugh when you saw how far from shore you dived already. The slight chill of the water sending a shudder through you, you hoped the wetsuit would start doing its thing quickly.

You paddled around for a few seconds, it's actually been a while since you went swimming, luckily the movements came back naturally for you. And you glided through the water fluidly (heh).

Still, you didn't have this type of movement for a while and much sooner than anticipated you got tired so you started floating on your back instead. Levi probably wouldn't mind if you made this a weekly thing so you can get your own stamina back. And you liked swimming in general. Work really has been keeping you busy…

Speaking about Levi, you've definitely been in the water for a few solid minutes. Was he really that tired from Simeon?

You had half a mind to swim back to shore so you can read whatever the hell Simeon did to Levi. Unfortunately, you never got the chance to as you felt something grab your ankle and tug.

You just had enough time to inhale some air before you were crudely dragged beneath the surface.

Your hands flung to cover your mouth and nose as you felt the water fly past you at a dizzying speed. When it finally felt like you stopped moving you opened your eyes with slight difficulty. You weren't even sure what was up or down. But what you were sure of, was Levi’s face as he was shockingly close to your face.

His eyes were thin slits filled with anger, all his fins bared wide while he was in his true larger form. You nearly gasped at the shift in behaviour but had enough of a brain to not let your lungs fill with water.

As your brain started working, so did his. When your eyes were reflected back from his amber ones his pupils dilated back to near black voids.

You were not spared a second as you felt his large hands grab your waist and pull you upwards. When you breached the surface again you took a greedy breath of air, luckily no fluids entered your windpipe. Still, you were nearly coughing up your lungs with the sudden air pressure changes. You really didn't feel like adding drowning or a lung popping to your near death experiences.

“Levi what the f*ck!?”

“I AM SO SORRY!! I didn't realise it was you! I thought some stranger got in my tank while I was napping! Pleaseforgivemeiwouldneverhurtyouinathousandyearsyouretooimportnanttome-”

Your suffering was momentarily pushed to the side as Levi had transformed into his smaller version somewhere from the water to the surface. And his face was now half sunken back in the water as he looked like a depressed seal. Nearly sobbing out his apologies to you, words incomprehensible thanks to the water.

“First things first. Don't try to drown strangers if they get in your pool, just kick them out, please. Second, I can not understand you at all. If you want me to hear you, you have to talk above water.”

He was still making sad puppy eyes at you, you weren't sure if the wetness on his face was from the water or his tears.

Without thinking you pushed his face against your chest in an attempt to comfort him, petting his hair too. So distracted you didn't feel his nails dig into the wetsuit a little, shy of tearing through the fabric.

“Come on, don't look so sad, it's okay. I just wanted to go for a swim with you, if you don't feel too tired that is.”

He shot upright to look excitedly at you.

“Nono, of course I always have enough energy to swim with you! If anything, I'm such a pro that you will absolutely eat my bubbles LMAO.”

You amusedly shoved him away. Although with the grip he still had on you, not a lot of distance was created. So instead you decided to splash some water on him with the little space you had.

“Oh yeah? You definitely have to prove that to me. I'm also a pretty good swimmer.”

The grin he gave back to you was amused and edged slightly on feral.

“Sure little human, do tell me. How long can you hold your breath?”


Authors note here, after New Year's!! I will go back to my old upload schedule of posting every other Sunday because I am running out of pre-written chapters because school, work and life are murdering me and I can't find enough time to write.

However, do not fret that I am running out of content! We still have so many things to do and see! I hope you are in for the long ride with this story

Chapter 21: Log-21


Levi: "You can't what?"
reader: "I can't swim."
Levi: "How old are you?"
Reader: "An adult"
*Cutely drowns them*

Now with snacks!


Fair warning I did NOT proofread this because I have a high-running fever and staring at a screen hurt me eyes. :(
maybe I'll proofread it later...

Also, I think it was missed in the end notes last chapter. So, I'll say it again, from New Year onwards I will go back to my OLD upload schedule of every other Sunday. Due to all my sickness and school, I can't find enough time to write, sorry!

Chapter Text

“Sure little human, do tell me. How long can you hold your breath?”

You were not spared the time to let out a nervous giggle before Levi downright pounced. You were prepared enough to take a proper breath before he propelled the both of you once again underneath the surface.

This time you could anticipate it, so you were left floating underneath the water when Levi let you go. You tried to look underwater again, but humans aren't blessed with underwater sight. The best you could see were blurred shapes if it wasn't directly in front of you.

The blue colours of your vision shifted to blacks as Levi swam circles around you in a tantalising way. Jerk. Some of us can't see or breathe underwater

Talking about air, you were quickly running low.

It was difficult to tell what was up so you tried to pick a general direction to swim, knowing Levi wouldn't just let you drown.

Your assumption was correct as you felt more then saw how Levi pressed close to you, instinctively you took a hold of the first thing your hands touched. The odd sensation of touching soft but firm startled you enough to try and get a look. And when your eyes met the bright colours of his pectoral fin you were almost shocked enough to let go of the supposedly fragile skin.

Levi however did not care as he was completely unbothered and swam back to the surface. Hitching you along with a ride. As some dark spots started dancing in your vision you just managed to breach the air and inhale some of that sweet oxygen.

“Well, that was barely anything LOL.”

You were still tightly holding onto his fin to keep you afloat because the spots weren’t going away that easily this time round. Still out of breath, you tried to answer back.

“Well, hah… well some of us can't breathe underwater. And can't.. ha… keep air in our lungs for long under so much water pressure. Why do you dive so deep each time? You fishstick.”

Skill issue”

“Ugh, shut up.”

You managed to blink out the spots out of your eyes. But somewhere along the line you started leaning even more against Levi, nearly pressed up against his chest while he saved you from sinking.

Your fingers played around near the place where the fin connected to his tail as you slowly got your bearings back. The feeling of him is so alien. You have definitely held fish in your hands before and he definitely did not feel like it. It had none of that weird slimy texture at all.

Because you were looking down into the water where you were touching the fin, you saw how Levi’s hands kept twitching underwater each time you rubbed your finger where the soft membrane met the stronger spine it is connected to. But he made no vocal complaints at all. Actually, to your amazement he keeps making little thrills each time you do it.

Curiosity won over so you kept doing it, hearing the thrills become louder and more… whiny? At first he towered above you because you were lower at his hip. But now he has curled over so much his face was planted deep in the crook of your neck.

He gave up the twitching of his hands and instead wrapped them around you in a vice grip as you continued to toy around.

You were utterly dumbfounded in a good way right now. Levi has never allowed you to be this close to him for this long. The best comparable thing would be during your surprise cuddle session that first night. But nothing of the sort ever happened again. Maybe when the fences were removed and his head was practically on your lap. But after the workers were done he swam back to the bottom of the pool without a sound.

But now you were confident and close enough to let your other hand trace a very slow and careful path to the gills near his ribs.

You held your own breath when you heard his stutter. Each of his exhales audible when his breath fanned out across your neck.

You weren't sure how you didn't realise it before, but just now the proximity of you two set in and a heated blush soared on your face. Yet your hands couldn't stop moving.

Eventually they slipped up past his gills and they found the start of his dorsal fin. They rattled as it flattened close to his body at your light touch.

Where there was previously a gap between your bodies now the two of you were practically moulded against one another. You weren't sure how he was still above water with you pretty much sitting on his lap.

You knew you needed to put a stop to this when you gently caressed down his dorsal fin and the breath he let out bordered on a moan. With the way his head was still in your neck the sound vibrated through your being as you felt yourself heat up even more.

Mentally you grabbed all the restraint you had and attempted to reign in the scene to something more work appropriate.

“H-hey Levi, are you sure you aren't drying up right now? You've been out of the water for some time now.”

While you meant to say it in the same voice you always used, it came out much more hushed than you anticipated. As if the world would shatter the moment you spoke an octave too loud.

Levi made some noise into your neck. And instead of creating some professional distance he only snuggled closer to you. But he did lower more into the water, this way only both your heads were just above the water.

Not what you meant, but youre lucky he could still understand you. It felt like Levi was utterly out of it.

You scrambled for ideas to get rid of that heat inside your lower gut as he started rubbing his nose along your sensitive neck. Seemingly annoyed when the fabric of the wetsuit stopped his descent.

“Ah- uhm, I brought along some food? I have gotten pretty hungry. Do you want some as well?”

In your panic your voice was pitched a little higher than you liked. But it did get Levi off you, somewhat at least.

His hands had not left you once but now he was almost glaring at you as just his eyes peaked above water. Despite his annoyed appearance his tail was somewhere below you just so you could balance your feet on it.

While your idea was swimming together. You've been doing a lot less swimming than you thought you would. Just how much control does Levi have in the water?

“Come on, don't look at me like that. I thought you wanted to eat other things than those pellets? We can still swim afterwards, we still have the rest of the day after all.”

While he still looked annoyed, the excited twitch in his ears betrayed he was very much intrigued by your offer.

He huffed and finally let go of you. The sudden need to actually keep yourself afloat was a surprise and you nearly got a mouthful of water as you sank like rock. While swimming up you didn't miss the sound of a snort coming in from Levi, who now has his back turned to you

You couldn't believe the audacity of this fish.

It was still odd behaviour from him. He kept glancing back at you almost impatiently. You wanted to swim back to shore but- Oh. He didn't want you to swim around him at all.

Hesitantly, in case you read it wrong you placed your hands on his shoulders. He stiffened for a hot second and that made you freeze. But he remained nearly slack in the water, his dorsal fin lax against his back.

“If you don't want to fall off you better hold on tighter.”

While you did increase your grip on him, it was useless. When he started to move at a dizzying speed through the water you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck to not get swept up in the waves he created.

He somehow managed to get you on the opposite side of the room during your recreational swimming so in his smaller form it took him longer then his bigger form would.

At a speed faster than you could have ever achieved, you were delivered to the edge closest to the desk.

You were left clutching for dear life on to Levi. It was as if you were placed on a motorboat?! The speed he displayed during exercises in his larger forms could be called slow compared to this! And you could already barely follow that speed with your eyes!

After catching your breath for a second you managed to shift to holding the edge of the pool instead.

As you gracelessly pull yourself out of the water you can't help the nervous yet excited giggle left you. That was fun. You flop down on the drains even though the metal hurts your back. You really hoped Levi would do that again.

After hyping yourself up internally you forced yourself back to your feet. Sneaking a look to Levi who was resting with his arms on the drain.

“Give me a second, the food is still at my desk.”

He gave you a hiss at that. It lacked any and all hostility and you just stuck your tongue back at him.

You waddled awkwardly to your desk as the feeling of the soaked wetsuit on land felt unfamiliar for you. Quickly it was forgotten as you picked up the food and carried it back to the edge of the pool.

The closer you got the more you saw Levi’s ear fins waggle.

You decided to settle on a truce and sit just on the edge with your lower legs in the water and the food on your side.

Pushing it slightly behind you when you saw Levi make grabby hands towards the food. Easily you relented and gave the meals with fish in it to levi. With the meal list you made, you wanted to make sure everybody was fed properly

“Technically I'm not even supposed to give this to you. But if you behave then we can apply for the sigil y’know. Then you eat whatever without us having to be secretive. You continuously destroying the cameras does have its favours once in a while.”

Levi just hummed in agreement as he was devouring his food, you just smiled and took a big bite of your own food.

You're just happy that you shut off the audio receivers not too long after Levi started speaking to you on more casual terms, so your little cover wouldn't be blown.

As usual Levi finished eating earlier than you, despite the fact you gave him more to eat.

There was no reason to hurry up so you continued eating at your regular pace while Levi was digesting his food inside the water.

You just took the last bite of your lunch before you felt some gentle tugging on your leg. With an amused smile you looked down at Levi as he looked at your leg as if it insulted his mother. He muttered something under his breath but you couldn't quite catch it.

“What's wrong with my leg?”

“What are you wearing this weird... outfit for?”

You thought he’d have issues with the y’know, leg vs tail thing. But his answer really took you by surprise if anything.

“It’s a wetsuit. It's designed to keep me warm in cold water. When at sea it also protects you against scrapes and stuff.”

With a movement more confident then you would ever expected he placed his head directly on your knees and did a slightly harsher tug on the legs of the wetsuit while he stared directly at you with a frown in his brow.

“Do you think I can't keep you warm or protect you? That you'd need some dumb human clothing instead of me.”

As he created that confident image did it shatter. It took a few seconds after he said it before he caught himself and started shyly stuttering out half ass explanations that you didn't understand as it was too fumbled together with his sudden embarrassment.

Too late, it already touched your heartstrings. If there was any doubt he wasn't a social creature, it just evaporated.

Just in time you managed to plop into the water to catch the quickly retreating leviathan into a hug. He immediately ceased all movement as you put all your strength into the hug, to make sure he actually felt it

“Awww that's the sweetest thing I've heard you say. Don't worry Levichan, I didn't think anything like that at all! It was more a precaution if anything since this was my first time swimming with you. I didn't want anything to go wrong.”

You were nuzzling yourself against him in an attempt to probably calm his instincts.

You assumed it was working as you heard the gibberish of his own language above you as Levi struggled to compose himself again.

Instead of saying anything back he started floating on his back with you on his chest again. Since he was a hell lot smaller, most of your body was still in the water with the exception of your head and chest.

Slowly a mischievous grin started blooming on your face as you still felt Levi occasionally pull at the wetsuit. You gently teased one of your fingers across his chest as you put out the most seductive voice you could muster without giggling.

“Y’know. With all that tugging at my clothes, I would almost think you want me naked.”

You would never have been able to fight off the full-body belly laugh you let out when Levi let out a high pitched shriek and hid himself underwater to hide the fierce blush that immediately burned on his face.

Chapter 22: Log-22


This chapter is just Levi internally crying the whole chapter because he is forced to interact with people who isn't Reader.

Also, for all the people who wished to know more about what the Sigil actually does, you get a bit of it here~


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When you walked in the next morning you might as well have melted into a puddle the way your heart melted at the sight of Levi.

After swimming all day yesterday you were beyond exhausted. It was Levi who sent you away when you nearly fell asleep while you were keeping yourself afloat at one of the rare moments he left you alone.

Soaked wetsuit and all you walked straight back to your room. Fortunately, you didn't come across anybody.

Unfortunately, you had in fact forgotten to bring your stuff back. So despite your body begging you to sleep, you still rose at crack in the morning so you could pick up the things you left behind. You didn't bother getting out of your pyjamas and hoped you could sneak past everybody.

You wished you could’ve come at a holier hour of the day, but it was Simeon's day to work. And you know very well the guy is a freak when it comes to coming on time. You also had to go to Mammon later in the evening. So, to get as much sleep as possible, you had to be this early.

The door opened with little fanfare and you tried your best to sneak into the room so you didn't wake Levi.

Tiptoeing to the desk was as easy as cake. You found all the food packaging you left behind and put it in a bag to dispose of later. The only other thing you left here was your coat on your chair- It's gone.

Quizzically you looked at your coatless chair, which was also on the floor?? Tipped backwards as if somebody leaned too far on it.

Perhaps it was your sleep deprived brain. But you are 100% sure it wasn't knocked down yesterday. In the dim lighting, you stepped closer but stopped when you stepped into something wet. A… puddle?

Crouching down you follow the trail of water, only to stop short as you find your coat.

There was Levi, lying next to the water canal that stopped short just to the very side of the desk. Completely nestled and intertwined with your lab coat.

You had to physically block your mouth so you wouldn't coo out loud at the sight.

A few days after you learnt he could shrink you opened the tubes that ran throughout the room like some odd maze. Some sort of canals also were embedded onto the floor that circled the square room.

They also led to the middle of the room to the operating table. You knew the operating table could raise but it could also lower. You haven't used that function yet though. Because he hadn't used the tubes, or canals yet.

Until now. And it was to steal your coat.

After averting your eyes away to make sure you really didn't make a singular noise you intended to leave until you heard a tiny thrill behind you. Almost dropping the trash bag in surprise, you hesitantly turned around.

Levi was still sound asleep. He was just restlessly turning and tossing around on the floor, and he thrilled in a way that scratched your brain in such a particular way. You recognise the sound. You think he often does it when you leave the room.

Like a siren's call, it draws you back to him. Bag discarded near your desk, you kneel next to him. You're probably going to wake him. You should leave–

Ever so gently, with a featherlight touch, you reach for his hair. It's completely dry.

A touch leads to a caress, and a caress leads to combing. And almost like magic, Levi relaxes to a near-boneless state. As much as you are drawn to him, so is he to you. Within the same moment, his arms reach and lift himself snugly against your legs. Coat forgotten where he once laid.

As he settled he let out a content huff while he was still dreaming away. Your hands didn't stop either, never stopping the thoughtless motions against his scalp.

Time slowly drifted past as you kneeled there. One of the most deadly and dangerous creatures this facility has to offer is sleeping on your lap. Arms around your middle as if one single movement could rip you away.

Not too long he was near to being chained like an animal, and now he was begging you to watch just one more episode of the show he was watching.

As the morning light flooded the room not a single eye twitched.

Mere minutes later the sound of the door opening reached your ears but you did not turn around. Familiar steps neared close and just as they stopped behind you, did you look up.

“Simeon, can you call Diavolo? We should ask for the Sigil today.”



Despite the fact that this morning he was acting all cute and cuddly, right now you were on the edge of ripping out your hair in frustration.

“Levi, it's truly just this once. All Diavolo and perhaps Barbatos will do is talk to you for a bit. You legitimately don't have to talk back. That's because they think you can’t speak in the human tongue. At best you’d do a click or whistle and they’d be happy-”

Before you could get in another word he dove back beneath the surface and you couldn't suppress the groan that left your throat.

You felt a hesitant hand on your shoulder and looked to the side at Simeon who smiled awkwardly at you. Even while the tense air between both of them hasn't cleared yet, you highly appreciated his attempt at comforting. Slowly letting your shoulders untense.

“I really don't get what has suddenly gotten into him. We have discussed before how it would most likely go, and he’s still… like this. I know he’s really shy, but this bad? I guess I’ve gotten too used to how he acts around us.”

The hand squeezed a little and you took it as your anchor.

“It makes it quite difficult to remember him as the fearsome creature that had us trapped within this very same room. Isn't it Lamb?”

You nodded in your agreement. Right now, Levi was in his true form throwing what you could best describe as a temper tantrum about meeting Diavolo.

Patiently you bend down near the edge of the drains and splashed the top of the surface a few times. Leaving your hand hanging in the water.

After waiting for a moment you felt one of Levi's fingers touch your palm and you gingerly held it. Even though he was still fully submerged underwater you know he could hear you.

“Trust me, Levi, it won't be bad at all. Simeon and I will be here next to you, all the time and I swear I won't leave. It sucks, but you’ll just need to do what he or we say. And perhaps nod or shake your head a few times. Then you’ll be done. Easy as cake. Now come on and be the fearsome Leviathan I know you are!”

He just peeked his head above the water a little and made the tiniest anxious chirp at you.

“But he’s your boss. What if he decides I am actually a fearsome monster and instead chains me down? What if he doesn't allow me to see you or Simeon ever again after seeing me in person-”

“Calm down Levi, our Lamb is right. There really isn't anything to worry about. Worst case scenario, he doesn't give us the sigil and we will continue as we do. Best case, he does give us it and we gain more freedom and privileges. And trust me. Nobody is taking us away from you Levi. Our Lamb and I will make sure of that.”

The look that passed both your and Simeon's eyes was missed by the anxious Leviathan as he was fretting while your small hand was holding his.

For a long time, you just sat next to him, calming him down. You already relied a message to Mammon saying you'll be late today. For now, Levi needed you a bit more. No doubt the harpy will be throwing a fit, but you're used to that at this point.

Simeon was shuffling around with papers and other information you guys need to present to Diavolo later.

Due to Levi’s social level (it was 0), it was almost immediately decided that Simeon would do all the more formal things and you would keep Levi from breaking down in front of the ‘new’ people.

At once Levi shot up in front of you and stared straight past your shoulder. Just as you turned around the sound of doors opening echoed through the room.

You and Simeon looked at one another and nodded before both of you stood up straight up. You of course only after a soft murmur to Levi that you're not going away and that he must remember to be polite as you let go of his large finger.

You took position next to Simeon just as Diavolo walked in together with Barbatos in his shadow. Swallowing your own nerves back.

“Good afternoon, Doctor and Simeon! What a pleasant surprise, I'd never imagined you two would ask for a sigil this early on. It intrigues me just what you have to show.”

Simeon thankfully took the role of speaking while you nodded to things he said or added some of your own commentary.

You can't believe you're more stressed standing in front of your boss than when you were bleeding to death. Occasionally you scan the water’s edge to look for Levi. He’s there luckily, just shyly looking on to the four of you.

“Well this is truly wondrous news! I'm deeply impressed with how quickly you have made all this progress with L-03. Of course we would like to see this information documented and sent to us. But that would be of no issue as you have already printed it.”

Diavolo’s beaming smile was surely meant to be reassuring. The air of superiority is definitely lingering, but he looks like he has been trying his best to seem as least threatening as possible. He spoke at a lower and calmer volume than he usually does.

Well, it's fair. His first proper meeting with Mammon wasn't... the prettiest, when you asked for the harpy’s Sigil.

Surprisingly it was Barbatos who stepped up.

“I think it's time for us to meet the esteemed guest of today. Paperwork could always be done later. Warden, I believe you are most familiar with the creature?”

Oh f*ck, it’s your turn now.

“Yes, I'll get him. I do suggest that you stay here until he’s on land. Splash danger and all haha,,”

Stop saying awkward things!! You've literally done this before in worse circ*mstances!

You walked at a slow pace to the water where Levi was staring you down with fear pooling in his eyes. Just as you neared you bent down to give him one last encouragement. Whispering you spoke to him. Feeling all the men’s eyes burn on your back

“Come on, let's go. They want to meet you.”

You straightened up and took a few safe steps back. Levi shifted between looking at you and the others for a few moments before he took a deep breath underwater.

His massive hands gripped the edge of the drains, ever so deliberately he pushed himself up until he was towering high above you. The water dripping down to the floor has never been so loud to your ears. After a second or two, he moved forward, sliding a little so a portion of him was sitting on the floor. Almost like an orca out of water.

Looking all the way up you saw Levi’s focused face, but you knew it was a facade. The way all his fins and frills were stretched to their fullest and he had his arms crossed spoke more words than anything could. He's one loud noise from jumping back into the water.

You signalled to the men to come closer and Simeon didn't hesitate for a second. The other two stood still for longer.

Diavolo was especially taking his time inspecting Levi from a distance. You knew Levi hated holding eye contact with literally everyone but you, so you subtly placed your hand on his tail, a part which was located directly behind you.

He froze for a second and flashed his eyes down at you but you didn't falter and kept your gaze on the two men with a calm expression on your face. Levi minutely relaxed and you felt his tail edge closer until it was straight up touching your back, dampening your clothes.

Finally, the two men edged closer.

“As a small introduction. You're all well familiar with the creature next to me, subject L-3V1_03, the Leviathan. L-03, the man on the right is Diavolo, he is my and Simeon's boss and the founder of RID. He’s the person who makes all of this possible.”

This was all standard procedure. These words being spoken were all drilled into your head ages ago by your teachers while you were still studying.

“The person on his left is Barbatos, you have seen him before. He’s Diavolo’s assistant, he’s a great help on other levels of the facility. Maybe you’ve seen him since we hold the most contact while delivering information.”

Levi looked at both of them and dutifully nodded his head at you, well, nodded at the top of your head.

Barbatos remained standing next to Simeon, but Diavolo stepped closer to observe Levi up close. You immediately felt him stiffen behind you, but discreetly caressed your hand against his scales and hoped it was enough.

“I must say it is impressive all the work the two of you have done. It almost feels like yesterday you had been assigned to a dangerous and violent L-03. And now he’s laying peacefully behind you. While I myself had little interaction, he seemed to have calmed down significantly.”

“Thank you dearly, Sir, we have certainly had our ups and downs. But L-03 has been incredibly well-behaved and patient with us while we stumbled around trying to find peace with one another. Especially with the language barrier on our side.”

Diavolo was done walking half circles around Levi and you and now stood next to Barbatos again. His expression perfectly masked.

“Yes, you said before that he can perfectly understand English, right?”

Before you could open your mouth, Levi let out the tiniest chirp and nodded in Diavolo’s direction. You nearly let out a breath of relief, he remembered it would be positive if he responded himself. Diavolo and Barbatos both were briefly equally surprised.

“Oh of course! How rude of me, I could just ask you the questions myself!”

Levi nearly withered under the sudden attention and you hugged him mentally.

Diavolo dared to come close to Levi again. You saw how he was struggling to maintain eye contact with your boss, you're going to spoil him so much once you're done. Despite being in the Leviathan's monstrous shadow Diavolo couldn't have looked more at ease.

“I read that there was recently a big new discovery about you. You can shrink in size? Are there restrictions to this, do there need to be specific conditions to be met?”

That was not what you expected him to ask at all. But intrigued, you looked forward to Levi's answer too. You hadn't thought about restrictions at all, especially since Levi’s expression never showed any discomfort.

Levi looked at Diavolo and shook his head again. His shifts are often already done or not visible to you, so this was the second time you saw how Levi literally shrunk into himself within seconds. As much as the transformation mesmerised you, rather you watch the reactions of your fellow colleagues.

Barbatos was a blank mask, he’s probably desensitised to most scenes like you. A transforming creature usually was more gruesome and messy. Diavolo's gaze was filled with some worry but mostly curiosity. Even if he looked slightly uncomfortable at the sounds of Levi’s transformation. While Levi reassured them it didn't hurt, the sounds that came from his body continued to be quite painful.

It’s Simeon who was the one that looked close to passing out. With how horrified his expression was, you're impressed he remained standing and silent. You suppose Levi never transformed with him seeing or hearing it.

The now ‘mermaid-looking’ monster let out a click signalling the transformation was complete. You instantly readjusted your stance and stood next to him again.

Levi too, took a different position. And instead of the planked position he fully laid down on his stomach. Gravity must be treating him roughly.

“How remarkable... L-03 you're really as interesting as your handlers. On that, how have they been treating you?”

Finally, you saw him perk up instead of crumpling away. First, he pointed to Simeon and gave a thumbs up along with some weird hand signs. It took you a second to figure out what he meant.

“He’s talking about writing?” You tried to translate.

Simeon was already shocked out of his disgusted expression when Levi first pointed at him. But he’s always been good at quickly composing himself.

“Oh, yes. Since I do most tests with him, I allowed him to choose a reward as a motivation. And uhm.. One of his rewards has been to read my writings. Nothing work related of course. In my free time, I sometimes write as a hobby of mine. And since L-03 is literate I have allowed him to.. Ah, read it. Or sometimes I tell him of things I have written.”

A boisterous laugh burst out from Diavolo and you felt Levi grab onto the leg of your pants. Turning your sight downwards he looked spooked but nothing else thankfully.

“Ah great to see such creative minds among our midst! It's unfortunate i don't have the time or else I would have also loved to read your writing Simeon. If it can capture a monster's interest, then I am curious about what it is about.”

You stifled a giggle when you saw a subtle flushed expression creep on Simeon’s face. He mostly brushed it off and looked pleadingly at you.

You didn't need to save him, as Levi was now pointing at you.

Because you were standing next to him, he had to flip over to his back to look at you. While he pointed at you he made a sound you'd never heard of him before. And then he pointed at himself and made the sound again. But the way he had that hopeful expression you knew it meant something important.

But your face probably conveyed your confusion as his face fell into a frown. You really wished he could speak right now. He redoubled his effort by making signs instead. It was clumsier than usual, you two haven't signed in some time.

“ ‘You, friend, very good. You, good talk. Me happy.’ Is what he is signing.”

Your words softened the more you translated. He got shyer per word he signed and you felt a smile growing on your face. At last, he signed ‘you’ and then made the sound from earlier again. But his expression softened just enough for a bit of heat to rise on your face. Even if you still don't get what it meant.

It was enough as Diavolo fell into a (admittedly one-sided) conversation again. Speaking of all the positives he is seeing and you're happy enough that the attention was off Levi for him (and you) to calm down again.

It was more formal and work-related talk, so you zoned out while you spoke to them by force of habit. However, there was one thing that immediately brought you back full force to the conversation.

“If I do grant the Sigil, it is most unfortunate that L-03 will still be confined to this room. With his aquatic nature, he can’t transfer on land. The solution would be to dig out the same type of canals of this room through the hallways of site 9, but I can't afford to do that on other sites. Intecating with other Subjects would also cause a hindrance who aren't of aquatic nature, and even if they are it's noted that most are possessive of water they consider their territory. Perhaps a transferable box of water is a possibility. The only other option would be if L-03 could magically grow some legs, haha.”

At once Levi begins to chirp excitedly next to you. To the point where he was nearly crawling up your leg to suddenly sit upright.

Immediately all of them turned around to look at you and him.

“Hey, what's going on L-?”

You tried to stop his claws from destroying the pants you were wearing as he was still trying to crawl up you. Instead, he laced one of his hands with yours and looked you dead in the eyes with a rare smile on his face.

Not two blinks later you were looking at eyes. Orange eyes with a white sclera.

Your hand wasn't touching scaled and webbed hands, no, they were touching skin that was just like your own.

Taking a brief look down you saw an extra pair of legs alongside your own. Very bare legs.

Right now a stark naked human Levi was excitedly looking up at you while you held his hand.


Me, wrapped with a blanket around me, shivering from the cold holding up a small cup, begging for comments because they REALLY motivate me to write more.

Chapter 23: Log-23


Everybody: *Is screaming in fear*

Diavolo: "This is the funniest thing I have ever seen."


I was OVERWHELMED by all the support you gave me last chapter!! Thank you so much!!
I was stumped by the way I kept getting notifications of all the nice and amazing comments you guys left, out of sheer happiness I wrote like 3 full chapters in the past week, it was crazy.

Also, I will share the other summary I wanted to give this chapter;
"Surprise penis, incident one."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You screamed instinctively when you saw the naked man hanging onto you. Forgetting that would make him scream too.

In the end, it was Levi who let go first and both of you ended up tumbling to the ground with a loud thump. You, from the lack of weight, and him because he literally pushed himself away. Half crawling-pushing to create the most minimal amount of distance.

Any pain from your landing went unnoticed after you locked eye contact with the human looking Levi. Staring at you with eyes so big they were in danger of popping out.

After a slight pause you realised that while yes, he had legs now. His skin, while pale, still had that unnatural purple undertone. Albeit a whole lot less notable. On his head were still the coral looking-horns protruding, kind of stupid you managed to somehow miss them.

Your eyes couldn't help but wander down his scaleless skin and you immediately covered your entire face when you looked at the thing. Yes, there was definitely a penis there. Oh my gosh. Was it only one? It didn't even quite look like it-

Wait! There were others in the room too!

Panicked, you looked to the side where the three men all stood with various levels of surprise and disbelief.

Simeon had his hands outstretched as if he wanted to help but was unsure if he should move closer, worriedly switching between looking at you or Levi. Diavolo and Barbatos also looked as if they stopped moving mid-step in your direction.

Averting your eyes to the ground you took off your coat when you saw that Levi just remained sitting there, legs spread in his birthday suit. Making no move to cover himself at all. Making sure you held respectful eye contact, you wrapped your coat around him once you got behind him.

Thankfully he didn't complain beyond a few warbles at your direction. When there were no more exposed penises you allowed yourself to take a breath.

Levi was still awkwardly sitting on the floor with you practically laying on his back, your arms firmly wrapped around his middle to make sure he remained decent. Levi awkwardly kicked out his legs when you did so but remained otherwise unmoving. Once he stopped twitching at each of your movements you shoved his arms in the sleeves of your coat so you didn't need to hang off him. You had to stretch your neck a little to look slightly panicked at Simeons’ direction. But it wasn't him that came to your aid.

“Well, that's quick thinking on your part, Warden. This is certainly an unexpected… development.”

You flinched a little when just now you noticed Barbatos was standing next to you two. Observing both of you with a mildly amused smile. You didn't miss that the butler’s shoulders were tense in the way that spoke he was in work mode.

“Can you stand L-03?”

The butler was slightly bent over to extend a hand to Levi. Who just helplessly looked at you and his hand a few times. You weren't sure if he was seeking comfort or permission but you nodded at him regardless.

Levi hesitantly grabbed his hand and Barbatos easily pulled him upright with one smooth motion. Only for his legs to immediately buckle beneath him.

Barbatos still easily caught him, but Levi already let out an ear-piercing shriek at all the sudden physical contact. Hastily you stood up to try and take him over from Barbatos as the Leviathan was hissing and sputtering at the man. Pushing against him as if he wasn't the sole reason Levi was still upright.

He was all too eager to get away from the butler, but his legs were still as useless as before. He practically collapsed on top of you as you caught him with an “oof”.

You struggled with the deadweight that was Levi and a few times almost dropped him on the floor. All the while you carried him the short distance away from the other man, Levi was miserably warbling and thrilling into your ear. Trying to climb you as if you had the strength to support carrying him.

“I’ll answer for him saying that's a no.”

Simeon finally came to his senses and came to your assistance. As you housed one of Levi's arms over your shoulder, Simeon was on his other side doing the same. He also gave you a quick once-over as you were already out of breath from that stunt.

Unfortunately, Levi dangling between you two caused the coat to hang limply and thus exposed Levi’s genitals to the room, again. You nearly jumped to button the coat shut. You only got to the middle few ones as it was enough to at least cover him.

Levi didn't seem all that worried about accidentally flashing everybody, twice. Either because he didn't care or didn't realise. Both are still on the table for debate.

A thundering laugh came from the red-haired man. Snapping your eyes back to focus on the other still present. Diavolo was clutching his stomach as if this was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. Honestly, if you were in his shoes you’d also be laughing, so you can’t really blame him.

“Well, I think it's time for us to leave, then. New discoveries are made right in front of our faces! I do think it's best as the three of you flesh out his other transformation tricks. I will take everything presented to me so far and mull it over. Good job, doctors”

Diavolo spoke at last, even if it was a little out of breath. You were a little worried about the fact the visit was that short though. You did understand, considering the circ*mstances of Levi suddenly growing legs. But you really hoped it didn't lessen his chances of gaining the Sigil.

You looked at Simeon and at his facial expression you knew he was thinking the same. You spoke a few hushed words to him and Simeon carefully handed Levi over to you again.

Then you two finally sat down, Levi still mostly leaning on you to not topple over. You weren't sure why he was so wobbly, because you’ve definitely seen him sit before. When Simeon left to fetch all the documents for presentation Diavolo gleefully followed him. Leaving you, Levi and Barbatos alone.

You and Levi watched as the butler crouched down next to the pair and looked at them with a contemplating expression.

“Don't worry, Warden. The young master had high expectations for this project, and still, you keep surprising him at every turn. Everything points to positives. He has the final word of course, but I suggest to keep looking forward.”

It was the fact Levi was still tightly clinging to you that you didn't sag down with relief. He clearly didn't like it that Barbatos was so close to him by the way his hands were clenching your arms. Biting back a smile as you imagine him holding back from hissing like an angry cat.

To your surprise, Barbatos looked down at the human-Leviathan too. With the same unreadable smile on his face that he usually carries.

“Don't worry about not being able to walk right now, you’ll eventually get it right, Levi.”

Before anyone could move a muscle Diavolo’s voice echoed through the room.

“Barbatos are you coming?”

“Of course young Master.”

The butler raised and you’re certain he gave a curt bow to the both of you before nonchalantly walking back to Diavolo. But, you were left a mess with just one word.

You didn't even feel how Levi pulled back and was looking up at you with worry. Your breathing had immediately sped up and you were sure the grip you had on Levi must be painful, along with all the shivering you were doing.


Barbatos knew his name. He knew you were keeping secrets from him.

You completely missed how Diavolo waved to all of you before leaving the room. Or the way Simeon sagged against the desk in relief of it being over.

It just kept repeating in your brain. Heknowsheknowsheknows-

It took Levi escaping your tight hold and literally shaking you by the shoulder to snap you out of your trance.

“-ler, handler? Are you alright?? I'm just some sea creature, I don't know how to calm down humans! Please breathe normally, pretty pearl- it’s way too fast and you're looking really ill.”

You managed to focus your vision on the still human-looking Levi, who was near to tears as his face was filled to the brim with worry. When you took in a slow shuddering breath he finally stopped shaking your shoulders.

In an action that surprised both of you, you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck in a hug. As you fought up the rapidly rising panic that threatened to overwhelm everything. As your mind still hasn't calmed down.

Barbatos knew, how long? And more importantly, what will he do with it?

It's no secret that Barbatos is practically Diavolo’s. Everything that he knows, will travel to the boss. But neither of them called you out when you said Levi can't speak. Barbatos only whispered Levi’s name when it was just the three of you alone.

Just how much does he know? And what has he shared…

The feeling of somebody’s hand running up and down your back calms you down enough to finally regulate your breathing and thoughts into something semi-normal. Soothing rumbles came from the chest in front of you and it finally clicked that somebody was speaking to you.

“Come on pearly, you can do it. Just breathe. I don't know what could scare you so much. I’m- I’m not great at comforting anyone, let alone a human. But if you start crying I will also cry, so please relax!”

You let out a disbelieving laugh against the shoulder you were leaning on.

“I can't believe I'm being comforted by a giant fish.”

Above you came an offended gasp and you couldn't stifle the stream of giggles that came out of you. Still a bit shaky from your nerves being fried just moments earlier.

“I'm not just a fish! I am the dark and terrifying Leviathan who sinks the biggest of ships, the one that rules over the seven seas! For a mortal guppy like you, to disrespect and call me a mere fish-!”

“I should make fish sticks for us someday. Although the resemblance would be uncanny, what if I eat the wrong fish?”

You had no idea what he said as a reaction to that, because it was angrily sputtered in his own tongue. But you're certain at least half of that were curse words. You hoped they were, that would be funny as hell.

“Even if you make such cruel insults, I'm not a fish at the moment! I have these weird human legs now.”

It took you half a beat to realise that he was actually right. You pulled back from him a little to look down at his new legs that you were sitting on… Only realising that you forgot he was only wearing your coat. And nothing else.

Giving you a full frontal first row view of two, purple, inhuman penises. It was almost like they were staring straight back at you.

Once again you screamed and pushed yourself away.

“Levi, could you PLEASE transform back into your mermaid version?? I would love to hang out with you as a human, really, but can that happen later when we get some proper clothes for you-”

Your scream initially alerted Simeon, who nearly came running. But when he heard what you had to say next, he nearly folded over when he attempted to withhold his laugh. Which didn't even help as you could hear his chuckles all the way over here.

“IT'S NOT FUNNY SIMEON-! Levi, could you be a dear, and listen to me please?”

Apparently, Levi was still confused as to why you wanted him to transform. Horror filled your veins as you watched his eyes trail back to where you were looking before you screamed.

Your second assumption was confirmed right. When Levi saw how he indeed had his dicks out, shrieked and hastily tried to cover himself. Only a second later you realise just how close Levi was to the edge of the pool. You reached your hand out to stop him from falling. But you were too late.

Still yelling and all Levi fell into the water.

He couldn't even stand in his human form, let alone swim with them! You rushed forward to dive after him to make sure he didn't drown but suddenly Simeon was behind you and holding you back. Shoulders shaking from the laugh he was still failing to stifle.

You almost threw some colourful words at the man. But he hushed you and nodded his head at the water. Disbelievingly you stared out at the water and you nearly wanted to smack yourself at the head when you realised.

Levi was already back on the drains, tail and everything attached. Laying there awkwardly on his stomach with your water-soaked coat clinging tightly to him.

“I- uhm, don't know how to get it off without destroying it.”

You sighed fondly as you hung your head in your hands. You swear. These people will be the death of you.

Pleadingly you looked at Simeon, begging for a crumb of mercy. He just put on his trademark innocent smile when he looked back at you.

“It's your coat.”

…You can't believe you used to call him your angel. Angelic your ass.

You sighed deeply. You're so done with these men.

“Fine, but first…”

Reluctantly you walked to Levi. Earlier he was avoiding looking at you, now he was downright looking at the opposite side of where you are. You're just glad he didn't ruin your favourite coat in his panic.

“Levi, are there any other… important things you might need to show or tell us? Preferably do it now so we don't miss out on surprises anymore.”

He still wasn't looking at you, but he shyly shook his head before pausing. His face seemed contemplative before he spoke again.

“I can get rid of my horns by breaking them off, they regrow pretty quickly. And… Well, I can.. Grow. grow even bigger I mean.”

The last part was mumbled to the floor. You both raised your eyebrows at that and it was Simeon who asked,

“How big exactly? Bigger than your first size?”

He fidgeted again, not in a nervous and stressed way, but more in a ‘this is really awkward way’.

“Well it isn't my first size, my uhm… true size would not be able to fit in my pool, or this room for that matter. Don't worry about any other forms. This is really all I have. Can you please take your coat off-

He finally started to get uncomfortable, so you kneeled next to him to finally get your clothes back. Although there seemed to be some hindrance.

“Ah, Levi. I need to reach the buttons. Could you please turn around so I can reach them?”

He didn't make a singular peep. But with the stiffest motions you have seen him make so far he rolled around like he was a wooden plank.

You just stayed quiet as he made the buttons accessible. You awkwardly crouched down even further and began unpopping the few buttons you closed earlier. Once you opened the last button you pushed the coat to his sides.

Near instinctively you peaked a look down, to where his crotch would be. And to your intense relief, there was nothing. Just the smooth surface of his tail, no odd-looking penises, nothing.

As quickly as you looked down, you looked at his face again. But he was thankfully still firmly looking away from you.

“I need a little assistance with this. You need to pull your arms out the sleeves Levi.”

The warble he let out sounded whiny to your ears. But eventually he did wiggle himself out of your clothes.

You couldn't even get a word out before he directly launched himself into the water again now he was free. Which left you blankly staring at your coat laying depressedly on the floor.

You gave a flat look at Simeon and he just gave one back to you. You didn't last long as both of you broke down into chuckles.


I am no longer shivering from the cold because all the comments you guys left gave me a first-degree burn <3

However, I am greedy.
I would love it if you guys left a comment telling me what you enjoyed the most! It really motivated me to see how many enjoyed my silly story

Chapter 24: Log-24 (S)


Since Levi now has legs, he's got to learn how to use them!

Perhaps Reader will get to learn how to use his "legs" as well...
aka Surprise penis incident 2

CW/The second half of this chapter has smut!


OVER 8100 HITS AND 450 KUDOS?? You guys are insane I can't thank you enough 💞
As a little thank-you, I decided to mash these chapters together. Now you guys get 5k words of silliness and filth, enjoy~

This was such a struggle to write, I watched over 6 hours of massage videos just to write about it for like 4 sentences, worth it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next few days were spent in anticipation.

All of you were waiting for Diavolo’s response. But once the looming threat of his visit was gone, your rational brain had come back. And you could work properly again while everyone was stressed. You were of course, still stressed too. That Barbatos knew is now a fact for you alone, but you’ll cross that bridge when you get there.

After the… coat… fiasco. You suddenly remembered you had to go to Mammon, so you hastily bid goodbye to your friends before sprinting out to meet the harpy.

To say he was annoyed would be an understatement. He actually ignored you for a good minute before his facade vanished. Then he started bothering you as to why you were actually late.

You weren't allowed to converse about other subjects so you mostly ruffled his hair as you told him how you let your other subject get tested for the sigil. He did quiet down his annoyance after that. Even if he didn't stop sniffing you all day.

While everybody was stressing, you decided to tackle a new issue. Levi’s legs.

It was definitely a topic you wanted to expand on. Levi has apparently known for a long time that he can have legs if he wanted to. But he never used them before for walking.. Whatever that meant… he refuses to elaborate on it.

Which got you tangled in another problem.

Levi hated clothes.

You were right when you assumed he was around the same height as Simeon, with Simeon being just a bit taller. This meant you could steal- lend, some of Simeon's clothes. So Levi wouldn't be hanging around butt-naked.

At least you wished.

“Do I really have to wear these things? They are so uncomfortable!”

You made a tight knot with the ties of the black sweatpants you forced on him. Levi was seated in front of you on a chair, while you tested how well the yellow ties remained in place. It's the only thing he allowed on his skin.

That's not completely true though. He also allows you to put your own lab coat on him, and he also doesn't complain when you do. But unfortunately, the coat alone isn't enough to cover.. all of him. So you informed him he would need pants as well, but they are true evil for him.

“Yes. Yes you do. If you look human you have to abide by the rule of not being indecent. Then we can go and do other things. So! If you want me to teach you how to walk, then your crotch must be covered.”

The immediate blush on his face could almost rival your own, but that wasn't the worst of it. In what you assume is revenge he plopped down to the floor and started making sea lion noises. While wiggling in such a way to hopefully loosen up the sweatpants, you so cruelly forced on him.

Even if he still remained in his human form, he was still uncannily good at imitating sea life vocals. If you weren't witnessing it with your own eyes and ears, you would have been convinced there was suddenly a sea lion with you in the room.

Instead, you sat down on the chair and swirled in circles as you slowly came up with a plan. With the most deadpan expression you could muster you looked at him over your shoulder.

“If you're so hellbent on not wearing pants you can go and transform back to your tail. It would just be most unfortunate if you got the sigil, and would still be stuck in the room forever. Where you must either eat those pellets or old pizza, instead of just walking to the cafeteria and getting some fresh pizza.”

Hooked. He was still face down on the floor but you knew you had his attention.

“The pizza would come out of the oven, still steaming hot and together we could eat it. Or we take trips around the facility. And I even had a person I'd like for you to meet, y'know? I feel like you two would get along nicely. Especially since both of you are my creatures.”

You rambled on about all the cool things he could do if he learnt to walk and you tried your best to look forwards and not at him when you saw him crawl to you. With a tail it looked natural, but with his legs now limply being dragged behind him just looked downright hilarious.

You paused when you felt the faintest of tug at your pants. Reel and catch, baby.

“But alas we can't, because you don't know how to stand. And neither Simeon nor I want to teach you while you're naked. How unfortunate.”

He now had his face smudged in your leg and was groaning annoyedly.

“All I have to do is wear these stupid human pants and you're happy?


He sighed so loud you had to let out a fake cough to stifle your laugh.

You took some pity on the Leviathan and moved to pick him up. You’re a little more used to it now, but he was cold. Much colder than a human should be, but he reassured once again it’s normal for him to be on the colder side. Unfortunately, he was still larger than you, so it was a slight struggle but you got him on the chair again.

“We'll start with getting you to stand and remain balanced. We don't have to hurry, Okay?”

Levi nodded in agreement but with the look on his face he was certainly thinking about something else. You lightheartedly grabbed his hands as you waited for him.

He got flustered at the skin contact but he remained sitting, deep in thought.

Just as you wanted to ask what was wrong he glanced at you and sideways, a frown and pout on his face.

“You have never told me anything about that other creature of yours…”

Oh! Is that what he is so upset over?

“I'm not really allowed to share that many details, not yet at least. But my other subject is called M-02. He's a pretty friendly and fun guy once you get to know him. Although I must warn you he’s very possessive of me, so if he acts a bit rough on how close we are Levi, don't mind it too much. That's just kinda how he is.”

“He sounds like an idiot.”

Playfully you nudged him with your hand.

“Don't be so rude, you haven't even met him yet!”

“You guys gave the feeling a name, something about trusting your gut?”

It took you everything to remain professional. You had to think like they were impressionable toddlers. Present good behaviour. Don't laugh.

Somehow you managed to not break your serious facade and you finally started the ‘walking lessons’

It made you exhausted.

Having to support his full weight nearly constantly wasn't the best for your untrained muscles. Everything hurts.

Levi wasn't fairing too great either. When you were finished for the day you allowed him to take off his pants and transform back to his smaller mermaid form

Shortly he also dipped into the water to refresh. Damn, you really wished you could do the same. At some point in the lesson, you took off your coat and shoes. The first because you were getting sweaty from all the heavy lifting, and the last one because your feet kept landing on his. It was an attempt to refrain from hurting Levi’s toes so you decided to just go barefoot. The cool tiles of the room felt nice.

You decided on a small lunch break and now you both were laying side to side.

You gave Levi his usual food but you quickly hopped out of the room and went to your dorm to change into a fresh and lighter pair of clothes.

Levi had been doing pretty well with the whole standing thing, and he even took a few steps with your full guidance. You didn't expect him to learn to walk in a day of course, but if he does so well you might as well let him try a few more experimental steps.

Now you were in a pair of comfortable shorts and a loose-fitting shirt to top it off. Much more room for your skin to breathe.

However, your plans were slightly halted when Levi kept complaining about how sore his ‘legs’ were. You questioned him about it, considering he didn't have any legs at the moment. It was just him lying on his stomach with his tail rolled close to his body. But he kept saying he still felt them. And it tickled every curious nerve in your brain.

“Could I perhaps give you a bit of a massage then? Maybe it could help.”

It had been routine for you guys for a while. Full-body health check-ups were still being done by Simeon, you don't have the strength yet to join him. But the massage part has been unofficially handed to you.

At least, only when you guys learned his smaller form reflected back to his bigger.

If you gave a massage to his smaller form, when he transformed into his bigger one he could still feel all the positive effects of it. You nearly cried when you learnt that, so much less work for your poor body.

Although, you weren't exactly sure why, each time you gave Levi a message he was insistent you only do it on his backside. You definitely asked about it, but he would just mutter something under his breath. To your best of understanding, it had something to do with his instincts.

You chalked it up as his stomach being his weak spot. While he often placed you on top of it, he got quite iffy when you actually touched it. Why are these creatures all so catlike?

In the present you decide to kneel above Levi as you start to message. his back and your hands already oiled up. After such a long period of time you became a near pro at this. You have asked around for tips and watched a lot of video tutorials. And the way he melts more each time you do this strokes your ego that you weren't just being delusional.

You start at the top of his shoulder blades. With gentle but firm pressure you slowly glide down to get a good feel of his muscles.

The position of you hovering above him would probably be considered unprofessional, but it's what worked best for the pair. Especially since he has that big tail in the way.

Your hand traces from the upper muscle of his back and follows the curve down to above his hip. With your movement you use the majority of your body weight to make up what you lack in strength.

In the beginning it was difficult to work around his spiny dorsal fin, but you made your way.

After warming up his muscles you used your knuckles to move around the shoulder that slightly poked out when he was leaning on his forearms like this. Using your palm directly after to soothe the rougher movements.

It's almost like you are in a trance as you go through the repeated movements. You tend to use more firm and long movements rather than small and sharp movements since Levi’s skin is more sensitive in his smaller form, the muscles are easier to irritate rather than relax.

You finish his upper body by giving a quick sweep over his arms and hands too by pure force of habit.

Levi was practically a puddle of happy fish beneath you at this point. Happily purring since the moment you began the session. Letting a particularly happy chirp any time you got a spot that just didn't feel right before.

You couldn't focus on that, however, as the tail was next on your list. Especially since he complained that ‘his legs’ were sore.

Unlike earlier, you start at the bottom of his tail and edge upwards. Figuring out what kind of massage would work the best on them when you first started doing this was a nightmare. After some experimentation, you just went with some weird mutated version of a leg message that you developed by trial and error and sheer determination.

As you steadily rise up his tail you decide to give the smallest amount of pressure to the frills and fins that decorate his tail. The one time you went swimming with him, he gave zero to no reaction when you roughly held on to them for dear life.

But as you gently rubbed the skin where they connected to his tail he nearly crooned at the attention you gave them.

At one point after you gave a long stroke on a specific part of his tail, he let out a content sigh, aha. There it is.

You focused most of your attention along where his ‘legs’ apparently were and after some time he couldn't stop slurredly chittering with what you assumed was relief.

While you smoothened the muscles you appreciated the wondrous patterns that decorated Levi's scales once again. The primary colour was that void black. Those scales also sparedly reappeared on his hands, shoulders and the cheeks of his face.

But along his tail were flashing accents of bright purple and orange. Even on rare occasions, you saw some scales that had white tips. But those were only visible in his larger form. This smaller form had his pattern kind of condensed and minimised. You really wished he allowed you to just trace them endlessly.

You were careful to avoid the long stripe of scales that still haven't fully grown back yet. They lost their purple colour and instead matched with the surrounding black scales, even if they were much smaller and softer than their counterparts. Your side burns at the memory but you shove it into a corner of your mind.

Eventually, you ended up at his back once again and massage time was over. You gave his shoulder a few pats for a job well done.

“Alright, I hope that helped Levi-”

Just as you wanted to stand up, sudden movement beneath you nearly made you fall over. Spooked, you looked down.

Under you Levi was now lying on his back, eyes determinedly looking anywhere but at you.

You raised your hands high so as to not accidentally touch him, left hovering above him uncertain as to what to do. You're fairly certain you stayed there for nearly a full minute as there was this odd stalemate. Levi kept peeking glances at your hands in a way that you recognised as him wanting you to do something. But what? Did he mean..?

“You– You can continue… IfyouwanttoIdon’tmind-”

You were floored for a second as you looked surprised at the slightly squirming Leviathan beneath you. Still, this wasn't a moment to make him uncomfortable.

Excitedly you placed your hands just under his collarbones and carefully slid over his shoulder and up to the sides of his neck. You weren't that experienced in this field of the body, so you tried to go off on what you remember.

Unlike before where Levi was constantly making noise, now his mouth remained glued shut.

The biggest sign of life was when your fingers slid up his neck and the gills there fluttered nervously anytime you got close. In a small moment of curiosity, you feather-lightly traced one of your fingers across the bottom of his lowest gill and the shuddering inhale of air that Levi did was so big you felt his chest move beneath you.

Acting oblivious despite the butterflies now roaring in your stomach you continued the message, eventually moving lower to his pecs.

But… the more you messaged the more laboured his, and your breaths became. It's like everything around you slowly faded out, and it was just you running your hands across his torso in slow and calculated motions.

Your body feels so much more heated than it reasonably should. You’ve done this dozens of times, but the touching suddenly feels so much more intimate in a way that never was before. But each of his sharp intakes of air send tingles to your core and you’re not even certain as to why.

As you wanted to message the space around his armpit, you asked him to raise his arms in a near whisper. Afraid of even one sound too loud would shatter whatever was going on. He still did not spare you another glance as he obediently did as told.

You started at one of his biceps and firmly messaged down to just under his armpit and repeated the motion several times. When you were done with one side you moved to the other one.

You watched as Levi lifted the arm you were just finished with and covered the upper part of his face with it. Finally allowing him to ‘look’ up as his eyes were now hidden.

The other side went just as smoothly as the other, and there wasn't really anything left for you to do. But you didn't wish to end.. Whatever this is.

Idly you move your hands oh so carefully down past his ribs and to his side. Your eyes glued to his face, or what you could see of it.

The way his breath hiccuped when you tenderly caressed his stomach sent a hot wave of need through your nerves. His abs flexing underneath your curious touch. You still weren't sure as to why you were feeling so hot and bothered, but you didn't necessarily dislike the feeling of it.

You were absolutely bullsh*tting your message right now. Just shamelessly moving your hands across his torso, wherever you wanted to because he let you. Brushing your fingers over the soft gills near his ribs that fluttered restlessly. When you let your nails ever so gently scratch along his sides, his back arched up a little and you couldn't help but do it again.

His eel-like tail was ever so short of trashing behind you every time you did it. Levi’s sighs and gasps kept becoming more audible as well. One of his hands was still covering his face, but the other was holding his arm above his head with a deathgrip as he tried to appear as unaffected as possible.

But the ever so subtle buckling of his hips as his back arched sang you an entirely different song.

In a moment of unknown confidence and unfiltered arousal, you dared your hands to lower to his tail. There wasn't anything, you had already anticipated that. Despite his human form looking different, in his more fishy skin there had always been nothing. But with some newfound restraint you started messaging the place when skin melts into scales.

At the sudden lack of stimulation Levi whimpered and you had to bite your lip to make sure you didn't make a single noise at his appearance.

Just like earlier, you messaged his tail, just backwards. Starting at the top of his tail and wanting to make your way lower.

Levi kept whimpering and gasping underneath you as you languidly continued your teasing touch. Shivering with his apparent need for you to continue.

Although, you stop short when you notice something you haven't seen before. A little bump stood out from the smooth expanse of his scales just a few centimetres underneath his human skin.

Your eyes were transfixed on the bump, and after closer inspection it was slightly glossy from the..wetness? You made sure to keep glancing back at Levi's face as you let your palm caressed over it.

At once Levi's hips buckled harshly against your palm and his hands flew away from his face to instead claw at the floor. His mouth opened in a soundless moan, his sharp fangs in clear display.

That wasn't for long. As you kept palming at the wet bump his silent moans quickly rose in amount and eventually sound. He groaned as his nails probably made crevices in the tiled floor. With your other hand, you held down his hips as your other hand explored.

The ‘bump’ looked more like a puffed-up slit? And you watched mesmerised as you could slightly part it to the side. Was your assumption right that Levi was a he? In his human form what was between his legs definitely didn't look like a vagin*.

Suddenly through your own haze of lust, you realised you should probably wait and stop, go back a few steps. What first could be blamed on curiosity was well beyond bleeding into something much more intense. And your stomach fluttered at the idea.

Just as you removed your now slightly moist hand you heard Levi plead beneath you.

“More– more. Please my pretty pearl. It feels s-so good, please .”

Pretty pearl? That's one you hadn’t ever heard before. You weren't so certain of the pretty part, but you found it adorable. Whatever restraint you had just snapped at the edges as you refocused on his slit. The wet thing was so puffy, and he asked so desperately.

As you placed your hand back to collect his slick his breathing was coming out in harsh breaths as he kept begging you to touch him. So you leaned closer to watch his face as you tenderly slipped your finger into the slit.

It was even wetter inside and it felt so incredibly alien to you. But it didn't matter much as Levi was finally moaning properly and satisfied chirps spilt freely out his throat. Sound increasing the more pressure you apply.

One finger quickly became two, and three with how lubricated it was.

Still, to your utter surprise, your fingers bumped into something hard after a minute or so. And when they did, Levi violently bucked. You nearly flew off with the force of it.

The one hand you were using to keep him from moving had to be replaced on his chest to not fall off while the other was still inside him.

But Levi was a whiny mess and soon the hard thing was actually pushing out your fingers? You looked under you to see what the hell you were coaxing out of the Leviathan, only to stop breathing.

You pushed yourself up to admire the co*cks that sprouted out of his vent. Somewhere a little voice in the back of your mind whispered hemipenes .

Transfixed you carefully traced a finger up one of the rapidly leaking co*cks, just to receive a shaky airy moan from Levi. The purple appendages gradient at the tips into the same orange that his fins are and it fascinated you.

Gently you wrapped your hands around the base of the penises, they twitched at the attention you gave them. What you assume is precum rapidly leaking out the tips. But just as you felt a flicker of excitement crawl up your body, a sudden hit of realisation struck you down like thunder.

“Tell me to stop Levi. I- I can't do this as your handler-”

This resulted in Levi's hand grabbing the meat of your thighs instead of the floor, his nails dangerously close to pricking into your skin. His amber eyes barely visible over the pooling blacks of his blown-out irises.

“I don't want you to stop. I want you- please, I want you to touch me. ”

There was still a guilty voice at the back of your mind but when Levi gave an experimental thrust upwards you started again with renewed vigour. You gave a firm and long stroke to his co*cks and he nearly sang from the pleasure. You couldn't quite wrap both your hands around his dicks so you tried to give both of them as much attention as you could fit.

“Ha…does it.. Does it feel good Levichan?”

“Yes! Yes, so good… please, please more. I need- ngh !”

The disgustedly slick sound of your hand giving a fast pump was accompanied by a deep growly moan from Levi that sent shivers to your core.

Levi was wildly trashing underneath you as you weren't giving him the amount of stimulation he wanted. Pawing needily at your thighs, where other times he gripping them so harshly you were delighted afraid it would leave bruises

Trying a new approach you scooted a bit forward. Your own clothed crotch was now nearly next to him, hovering just slightly above. Your grip on his co*cks is firm but loose enough for him to thrust up. And that he did.

The force of his thrusts is intense enough to knock you over. You tried to catch yourself, but with all of Levi's slick and pre-cum your hands slipped. Causing you to land smack middle on top of his chest.

This however did not stop him in the slightest. Instead, he adjusted his grip on your thighs to be around your middle instead. His thrusts reverted to him humping against your crotch instead of your hands for friction. His nose was buried in your hair as he hopelessly ground a rhythmless pace.

f*ck - You feel so, so good. So warm, so nice. Mmh, All for me.”

You tried to squash down the very conflicting fluttery feelings that rose in your chest hearing him speak to you like that. You genuinely tried to muffle your moans against his chest. But when he started speaking through his moans combined with the constant friction against your groin, you couldn't keep quiet anymore and your gasps also joined the chorus of sounds within the room.

You let out a small surprised squeak when the world suddenly flipped over, and now you were the one on your back. Levi didn't give you time to readjust as he was now nosing around your collarbone. Much gentler than you expected he was licking at your neck, nibbling soft enough to not hurt you. All while never stopping his thrusting against your crotch. Sending sparks of arousal through you as your own throbbing need became more apparent to your mind.

“My little pearl. Always so happy, so eager, so good .”

His whimpers and moans slowly switched to gasps and growls as you assumed he was close. He was babbling incoherently, his tongue lost control of his human speech as chirps and warbles took their place. Your own hands desperately sought purchase in his hair as he kept rutting directly against your sensitive sex.

With one last harsh slap against your pelvis, Levi took the fabric of your collar in his mouth and sunk his teeth into the fabric. His forehead snugly fit in the crook of your neck while his co*cks spurted out more cum than you could imagine any human could possibly do. Coating every inch of the small space between your bodies with the fluid. Each pulse makes his body twitch above you.

You greedily breathed in fresh air, you didn't come, but the heat coursing through your body had quite the after-effect on you. Your lungs burned as if you had run a marathon, your head and heart felt so light as you laid there.

Levi was still slowly humping your crotch, even if you saw him twitch and shake from the overstimulation. You gently pushed him over so he was lying on his side instead. And immediately he reached back for you and started whining for you to come back. Your heart throbs strangely at his pleas.

“Shush Levi, you need to not push yourself too much.”

“Mmh…But you're so soft, so kind -”

His face was still clouded with the haze of lust, his skin coloured in a pretty blush and you didn't want to look away. But he needed to calm down, his speech was still slurred between human and non-human. You carded your fingers through his hair like you always did, the action immediately soothing him. Needing to swallow back a coo of your own at the action.

“I bet I am. But you have to relax a little. You’ve been doing so much today.”

Happily you murmured some more words of comfort against his crown as you told him you were just going to quickly grab some towels and that it would only take a moment.

You tried your best to ignore the mess on your clothes as you reached the lockers where all the stuff was kept. Thankfully you had the towel lockers memorised by heart and you grabbed the softest and fluffiest you had and raced back. Urged by Levi's sad trills that echo through the room.

Levi was once again penisless, although now there was an obvious vent where you previously saw nothing.

Quietly you sang him more praise as you wiped him off. You had never been as thankful that out of pure stress of meeting Diavolo, Levi had destroyed the cameras again. You're not sure how to explain what just happened to anyone seeing that footage.

Right now you could care less as you stripped out your cum stained clothing and wrapped your ever-faithful coat around you, hiding your body at last from the invisible eyes of your mind.

The moment you laid down too, Levi wrapped himself around you. Clinging tightly as he nuzzles his nose tenderly against your neck. You huffed with affection as you gently caressed his back, his purr kick-starting again. You felt his tail slowly creep up your legs. It felt as if he wanted to wrap it around them, but as he was unable to he just let it lay on top of them.

You both lay there for quite some time, soaking in each other's presence as your body eventually called off the horny hormones. And he too, calmed from his high. He was still clinging to you and the vibrations could be felt in your bones. You stayed until the lights dimmed, signalling nightfall. The darkness rudely forces you back to earth and letting you remember exactly what you did.

Guiltily you untangled from Levi, who was also still wide awake.

“I’m sorry Levi, I should go. I have to return to my room.”

“Can you stay?” his amber eyes looked at you with a desperate glimmer. And with the tug at your sleeve, you couldn't quite look him in the eye when you shook your head at him. The lump in your throat not allowing you to speak. Regret flooded your veins as you sat up on your knees, signalling it was the end of… this.

“Well, goodnight then, my pearl.”

He lightly headbutted you, his ear fin twitching as he turned around. It hurt you more than you thought it would when you saw him crawl back to the water. Something in you urged to call him back to you. But what would you say? What would you do?

With an aching heart, you pick up your discarded clothes, now dried up and crusty. You had half a mind to just dispose of them. But when you saw the perfectly cut holes where Levi’s teeth had sunk into your shirt you couldn't.

Ignoring the grossness of it all you marched to your room, nobody in the halls at the odd hour. Immediately you threw them in your washing machine. You couldn't bring the energy to shower and plopped like a deadweight in your bed.

You’d deal with your life choices and… these feelings in the morning.


Perhaps if you guys leave a comment, saying what you liked most, or maybe, saying what else you would like to read about... I could incorporate it ;)

SPOILER FOR NEXT CHAPTER, you guys are finally getting what like 80% has been begging for, hehe

Chapter 25: Log-25


Guys! I got a great joke:

"A fish and a bird walk into a bar..."


Fair warning the chapter was not proofread, although it's almost 4k words- I was excited to write this.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Good thing faith was on your side for once and you got away with not thinking about your life choices.

You more than definitely didn't think about Levi all night afterwards. No way that you remembered his desperate moans calling out of you. Or the way he so easily flipped you around. And especially not the way he had some natural urge to bite and then not hurt you decided to take your shirt instead.

Not a single thought was spared thinking about the way he always lit up when you entered the space he was in. the way he would enthusiastically speak about whatever movie or show caught his interest (If you introduced him to games you think it would be the end of your ears). No you didn't spend time reminiscing all the times his tail would “accidentally” brush up against you, drawing your attention to him. (He was all you could think of anyways, he doesn't have to try.)

The way your stomach has been fluttering around Levi the past few days has not been going unnoticed. But they have been ignored. But the way you felt disappointed when you didn't see anything in the bathroom mirror the next morning sent a pang of sadness through you, that you are also not thinking about right now.

Shortly after your shower in the morning, there was a knock on your door. Suspiciously you looked in your peephole to see who was there so early in the day. Only to see Simeon excitedly standing there.

As much as you would prefer to not let him in your space again. You still didn't want to lose him, you wanted to at least remain friends. If you kept locking him away like this you would ruin it.

If you will cry about your stupid conflicted feelings you were just going to do that after he leaves. You plastered a smile on your face that you hoped matched his energy as you opened the door.

“Good morning, Simeon. What brings you here so early?”

He couldn't even answer you. Apparently, he was carrying a tablet under his arm and almost shoved it in your face.

“Simeon if you finally discovered how to work one of these things you could have told me later surely-”


You managed to grab the tablet to see what he was talking about. Squinting your eyes at the bright light coming off it. After blinking a few times you could finally see the text on your screen.

Almost just to immediately drop it.

“Holy sh*t-”

“We got the Sigil of approval, Lamb!”

Really without thinking you flung your arms around Simeon in a crushing hug with how happy you were. Simeon gladly reproached the action with his own hug. There in bright and bold letters stood proof of the acceptation.

Of course, you were more than wide awake with excitement. Now the real work could start!

And with that you meant paperwork. Dear lord, were you flooded with it.

Quite a long time ago you made lists and schematic documents of what you’d change if you got the Sigil and the plans could finally be set in motion.

Simeon definitely put in his own few coins on what to change and together you combed everything to make sure everything was good and ready.

It just… required so much paperwork, putting your signature on things, reviewing each item and differences one by one.

Because a hefty portion is also done digitally you sacrificed yourself to be the main handler of this all. You were the supervisor of this project to begin with, Simeon’s signature wouldn't mean too much for the majority of these documents anyways.

You also made sure to email Diavolo your gratitude and you promised him that your team would make sure to show amazing results. Because of course, this change of everything was not cheap.

You subtly tried to ask what your budget was. But he responded that money wasn't much of an issue, as long as it would all be properly used and not spent just to be spent.

It gave you quite a bit of anxiety as to not know where the exact limit is, so you made sure to tell him to inform you if you got close to a limit.

It was difficult to tell if it had been one or two weeks that passed as you drowned in all your work. Maybe even more.

You have been doing most of it in your room. Just so you could be sure everything was in one place, but this also meant nighttime didn't stop you. You lost quite some amount of rest but you wanted it to be done. You wanted to give Levi joy and freedom too.

One day Simeon appeared at your door. He took one look at your dishevelled state and forcibly dragged you and your paperwork to Mammon. You couldn't get a word of protest in.

What's worse is that Simeon told Mammon exactly what you were doing, and to leave you alone unless necessary. But mammon now has the power to force you to have breaks and under no circ*mstances allow you to bring the paperwork back to your room.

Mammon, of course, wouldn't look at such an opportunity twice.

He had been listening to what Simeon said, and surprisingly enough, mostly left you alone. While you're at the desk you had in his room, or just on the floor with all the paper surrounding you. He would either just lay close to you or silently parkour through the room. He already knew if he spoke to you it would just pass by when you were as concentrated as you are.

The most distracting thing he would do is lay his head on yours and ask you what exactly you were doing. And each time you answered, nothing was really groundbreaking information. Those were already done and sent.

“I'm adjusting his diet plans for a more varied and healthier one. He’d been suffering from malnutrition before, I feel like the food pellets still haven't been enough.”

“Rescheduling certain events, so nobody’s work times clash.”

“Requesting certain materials so we can re-decorate his living space. It's practically a blank slate. Bare bones right now.”

Whenever he felt like you worked enough, he would curl his tail around you and just drag you away from your work to chill with him without a singular word.

You’ll never know how you can love and hate one person so much.

“Y’know Mammon, I have been thinking about this for a while now.”

He tilted his head in your direction and gave you a questioning hum. It was one of his ‘regulated breaks’ for you and he went as far as to drag you in his nest. Covering your body with one of his large wings, idly you've been cleaning out invisible dust from his feathers.

“I’d really like for you to meet L-03. Just like you, he’s sentient, and something in me tells me that you two would really click. And considering you don't get along too much with the other creatures that live here, that's me saying something quite serious.

I must warn you, he’s really suspicious of strangers and he’s only interacted with me and Simeon in a friendly way since his arrival. So don't be too rough on him, please. If there would be a meeting it would be done in his cell since he would be most comfortable near the water.”

You turned your whole body to face Mammon as you saw his face scrunched in thought.

“Of course, this will only be done if you agree on it. I won't force your hand. L-03 has been interested in you too, so an arranged meeting would really just consist of asking permission.”

“So just more paperwork for you?”

“What's truly like 7 more papers at this point? And it will just have my and Diavolo’s signature. I know the application documents by heart at this point. Memorised when I had to read and sign them for you.”

He huffed and laid back down next to you, clearly mulling it over.

“You are aware that Harpies are officially classified as a type of bird and eat fish?”

You groaned into the blankets when he gave you a sh*t-eating grin. Wagging his eyebrows up and down while he snickered at your state.

“Mammon he is quite literally like 5 times your size. You can't eat him.”

“Don't think the great Mammon can’t do something. Anything Mammon sets his mind to he will complete!”

You pushed his wing off in mock annoyance and raised an eye at his behaviour. He wasn't deterred, he just fluttered his wings proudly while he stuck his nose in the air. Tussling your hair with the wind he created.

“Oh no. Great mammon, please don't eat the large fish man. We need him.”

Your voice was as flat as could be as you expressed your fake worry, sarcasm dripping off each word. Dramatising the whole scene as you laid the back of your hand on your forehead as if you were a damsel feeling faint.

He leaned closer and rested on his arms, observing you. You turned your eyes to him and they held that questioning look in them. So you moved your hand from your head and held up your ear instead. Immediately he leaned his mouth in close as he whispered.

“Is he part of the plan as well?”

You smiled at him as you ruffled his hair and he squealed at the attack, during this you made sure to lean in close to his ear as well.

“Vital part even, but later.”

You continue to violently attack his head with the ruffles as he attempts to get you off him, everything necessary has been said.

“Well, if you insist. Then perhaps the amazing Mammon will meet this ocean critter.”

“Woww, how generous.”

You couldn't suppress the giggles this time around. As he hissed in at the disrespect.


Eventually, you managed to get through all the paperwork, somehow. Don't ask how.

Your hand was cramping, your back hurts and ached from the crappy shrimp posture you had for the past.. You don't even know how much time has passed.

But it was so worth it in the end.

You haven't been able to see Levi since the walking lesson, and you missed him so much. You really wished he wasn't angry or upset at your sudden disappearance. Hoping he understood that you've been so busy with all the changes happening around him.

Simeon has been amazing at keeping you updated on how all the construction has been going. And also how Levi has been responding to them, which has been mostly positive. He just didn't like all the people constantly in his room and in his water.

One day Simeon sent you a picture of Levi huddled in blankets underneath the desk, presumably hissing or growling at the D-personnel. You couldn't stop laughing for what felt like hours.

You had seen him exactly once, briefly, since the paperwork started. And that was to ask Levi if he’d be up for meeting M-02. He had hesitantly agreed and the request was sent to Diavolo.

But now you are here. And you couldn't be more excited.

Initially walking into the room there really isn't anything different to it. The most noticeable thing was that the drain that faced the doors was gone. Instead, it looked more like a ramp or a slip-off slope that edged into the water. Perfect where Levi or you could sit and chill without having to be completely on land or in water. The previous tubes have been removed as Levi felt cramped in them. The little canals in the room were slightly enlarged so travelling went easier

The true transformation was hidden beneath the surface. Happily you and Simeon walked down the stairs to the observatory room. Simeon looked at you with a soft expression at your joy. He had seen it all getting built so he’d know what it looked like already. But with your excitement it was rubbing off on him.

Opening and closing the door with a loud clunk you were welcomed home to the gentle blue hues as always. But now there was more.

The floor of the tank was covered in a gentle layering of sand instead of the plain white panelling from before. Not only that. The tank was filled to the brim with vegetation and rocks. The kelp is still rather small. But surely before you could blink the tiny sprouts would have grown to the top and you’d have to ask Levi to cut them.

Some small shells, whole and broken, lay on the sandy bottom. Paired together with some rocks of all sizes. Even some boulders are now in the tank.

The boulder part was difficult, as it hindered a lot of sight from the observatory room. But it has been proved time and time again Levi did not pose a threat anymore. If the plants grow in size, some physical activities might become impossible to do. But with the new stimulation, Levi is going to be more than entertained for a while.

Talking about the Leviathan. You really tried to debate, so he could get a den inside the tank. Even if Levi didn't like talking about himself. You managed to scrape together he likes to stay in smaller enclosed places and even creates nests when he rests. But you had been rejected every time, full coverage of Levi had not been approved.

You’ll probably find some loopholes in that later. But for now, you were exhausted and just happy with this.

Your smile couldn't help but grow as you finally caught wind of your fishy friend. With Simeon next to you also grinning at the sight. He was nearly hopping from boulder to boulder as he kept inspecting the floor. Seeing him like this, surrounded with colour made your heart ache in the best and worst ways

“Ever since we added the rocks and kelp he’s been obsessively checking on everything. It's been two days since we finished, but he has measured the growth of the seagrass, moss and kelp hourly. As if it would spontaneously grow gigantic if he takes his eyes away for even a moment.”

You see him lay down on the sand and start inspecting some rocks before he deems them as not worthy and throws them over his shoulder.

“I've also had to tell him to not move the larger stones in his bigger form. Saying they shouldn't be displaced unless they were bothering if he was in his true form.”

“Where does he move them to?”

“To his nest, I assume at least. In the far right corner at the back, I immediately noticed he keeps a round space empty and is surrounding it with small rocks. I tried to ask him but he got flustered and defensive.”

A barely repressed snort came out of your throat. But you caught yourself quick enough. Mammon was also quite particular who got close to his nest, although you would never have described his state as flustered.

“Let's hope he doesn't become broody. I guess it's the best time now to inform him of the other nesting creature that he wants to meet.”

Confidently you knocked on the glass wall, a little louder than usual since there now was a lot more for Levi to get distracted by.

It really wasn't needed as by the first knock he almost came barreling back to the glass. Before you could give a wave he was already signing away. But it was getting signed so fast you couldn't even follow it. You help up your hand to signal him to stop and point upwards.

He excitedly nodded and swam up, leaving the two of you behind.

You looked at Simeon with an amused smile and he gave one right back.

When you neared the edge Levi was already talking your ears off. Excitedly filling you in on everything you missed, even if you were the reason it all happened. Speaking about the way the plants in his pool nicely complete each other, that he is fond of the shinier rocks, how the sand is so much more comfortable then the floor.

When he had to take a deep breath to continue talking you quickly bent down to affectionately ruffle his hair and he quieted up and in embarrassment he sunk back in the deeper water.

After a few small conversations between you three, you decided to slowly slide into a different topic.

“So, we have discussed it and if you still want to, we can arrange a meeting between you and M-02 as early as two days. Depending on how quickly it is approved.”

You saw his uncertainty in the way his fins closed flat against his body. His eyes followed the ripples in the water he created by the sudden fidgeting. But through everything, he still answered with no fear or hesitation in his voice,

“I would like to meet that other normie creature of yours.”

“I definitely think he is anything but a normie.”

“You sure? He sounds kinda cringe lmao.”


And just after signing just a few more documents, the day arrived.

The sound of Mammon's talons clicking on the floor thundered over your own steps. You had been tasked to bring Mammon to Levi. The Leviathan would be on his home turf, and you trusted the harpy enough if somehow things went south he could easily leave the room if needed.

Looking up you saw how he held his head high and his wings puffed up every other step to appear even bigger. …He is dead set on impressing Levi. It was almost cute.

“Remember, He’s very nervous and shy. Don't threaten him, don't try to bite him. Use your manners-”

“Yeah, yeah I get it human. Don't worry. I’ll behave or somethin’ like that. Just make sure that fish of yours doesn't attack me first.”

“Please just be normal.” You sighed affectionately.

Finally, you stood in front of Levi’s cell and Mammon was inspecting the door as if could jump you any second. You send a quick message to Simeon that you arrived and waited for him to invite you in.

The doors opened with an easy click, but it startled Mammon enough to flinch back. You gently placed your hand on the wing you could reach and caressed him to help him through the nerves.

“Hello Lamb, Mammon. He’s ready, please come in.”

Before you could say anything Simeon already walked back into the cell. You chuckled at his excitement that almost rivalled your own and spared a glance at the harpy who stood still, staring inside the room.

You wrapped your hand in his larger one and his face snapped to you, seeing your comforting smile he looked to the side and let out a few clicks.

Undeterred you guide him into the room with him following on your heels, the door locking behind you. He went back to his previous puffed-up appearance as he saw the water, scanning the surface. You were doing the same, not seeing Levi anywhere.

The two of you got about a third of the way into the room, with you expectantly looking at Simeon. In turn, he put his hand on the water and splashed a few times, an unofficial sign asking Levi to come up.

Mammon looked at you with a question in his eyes. His tail swishes from side to side and curls around your ankle at last.

“Is he asking me to come closer to the water or something?”

“Oh, it probably looks silly. but he’s actually asking Le-”

Your voice was drowned out by a splash so loud it forced you to clamp your mouth shut. Twisting around to look at what Levi was doing.

The large Leviathan was looking, not at you, but at the harpy with his mouth agape. Disbelief and wonder in his eyes. Not the reaction you expected honestly. You wanted to check out Mammon's reaction but suddenly the force on your hand got downright painful and you took in a sharp breath to help against the crushing strength.

Before you could voice your pain, the harpy let go of you. You immediately cradled your hand close, asking him what was going on. But you were far too late as you saw Mammon hunker down in a hunting position. A growl vibrated low in his throat. You were mere seconds away from yelling out his name, but you were beaten to it by Levi shrieking at the harpy.

“Mammon?? What are YOU doing here?”

Now it was your turn to gape your mouth. Looking at the Leviathan with confusion and at the harpy who held a horrified yet murderous expression on his face.

“Levi you son of a-”

In another blink of your eyes, you saw Mammon's hunting position tense, ready to strike. You couldn't even lift your hand up before he leapt off the floor, claws outstretched.

Going straight at Levi, who was screaming in fear as the harpy jumped him.

Despite the fact that Levi is several times bigger than Mammon, it did not stop him from trying to escape into the water. But Mammon's grip was firm, dragging him further out of the water despite his smaller size and the struggle going on.

Crashing waves accompanied the near-crazed shrieking, hissing and screeching of the two battling beasts. Levi was at first fierce, but was quickly beaten by Mammon who dominated in terms of volume.

The fight caused water to fly everywhere and even despite the distance you got some on you as well as Simeon who was now grasping at your arm. He immediately backed off the moment he saw the harpy crouch and was now at your side.

You watched in complete bafflement at what was happening. While Mammon sometimes showed disdain for the other creatures, he had never once even laid a finger on them. But he almost instantly jumped Levi- Wait.

Your jaw dropped as you made the realisation that the two creatures called each other's names. And you are 100% certain you had never introduced or had a name slip before to either of them. Especially not Levi's name.

And as you dared to look closer, the fight wasn't even really a fight. It was literally just Mammon trying to pin down the squirming Levi while angrily chirring at him.

“Holy sh*t, I think they are communicating, Simeon.”

And you were right. Even though it sounded utterly incomprehensible to your ears, you recognised both Levi’s and Mammon's respective forms of speech and somehow they were capable of understanding one another. Despite knowing the two languages nearly as different as the light and dark, it was evident that they kept speaking in turns. Eventual by the fact they settled down enough so that it didn't look like a fight to the death anymore.

If anything, it sounded like Mammon was scolding and interrogating Levi at the same time.

“Guys! Hold up, you guys know one another??”

And just like that, both of your subjects froze.


If you had a keen eye you might have noticed I updated the chapter count. it's not 100% official and is bound to change because I'm horribly indecisive. But perhaps this gives you guys an idea of just how much there is planned/already written!

Of course, if you guys comment there might be even more... ;D
(I have some drabbles stuff I wanted to put in the fic but they didn't exactly fit in with the flow of the story. Would you guys be interested in a separate fic where I put all I scrapped from the main story? It will most likely contain some spoilers for future content though.)

Chapter 26: M0_2-6


Levi, afraid Mammon is going to kill him: "I'm so incredibly f*cked I should just die."

Mammon's internal thoughts while choking out Levi: "This f*cking idiot, I'm so glad he's alive and I know my human was taking good care of him and I'm happy I can see him again, but I also hate him for the fact he's now also in the cursed place, but I'm so full of fluttery feelings now I can touch him again and can feel his heartbeat-"


Please Note! Everything that is slanted text is spoken in a non-human tongue, it's only understood between brothers

They meet!! We finally get 2/7 of the brothers :D
If you remember the note in the very first chapter, then you know that there will be one introduction left for the last brother of the main storyline. I can't wait for 3/3, but first, we should let the sand settle between these two before we mix in even more~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If anyone asked him if he felt nervous meeting this new fish he would answer “Hell no! The great Mammon isn't nervous about anything!” After all, he’d heard it time and time again that he’s the most fearsome creature in this facility. Most humans cower at the sight of him, just how he likes it.

So when his human came with the news that there would be another creature for them to care for, he felt no threat. The humans may have caught him while he was weak and vulnerable after a fight. But in any other circ*mstances, the only one who can beat him was Lucifer. Whoever this was, he’d kill them if they’d annoy him.

He could have broken out at any moment from this crappy building, he proved successful when he still has the highest kill count while severely incapacitated. But there was something that made him stay despite it all. And that was them.

The little fierce human. The human that dared to do what nobody else could. The first one that showed compassion. So eager to learn, and to prove themselves as a stable provider.

At first, he stayed because you were capable and resourceful. He wished to wait until he was nursed back to health, before slaughtering everyone here and running home. He had no clue what was in the medicine they gave him. But it made him feel better than he had been in centuries.

But you and and the other human that clung to your side, Simeon, changed something in him. It was odd, it was terrifying. And he still isn't sure what to think. Having accepted two humans into his flock. He wasn't sure when he started to instinctively call out to them with his song. It had felt so right, even if they never returned the call. He knows they can’t or they would, their throats aren't made for it.

He could break out and return to the other part of his flock, although all that would await him was a broken family of what once was. He is a coward without his leader and instead hides in the present. Where the walls are just a bit too bright, the walls too low and the fuzzy blankets can't hide him from his surroundings, his memories of sleeping under wings or surrounded by fur.

All he knows is that for now, he must live in the moment and hope for the future. With his little human at his side. He made sure to flair his wings as big as he could and made his steps near thunder on the floor. Sure, he could walk soundlessly if he wanted to. But he had to let Fishf*ck know he was coming to kick ass.

He’s still surprised he has been sharing a floor with some other creature for nearly 9 whole months and he had no clue. Sure he knows his human had been taking care of another, but he never got an indicator it was so close nearby.

Even though the humans tried their best to be secretive about the fish person, he could still read. They taught him that.

His human didn't allow him to really look at their papers. But there was one piece of paper that stood out with its red letters. Classifying “L-03” as violent and destructive. And more importantly, the date and the amount of damage. He’s not sure how he didn't hear the noise of the wreckage the creature created.

It was odd how his instincts weren't screaming in offence that he wasn't going into a more defensive, protective mode. Especially since this meeting is stressing his human so much. There was just... Something about the scent that lingered on their clothes, their skin, that was just so oddly familiar each time they went to meet him. Clearly just done working with the aquatic creature. Not that explaining that to his little human would stop their worries.

Even now, walking the short distance from his room to the Fish’s they have been fidgeting with their hands constantly. There is almost a small hole in the coat’s sleeve with how much they have been worrying the thick fabric.

They keep asking him things, how he’s feeling, if he can behave, and more unneeded questions. He got everything under control. Unlike them. The sour smell of their fear clings to his nose.

He flaunts himself, strutting like a bird trying to get a potential mate’s attention and the smile he receives in return is enough to know he distracted them enough from their worries.

At the door they stop Mammon might have walked past hundreds of times at this point. And still, there were little changes he hadn't seen before. Now that he focuses he notices small patches where the blood just hadn't been cleaned properly. But unless you looked closely at it, it was unnoticeable.

He also hoped that it went unnoticed the way he strained his hearing, the sound of rushing water barely there, and the sound of people talking. Familiar sounds of people. Must be Simeon.

Just as he thought about him the doors opened to show the man. The barest brush of his human’s hand against his wing stopped him from immediately going inside. He spared a quick peek at his side, knowing the current situation between the two humans was quite… strained with tension. He wasn't sure if it was reassurance for him or them.

At the sound of Simeon saying his name, he absentmindedly chirped back a greeting. He was much more interested in looking inside the room.

It was… barren.

It eerily reminded him of when he first got taken, for months there was nothing more in his room then the white walls and the cold floor. His little human was the only thing breaking the repetitive scenery. The only splash of colour here was the water sloshing on the opposite side of the room. Right, aquatic creature. “Leviathan like” they described him as.

He’s never been so thankful that the descriptions his humans have given him don't match up with his flock mate or Mammon would be going mental if he had been captured as well.

He was startled when he felt a small hand grip his, to the point he nearly whacked them with his wing. But it was just his human smiling like an idiot at him.

Embarrassed he muttered a choice of words under his breath but allowed them to drag him inside the room.

Chills got sent down his spine once again at the state of the room. There was nothing. He saw some closets for stuff and a desk on either side of the room. And then the ridiculously large body of water. And that was really it. He saw some blankets where Simeon was standing.

The man crouched and was splashing the water and Mammon wasn't sure what he intended with it. Simeon kept looking at the water and back at his human in confusion.

“Is he asking me to come closer to the water or something?”

He heard it before they could answer him. A thrill so painfully familiar it put his heart in shock and sent his instincts haywire. Just as his gaze landed back on the water he saw him. His little brother.

There in all his sh*tty glory was Levi perched half out of water. With his stupid mouth agape as he was staring at him in surprise.

He was deceitfully human-looking, and so much smaller than he can be. That must be the only smart thing he did, if he was in his true form he’d most likely suffocate in the walls, failing to accommodate his size.

That f*cking idiot.

After all his effort at making sure his flock would stay safe. After all his warnings, telling his brothers to not go hunt for their missing family members. This pathetic excuse of a sea creature went ahead and got himself captured too. He wasn't even sure if it was intentional or not with his brother's tendencies.

“Mammon?? What are YOU doing here?”

Seeing his brother's face light up for a second, presumably from seeing with his own eyes that Mammon is in fact, fine, did little to quell his frustrations. He already failed two, he won't let a third go. So, he got ready to pounce.

“Levi you son of a-”

It seems like the Leviathan also realised his mistake because the slippery sea urchin tried to get back into the waters where none of them could get him.

Mammon jumped forward faster than he had ever done since his arrival, directly at his brother.

He’d always been faster, stronger, than the majority of his brothers. And they keep forgetting it somehow. Even if Levi was bigger than him, even in his smaller size, he is no match.

He easily grabbed Levi by his bicep and slammed him back into the shallower part of the ramp. No matter how strong Mammon may be, if his wings become soaked then he might as well be dead weight.

“Levi you DUMBASS. Did some sort of brain-eating parasite enter your head!? I'm surprised if it hasn't starved yet!”

“I never meant to! I swear! This is all an accident!”

Levi was still struggling underneath him and trying to get away, so Mammon partially grabbed his face and bared Levi’s throat for him. The harpy’s teeth may not be as long as his, but having the sharp canines pressed up against the larger one’s throat send every signal that he needed to calm the f*ck down.

“Then what the hell are ya doin’ here?! Didn't we explicitly tell you guys that you needed to stick together!”

His scaled tail was still trashing somewhere behind the harpy, knowing his older brother’s weak spot is his feathers. If Levi got them wet he could escape, but his upper body was frozen stiff from the silent command from the older one. Meekly Levi stuttered out a response.

“T-The humans told me I got stuck in an oil leak or something like that. Ever since then, they’ve kept me here. And how much of a hypocritical idiot you must be, telling us to stick together. When you left as well-!”

He nearly slammed one of his taloned firsts against Levi's chest when the sea creature tried to struggle again, the Leviathan’s energy refuelled with anger. Mammon understood, damn right he stays awake about it all night long. He knows how terrified they all were when two of them mysteriously disappeared. But his current situation was clearly different.

“Did Mr Pridy McPrideface not tell you we fought? Tsk, of course that prideful prick didn’t.”

“What does Lucifer have to do with you leaving us? Do you have any idea how much it broke our pod when our protector didn't return!”

“Well, our ‘dear eldest’ was the one who caused me to-”

“Guys! Hold up, you know one another?!”

He froze, and he wasn't the only one. Levi also conveniently stopped moving to try and look at his human, whose shout nearly echoes through the sh*tty room.

They were standing next to Simeon, who was gripping their arm for dear life as both of you looked at him with scared expressions. Right… he should fix that.

When Levi saw their shocked faces he let out a sad coon and Mammon couldn't help but wack his own tail against the Leviathan's head. Levi’s pathetic baby attempt isn't going to save him now that his big brother is here.

“Ack, what the f*ck you scumbag-”

“Stay. If you dare move into the water I'll rip your fishy tail off and eat it.”

Below him, Levi hissed out a few words he recognized as curse words. But he did lay still and willingly bared his throat to him. Glad he’s finally remembering how powerful the great Mammon is.

He didn't quite realise when he climbed on top of Levi during their ‘reunion’, so he jumped off into the shallow water and faced off to the two humans.

They had their own little struggle as they decided who should stand in front of who. In the end, his little human won and honestly, he almost wished Simeon won.

His wings weren’t soaked but they had gotten quite moist and it made them awkwardly sag to the sides with the added weight. But nothing was as heavy as the incredibly judgemental stare his human gave him. Not even a smidge of real anger.

All he could do was sheepishly smile as he slowly shuffled closer.

“Mammon, you better explain what the hell just happened before I drag you away to be interrogated.”

“Well, ya are intending to interrogate me right now anyways-”


He couldn't help but cringe at their upset tone. They really weren't joking around right now. He heard faint snickers coming from behind and he had to use all his strength to not come flying back at Levi. Instead, he kept his gaze trained firmly on his human.

Even if Simeon looked damn near putting himself up front anyways, with the way he was suspiciously looking at him. His heartbeat was as fast as that of a hare.

“Just… answer my question for now. Do the two of you know each other?”

He hunkered down a little, just enough so the both of them were eye-to-eye. There was no avoiding the truth, no matter how much he wished to keep his loved ones safe. And besides, he trusted his humans. They should have the right to know their unofficial family properly.

“Levi is my flock.”

There was no missing as both of the humans almost physically reacted to his statement. Over the past few years, he’d told them little about himself, he deemed it unnecessary. But, one thing they do know is what flock means to him. He feels a little bad, they know flock is a sensitive subject for him and telling them also meant they wont press about it. They’re too kind to do so.

“He isn’t... He wasn’t supposed to be here at all. He’s supposed to be safe with the others.”

He was startled when he felt pressure on top of his head. Completely missed the action of his little human reaching to ruffle his damp hair when he started looking at the floor instead of up. A saddened smile on their face, as they looked at him in ways only Lucifer could before.

A comforting thrill was building up but got stopped short as he received a slap on the back of his head. Of course, It didn't hurt, truly he barely felt it. But he played along by acting pained.

“Well, then especially we can't leave him behind. Not that we were intending to. You’re still a bit of a dick for jumping him like that.”

“Hey! I had my reasons-!”

And just like that, his human walked past and directly towards Levi. And without thinking he already wished to follow their footsteps. But before that, he sent a look to Simeon. The man looked at them too, lost in thought.

He aided him by loosely wrapping his tail around the man’s middle and gently guiding him along. Simeon was as much part of his flock as the others. He quickly strutted up next to his little human, his now slightly damp wing hovering above them.

He can always interrogate Levi later since he’ll be as stuck now as Mammon already was. For now, he can leave that to his human and he can finally start properly fulfilling his protector duty again.

Levi was glaring at him when he came close and he returned the favour. He did listen to Mammon's command so he chirped in approval. It was hilarious to see Levi’s expanded pupils along with his baffled face afterwards as he almost instinctively responded with a pleased warble. Mammon knows what it's like to not have anyone respond to your calls, or call to you. He’s so going to use it to bully the Leviathan.

For now, he is patiently standing in the middle of their group, both of his human flock mates standing under the arches of his wings. And he’s pointedly avoiding the looks Levi sends him for it. If he tries to corner him with it, then Mammon can quickly point out the way Levi has been looking at his human too.

Now they are asking Levi things, if he’s alright and other stuff like that and Mammon mostly drowns out the conversations. Every now and then he calls out a slight trill, part of their song. And Levi successfully parrots it back at him each time, even when he’s speaking. It soothes a part in the back of his brain that he’s been ignoring since his arrival at this damned place.

Flock-family-safe-flock-love his instincts croon at him. And for once he doesn't have to push them to the side.


Levi! by callmeuwunt on Tumblr


This chapter is one that got split in half, it had too many words, sorry ;p

I'm really excited for next week because I can FINALLY show some of the lore/background information I have been sitting on. After all, reader never asks Levi anything... sigh. Luckily for you guys, Mammon loves talking and he especially loves humiliating his brothers by speaking about when they were itty bitty babies

Chapter 27: Log-27


This entire chapter is just Mammon humiliating Levi with his baby stories.

It features a first glimpse of Lucifer being baby hungry LMAO


HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!! It's not the new year here yet, I hope everyone has a happy and safe one!!

I don't have much to say beyond this is not proofread, because home is preparing for the celebration and it's a MESS. Enjoy some lore about our boys, you guys deserve it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So… you two are each other's flock?”

It's been quite difficult for you to wrap your mind around it. Mammon had once off-handedly mentioned that his flock; his family, was “unconventional”. But this was slightly pushing it for you in terms of what you imagined.

When the harpy initially jumped Levi, you expected for the new pool to be painted in either’s blood. But instead, it had been Mammon dragging Levi out by his metaphorical scruff.

After a quick look-over making sure Levi really isn't hurt anywhere during their little dispute, everyone awkwardly sat around one another. You were nearly sitting in the centre, Levi mostly parched out of the water in his smaller form, and Mammon and Simeon nearly touching shoulders with the way the harpy was hovering. The awkwardness was until you were the one to break the silence.

Well, silence might have been a wrong description. The two monsters kept calling out to one another, mostly Mammon being the first to initiate. It itched you at first that the call seemed so familiar. until you recognised the sound as something Mammon sometimes called out to you, putting the information somewhere at the back of your mind

At your question, both creatures shifted uncomfortably. Clearly a personal issue then. Too bad for them this is your issue now too. You were near the point of pestering the information out of them, but the Leviathan ended up telling you.

“Well, ‘flock’ is more Mammon’s term. For me, it would be ‘pod’. But yes we are connected.”

“But… how? Clearly one of you is mammalian and the other aquatic. Could it be you two are somehow.. mates?”

As it left your mouth it already felt odd, not right. But the way Mammon and Levi both physically reacted, either by gagging or shrieking at your suggestion told you your gut had been right. Still, how the two managed to even come in contact with one another is something you desperately needed to know.

"Oi, Human! don't you ever say something as horrible as that! Levi is my brother! Younger than me even. And even if he wasn't, he’s way too disgusting and pathetic to even consider as a potential mate-”

"Hey!" I know I'm yucky and as shut-in as a hermit crab, but don't you try to flame me! You're almost twice as old and also don't have a mate! You're just as depressingly lonely as me you worm-eating freak!

"Heh?? I don't eat worms, you Manatee!”

“If anything you're just a scummy chicken picking seeds from the floor you dirt-lover.”

“You shrimp f*cker now you're gonna get it-”

Quickly you put your hands against Mammon’s chest to make sure he doesn't immediately jump Levi again, now there was some semblance of peace. Simeon, who was sitting much closer to Mammon, also grabbed an arm and pulled him back to sit on the floor.

“Okay okay, mate talk over. I sincerely apologise for the assumption. But I am painfully curious how you guys managed to meet one another, and then spend enough time to somehow create such a close relationship.”

Behind you could hear a few mutters on how Levi wished he ‘didn't bond with somebody so stupid’. But you sent him an unimpressed glance over your shoulder and he slightly withered under your gaze. Still, he seemed to shrug at your question

“I actually don't have that many memories around the time they found me, you’d have to ask him.” with a nod to Mammon.

Twice as old, When they found me. By looking you would have never guessed that Mammon is apparently much older then Levi. He never gave you an acknowledgement of age beyond that he is “not a hatchling anymore!”. You then decided to pander to harpy instead, scratching at the little feathers hidden behind his ears and taking joy in the way he needed to continuously swallow his purrs as he tried to keep up his nonchalant act.

With extreme reluctance he seemed to somehow pull himself away from your hands. His tail was still firmly wrapped around your leg though.

“Well gee, now you're asking me a big deal. Do ya have any idea how long ago that was?”

Sighing sadly you turned around and tried to take a few steps away, keyword tried. His tail attempted to tug you closer the second you weren't looking at him anymore.

“I thought you were the amazing and Great Mammon that never forgot anything…”

Instantly you heard his feathers rattle in annoyance. Fighting to keep a smile off your face.

“I mean! Not that I don't remember it! I could definitely retell it as if it happened yesterday!”

Somehow you managed to shake off his reaching tail and sat down next to Levi, who was grinning at you from the corner of your eye. Simeon too was smiling at you from under Mammon's puffed-up wings.

“Can we hear then?”

“Well, I guess I can tell ya if you humans are gonna be in my business so much about it.”

“I didn't even ask anything.” You could see Simeon mouth under his breath.

Fortunately, you weren't the only giddy one. Levi’s face was impassive, but the way his fins so excitedly fluttered told you how excited he was to hear the story. Mammon too was preening under the attention of you three.

“Well, I'm going to try and keep it short and easy so your little human brains can comprehend it.

It was just me and my flock leader travelling. It was only the two of us y’know. I wasn't even as great as I am now, just a juvenile fledgling! We had been travelling for a while, around this time our leader just couldn't sit still with the passing of seasons.

Then we arrived at this huge lake. Can't even remember anymore if it still exists. Anyways, we hunkered down for nightfall, he made a fire ‘cause the nights kept getting colder.

I woke up in the middle of the night because the fire had gone out and I was freezing my tail off! My wings were not as big and majestic yet, so they didn't cover me from the chill of the night.

So I went to search for our leader ‘cause he wasn't sleeping so I assumed he was patrolling. Instead, I found him on the very edge of the lake, balancing on a rock.

I wanted to ask him what the hell he was doin’ until I heard the sound of what I assumed was a random animal that got scared and started yelling at him. Nothing unusual. But as I got closer the angry hissing and clicking noises I heard were coming from somebody much smaller than anticipated.

A tiny Levi, his whole body couldn't have been bigger than my forearm, tail included. Almost spitting out venom at the Leader, who towered over Levi. He looked back at me with the weirdest look in his eyes, a look he gave me the first time I met him. And somehow I just knew he just claimed the small fry.”

All three of you would have been on the edge of your seat if you were sitting on a chair. In the past 4 and a half years this is the most Mammon had told you about his prior living situation. The fact he didn't describe anything about this still “mysterious” leader did not go past you. But you were much more focused on all he did tell you.

“We stayed there for a long time, much longer than any period since I started travelling with him. Eventually, the jitters were him too much and he straight up picked up Levi out of the lake like he caught a fish and just carried him to every new location where there was a new body of water.

This went on for I don't even know how many seasons. And well, when you have a little fry that you gotta carry around for that long then you can't help but get attached. Levi was much cuter when he was still small enough to hold in one hand.”


“Shut up. Anyways, at one point our leader brought us to the sea and dropped Levi into it. Telling me he knew Levi wouldn't abandon us at this point. And he was right. Levi always came back afterwards. What I didn't account for is that he would grow an insane amount. The small lakes really intervened in his growth. But once he had access to the seven seas he grew like crazy.

It's a good thing we learned he could shrink like us. Or else travelling with him inwards would become impossible.”

And then it seemed his story was done. His expectant gaze travelled over all of you but mainly hanging around Levi. It seemed like he never told this story to him before.

“I don't have any concrete memories of the first time you guys took flight with me. But trying to think back on it always sends me an instinctual rush of fear.”

You couldn’t help but snort at the unexpected statement and all eyes turned to you.

“Well, that makes sense if they are meant to fly in the sky and you are meant to swim deep below in the ocean. Kind of a big difference no?”

You got an eye roll towards your direction but everything was good-humoured. Simeon got your attention when he walked to you and helped you to stand up. He gave you a look and you knew.

“Well, we have a lot to document. We are going over to the desk for a bit. If you need anything, give us a yell.”

Both creatures chirped in confirmation as you headed off, Simeon nudging you a little with his shoulder.

Not even halfway past the room you already started hearing a hushed conversation between the two brothers. Language unknown to your human ears, but tone much more gentle than everything you had heard from them yet.

“What a story. It surprised me that the most baffling thing wasn't even the way Mammon and Levi became a family, somehow. It's that Mammon was also found outside his flock by this other mysterious winged creature, instead of being born into it.”

You hummed in agreement, it's definitely unexpected. He was incredibly tight-lipped, but he never minded oozing praise of the ‘leader’ of his flock.

“I wonder if the leader is a harpy just like him. Occasionally Mammon shares tiny tidbits about harpies and their culture. So he seems to know quite a lot. Levi on the other hand hadn’t shared anything about his culture. I thought it was like the fairies, not willing. But since they found him alone, in a lake, it's more likely he doesn't know anything about his culture.”

Both your expressions saddened at the thought. If he’d been with Mammon since he was presumably a baby, then he really doesn't know anything about himself.

You violently shook your head and searched for a distraction. Thoughtlessly you flipped through some of the screens on your desk. There wasn't a lot to document actually, it was really just an excuse to give the brothers some privacy. Unless… you turned around with a tablet and faced Simeon again.

“Do you think we should inform Diavolo that they are familiar with one another? It would make visitations a lot easier. But it somehow rubs me wrong to tell him of their bond.”

The way he frowned as he leaned against the desk also told you he was hesitant about the idea. You didn't like it either, but the pros slightly outweigh the cons.

“It would be cruel to keep them apart now they have finally found eachother again. It's been nearly 5 years. Just the thought of you being separated from me for that long... I can't even…”

f*ck, your tongue slipped. You pointedly looked away from the man to instead look at your creatures. Levi had at some point transformed into his bigger form again and was sitting just out of the water. Mammon was slightly crouched at his side tail idly wagging from side to side, clearly deep in conversation.

You couldn't see their expressions from this far away. But as you saw the harpy gently drape his wing over Levi you could get a pretty good idea of what they might be talking about.

“What a pair.”


You nearly teared up at the sight. They shouldn't be here within these too clean, too bright, too white walls. More often having nothing but their mind to keep them company. Mammon lost so much muscle built in his wings that he wouldn't be able to fly, if he had the open skies. Levi wouldn't be allowed to make himself a proper bed to sleep in due to restrictions while he was locked inside of this damned building.

It's not fair.

Startled, you flinched to the side as you felt a hand lay itself on your head. False alarm as Simeon was smiling down at you with a raise in his brow.

“What are you thinking about little Lamb? You have your thinking face on.”

You bit the inside of your mouth. Debating if you should bring it up so early on. But peering your eyes at the brothers again, and seeing the way they are smiling subduedly at each other made your heart ache.

“It's been a while since we organised the plants, hasn't it? I suppose an extra pair of hands would be nice.”

Now it was Simeon's turn to freeze. He sent a slightly bewildered look at you as he got locked in your gaze. Tentatively he took away his hand. He nudged his head in the direction of the other two in question as he shook off invisible dust off his coat.

“I suppose I will bring the water and you the breeze? That would take less time if we split the work.”

“I wish you the best of luck carrying the water over. Quite the weight. ”


It was late at night. Albeit not too late enough that you wouldn't see some people passing by when walking through the halls of the facility. There is always somebody awake and working. The place never truly sleeps.

When two coated figures walked silently next to one another nobody really wouldn't blink twice at them. Maybe a person would give a greeting or a wave. It's lonely work after all, if you don't have a team to spend time with.

If you befriend somebody here it really isn't that uncommon to visit each other's sleeping quarters. There aren't a lot of places you can relax together that isn't the cafeteria.

A knock at your door is greeted by a beaming and nervous smile respectfully.

“Hey guys come in. Mams’ has been restless waiting for you two to arrive. Any longer and he would be tearing up my couch.”

“My idiot brother can't even sit still long enough for a super-secret-meeting-that-could-totally-blow-both-your-covers-for-trying-to-get-us-to-escape?”

“Hey! I heard that first part you ass-!”

“Before you start arguing, please enter my room so I can lock the door.”

Some awkward shuffling later everyone was seated around your ridiculously small coffee table.

Both Mammon and Levi were seated on your couch, Levi had some trouble sitting on the chair. After some exchanged words with Mammon he annoyedly moved his legs, his human legs off the couch to make space for his equally human-looking brother.

Levi was soaking up his new surroundings. Especially focused on all the plants that littered every inch of your room. That was at least until he discovered how soft the pillows on your couch are, immediately taking one to fidget with while he looked around him in confusion.

Simeon was sitting on the opposite chair instead, with you standing behind him.

“Well, let's get this party started. Simeon, I'll do you the honours.”


I'd absolutely love to receive some comments about what you guys liked most before the year ends, going positive into new, y'know!
(this way I can also wish you guys a direct happy New Year hehe)

Sadder news, as I said earlier in notes, this is my last Weekly Updating. I'm going back to every other Sunday until my writer's block is over and I have more chapters prepared. Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 28: L-Ov̴̧̛̭̯̎͗3̷͎͔̱̀̇͗̽̓͑r̴̹̻̺̯̠̾̉̈́͗̈̄ͅg̴̱̪̟̓͒̄͗̍̒̓̕̚͜ŗ̵̛̥̭͈̙͙͉̰̭̊͌͊͐̏̚ǫ̸̞̼̝͓́̊̽̄̑̿̈̐̚w̴̤̝͔̤̥̩̙̱͋͒ṋ̴̲̺̮̬̪̃̈͑͗̀̈̆͝


Pearly and Simeon: "Okay here are crucial plans Levi, since you're new to this we want you to listen carefully."

Levi, drunk af on Pearly's scent: "Mmmmphhnffm...ok"


Fair warning, this chap is not proofread I am knee-deep in all the essays I need to write. I'm really kinning Reader with all the paperwork,,

Big lore happening!! Although my boy Levi is not hearing it. This chap was so fun to write though, 4 idiots in one small room. What could possibly happen?

ALSO, WE HIT OVER 10,000 HITS??? omfg I could have never imagined that happening this is insane. I seriously cannot thank you, my readers, enough. ilysm I'm parasocialling

//Suggestive content warning after they get into the bathroom

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He has never been so grateful for Simeon. Truly he brings stability in his life. Literally.

It was just Simeon holding him up under his shoulder, and that's the whole reason he hasn't stumbled to the floor. His walking lessons had been going good, but his new ability wasn’t enough for this big of a distance.

He was instructed to keep his face down and not to speak to anyone that passed, making sure the cape of the labcoat was firmly covering his head. He definitely wasn't complaining about that, every time a human passed by he had to fight off the urge to hide behind Simeon. He just isn't great at social interactions in general okay!?

He swallowed down any uncomfortableness from being around all these normie humans as they stopped at a door. He watched in anticipation as Simeon lifted his hand to give a few knocks at the door.

And boy he wasn't prepared.

The door opens and the smell that slams into him feels like a punch to his gut, but in a pleasant way.

It was just so them.

Levi has slowly gotten used to the scent that came from his human, no matter how addicting it is. But this was clearly their space. With the way it oozed out the room and into his nose while he was only standing outside their ‘den’.

His feelings towards them are like a whirlpool in his stomach since that one day when they- ugh! It gets him all fluttery and nervous just thinking about what happened! He’d never thought that a creature like him and a normie, but amazing human like them would ever…

“Hey guys come in. Mams’ has been restless waiting for you two to arrive. Any longer and he would be tearing up my couch.”

Then it hit again, the reason he got dragged to here in the first place. Refocusing his thoughts that had immediately glued on to his anemone’s smile and the way they were looking up at him-

“My idiot brother can't even sit still long enough for a super-secret-meeting-that-could-totally-blow-both-your-covers-for-trying-to-get-us-to-escape?”

“Hey! I heard that first part you ass-!”

Earlier he heard an incredibly watered-down version explanation from Simeon of his pearl’s intentions with them. While the idea of escaping, getting out of this wretched place sent his heart racing with excitement. But on the other hand, he was terrified of the thought of it going wrong.

Both his ‘handler’s’ had told him horror stories about how the staff can get treated here. Their lives were thrown away like they were insignificant muck under his scales. Part of him will always be reminded of his first day, and shame threatened to overwhelm him.

But as he recalls their ugly faces. Screaming and yelling as they aimed their weapons, trampling away their fellow species in a haste to get away from him. Not even one person trying to help another. Some even throwing others at him in an attempt of distraction. It made him feel disgusted and angry at the thought. But anger was never his focal point. That belonged to one of his younger podmates. Technically the humans are now the youngest ones in his pod-

He nearly fell when he felt Simeon lead him along inside the room. Ah he missed something his human said since they are waving him over.

At his first look around he was surprised at the amount of green spread around the place. Everywhere you looked was something. He was no vegetation expert, but despite how far down they are these plants seem healthier then he could expect.

He found Mammon lounging on the couch, spread all over as if it were his space. It was… odd, seeing his brother without his wings. Seeing him so small almost felt wrong. Levi already towered over him when he was in his half-form, but seemingly in both their human forms Levi was still taller than Mammon. The harpy looked so at ease sitting there on the couch, fully adjusted to his human form while Lavi was struggling with sitting. Along with the human clothing Mammon was wearing, he wasn't sure if those clothes also belonged to Simeon. He couldn't help but feel jealous that on his brother they looked so much more natural than on Levi.

Instinctively he took a deep breath of air with the new surroundings. Slightly coughing at how much stronger their scent is in this confined space, despite the fresh smell of the plants. Subtly he tried ignoring Simeons inquisitive look.

Their scent wasn't the only one, although definitely the dominating one. Simeon’s earthy scent also clearly clung to most of the room, even if it was slightly faded. And to his surprise Mammon's extremely faint scent was stuck on the couch he was sitting on. This isn't his first time in their room. And as Mammon made eye contact with him, he had that annoying look as if he knew Levi just realised that.

In slight aggravation Levi inturn released his pheromones as strong as he could, battling against Mammon who was doing the same. It's not like the humans would notice anything, he early on learnt that their noses might as well seem defective compared to theirs.

Unluckily for Levi, his scent wasn't as strong in the air as in water and had to admit defeat, which made Mammon grin like the scumbag he is. In slight defiance he picked up the pillow behind him and started rubbing the scent glands on his wrist all over it.

Still, he still wasn't sure what was expected of him here so he turned to look at the humans who were on the opposite side of the little table.

“Well, let's get this party started. Simeon, I'll do you the honours.”

All eyes of the room landed on the man, but he kept being calm and collected. Even if there was a bit of a frown on his brows.

“First, I welcome you to the team Levi. We have been formulating this plan for the past 3 years, but everything proved fruitless. But having you here changed everything. We might have a chance at escaping as safely as possible.”

Levi sent a doubtful glance at Mammon.

“You really aren't capable of breaking out of here by yourself lmfao?”

“Of course the great Mammon can! My only obstacle is that I am now pack-bonded to the humans, I wouldn't leave their side anymore.”

A quick look over to the humans proved they were discussing something among themselves so he continued.

“You could easily pick them up and then escape. With your strength, they wouldn't stand a chance.”

With the face Mammon made at his comment Levi knows his wings would have been rattling with his disapproval. Angrily he hissed back.

“Don’t think I'm dumb enough to not have considered that! Escaping alone is easy enough, but humans are fragile. Easily hurt.”

Levi suppressed a flinch at the harsh reminder. While he hasn't seen it himself, he heard from Mammon that the wound he inflicted on his Anemone created massive scarring. An injury that could have so easily ended their life if he had been any more reckless.

“I couldn't care less if I get scraped by humans. But I refuse to let either of my humans get hurt ever again.”

Guild sank down his stomach like he ate a boulder, but before he got to drown in self-doubt their small human stepped up.

“Our plan is not concrete. And Levi, you’ll be the one we depend the most on.”

Instead excitement overpowered the guilt, he could be useful. He could get them out.

“What would you need me for? I don't have that many abilities that work well from within my cell. Most of them are more.. Water oriented.”

“We are of course severely lacking information of all your powers. But the most prominent one of which we know is your ability to manipulate electricity. But how proficient are you in it? During previous plans our biggest issue has been security. Disguising Mammon is the easy part. Going up any elevator is the difficult part.

Me and Simeon have always been free to enter and leave this facility whenever we please. Afterall, to go anywhere we need to swipe our personal badges and it will inform them exactly where we have been and are. So there is no need to worry about us workers.

But if the two of us enter the elevator with a third person who didn't swipe a badge we’ll be stopped immediately and our plan will be blown.”

He saw Mammon nodding along with their story. It seems even he wasn't able to find a solution either. It easily clicked for him what his purpose was, but there is definitely an obstacle.

“You want me to disturb the camera footage and the thing that scans your badges. That would be easy enough if everything wasn't blocked out by concrete. I would need a direct touch to wherever the electricity is, and I would be able to hold that for a long while. Even if i aren't in direct contact. If I can get a first connection then I would be able to mess with it, but right now I'm powerless.”

With a slightly solemn face the humans nodded along. While his human seemed to strain their face while they were thinking, Simeon determinedly stood up and walked to the place where Levi could smell food, and started rummaging around in the.. Cabinets? He thinks that's what they are called.

Levi looked at Mammon and he looked as clueless as him, so he looked at his human instead and they too looked confused at what he was doing.

“I had already determined that ‘connection’ was a core factor for Levi’s powers. Considering the way he never was able to affect the electricity after that initial break where he used it. So I remembered I had hidden this in case of an emergency.

Simeon apparently found what he was looking for as he stood up and showed a… badge? He looked at Mammon again for help but he looked just as unsure. But with the way his human's face distorted in shock this must be a huge thing.

“Simeon, how the hell did you acquire Raphael’s badge!? And why was it in my cupboard??”

“I swear I meant no ill with it. But i thought this might come in handy so we can use this to reach the-”

Whatever bickering they humans spoke next was lost to his ears as he heard Mammon chuckle next to him.

“I hope your little mate doesn't rip out Simeon’s throat for that. That badge is one crazy valuable, but dangerous thing.”

Levi sputtered in offence and embarrassment as he looked in disbelief at his brother.

“W-wha- no! Wait. They aren't my mate! What in the world made you think that!?”

And that scumbag had the audacity to roll his eyes at him as if Levi was just joking around. Mammon even readjusted his sitting position so he was facing his brother better.

“Heh? You think im stupid or something? I see the way you go all big heart eyed when they are anywhere near you. Your little crush is as obvious as the sun in the sky. When are ya gonna court them properly? The little spitfire of a human deserves a good mate.”

“I don't even know how my species is supposed to court! How could I possibly know how humans court??”

“Well that sounds like a you problem then. How do you not know how to court?”

His face must be set ablaze with how flustered he was feeling.

“I don't know, maybe because you guys found me all alone in a lake. And even after I've had the oceans to roam, I still haven't found anyone like me. Maybe that's why I don't know how to court. A-and! What makes you think I would want to court a human anyways!”

Still he couldn't help but briefly flash his eyes at his angelfish, who was now in a lot less distress and still talking to Simeon. The way their face was in such a cute furrow he recognized it as their thinking face and the way their lips were puffed up in a pout… Wait f*ck-

With a glare he looked back at Mammon having grown an utter sh*t eating grin, displaying all his teeth. Highly ashamed of himself he threw his pheromone drenched pillow directly at his brother's face. Causing him to shriek and gag at the intense scent only they could smell.

In retaliation Mammon pounced back on him, dragging him close at the collar of his shirt.

“Don't throw that disgusting thing at me! You smell like Asmodeus in the middle of spring-”

“Do NOT describe me as somebody in such a deprivable state as him! Ugh, I feel gross just thinking about it.”

He was trying his best to shove Mammon out of his space as he was still gripping his shirt. His efforts were in vain as they both tumbled off the couch in their struggle. Finally allerting the two humans that there were others in the room as well.

While Levi was spitting all curse words he knew at Mammon he also felt two arms wrapping around his chest and that made him freeze up immediately.

“Alright. This has been more than enough socialising for the two of you in one cramped room. I prefer my living space in one piece. Thank you very much.”

They were saying other things above his head as he was half carried off the ground and to the couch. But It went all lost to him as he felt their hands on his body, his chest. And oh, that sends back all those memories of his first walking lesson.

He found his skin to suddenly burn all over where their faint touch lingered and he couldn't help but crave more. Back they had breathlessly begged him to tell them to stop. But he couldn't, not when he felt so content to have them so close, to have them touch him like that-

“Hey Levi, you're looking a bit far away. Are you alright? I’m sorry we should have asked you how long you can stay out of water. Do you need me to fill up the bathtub so you can soak a little?”

He audibly swallowed down the saliva that threatened to pool in his mouth as he stared up at his mate- no. His human, his friend. Yep, that's what they are. Just two very close and physical friends.

As he started longer into their eyes he couldn't help but nearly drown so he hastily glanced around. Only to see that the two of them are alone.

“W-where are the others?”

It came out much breathier then he intended and he really hoped his pupils were not as dilated as they were feeling. Taking a peek at his pretty Anemone only proved to see that the worried frown they carried deepened.

“Simeon took Mammon to his own room. It would be much safer to bring you guys back to your rooms in the morning. So you were chosen to spend the night at my place. Unless you prefer Simeon’s place-”

“No! Uh,, no thank you. I would love to stay with you, eh- i mean stay with you in your room.”

Good blessed mother of the seas he was acting so cringe he could barely stand it. As they placed one of their hands oh so tenderly on his forehead, the touch setting sparks alive. As their hand caressed down his head to cup his cheek he might as well have melted into a puddle. Never having felt so fortunate he was able to control his vocalisation much better in his human form.

“Well, of course you can stay here. Mmh.. you don't feel any hotter or dryer than usual. Still, I'm going to draw you a bath okay? Don't want to let you dry out on my watch.”

He wasn't quite catching what they were saying when their oh so soft hand was still holding his face, thumb caressing the skin in a mindless motion. Panic flooded Levi's veins as he felt the touch go away and he desperately sought it out again. He thinks that they thought he was feeling slightly delirious, so he could play it up a little.

“I- I don't want to be alone… like this.”

Ugh, utterly shameless behaviour. Asmo would be so proud of him.

Their worried face melted with sympathy and he couldn't help but feel a little bad. It wasn't for long until he felt them card their fingers through his hair.

“You think you can walk by yourself to the bathroom?”

“Maybe, if you guide me.”

They offered their hands and he took them. Shyly he shuffled around the laughably small den. He was doing quite fine until they passed this thin wall and he froze in his tracks.

He wasn't sure how he did not smell it before but right in front of him was clearly his human’s nest. It was a nice and large size for their body, covered with blankets and pillows, and suddenly it felt much too intimate to be looking at it. So he looked at his ma- human, instead. But they were looking at him with that gentle yet amused smile on their face which just flustered him more.

They took him into an even smaller room, the white walls scared him for a moment before his eyes landed on the greenery around. Even the plants managed to set foot in this so-called bathroom.

But what truly surprised him was seeing himself. He didn't even know he had let go of his human who was looking at him in curiosity.

Sure, he had seen himself before. In the reflections of the water's surface, in windows or even the tablet’s screen when he turned it off. But he had never seen himself, his human self so clearly before.

“That's a mirror, you've never seen one?”

Mirror, that's what he’s looking at. What's reflecting his pale skin, purple hair and orange eyes. With one hand he traced his ear. It was also flesh coloured and shaped like that of a human, well. He took a small glance at his pretty pearl and realised his ears were just a bit pointier.

He flinched a little as he heard water burst out from somewhere. He looked around just to see his human kneeling next to something. He thinks they called it a bathtub? Ah. Bathroom. Got it.

“What temperature do you want it to be? Colder or hotter?”

“Well, so far I've only experienced cold waters. I’d like to feel what hot water is like.”

“Got it. I would want to put in some soap as well, but I think you’d choke or get poisoned if you breathe the soapy water.”

“You can put in the.. Soap. I'll just make sure to keep breathing air.”

He watched in fascination how his pearl grabbed a bottle of something and oozed some of the very scented insides into the slowly rising water. The more water poured the more bubbles and foam that covered the surface of the water.

The steam was rising off the water like he’d seen at hot springs when his pod stayed near them. He too, decided to sit next to the bathtub as he watched it fill. So close to one another that their legs were nearly touching. Grateful for the fact whatever sweet scent was in that bottle drowned out any other possible scent in the room.

“If you want, you can undress already. Don't worry, my back is turned. I think it's easier if you get in as a human but then get your tail if you want. But really just do what's more comfortable for you.”

He tried his best to not sigh in relief and shuffled, or crawled a bit backwards. Easily he stripped out of Simeons clothes and piled them on top of a slightly elevated surface.

Now he was naked and although his skin itched to get rid of his legs. His mind itched for something else.

His eyes slowly turned to the other person in this room. They were sitting on their knees, their back turned to him just as promised. Where Levi was kneeling he slightly towered over them as he usually did and he saw how they were idly stirring the bubbles while they waited.

This could be the time for some payback.

He collected all his confidence available. And where he lacked it, he blamed it on the steam filling the room.

He hesitantly placed his hands on the sides of their knees. They nearly squeaked in surprise at the sudden touch but before they could turn around he pressed himself against their back. His head placed on top of their hair.

“I- never mind. If you wanted some support you could have just… asked me.. Levi….”

The more they spoke the quieter the words got when he slowly dragged his hands higher on their body. Up past their thighs, and when he dipped just a little to the inside of the thigh he heard how they sharply inhaled. But just to be sure he rested his hands on their lower waist.

“Levi? What are you.. Uhm.. Do– doing?”

Teasedly he slid his face down the side of their head, silently nosing around. Tracing their round shelled ear with his lips as he delved lower. During his slow descent he felt how their breathing fastened up the more skin he touched.

It's all he was thinking about lately. The way he could see all that skin when they wore those shorts and that shirt. Feeling the soft skin of their thighs and how easily he would be able to sink in his claws and never let go again. Not realising his glamour had fallen off with the memory and his tail made way instead of legs. Even now their heat was sinking into his own cold blood.

He desperately thought back on what else to do, until he remembered something he saw in an anime! Not speeding up his pace in the slightest he trailed his mouth down their neck. Leaving faint opened mouthed kisses. Not missing how they were gripping the edge of the bathtub so hard that their knuckles turned white.

“Remember how you explored me, my Pearl? It’s only fair if you let me do the same.”


What do you guys think our lovely humans were discussing while Levi and Mammon were angsting and plotting on the couch? Surely nothing nefarious. ;)

Chapter 29: Log-29 (S)


PSA: Do NOT put bath oil ANYWHERE in any of your holes. It's very bad. It will cause severe irritation, if you have a coochie you might even get an infection from it and it's in general poisonous if ingested. The only reason I used it is because plain water is a very bad lubricant. I didn't want to break the scene flow by the reader quickly walking out to grab some. So this was my next best choice. Sorry.

That is the summary pretty much. ;)


I tried so hard not to make my smut angsty again, I'm sorry.
However!! You guys hoped for a confession, and dare I say they both got really close.

Also, did you know Levi has 0 clue what happened between MC and Simeon? He thinks the two are just close friends, he has no idea the two were engaged or broke up. Just saying~

Ps, I legitimately thanked you guys for 10k hits last chapter, and we are already at 11k?? WHAT. You guys are crazy, thank you

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Remember how you explored me, my Pearl? It’s only fair if you let me do the same.”

You were feeling slightly delirious from all the attention Levi was giving you. Each sloppy kiss given against the pulse of your sensitive throat is another spike of heat being sent to your lower region. The way he’s pressing tightly against your back, slotting so perfectly as you've been instinctively arching your back for him.

Insanely aware of his hands, his claws now moving around near your hips. So shyly teasing the very edge where your pants stop and where there is the tiniest sliver of skin available for him. as just that tiny touch made you insane, fighting back moans.

His tail is slowly slithering around the floor, as if wanting to wrap around you. Probably the only reason it hasn't already is because there is so little space between you and the bathtub.

Levi was not really helping in that regard since he keeps pushing against your back. His hands becoming a little bolder as they traced up your sides, his claws with clear intent gently scratched your skin. With him downright shivering with delight when you didnt stop him.

You weren't even sure if you wanted to. You’ve been so at odds with what you felt. Clearly whatever you two have developed was not just friends anymore. But you were so incredibly afraid of putting any other label on it.

Could you even be together in that sense? The thought of him being on your side, of you living together sends crazy butterflies to your stomach. Is that even achievable? You know you are trying to break them out. Would Levi even want to stay with you?

You now had your head leaning against the very edge of the tub while Levi was completely covering you. You weren't sure when but at one point you started to slowly spread your legs, making him fit even better. Resulting in him making the neediest moan you’ve heard him make so far.

Is he just feeling sexually attracted to you? Could he.. could he even lov–… could he even feel romantic attraction in the sense that humans do? Did… did you love him?

In your dilemma you felt the need to see him. To look at him. your body wholeheartedly disagreed with what you did, but you had to push him off you, so you wiggled to show him you needed space.

For a split second there was a confused noise behind you, but his body left yours immediately. With the new space, the very lonely, empty space, you pushed yourself up against the tub just to sit on the very edge.

You looked down at Levi who was wearing a disappointed but worried expression on his face. His hands hovering on his sides as if he were afraid of making a wrong movement.

“I-I’m sorry, did I go too far? I didn't mean to ugh, I am so dumb- I’m so sorry, I should have asked for better permission-”

“Hey- Hey calm down, you didn't do anything wrong. I promise.”

If anything, I am in the wrong.

In your distress you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to comfort.

“These… These things should be done with somebody you care about. Not- Not somebody like me. It was at first a curiosity from me. But I have these new feelings… these feeling I have for you, I can't, I cannot do this to you-”

As a large shadow blocked the lights of your bathroom you forced yourself to open your eyes again. Only to see Levi’s face mere centimetres away from you. Having pushed himself up on the sides of the bath he hovered awkwardly in front of you so he wasn't touching you.

You initially got a bit startled as he was so close, his face contorted with worry and confusion.

“What are you talking about? I do love-”

But as you saw his hand gently reach out towards your face, on top of that soft frown on his face you couldn't help but flinch back harshly in accord of your own fears. Only to end up splashing inside the soapy water.

Levi, seeing this happen, instinctively reached out to catch you. But forgetting he was leaning on the tub also slipped. Having just enough time to prop himself up to make sure he didn't crush you with his weight.

The bathtub, intended for one person, quickly overflowed with the mass of two bodies. Flooding the bathroom even more than the initial splash. But neither cared about that as their proximity was once again a hair length away.

Having nowhere to hide anymore you weakly turned your face to the side, anything to avoid his eyes. His eyes that always held so much wonder for you.

“Don’t say that Levi, how can you… How can we-”

Oh so tenderly you felt a few of his fingers on the side of your chin, adjusting your head so you were facing him again. Your heart couldn't bear to look at his telling eyes, afraid of what you’d see. As the weakling you are, you forced your eyes shut.

There was silence beyond both your mingled breaths. And your body twitched as you felt his forehead pressed to yours. Whispering he asked you;

“Would you be able to love me as well if I were human too? Or is it the other way around and are you scared I don't love you because you are? I do. I love you so much it pains me whenever you're not here, close and not in my reach and all I want…”

You don't wish to hear it, but you do. But you can't. So you push your hands on his mouth to muffle his speech. Tears waiting to come out.

“I’m not going to pretend what you're saying is not true. But I also can't pretend I aren't messed up. After what happened with Simeon, it messed me up. It made me afraid. I want- I want to love you too. But I don't know when I’ll be better, a better person that does not cower at the sight of intimacy-”

Featherlight, but soft lips were placed against yours. So hesitant you could barely even feel them before they retraced. But it startled you enough to open your eyes and look at him again. His eyes shone with unfiltered adoration and it made your heart ache like no other.

“I- I don't know what happened between you and Simeon. And I don't even know how human relationships work. But I'm willing to try anything for you. Anything for you to let me stay by your side. I’ll wait for you however long you need. I’m not going anywhere”

With the small distance it was easy to just… lean up to him and reconnect again. He kissed back shyly, unsure, but unwavering. One of his hands instinctively cupped the nape of your neck as he held you above the water. His other made to move to hold the small of your back as he pushed you closer to him.

Your hands refused to stay idle as they took their place inside his hair, on his back, down his arms. Anywhere he allowed you to. Feeling everywhere where his skin melted to scales. His cool body against your feverish one sending pleasurable tingles down your spine

As your lungs screamed for air you had to pull away and his mouth sought after you again like a man drowning.

“Levi… Hah.. I need to breathe...”

So instead he peppered featherlight butterfly kisses all around your face. Until he decided you caught enough air and dived back again. His eagerness and inexperience showing when his teeth kept colliding against yours.

Playfully you decided to bite the bottom of his lip and to your amazement he obediently opened his mouth. Not wasting a second you tilted your head at a better angle and experimentally darted your tongue into his mouth.

He seemed surprised and met you halfway. After an awkward touching of tongue you broke down into giggles.

“H-Hey! Don't laugh at me!”

“I'm sorry, you're just way too cute.”

His face broke out in an adorable blush and you couldn't help but pepper some more kisses on it too. He whined and pulled you even closer, feeling his body twitch with restraint. You took some pity on him and kissed him again.

This time it went a little better as he opened his mouth to intertwine your tongues. He mostly let you explore his mouth as he let out little noises of pleasure. Eventually he grew brave enough to try and feel you out too. With a slightly smug hum you allowed him to, that was at least until you felt his tongue go much deeper and further then you expected it to.

You had to tap out when you nearly felt it go down your throat. Your eyes widening as you remembered that he had a much longer and forked tongue. Feeling the long appendage slither out your mouth drew a quiet moan out of you.

This time round you dove back to him when you caught enough air. Meeting playful resistance from him. Your hands were desperately entangled in his hair as you wanted him to be even closer to you. His own feelings reflected on how he was holding on to your soaked through shirt that was bordering on being torn to shreds.

Although that wasn't for much longer it seemed like. You felt yourself tip over as Levi seemed to switch your positions.

The rushing of the water spilling out of the tub with the harsh movement went ignored by the pair as you had to hold on to Levi's shoulders while your make-out session never paused. the feeling of his unique tongue quickly becoming more familiar.

A shock of pleasure rippled through your body as you felt his clawed hands draw down to grab your ass. Making you moan out at the sudden action, your body much too riled up from all the anticipation. Shivering with need as he experimentally squeezed.

“Mmnh, you're so soft.”

“I'm even softer on the inside, y’know.”

Even though you felt a little flustered at that corny sentence that your mouth just blabbered out, you couldn't back down now. You expected him to stutter and flush as he has done anytime you made a suggestive comment. But instead he confidently met your heated gaze.

“Can I feel then?”


You had no hope of ever wearing these pants again as you felt the fabric shred like paper off your skin under Levi’s strength. But you couldn't care. Not when you felt his hands finally touch you where you are so sensitive. Not when he was looking so happily with a dopy expression on his face as you were trying to keep your cool as you felt one of his fingers tease your entrance.

You lost that fight when his other hand started stroking where it makes you feel so good. His touches are unsure and experimental and you hide your face in the crook of his neck to cover your face and hopefully muffle your sounds. While he’s been relatively quiet in his quest to see where you give the best reactions. You felt the breeze of his gills working overtime on your face.

However you were forced to make a noise of complaint as you felt his first hand prodding at your entrance. Any sharp point of his nail noticeably absent to your confusion.

“Levi... Levi, you can't just push in things dry like that. The human body doesn't quite work like that.”

You felt your face be lifted again as his lips softly pressed to yours. Closing your eyes as you continued kissing as his fingers dragged through your damp hair. The clinking of your bottles on the edge of the tub forced you to bite back a smile and an eyebrow raise. You heard him struggle to do, something? You didn't really care. Content just tenderly kissing him while he kept getting needier with his tongue.

A cap popping open almost caused you to pull your back your head. He must have noticed your confusion because he made a reassuring warble through the back of his throat and you decided to just trust him.

The scent of your favourite bath oil flooded your nose, it was quickly forgotten when you felt his finger trace your hole again. Messaging the skin there, just shy of pushing in his now not dry anymore finger.

You didn't want to ruin his little endeavours since he was clearly intrigued how you worked, it made sense, you were too. But your patience was running thinner by each touch just shy of entering your and subconsciously you started digging your nails into his back, using his tougher skin as your anchor to sanity. Grinding your own hips down on his hand with your impatience.

Finally, finally he slipped inside and you pulled your lips away to let a hoarse moan as it was ripped from your throat. Levi slowly thrusted his fingers in and out until he finally upped the pace, the slick sounds your body was producing sending a heat down your face and body.

He added one with ease, and then another with a bit of a stretch. You had closed your eyes early on, the pleasure steadily building in your lower gut. But the feeling of his eyes on you never quite left. And when you cracked one eye open you were met by his blow-out pupils and his face several shades darker with the blush underneath his skin.

His hand took place on the small of your back as his mouth settled on your throat. Licking a long line along your rapidly beating pulse and playfully biting your earlobe.

“Mmh, are you sure you aren't a monster too? With how gorgeous you sound, I would be easily convinced that you were a siren all along..”

“I– ah, f*ck– it would be quite, hah- that feels so good – ironic wouldnt it Levi?”

“Could have fooled me.”

He didn't leave his teeth at your earlobe. Soon you felt his canines nibble and bite all along your throat and collarbones. The barest pricks of pain sending tingles down your spine and pool in your gut. He could so easily tear out your throat right now. Your subtle human flesh has nothing against his strong maw. And maybe once upon a time he might have done so. But now all he does is suck a bruise that you know you should chide him for, but when he hits that sweet spot inside you all you do is jerk back down deeper on his fingers.

The resulting filthy squelch seemed to trigger something inside of him because you feel him pushing your chest with his head. The hand on your back making sure you don't topple over. You're positioned slightly awkward. You still had your arms wrapped around him but now you were leaning against the opposite part of the bathtub. Your bottom lifted above the little water still in the bath by the thick part of his tail he’s balancing you on.

“I– I need to see you. I want to know what you look like.”

Levi’s voice was husky in a way you’d never heard before, feeling the desire oozing out of every word he spoke.

Unfortunately for you he indeed went and looked. When he pulled back too far for you arm to reach him you gripped his shoulders instead, the small patches of scales there cold beneath your palms. A good distraction off Levi who was looking intensely at the mess between your legs with fascination and satisfaction. Not able to handle the embarrassment you felt from being looked at. Especially when you saw him lick his lips.

“You take my fingers so well. Would- f*ck– would you be able to take my co*cks just as good?”

Subconsciously you clenched at the thought. It wasn't like you hadn't ever thought about it. Remembering how that day the way he felt between your hands as you got him off, the way he was so desperately thrusting between your thighs. Sometimes you had fantasised about what else could have happened. How perhaps he should have torn off your shorts and taken you right there.

You wished Live would take you right now. But you were nearing your limit. With all the teasing, waiting and anticipation. Along with Levi's determination for figuring out what you like, making you a lot closer than you expected as your climax appears out of nowhere.

“Levi, Levi– I’m going to-”

You had no clue where he found the room to bend down. But just as you were close he licked a rough and harsh stripe with his tongue where you were soso sensitive.

You couldn't get out a sound, just a silent yell as you came. Chanting his name when you refound your voice.

When he found out you couldn't come anymore. Shaking with the aftershocks he resurfaced to meet your lips with a bruising force. You could entangle your hands in his hair again and you met his desperation with your own, the taste of yourself on his lips not even bothering you in the slightest. Slowly as the high cooled down the kiss did too. From the clashing teeth to a more languid and tender meeting of lips.

The water had long ago lost its hot temperature. And your cold-blooded partner also wasn't able to shave off the new chill now the heat of movement had simmered down. His fingers had already left your body, presumably washed off whatever liquid with the cold water as his cool hands were exploring your body anew. It lacked all and any lust. Instead they were rubbing comforting circles into your skin soothing out any stress he caused on your body

“Are You okay? I- I didn't go too far right? Did… you like it?”

You just smiled at him and kissed his nose, your tone teasing. “I loved it, I really did. I hope your curiosity is sated as well.”

“Never. After all those experiments you did on me? I think i have a lot to catch up on”

You looked at each other for a bit before you both broke up into giggles.

“As much as I would love to stay like this, I'm freezing. We can cuddle some more in my bed.”

However, your attempt at getting out the bathtub failed as you didnt realise how wobbly and numb your legs were and nearly face planted on the slippery bathroom floor.

For the first time since knowing Levi, he was the one helping you get you and himself dry and then helping you walk back to your “bedroom” after you got yourself and him partially dressed.

The moment you were in reach of your bed you broke off Levi and belly flopped onto the bed. Letting out a continent sigh as you felt something far softer and forgiving than your bathroom floor or tub. You half shuffled to get under your blankets when you noticed you never felt anything dip into your bed and turned around to see Levi awkwardly standing at the edge of your bed.

He looked like he really wanted to come join you, eyes switching between you and your bed. But something stopped him from even touching your sheets.

“Don’t worry. You can get in. I'm not going to bite.”

“Are- are you really sure?”

You raised an eyebrow at his sudden shyness, as if he wasn't a solid 3 finger deep inside you 10 minutes ago. Still he seemed quite serious about his question so you nodded your head.

“Yea, come in.”

He still seemed hesitant but cautiously dipped his weight onto the bed. as if it was going to attack him if he was moving too fast. He awkwardly crawled to you, his movements calculated as to not disturb your blankets, his brow in a frown with how focused he was.

Muffling the laugh that wanted to slip out with your hand as he finally sat next to you with the nervous energy he was clearly feeling literally radiating off him.

You granted him some mercy by pulling back your sheets and guiding him to lay down. Actually letting out a barked laugh as he was laying down soldier style as stiff as a plank. You made sure that the whole sheet covered him. But you thought back on his cold skin and decided to layer another softer blanket on top. Just in case.

Then you snuggled under the blankets as well. Now your turn to be the anxious one. There is definitely a lot to be communicated on your new… relationship… with Levi. Still, you didn't want to leave him alone.

You really hoped you weren't going to make him uncomfortable as you shifted closer to him where you were skin to skin next to him. Feeling him somehow stiffen up even more, yet soothing your nerves when he loosened up and turned to face you. Feeling shy you took the leap and snuggled close to him and closed your eyes. Smiling when you felt his arm wrap around your middle as he placed his head on yours. Feeling his rapidly beating heart where your face rested against his chest.

“Goodnight Levichan.”

“Goodnight my Pretty.”


That's the end of ARC 2!!
I hope you guys are ready for the 3rd one, Locked Horns. :D

Not to spoil anything since we do have quite the happy mood going on, but I just wanted to say that in my story draft the 3rd Arc used to be titled "Everything Goes Wrong". So have that lovelies! Be prepared for new character introductions~

Ps. I spared you guys from the angst of Levi seeing the scar he created, dw, it will come, but later. ;)

Chapter 30: Log-30


After a night of frolicking around some of that rest was necessary, sleepy cuddles included of course! Slowly the two are adapting to one another, some small talk is happening. A swim in cold water is always refreshing

During such a great day, surely nothing could go wrong?


AAA sorry about being late, I was at work all day and had no time to update in the morning like usual!

I'm so happy I can slowly start writing the romance in my, well, romance fanfic,, I haven't done that in so long so excuse me if it's a bit awkward, I'm getting back in the loop!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Waking up was… nice.

You felt rather groggy as your brain slowly rebooted, but it wasn't in an unpleasant way. It felt similar as if you were waking up from hibernation. You were snuggled against something soft and you dug yourself deeper against it. Huffing in contentment as you settled again, prepared to go back to sleep.

However, what you were snug against, snuggled back in response. The feeling of something wrapping around your legs is unfamiliar to your half-awake brain. You could recognize the feeling of somebody’s arms around your middle pushing you closer against what you now assume is another person.

Wait, there has never been another person in your bed beyond Simeon. And this colder body definitely couldn't be him.

Startled, you try to move away. But with an inaudible grumple the person holding you pulls you even closer. Opening your eyes you take notice that you're being spooned. And by the purple hued arms you realise it's Levi holding you. The inhuman voice coming from above your head is also a pretty good indicator.

You flush deeply through your confusion. How did he get in your bed- oh god, you remember how he got in your bed.

You almost whine in embarrassment as you try your best to suffocate yourself in your pillow. You really let Levi finger you last night, well, it's only fair considering what you did to him. And then that confession…

You bite the inside of your cheek at the thought. He clearly confessed his feelings for you. You tried to stop him in fear but he spilled it all out regardless. You didn't… reject him. You don't think you gave an answer to him at all now you think about it, You should definitely fix that. But.. What is your answer?

Your heart was still sore from the fairly recent break up. It isn’t recent anymore, is it? But you shouldn’t immediately swear to celibacy. Still, probably the biggest issue is with the fact Levi isn't human. Thinking about the fact bothers you less then you thought, the law probably would though- Marrying a person with no records of ever existing. That was, if he even wanted to do such a thing. He did tell you he had no idea how human relationships work. Should you ask him to court you in his own way then-?

“What are you thinking about?”

You lift your gaze up to meet Levi's half-lidded eyes. Clearly he just woke up with the way he looks and the way his voice was slightly slurred and husky. The sound making you remember last night and sending butterflies straight down your stomach.

“Just, a lot. How did you sleep? Did you enjoy my human bed or do you prefer the sand?”

He huffed in amusem*nt and dug his face into the nape of your neck as he breathed in. His exhale tickled the fine hairs there. After he’s done nuzzling you up you feel the soft vibrations of his purr picking up where his chest touches your back. You beat back the heat slowly climbing on your face.

“Loved it. Everything smells like you. You’re so warm”

Now it was your turn to chuckle. Quickly turning around before he could protest and booping him on his nose.

“you’re practically cold blooded. Of course I'm going to be warmer than you as a warm-blooded one.

You're not going to talk about the first thing, that makes your heart too fluttery. But you couldn't pass up such an opportunity to tease him when he’s all eepy. His face scrunched up at the contact but his purring did not stop for a second. Even intensifying when his eyes locked on you

“I would bite your finger but I think I have bitten you enough with the way your neck and shoulders look.”

Immediately your hand flew to your throat. You couldn't see it, but now you're hyper aware of the small pricks of pain where you remember he had been biting you last night.

“It's not my fault you have a biting habit. Learn to control yourself, you beast.”

“If this place has taught me anything, it is that I'm actually classified as a monster.”

Groaning you rolled out of his grasp and out of bed. As you stood up you threw him a look over your shoulder and he attempted to give you puppy eyes and grabby hands to lure you back into the bed. But you saw his amusem*nt and mischievousness leaking through in his pout in the way he couldn't hide his cheeky grin. You feel like he would have just grabbed you if his tail wasn't slithering off the bed.

“Okay smartass. I'm going to make some simple breakfast. Do you want some tea? I don't have any coffee, sorry.”

“...What is tea?”


One attempt of drinking tea and burning some tongues later, now Levi was sitting on your couch, burrito wrapped into a blanket. You were leaning on his shoulder to make sure he didn't accidentally topple over. And because it was comfy.

“This blanket thing is the second best thing humanity has invented.”

“What's the best thing?”

“Anime, obviously ROFL.”

You took a bite out of your sandwich to hide your smile. Once you both redressed you’d take Levi back to his room and you’d continue your workday as ‘normal’. Simeon will come check in later together with Mammon, to see if you arrived without any problems.

“Ah, Levi. The clothes Simeon brought you, kind of got.. ruined yesterday? And I wasn't really able to get them clean in time. I got an oversized sleeping shirt, but I don't think I have any pants that fit you. We should be fine since the doctor's coat covers most. I just hope nobody questions why you have so much leg exposed.”

He stretched out his legs in response, even if your blanket was large his toes still managed to stick out just a little. He wiggled them experimentally as if seeing them for the first time. To your confusion he frowned.

“How did you guys do it though?”

You hummed in question. There were a lot of things that could be about.

“You guys made it a huge deal yesterday. The whole reason you can't escape is because of the elevator thing. And now you got both me and Mammon up here, through the elevator.”

“Oh! I suppose it's more common knowledge for us. Most people use the elevator so many times a day that security doesn't ever check it. It's too much work. They do, however, check anyone that goes up to the main floor. Also known as the academy. Since from there on out you can enter society again, y’know? So they do keep an eye out there.”

You heard Levi mutter some things under his breath in his language but you suppose he was trying to make sense of it. However you had different plans because you realised it was starting to get late and you really needed Levi in the water before you would ‘officially’ start your workday.

You jumped off the couch in your new hurry. Burrito Levi, who you had been leaning on falling over with a squeak without your support.

“we can talk about this at a later date but we really need to get up and moving right now–”

Somehow you managed to get both of you ready in record timing. Don't ask how.

You neatly folded all the extra clothing he brought along on your desk to give it back later at the end of the day. Levi was back into his tank doing whatever he usually does. He already ate breakfast at your place but you had to keep up the facade so you gave him the pellets regardless. Earning you a glare when you came to sit near the ramp later.

As you guessed, Simeon came in later together with harpy Mammon while you were in the middle of a diving session. The activity was rather suddenly planned in by you when it dawned that in your regular clothes Levi's bites were really visible. The skintight diving suit hiding every inch of your skin with the exception of your head and hands really worked in your favour for once.

Levi had given you odd looks while you quickly changed. The camera’s were still dead and the staff kept getting lazier with replacing them so you had no worries about being seen by anyone but Levi. You were a bit confused at first, he saw quite literally everything of you last night. But once it hit that he was mostly staring at the biggest bruise he created, it hit that it was smack in the middle of where Mammon's teeth scar is. You weren't sure if explaining where it came from was a good idea or not for his apparent possessiveness.

In the present, the four of you were crowded near the ramp. You and Levi were floating in the water while Simeon and Mammon both were sitting on chairs on land, the harpy notably even further away as Levi kept threatening to pull him into the water and drown him.

Simeon definitely gave you a raise of his eyebrow as you attempted to give a half-hearted explanation as to why you changed the schedule to suddenly start swimming. You argued that you wouldn't really have been working regardless anyways there is only so much you could document inside one plain room after spending so much time inside of it. A little exercise wouldn't hurt anybody.

You were mostly conversing with Mammon, well, conversation might be the wrong word. Mammon just complained how Simeon’s bed was horrid compared to his amazing nest and he doesn't even want to imagine how Simeon slept on his barren couch. Mammon did however, like Simeon’s food. Which was something at least.

“Hear this, Simeon only had ONE blanket and just two pillows. He’s an embarrassment with a nest like that, an atrocity. The blanket was so flimsy it might not even have existed.”

“Yeah, he's always been like that. He’s always running hot. Amazing to have in your bed during the winter, I swear he’s like a fireplace. Absolutely insufferable in the summer though.”

“You say as if you're not the clingy one, Lamb.”

“Shhsh don't expose me like that, Simeon. I have a reputation.”

Both the brothers snorted at that and you gasped at them with mock offence. Not admitting that the way both of them were wearing identical grins gave you a bit of a chill.

“Nah, you're one clingy human.”

“You’re like a remora. If not even worse.”

“I can't believe this. Betrayed by my own beloved ones.”

After this brutal shot to your dignity you pushed yourself off the ramp into the deeper waters of the pool. Ignoring the snickering men as you ‘angrily’ paddled away. When you were sure land was some distance away you turned over to float on your back to stare at the white and barren ceiling. The bright lights near blinding as you were facing them directly, forcing you to squeeze your eyes closed.

There was no fear as you idly floated on top of the water. Even as you felt it getting disturbed beneath, you enjoyed the weightless feeling it gave you. The faint feeling of what you recognise as scales brush against your wetsuit leggings made you give the preparator a half-hearted kick that you know he could have easily avoided. His mischievous mood was not sated from earlier you discovered when you saw the end of his tail lift above water and land on you. Effectively dunking you underwater.

Of course he helped you up again after a few seconds, but you made sure to splash water on his face for all the annoyances. It didnt wipe the smile of his face, instead it made him look even fonder. You hid your face in his chest.

You heard Mammon chirp and hiss a storm at the edge of the water, which you will assume is him cussing out Levi. Your assumption was correct when his arms snugly wrapped around your middle. Not needing to see his face as Levi surely sent Mammon a smug face.

Even with the distance you could see Simeon struggling to not laugh when you turn your head to look.

“Who’s the clingy one now, Levi?”


You had a comeback ready on your lips, but the moment was broken as the hissing of the door seemed to silence the room like a lightning strike. All of you looked to the entrance where the vision of red was the first thing that caught your eye, pushing yourself away from Levi as he was already letting you go.

In walked Diavolo, along with Barbatos at his heel. Simeon was already standing up to greet the pair as Mammon stood more off to the side but he gave a curtfull nod.

You quietly asked Levi if he could bring you to shore and with a gentle hand to your back he gave you a quick ride. It wasn't your most graceful entrance as you slipped on the ramp, Simeon was still speaking pleasantries to them but you felt Barbatos’ eyes dig holes into you. The water wasn’t cold, but you felt frozen to the bone.

“Thanks L-03, I got it from here.”

You finally found your footing and sloshed your way to land. The sound of you walking out of the water was embarrassedly loud and it alerted Diavolo of your presence as well. Levi chirped a comforting and worried sound behind you and you gave him a reassuring smile back at him. He still followed you as close as he could while keeping as big a distance from your boss.

“Ah, greetings Doctor! I was already confused when I didn't see you. How fun that you were swimming, my apologies for interrupting. Next time you do such an activity don't be afraid to invite me along, haha!”

You forced yourself to laugh along but you heard Levi’s spinal fins rattle behind you, telling you he definitely doesn't want Diavolo in his waters. You couldn't help but sneak a look at his butler, but Barbatos’ stare was glued stuck to Levi. It was odd he didn't give you a greeting, immediately feeling a bit unnerved.

“You didn't interrupt us or anything. It was more of a basic exercise. L-03 didn't get a lot of exercise due to him meeting Mammon so I thought it was better to start off this time with a bit of easy swimming. For both of us.”

“Seeing as Mammon is already back in this room and what Simeon told me, I take the first meeting went well?”

You plastered on a smile as you met his golden inquisitive eyes. You risked a glance back at Levi, but you couldn't really see him since Mammon’s body was blocking the majority of him. Almost as if he was shielding him.

“It’s unfortunate the cameras were still broken because footage would have been quite a good way to save time. But everything went smoothly. They were a bit apprehensive at first, but their own languages corresponded in some ways. So L– L-03, was able to communicate feelings to him which Mammon could partially translate. It was incredibly insightful. Simeon and I are still documenting it all since it was so much.”

The lie was practised to perfection, it dawned on you that you talked about it with Simeon but forgot to tell either brother. But Mammon got your silent cue and started ‘talking’ to Levi as to demonstrate. His birdlike chirps and chitters gain responses in whistles and clicks.

After knowing Mammon for so long eventually you learn to recognise certain sounds. And your fake smile gave way to a real one when you realised Mammon was speaking utter gibberish to Levi. To the best of your understanding, he’s just chirping standard sentences such as hello, I’m bored, I'm hungry, let's play, hurry up. At least, that's what you associate with those specific sounds.

The two men take the bait well enough and Diavolo seems to light up at the discovery. Simeon now stood next to you and was also listening to their ‘conversation’. He’s not as well versed in Mammon's language, but from the slightest wobble of his lips he is also getting that Mammon is taking the piss out of Diavolo and Barbatos.

Funnily enough Levi does respond to all he’s saying. You aren't familiar enough to recognise anything beyond the tone of voice betraying whatever emotion he’s feeling. And everything about his tone screams confusion and amusem*nt. But he’s playing along well enough. At Least, until Mammon spoke English again.

“He’s trying to say he’s as scared as a pufferfish and about to inflate like one from his nerves of seeing you guys.”

Nobody needed a translator at the indignant sputter Levi let out as he angrily hissed. The harpy just cackled and jumped out of the way just as Levi's tail was about to swipe him onto the floor. They delved into an actual conversation you couldn't follow. But Levi's angry hisses and clicks along with Mammon's amused laughs told you enough of the story.

The two other humans also seemed pleased with what they were witnessing. Barbatos even gives his own opinions.

“They get along splendidly. After everything, there was no reason to worry if Mammon wouldn't take a liking to L-03. It's good to see they enjoy each other's company. Mammon gets along well enough with the other staff but it's important he has relationships outside of professional ones.”

You and Simeon nodded along with Barbatos' speech. Although you weren't as sure Mammon would have just gotten along with anyone if they weren't part of his flock. You tried setting him up with other subjects in the past, but those meetings weren't as successful.

Another part of you that is much more stressed, is that Barbatos seems to keep to himself that he knows Levi’s name. You most certainly haven't forgotten that he just casually dropped that bomb on you and left. But there was little you could do, he’s too loyal and unreachable. It also surprised you that he hasn't tried to blackmail you with the information. This stressed you out even more because why would he tell you he knows that you are lying about Levi not speaking English?

“I also find it extraordinary that the pair gets along so well. I suppose it's a lot better than the news that I need to tell you, Doctor.”

Instantaneously the temperature of the room dropped below freezing. You turned around to face Diavolo and he looked dejected. Which arguably is the worst thing you have experienced so far. What could possibly make the man this upset that doesn’t involve somebody’s death? The only other emotion you have seen on him is either a beaming smile or a slight frown.

“It’s fortunate that everything is going great with your subjects. Since I have to assign you a new one.”


Do any of you guys have an idea who could be our newest subject? I have hinted at it before, so I wonder if any of you could get it right before the next chapter comes out ;D

(Real authors note, I will be going back to older chapters and changing Barbatos' nickname for the reader to "Warden". I needed to say this already in the previous chapter but I forgor- I need to edit it or else later chapters won't make sense anymore. No other significant changes so don't worry that you need to re-read it!)

Chapter 31: Log-31


The Reader is just currently the meme where 3 raptor dinosaurs surround this one guy-

Can you guys tell Diavolo never worked first-hand with his creatures before? He really isn't realising how much work he is putting on everyone's plate. Dw they are at least paid fairly for it, the guy is drowning in money


Ehehe our two new characters are getting introduced, sort of- one of them will be very obvious I feel like. But the other still has some sense of mystery. And it seems like there is a familiar face as well?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Your jaw physically dropped down at the information. The man was apologetically looking at you, even Barbatos had a look of pity on his face. You knew you had little choice, he said it in a final way. You don't even know what the subject is but you're probably already scheduled to work with them. Your voice raised without intending to.

“I'm sorry. But Diavolo I already have my hands full with L-03 and M-02. Along with L-03 only just now having gained approval there is much of the facility he still needs so access. He also just met M-02 and is still building that bond but they still need guidance and time. There has been a tremendous amount of progress and I can't drop them, just for all of my focus to be spent on knowing and learning about another creature.”

He seemed to take your arguments in stride, not interrupting you once and nodding along with your points. But you know how he is and Diavolo doesn't take no for an answer, not when he really wants something. His face was grim in a way you had only seen after you had been rescued from Mammon, harshly a realisation dawned.

“I sincerely apologise. But this is a matter slightly out of my hands. You see, we attempted to refuse this subject, but Doctor, your reputation has grown out of these walls and they sought you out specifically. They told me either this creature comes under your wing or they get neutralised.”

You stiffened and shared a quick look with Simeon who looked equally shocked. On one hand, you wished you could punch Diavolo for blatantly playing with your emotions like that. But on the other hand, this case is a dying one and apparently, you were their only saving grace. There is no way you were going to say no if the only other outcome for the creature is death.

Diavolo always tried his best to care for each creature equally. Give them all a chance, even you didn't have that big of an amount of optimism. With the little bit of info he gave this creature is from an outside source, another facility then. He too, is kinder than he should be. You sighed and asked the question with your teeth clenched. This was putting a lot of wrenches in your plans.

“What kind of creature is it and why is the creature transferring?”

Diavolo nearly beamed with delight at your ‘approval’, his arms spreading out as he explained.

“All personal information on the creature is still being transferred to us, along with the creature. It’s the only of its species currently recorded in our data banks. But from the main information that's shared across all facilities is that its appearance and apparent behaviour is closest compared to that of a minotaur. “

You raked your brain for any old information you had on minotaurs, but admittedly there was little. The majority of your studies were on normal regular wildlife creatures and everything that could be related to Mammon and Levi. Most of the basics of the lower levels have been washing away with time. But if this transfer case is so serious then the creature definitely isn't a lower-level one.

“Okay. but what is the answer to my second question?”

You supposed this was the closest he could get to looking grim. It sends more shivers down your spine than when either brother threatened your life. Diavolo was shifting awkwardly in place, even sending brief looks to Barbatos, whose expression had barely shifted from the polite smile he had been carrying so far.

“The reason for its transfer is on par with restricted information. But I am giving this case rather suddenly so I will give a brief explanation. I can't share what facility this creature comes from but the director of this site is Mrs Maddi. She’s been trying for years to get information out of this creature but has been met with nothing but hostility and aggravation. The creature has caused many losses of life and she simply does not see the usage of them anymore, as cruel as it sounds.”

A little voice yelled at you at the back of your mind when you heard her name. There was an odd familiarity that it brought along. Internally you shook your head, his last two sentences were much more pressing.

“So you expect me to take care of them and magically become friends? I am only human, I can't perform miracles, sir Diavolo.”

You're really trying to stay civil, but this is just setting expectations much too high. Mammon and Levi both share similarities to their respective animals. You could bounce off of Mammon's natural need for curiosity and playfulness, Levi’s hostility for unfamiliar things and shyness could be worked on. You weren't a professional on bull behaviour but all that you knew they tended to be quite temperamental. And you really couldn't spare the time softening up those bumps- Wait.

“How long has the Minatour been in captivity?”

At this an expression that can almost be described as guilt flashes across Diavolo’s face. It is Barbatos that fills up the tense silence.

“About 14 years.”

You nearly choked on your next intake of air, no- scratch that. You did choke on the sharp inhale you did. And you heard the other occupants of the room do the same. That's a terrifyingly long time. And the way Diavolo also isn't quite able to look you in the eye tells you he knows as well. You quietly did some calming exercises in your head, to make sure whatever you did was done radically.

“I won't refuse since I already accepted. But my argument from earlier still stands, where will I find the time? Barbatos, truly my respect to you, but juggling Mammon and L-03 is already quite tough, even with Simeon's help. How can I also divide my time to the new subject without neglecting my other subjects?”

At this, he seemed to brighten up a little, a safer subject you assume. You swore you saw a frown flicker on Barbatos’s face for a split second as Diavolo opened his mouth, but surely you interpreted it wrong.

“Well, not to fret! You won't be alone. You see, Maddi sent along one of this creature’s previous handlers. He will help you become familiar with this subject, as well as assist you with whatever else you need his aid with. His sole role is caring for the Minotaur so he wont have off-duties like Simeon. Although I have been warned he is not an expert on the creature, just somebody that helped every now and then. I have arranged a meeting for later so the two of you can have a little chat before meeting the new subject. But more on that later, no need to stress!”

That's easy for him to say. Not only do you need to ‘befriend’ a highly hostile creature that has been aggressive for presumably 14 years. You also need to work alongside a complete stranger who is notably not all that knowledgeable about said creature. It irks you a little and with the look Simeon sends you, he also thinks the same. Why would this Maddi send somebody who barely knows how they function rather than somebody experienced?

You get a little spooked as Diavolo claps his hands together, the sound echoing along the walls. He takes no offence to how all of us gave a reaction similar to a flinch. You feel his oppressing aura slowly reappear as the previous kicked puppy display slowly slinks away and his regular cheery one reappears

“I will personally give you any new information on the creature as we get it, as well as keep you informed on any plans or developments. For now, we will leave you all to it, since there isn't a lot else to discuss. I will see you soon!”

Diavolo gave you a meaningful look before he turned around to walk away. Barbatos stepped forward and gave an elegant bow, addressing you specifically.

“I will also be present during the meeting with your new coworker. I wish you luck. Have a pleasant day Warden.”

You and Simeon gave him a wave back and he strode up next to Diavolo again and then they closed the doors. As soon as you heard the locks click back in place you slumped against Simeon, who seemed to expect this and didn't even stumble at the sudden weight.

Another one?”

The sound that left your throat afterwards bordered on annoyed and whiny and you’re sure you heard Mammon cackle at it. Simeon tried to cover his snicker with a cough but with the close proximity, you heard it loud and clear. Offended you push yourself off again and walk back to your other boys.

Mammon looked at you with his usual grin, although his concern was showing in his eyes. Levi was straight up frowning at you, his fin flapping anxiously while his hands fidgeted with nothing in particular. He was also the first to speak up with a nervous chirp.

“So that means you’re going to spend less time with us now?”

“Well, in the beginning, yes. I need to create a bond. Or something along those lines in the beginning. Especially since they seem to be quite… distrustful. Once I confirm stability I will come back though.”

His frown melted into a glare he drilled into the wall before suddenly dashing into the water and disappearing underneath the water. Mammon growled something at Levi but it seemed he didn't hear him and after some attempts of splashing the water to grab his attention back also didn't seem to work. With a sigh, he returned to your side.

“Sorry, he’s being all mopy about nothin’. He’ll get over it soon.”

“Are you sure?” You cast a worried look to the water.

Mammon gives you a shrug in return and starts idly pacing around you and Simeon

“Yeah, he tends to get all in his head with jealousy at the most minor of things. Probably throwing a bit of a fit and then he’ll be fine.”

“If you say so…”

For the remainder of the day Levi doesn't appear up again, At some point you went back to your room to get out of the wetsuit and back into your more comfortable clothes. You gave Simeon a questioning look when you returned but he just shook his head. Even with you absent it didn't get Levi out of his ‘moping’.

It didn't deter you too much, you kept checking your tablet for any new emails you could have received about this new creature.

It seemed you were not as calm as you thought you appeared because both Simeon and Mammon kept asking if you were fine or needed anything. After your 6th time checking your email mammon straight up plucked it out of your hands and laid it on your desk.

“Technically that's a restricted area.”

“TeChNiCaLly tHaT’s-”

You gave him a wack on his wing as he poorly imitated you and he snickered as he jumped around you. “Can’t stop me, what are you gonna do, huh? Catch me? Never in a million years with your tiny human legs.”

You blankly stared at him as he kept antagonising you, sending a pleading look at Simeon who just innocently smiled back at you. You sighed and just played along since either man was apparently hell-bent on not giving your tablet back.

You somehow managed to corner Mammon in the corner where the door that leads to the underwater observatory is. He tried to stuff himself through the door, but he was already a big size by himself and his massive wings weren't aiding him so you had him.

Just as you were making grabby hands at him a loud ping echoed through the room and your head snapped around. Before you could even take a step Mammon hopped cleanly over you and raced to the desk himself. He picked up the tablet and squinted at the screen where he was probably reading the notification.

“Email from Barbatos, classified information, please open immediately. Project 7B.”

You snatched the tablet back from him when you caught up and Simeon who magically appeared next to you also peeked over your shoulder as you unlocked it.

“Another number-letter project. Say Mammon, hopefully this isn’t another of your brothers. That’d be an awful coincidence.”

You pulled your eyes off the screen to sneak a look in the harpy’s direction, who was wearing a dark expression on his face before he caught you staring at him. The smile he gave you was grim.

“Nah, that's impossible. The fellow has been in captivity for quite some years. The time wouldn't match up at all.”

That was awfully… vague and worrisome, but at the dark look, you decided to drop it. Instead, you looked at the email and the files attached to them. Damn, those are some heavy documents. Beyond that, there was a little note from Barbatos himself about how 7B will arrive somewhere tomorrow but the meeting will take place in about three days, giving the creature and their handler some time to settle. The handler who is suspiciously named just “S.” in the note.

Simeon was mostly peeking from above your shoulder, squinting at the screen alongside you “Uh... the Mb stood for.. How much is in the documents right? Isn't that a large number? The number we have in our logs is much lower…”

“Yes, these are some pretty fat documents. It’s like 14 years of info after all. So, I will bid you all goodbye so I can hopefully finish this all before our first meeting.”

Simeon gave you a sympathetic pat on your shoulder and Mammon’s physique was already drooping since he probably realised you'd be holed up for a while. Levi still hasn't appeared.

“Well I'll just bring Mammon back to his room and then I'll see you soon?”

Simeon gave you a little wave and Mammon groaned but dutifully strutted next to you when you started pulling him along.

7B and S.

You can only hope this meeting won't end in disaster.


Sorry for teasing you guys like this, I swear next chapter you will meet one of them and learn about the other!

If you're curious I posted a small doodle of all the "demon" brother's forms on my Tumblr!

Chapter 32: Log-32


Diavolo and Barbatos FIRMLY warning MC to stay in their room and to NOT seek out the new people:

Mc: "That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"
chaos ensues

TW/Mentions of: past abuse, experimentation (on the creatures), psychological and physical torture, drugging, and misuse of authority. Nothing too explicit, but heed the tags.


So a little birdie informed me I have been going too soft on my dear readers with my darker elements. Do not worry, I have fixed my mistakes <3

Writing is also going well! If I manage to finish at least arc 3 and halfway to arc 4 before I post chapter 35, I'll go back to my weekly updates. No promises yet! Enjoy~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Well, it was unquestionably clear when 7B arrived. You could almost hear the commodity of it all in the halls of your room. Even though the dorms are located above the cafeteria, and the lowest layer, where 7B is, is several stories underneath that one.

They told you that 7B would be located on the 9th layer. Even if they didn't say anything, you could have guessed it. It might as well be classified as your personal ward at this point, you and Simeon were the only humans that ever ventured to that level. You, of course, the most often. Simeon still spends most of his time in the laboratory since that is his official position.

Both of you were given a ‘day off’ on the day 7B arrived, which translated to “do not come anywhere near the transfer site.” Holding back a scoff when Barbatos gave you a long stare in particular when he told you.

And you didn't! You dutifully stayed in your room as long as you physically could. You re-read every letter of the documents Barbatos sent you, and jeez, there is a lot of data to comb through. The majority of the info probably entered your eyes and flew out your ears as it felt like you kept forgetting what you read. There was a lot of information missing, rather said, blacked out. But that wasn't what concerned you the most.

You were no stranger to experimentation on creatures, especially in the earliest days of the facility, long ago in the past. They were much more crude, squeezing as much information out of the creatures they caught, using whatever method. You tried not to think about that too much either, you forced yourself to remember it happened and stopped before you were born.

But looking at these files, and the experiments conducted, even recent experiments, it was all inhuman. Many of them are violently physical, or what you would call psychological torture. The severity seemed to vary per handler, but almost all of them shared the link that they cared more about data than the creature they were supposed to be caring for.

As hard as you tried to distance yourself from this all, it still brought back ill memories, in the early days when you were only taking care of Mammon. Only you were allowed near the harpy, on good days he permitted Simeon to be close, but that was all. That was until you accidentally got contaminated. You still had a few duties on the first level and one of the plants you took care of threw its pollen on you and sequentially was put on bedrest by Raphael.

It was just one week, one mere week of somebody else taking over Mammon’s care. It wasn't Simeon, he was the one taking care of you. And once you were deemed healthy again you immediately went back to work, only to find a disaster. The person who took you over had decided that you haven't tested the extremes enough, and decided to take it upon themselves.

You can't even remember their name anymore, something akin to Valago? You think. It doesn’t matter really, Diavolo immediately fired them once you found Mammon high off his rocker. He was so disconnected from the world that it ended up taking him two full weeks to fully recover from what Valago put into his bloodstream.

They were curious how certain substances affected the harpy. Mammon’s trust in humans took much longer than just two weeks to return after their little stunt. Mammon refused to tell you how Valago got close enough to inject this stuff in him, always spacing off a little whenever he redirected the subject instead of answering. Still, this scared you plenty and ever since then if anyone needed to cover your shift you made them go through an interrogation with you, to make sure nothing like that happened again. There are always a few idiots that went against your word and gave stuff to Mammon regardless, but you dealt with them in your own way.

Even so, it was nothing compared to what you kept reading in these documents, repeatedly.

During experiment ██ The subject was deemed to have increased resistance to heat. However, it is not immune to fire, the fur and skin catch fire easily. Regenerative abilities seem to trice as fast as a humans. Despite the skin appearing to have 3rd-degree burns, within a couple of days, the subject made a full recovery without the help of medication.

During experiment ██ It is discovered the subject displays sensitivity to electric shocks.

During experiment ███ It appears that the subject can eat meats that are fermented or rotten. A prolonged diet of spoiled food seems to have no impact beyond a soiled mood of the creature, no physical negatives. A possible relation is the creature’s fast regenerative abilities that doesn't allow the stomach linen to corrode.

It made you sick. A few times you had to pause and take a breather reading all the notes left behind for you. None of the experiments went into detail as to what actually happened, but seeing the results gave you enough of a clue.

It’s no wonder the creature is so hostile. If you were being… being abused and tortured like this, you also wouldn't be the friendliest. You don't know how the other creatures in Maddi’s facility got treated, but if this is commonplace then you will need a hearty conversation with this ‘S’ person, that absolutely nothing like this will happen now that 7B is under your wing.

After reading yet another ‘experiment result’ you had enough and couldn't stay cooped in your room any longer. Reading the texts made you too nauseous, and too gross. Being in here for so long also reminds you of the time after Levi’s accident. You’ve never been claustrophobic, but the walls were closing in. You put on some work clothes so you wouldn't stand out and headed to the cafeteria. It was lunchtime time after all

The place was buzzing as always. As you walked in you saw a few familiar faces and you gave a few greetings and waves. A few people were bold enough to lure you into a conversation, you happily took the bait. Anything to get your mind off “After each experiment finishes, the Subject seems to sing a musical tune, this has been recorded since the beginning of captivity. But by interviews from its handlers, the tone has been getting more sombre as of this documentation.” Everything was small talk and you were thankful for the distractions they brought. Some of your coworkers joked that you were missing your harpy and you gave them a half-hearted grin and a shrug.

Eventually, they became too curious and started pressing a little harder for questions when you continued giving vague answers, reminding you why you didn't tend to mingle too much after your “promotion”. Thankfully you were able to use the excuse that you haven't eaten yet to slip away and rush to the canteen. They were smart enough not to follow you.

The usual hustle of the place provided a nice background noise as you waited in line. You gave your order and realised you recognised one of the faces behind the counter.

“Good afternoon butcher. Any fresh meat on the table?”

The man gave a hearty laugh back at you, his smile lines etched deep into his cheeks. The man was a bit on the older side, a few stray white hairs in his black beard and neatly trimmed moustache. His eyebrows were almost so bushy they covered his eyes. But you know there is a glimmer of amusem*nt hidden in there as his grin focused on you.

“Ah, good afternoon Doctor Noodle! You could say that again, there is a lot of unfamiliar folk roun’ here today. Think it has something to do with all the ruckus. Heard em’ whispering of another deadly creature, but aren't they all deadly? If any of them folks give you trouble, doctor, just call me and I'll chop them up!” he threatened by shaking his fist in the air, the effect dulled by the bright smile he was wearing.

You gave a snicker in return and just gave him your order. The butcher as you call him is an old running joke between you two. Even if other staff started to pick it up, you swore you heard a few of your colleagues calling him that. Early with Mammon, you learnt the harpy’s enjoyment of spicy noodles. So, you usually bought a lot to bring back to him until the man told you to just eat it here instead. Giving you the name Noodle Doctor, since he can only remember you ordering that.

You awkwardly explained it wasn't meant for you, but a harpy. He just told you to bring him along anyway, as long as he didn't eat any customers. You weren't certain if he meant it, but you did have permission to take the harpy with you. He served Mammon his noodles just fine and he was not shy of giving the man praise. You didn't say anything when you noticed the man holding a cleaver in his hand the entire time, you would be terrified out of your mind if you didn't know Mammon. well… you were-

In the end, the only way he used his knife was to threaten your coworkers when they snarled nasty things about Mammon’s presence. Thus earning him the nickname butcher.

While you wait for your order you ask him about his wife and daughter and he happily gushes about how they are doing. He was just speaking about the play his daughter is participating in before he was interrupted when your food was done. Butcher gave you a rough clap on your shoulder and wished “you and your harpy” a pleasant day before you entered the middle of the cafeteria. You weren't sure where you wanted to sit, unfortunately, the choice was taken from you, just like your food.

“Really? Just this? Where do you get the nutrition and energy from to perform all the crazy and stupid acts you do?”

You sighed, yet accepted your faith as Mephistopheles took your lunch and started inspecting it with an almost analytical look.

“Just trying to eat my food, can I have it back?”

He scoffed and to your surprise intertwined your arms to drag you along to somewhere while balancing your food tray with his other hand. Pulling you along to the upper level of the cafeteria. Stumbling your way up the stairs, his legs were much longer than yours when he wore his heels.

At the top of the stairs, he surveyed the floor. There was barely a handful of people up here. You were fairly certain two of them were straight up sleeping with the way one had their face squished into the table and the other was just lying down in one of the booths. Almost nobody sat at the upper levels, it was too much effort to walk all the way out here, you either sat here because you were extremely anti-social, were looking to sleep on the clock. Or, as what was most likely happening right now, trading information. Meph likewise pulled you along to one of the booths, separated from the other workers present.

“If you wanted privacy we could have gone to my room, or even just yours. Can I please just have my lunch back-”

“What the hell did I see in the latest worker schedule list!? Why are you assigned to this 7B for the following months? What even is 7B? I can't find any records at all on this subject. I thought you agreed to not accept any new projects so we can go ahead with the plan.”

He hissed it out angrily and you couldn't blame him. This was all admittedly unexpected and out of your hand and you told him so. Including a few of the details you found in their private documents, just enough so he could get an image of what you were dealing with.

Outwardly, he was laid back against the soft cushions of the booth, head thrown back in relaxation as he listened. You knew it was a facade of course. He's on the lookout for any eavesdroppers, barely hiding his grimace for appearances.

“Well, that's the gist of it. I didn't know anything either. Everything was dropped on me like… two days ago. The creature is here today so I will probably be meeting it somewhere this week but apparently, I am meeting their previous handler tomorrow already.”

“Why put two handlers at once?”

You cast him an unamused look which he ignores with a dramatic comb through his hair. Still, you explained: “In the more dangerous levels, the subjects usually have a whole team taking care of them. I'm supposedly some miracle worker, so they think not more than one or two people are needed. If I spontaneously die of exhaustion you know why.”

“Well it makes one thing easier, the creature won't be left to rot once you’re gone. Perhaps we can even use it for our own gain.”

The way he spoke left a bitter taste in your mouth but you got where he was coming from. He wants to use 7B as the distraction.

“I know what you’re thinking, but I refuse to set them loose. I don't want innocent deaths on my name. At best, I could get them to trigger safety protocols in a way that doesn't lock any doors. But we’ll need some more time to figure it out. I’m going to be stuck with 7B for a while regardless.”

The silence between you two lasted longer than usual and you took the chance to finally eat your lunch. But somewhere during your talk, Meph took the opportunity to snack on it. Leaving your tray empty. You cast him a dirty look but he just looked away, acting as if he was still on the lookout. It isn't a need anymore, there wasn't a lot to say.

“Well if you excuse me, I have to get myself another lunch since it seems the fairies ate it.”

He feigned nonchalance as you scooted out of the booth. You made it to the bottom again but when you looked at the line for food it was.. long. You seriously debated if just starving was better than waiting, until you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder.

“Pardon me, could you help me with something?”

You suppressed a flinch at the sudden contact but habitually turned around with a smile. “Of course, what can I help you with..?”

You were greeted by a tall man, almost certain he was a few cm taller than Simeon. He looked relatively young despite his stark white hair, his eyes a brownish-grey colour with what you can assume was a hint of blue. Absentmindedly you noted he was wearing similar clothes as you. You had never seen him before, but seeing the level on his badge he evidently wasn't a newbie.

“Ah, apologies, I should've introduced myself first. Hello, my name is Solomon. I’m looking for a person that works here. Would you know where I could find them?”

Before you could introduce yourself as well, he immediately gave you a short description of the person he was looking for. And with dawning fear, you realised he was asking around for you.


I swear on my 4-year-old Obey Me account we get to properly meet both of them next chapter! I'm SO excited about it as this is the first time I write about them. Geez it's so fun to write about this grandpa of a human and his feral dog that bites.

PS, everyone's comments always motivate me so much, even if it's just a key smash I appreciate them all so much <3
(Comment or else Solomon gets it and dies in the next chapter 🔫)

Chapter 33: Log-33


Solomon: "Hey wanna do this thing we are totally not allowed to do?"

Pearly: "Oh.. well.. we really shouldn't..."

Sol: "I-"

Pearly: "Okay. You convinced me, let's go."


At the 100k word count as well, that's amazing.
OOC moment for me, but a thank-you to everyone for how far this story has already gotten!! Genuinely tears in my eyes because of all of YOU lovely readers who read, kudo or commented. I appreciate all of you so much, and I'm grateful for everyone who is still coming along this journey. There is a lot to come, and I hope you guys wanna stick around for it :D
(I still can't believe this was supposed to be a one-shot, now we are here 100k words later xD)

I've been WAITING to share the chapter with you guys. Also!! On my Tumblr, I made a silly doodle of their Monster forms. If anyone has trouble imagining them ;p

I call this chapter Mc interacts with worldbuilding and future plot points. And also loses their marbles, for the fun of it~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You did another one-over on the man in front of you. His clothes were plain, black dress pants with a black jumper underneath his lab coat. With a small note of amusem*nt you noticed his shoes were in split colours, black and white. Another small realisation dawned; His badge was just a bit different than everyone else that has the same level as him, he’s from another facility.

He’s 7B’s handler, no doubt about it. But why was he seeking you out early? On the day of their arrival as well. Didn’t Barbatos say there would be an arranged meeting? Despite your short-lived worries, you weren't one to look a gifted horse in the mouth and took up the opportunity of getting into a conversation not monitored by another’s eyes.

“Well, you’re in luck, because I'm standing right in front of you! It’s pleasant to meet you, Solomon.”

The upturn of your lips became a bit more genuine as you held your hand forward. He had a brief look of surprise before the masked smile fell back. Whatever description he’d gotten from the others he asked before he found you, probably didn’t quite match with what was in front of him. He eagerly took your hand and gave it a firm shake before letting it fall next to him, his hand was calloused and cold. The brief touch left your hand feeling all tingly.

“It’s lovely meeting you directly, nobody seemed to know where to find you. They all told me to look for the harpy instead? I thought subjects weren’t allowed in personnel spaces but everyone kept telling me to not worry about it.”

You chuckled nervously but were sure to reassure and explain that it’s not just any subject, but that some do have permission to go into certain personnel spaces. A lot of the human subjects can be found here when they have the time to socialise. You carefully had your eyes trained on any shift of his expression. But all he did was place his finger under his chin while he looked attentive to what you were saying.

“So it’s only you who brings non-human subjects here?”

You airily laughed as you scratched the back of your neck. Waving awkwardly around you with your other hand. As subtle as you could you refocused on Solomon when you saw Mephistopheles peeking around a corner, blatantly eave-dropping on your conversation.

“Well, only the harpy you keep hearing about. I have another subject I care for, but we haven't had the chance to bring him here.”

You expected to be bombarded by questions, it’s something you would have done if you were in his place. He only nodded with a thoughtful expression once you were done speaking. You saw his eyes scan the place before landing on one of the elevated tables and he sent you a deliberate look. He seemed to know what he was doing at least, perhaps you didn't need to train anyone from the ground up. You took the hint and together you walked there to lean on the cheap plastic that surely has seen better days.

You would have preferred for your one-on-one conversation about the new subject to be a little bit more private. Somewhere where you didn’t feel everyone’s eyes boring into the back of your skull. Certainly, the gazes also landed on Solomon, but he either didn't notice or was damn good at pretending not to feel them.

“All I heard about you doctor, the little wonder-worker, is that you are taming beasts with nothing more than your mere presence. Some of the new recruits I spoke to had their voices trembling when they spoke about you and your feathery companion. Those higher in rank stuck their noses up saying it's just chance and luck. What do you think about it yourself?”

First off, what is with everyone calling you little? It's starting to get on your nerves at this point. In comparison to Simeon, yes, you were shorter than him, but that doesn't equal little. Second off, that's a heavy question for a first conversation! Even if you were a little relieved he’s a person that goes straight to the point.

“I don't know. At first, I blamed it on luck, some bizarre chance of faith that helped me with M-02. But I've just learned to call it compassion. Many people see the subjects here as beings, or things to be studied. And I see them as living, breathing creatures. Of course, this mindset of mine has its many dangers attached to it. But so does the other in my opinion. And you? What do you see the subjects as?”

You fell quiet and only co*cked your head to the side as you looked at him. You were sceptical, all you’ve read of Maddi’s approved experiments set your nerves on edge. Most of the conductor's names were blacked out, but you don't ever recall seeing Solomon’s name anywhere.

He mimicked you by co*cking his head to the side as well, staring at you in silence. He drummed his fingers on the table, not in a nervous way, but one as if he was deep in thought. He has a ring around his index finger.

“I guess for me it depends.”

You straightened yourself as you looked on, making sure your face remained as passive as it could. Quietly listening to his explanation.

“I suppose I should have given you a better introduction of myself. I primarily worked in the lab, my job was to test the limitations of the samples I received. For me, the subjects were nothing more than numbers and DNA I needed to pull apart and piece together. Mrs Maddi had me work on many projects that I'm not allowed to speak about. After a while, she wished for me to work with the creatures directly. Test their limits from the source.”

You hummed when he paused for a moment. He is probably busy thinking about all the loopholes to talk about his work without crossing any NDAs or other restricted information. You forced your hands to relax from the tightly clenched fists they became.

“But the experiments they wanted me to run.. I can't quite say I felt comfortable performing those on living beings. Ever since, I've taken a different stance. I think they didn't quite like that and dumped any job they could on me instead, demoting me while they were busy. Making me a jack of all trades. Although I must admit I miss my numbers and samples, my workplace was dear to me. I enjoyed experimenting.”

You gave him an apology for his demotion while you fought off a huge sigh of relief. He wasn't an enemy, not somebody that would intentionally hurt any of the creatures. Your guard was still up of course, but hearing how he got demoted for his cause shone him in quite a positive light. With a lighter heart, you dared to place one of your many questions.

“So, when you became a Jack, is that where you crossed 7B?”

He exhaled regretfully, making you frown. You know the creature doesn't have the best of reputation. But are they that bad to work with?

“No, he was the subject they gave to experiment on in the first place. I learnt he was some sort of guinea pig for them. I refused. They insisted and I did the harmless experiments, with little success. 7B does not like humans. He spent most of his time yelling curses at me or ignoring me. Which according to the others I worked with is the friendliest thing he had ever done, so I was assigned to him when he was being particularly difficult. But those were minimal.”

Mentally you corrected to he, and gave the white-haired more another mental point. So there is hope with 7B that he can be helped. Internally you winched at the thought that you don’t have the time. Although you suddenly latched onto something he said, perking up at a sudden idea.

“7B was cursing at you? I didn't read anything about him being able to speak.”

This caused Solomon to frown for just a moment before you saw that spark of mischievousness light up in his eyes when he looked at your face.

“He’s completely fluent in English. Although 7B speaks little, he prefers just cussing.”

“I will give you an introduction of my other subjects later, M-02 and L-03 are quite dear to me. They are also sentient and fluent in English, perhaps introducing them could cause a morale boost for 7B. To show him we are not treating him how the previous facility has been treating him.”

Still, you deflated a second later. “Although I think I myself should meet 7B first sometime in the coming weeks before arranging any meetings.”

A gentle tingling tap at your wrist spooked you as you trailed your gaze up at Solomon again, not realising you were staring at the table. The man was brightly smiling and it spoke of chaos and so much trouble. It attracts you closer like a moth to a light.

“Why wait? I’d be happy to introduce the two of you right now.”

You were short of breaking out in nervous yet excited giggles as the two of you took the elevator down, he also seemed to be brimming with excitement. Earlier you gave a half-hearted protest, saying Barbatos said there would be an overseen meeting later when Solomon and the subject settled. And he countered that they are both new to this place so it’s a good idea if there is a more experienced worker present while they settle.

And who are you to refuse such solid reasoning?

Solomon was familiar with how the badge cards worked and he received a short guided tour from Barbatos. Which was just showing the man where his dorm and the cafeteria were. He hasn't been properly on your site yet, and a quick scan of his badge denying access to the level meant he wasn’t allowed to.

Of course, yours works, so you two headed down.

When you arrived downstairs there wasn't anything of notice. The white and grey corridors were the same as they always had been. Leading your “new coworker” around you explained the little there was to show.

Small things like the stockroom containing all the toys, equipment and other items you used for your boys. You also awkwardly showed off the filtration system used for “L-03’s tank” and the other one for the small bird pool that was inside Mammon’s room. The D-personnel thankfully handles everything else.

As you already assumed, or rather noticed by the noise of distant yelling, 7B's room was the furthest way out. As you walk past the doors of your boys you point them out, telling him that you’ll have a short meeting sometime later so they can get familiar with each other. Solomon is soaking in all your words with rapt attention, so much that it almost makes you embarrassed by how focused he was on you.

As you walked past the harpy’s door he curiously traced his fingers past the deep claw marks on the walls, pausing briefly where there was a very old bloodstain that a half-assed paint-over just didn't manage to hide. He gave you a curious look.

“Don't worry about that, it’s ridiculously old. M-02 is harmless, it’s just that nobody ever comes here so they don't bother making my halls look nice.”

He snickered under his breath and wordlessly continued following you. Finally, you noticed a difference, in front of 7B’s new room was the floor in front of the door littered with scratches. At best they were barely surface level, but it looked like they were shoving something heavy across the hard concrete.

At worst, large splatters of an unknown inky black littered the ground with seemingly no pattern. You threw a quick look over at Solomon, and the man only gave you a mock bow, throwing out his arm to the door as if saying “You first.” Completely missing you meant the black ink.

You huffed in amusem*nt, knowing he probably also didn't have access to the room if the elevator didn't even work. You weren't 100% certain if you had permission, but you hoped your name held access to the whole floor. And you did, hell yes.

The door opened so quietly that you were almost jealous, you wanted this new stuff for the other two. Or perhaps you didn't hear the door over the loud groaning and screaming your ears got blasted by as soon as the room revealed itself to you. Glancing at the man next to you, he too wore a grimace.

You edged slowly into the room to take it all in. There wasn't a lot. Obviously, they are still moving in, there are boxes and crates and other messes thrown around. But that wasn't the centrepiece.

Almost immediately on your left was something you could describe as an empty cramped prison cell. And with that you mean just a cell. There was absolutely nothing inside beyond the creature that was angrily pacing inside. He stopped screaming shortly after you stepped in, but he was still distortedly growling at nothing in particular. Although with the way he is swaying slightly, he’d most likely just woken up from anaesthesia.

Curiously you edged closer to look if it wasn't for Solomon to reel you back in place by the back of your coat. You shrugged him off but you didn't step closer.

Diavolo was not quite right when he described 7B as a minotaur. His hind legs were unregulated and shaped like that of a bull. However, the Holstein-patterned fur edged upwards and covered his entire body, whereas a minotaur would have the torso of a human. The fur was not thin like that of the cow's name, it was thick and matted. Even from this distance, you could see it. You swore you saw something sharp coming off his spine through the mess.

Duly you noted 7B also had horns, albeit ones resembling goats more than a cow. They curved backwards and then down around his long ears. Humorlessly you noted he had a tufted tail just like Mammon, just a bit shorter. Instead of white and golden like the harpy’s, 7B’s one was pitch black. Just like whatever was dripping off him.

You quickly looked to Solomon to confirm but he looked too concerned for it to be something that's supposed to be normal. You wanted to question him about it but one sharp and very intentional cough sharply took all your attention further in the room.

A woman was standing there, one painfully familiar woman.

“Ah, Solomon, it's unexpected to see you here so early. And you, worker, who are you?”

Her gaze was hard, but your scorn was harder. You’d... You never realised the person who threw you at Mammon to die had been Maddi of all people. Your fear and fury were barely contained beyond very measured breaths. You couldn't even bite out a greeting, vivid memories of your meeting with Mammon flashing rapidly behind your eyelids. Thankfully Solomon seemed to notice your… disdain and to your surprise jumped in.

“This worker here, whom you rather rudely addressed, Mrs Maddi, is 7B’s new handler. They toured me around and showed me where the subject was since they have a high-security level. Unlike me.”

He stepped in front of you, purposely bumping against your shoulder to shake you out of your trance. You unclench your fists and forcefully relax your posture. He slurred her in some useless small talk as you regained your bearings in the meanwhile. You couldn't help but notice the smallest movement out of the corner of your eye.

You took your eyes off Solomon’s back to meet somebody’s magenta eyes. His face was… surprisingly human too. He was glaring at you, his teeth bared. They weren't as sharp as Mammon’s or Levi’s, as he had small canines just like that of a human. The tusks that jutted out were a rare surprise. His expression didn't even look all that angry, just.. tired. If you were to try and name it.

You wanted Maddi away. You wanted her gone.

You were already sick of her mere presence and the fact she didn't even recognise you. After everything she caused she never even apologised–! No, breathe, calm down.

You stepped closer to Solomon and discreetly tapped on his back, he gave you a look and you nodded and he dutifully stepped to the side.

“Well, it is pleasant seeing you again Mrs Maddi. But I would prefer it if we could get some privacy while we settle in with 7B. His history shows he tends to get anxious if there are multiple people present.” f*ck off

You fought to keep your voice polite, but you fear it leaked through anyway by the knowing smile on Solomon’s face. The woman just scoffed but didn't seem to mind walking to the door.

“The less time around that beast the better. Although I will warn you, it’s a useless case. It really would have been better if Diavolo just threw the thing away, but he was adamant we give it another try. But since I've heard you're some sort of miracle, try your best to get something valuable out of it I suppose. I don’t care anymore.”

It’s a shame her beauty did not match whatever rotten thing was on the inside. You forced a smile at the pretty woman as she tried to exit the room. However, when the door opened there was no one other than Diavolo himself.

“Ah, I fear I may have come in at the wrong time, everything seems quite tense, haha!”

There was a very noticeable lack of Barbatos at his side, it was just the big guy. You wonder where Barbatos has been hiding. You keep trying to corner him so you can ask him just how much do you know? But it’s like he disappeared into the shadows each time you catch a glimpse of him. As Diavolo stepped into the room, Maddi scampered back to where the two of you were standing. A bit to the right, as if she couldn't stand being too close. Her voice was sugary sweet and you felt a little disgusted at the tone.

“Nothing Mr Diavolo, I just found it admirable how.. Uh, your worker decided to agree to take on such a difficult case. Truthfully, I saw no hope anymore. ”

Maddi was really sucking up at him. She swayed her hips and carded her hand through her long flowy hair, she was speaking about something but you instantly stopped following it when Diavolo’s smile slowly crumpled at her attention. Oh, even he doesn't like her, that's amazing. You can't wait to sh*t-talk her to Simeon now that you have a name.

“You’re hopeless. Why don't you just die.”

You’re startled by the new raspy voice and turn towards it. The same magenta-coloured eyes stare back at you. Well not you, his eyes were clearly on Maddi. Who wasn't even bothered or surprised in the slightest. You waited for Minotaur to say something else, but the more all of you stared at him the louder his odd-sounding growl became. Right, doesn't like humans.

“It also has no manners at all. I wish I could have gotten that harpy under control myself, from what I heard it's very knowledgeable and well-behaved–”

You took two steps closer to her before you realised you did. “No thanks to you. If he was under your care he would be just ‘as hopeless’ as 7B.”

“Excuse me, what did you just say?”

sh*t. sh*ttt… your mouth slipped, harshly. Her scowl was now turned to you, along with everybody else’s gazes. Trying your best to avoid the men’s gaze you focus solely on her and the way she still hasn't recognized you. Fine, you’ll refresh her memory then. Finally, you can get some revenge for Mammon’s name.


Wow.. that threatening last chapter worked quite well. I should do it more often hm..?

GUYS. Comment so Maddi gets it and dies next chapter

Chapter 34: Log-34


It's either kys or get kys-ed

TW/Mentions of: abuse, mistreatment, abuse of authority, non-ethical experimentation, death, Maddi


Wow... I got more comments rooting for Maddi to die, than for Solomon to live. I see everyone's stance xD
I hope this chapter proves a middle ground for everyone! Also, I've noticed that people had a lot of hope that Belphie would have a change of heart hearing the reader defend him.. You'll see

(Also! I recently got really, really into Dungeon Meshi. I finished both the anime and manga in two days, if you're a huge monster freak/nerd like me I highly recommend it!! It served as a huge motivation boost for me to write and I almost finished writing arc 3, I might actually reach my weekly update schedule goal if this keeps up.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You felt it boiling in your veins, the anger. Your heart is pounding so much that it almost jumps out of your throat. You heard Simeon remind you of the breathing exercises somewhere in the back of your mind. But they were deathly quiet against the waves of fury you felt for the woman in front of you, the image of Mammon’s needle-riddled and blood-stained fur haunting you.

“It was you who sent all those people to die in M-02 cell when he arrived. And I was the same, just a person you send there to die. But guess what? I survived, held captive for a week. and I still had more progress as a hostage than you as a person with a gigantic team at your disposal, now I know who you are.”

Her face was pale at her fear and her eyes kept switching from you to Diavolo and you avoided following her gaze. Your voice raised unbeknownst to you when you saw how she tried to open her mouth. Taking another forward when she took one back.

“The reason you’re getting nowhere with your research is because you are treating your subjects and workers as if they were sh*t under your soles. You were injuring them, giving them spoiled food, and forcing them to kill for ‘progress’. I’ve read it all in 7B’s files. All the torture you're putting him through. I can’t even imagine what you do to the others in your ‘care’.”

Her face lost its paleness as it became red with her anger, threateningly she waved her hand around.

“You are nothing but a mere worker here. I am your superior so you will watch the tone you speak to me. Especially if you spread such misinformation–”

“It’s not f*cking misinformation when you can read it in the data logs left behind for all to see! You’re disgraceful and disgusting, that you are in the position that you are is bizarre.”

You tried to not look behind you at Diavolo, but your anger was spilling out uncontrollably. It’s not fair to expect either man to stop you before you jump the woman and tear her apart with your teeth alone. Albeit, you were surprised to feel a heavy hand land on your shoulder. A dark rumble of a voice drowned out whatever comeback Maddi tried to make.

"Is this true? I had hired you with the intention that you would care for your subjects and workers as I would. Your performances in your resume and what I had witnessed caused me to trust you with a sister location after your promotion. I have no will that you carry on your reign if what my most profound worker is saying is true. Right now by your behaviour towards them I am thrusting their word more than yours.”

And just like that her anger seemed to simmer to one that didn't look like she’d explode any second. You could almost have guessed she’d pull out the teary eyes if this wasn't Diavolo she was facing, yet her resolve to tear you down has not lessened now that she knows you’re on.

“E-excuse me sir, but surely as somebody who has worked under you for more then two decades would have proven to be more reliable than somebody who doesn't even have a proper title in the system-”


Your mouth which was halfway opened to attack her back closed shut so fast your teeth almost clattered. You dared to raise your eyes to look at the man, but he was not interested in you, his angered gaze was focused on the woman in front of you. Yet you still felt the overbearing aura dripping off him when you were so close.

“I don't wish to hear more here. Instead of explaining you accused the accuser without indicating you're innocent. This person has been faithfully working here for almost 5 years, and they have earned my trust and respect. We will speak about this privately later. Please take your exit, Mrs Maddi.”

You’re almost impressed how she managed to scold her expression in one that wasn't furious, even though the look she sent you was murderous. She politely excused herself to Diavolo and thundered out the door that quietly clicked shut. Staring for a long time after it’d been closed your own anger shimmered off until something regular. Somewhere close to you Solomon was badly trying to muffle his chuckles, he too, was not impressed at her performance.

Diavolo’s hand finally slipped off your shoulder and you suddenly found it easier to breathe now he wasn't suffocating you with his mere presence. You fought off a shiver and properly turned around. You looked at Solomon first, he was standing further away and giving you a thumbs-up. Diavolo on the other hand had his arms crossed and looked deeply disturbed.

“I apologise on her behalf for her behaviour, this is not something I expected from a trusted colleague. On normal grounds, I would have fired her on the spot, but I can't easily do that due to her position. But trust me that this situation will be dealt with.”

He sounded kind, his voice soft, but his words held something heavier despite the tone. For a split second you look at Solomon but he looks unbothered as he has been all day. Now that the silence has settled again the tension could be cut with a knife.

Diavolo once again was the one to slice through it.

“Ah well, now that is done. How did the transfer of 7B go? I could not be present due to other matters but I wished to take a look once I was done with it. That was the original purpose of the visit, unfortunately, it seemed to escalate things.”

For a man with such a massive aura, he looked an awful lot like a kicked puppy with how he was, dare you say, pouting while he said that last part and you had to hold back your disbelief. However you gave Solomon a slight nudge instead as you dreadfully realised Diavolo and Barbatos ordered you specifically to stay away from the transfer. And now you are here smack in the middle of the first few hours. Solomon didn't quite seem to get why you were trying to shuffle behind him but he backed you up regardless.

“I myself was not that active during 7B’s transfer, and was mostly a bystander witnessing it. He had been sedated before being transported. However it seems the local anaesthesia burned too fast through his system which caused him to wake up near the end… Hence the ruckus that was apparently audible through some floors…”

You tried your best to follow along with the conversation but this was so much just standard procedure that you could almost predict everything he was going to say. Despite your efforts your eyes drifted to the side where 7B was… still staring at you.

That you had a clear view of his eyes seemed to be by pure coincidence. The amount of hair that is covering his face made it almost impossible to see the bright purple of his eyes. Despite his obscured face, the grimace he wore couldn't be missed, the dark liquid slowly dripping from his mouth concerned you more than his anger did. He wasn't standing upright anymore, instead he was what you assume is lying down. It’s difficult to see if he is actually laying or sitting with the heaps of fur on him.

You were forced back into the conversation going on when you heard Solomon saying your name.

“...they were kind enough to teach me more about how this facility works. Not necessarily that Barbatos lacked in his tour. It seems this building operates differently than my previous one, if it wasn't obvious from the.. Situation you just witnessed. We introduced ourselves and had a nice conversation. It’s good to know the person who I will be closely working with for a while after all.”

You nodded along as if you were listening, internally you were cringing a little. You were not intending to stay for long, but you could play the part as if you were.

“... that is why they are here. I wanted to introduce them to 7B, they were going to meet later anyway. Why not speed up the process a little?”

You were utterly sweating buckets keeping up a carefree facade as Solomon was triumphantly smiling at you as he finished his story. As he wasn't exposing you in front of your boss. Thankfully Diavolo just laughed as he gave a rough pat on your shoulder, almost throwing you off your feet with the force of it.

“Well I should not keep you guys up in that case! I’m fortunate you both already get along so well, I can't wait to see how many surprises you have in store for me, handlers. Although I will warn you since 7B is a very unstable case, Barbatos and I will be visiting when we can until stability is confirmed. For now I'll leave you three to get better acquainted. Keep up the good work.”

His bright smile returned to his face as he gave an enthusiastic wave. Both of you gave one back to the man and he marched out the room. With a quiet click it is just you two again. Well, 7B is there too but he’s still just laying there. You decided to look at Solomon and he has a faint look of amusem*nt on his face.

“He knows how to carry his weight, he’s an impressive man. Although his mood swings are quite disorienting.”

“He’s usually on the happy side of the spectrum, it seems 7B’s transfer really puts some stress on him. He hopes 7B can recover now he’s under.. Well.. under my care. I hope I can deliver on his expectations.”

Solomon co*cks his head thoughtfully at your words and you stand there a bit awkwardly as he seems to observe you. Before you could try to come up with something to break the silence he points to the half set-up monitoring station. “I really want that set up as soon as possible, 7B scared off most of the D-personnel and that's why it is such a mess. Why don't you go talk to him while I get it to work?”

You gave a positive noise of acknowledgement and he went ahead to the desk area where you’ll probably be spending a lot of time once it’s done. You turn back to 7B who is still staring, although his eyes are now half-lidden as if he was about to fall asleep. That changed however once you started walking closer. He didn't stand up but the growlish sounds returned from his throat. It sounded half-assed as if he couldn't bring up the energy to do it properly.

You came closer enough that you were a few paces away from where he was lying. To your surprise you heard something rattling familiarly, it sounded like a poor imitation of Mammon when he shook his wings. This one, however, sounds shaper. While you stood you were a bit taller than when 7B laid down, and from this angle it seems you were right. Sharp needle-like spikes shot out along his spine, creating the rattling sound, you don't assume the sound is due to him feeling comfortable. So you did what seemed like your special move. You sat down.

The rattling stopped near immediately as his eyes were as big as plates as he stared. His body twitched strangely. You weren't looking him in the eyes, mostly raking your gaze over his form. All the dark liquids coming off/out him were still concerning and you made a mental note to ask Solomon later what it exactly is. The inky stuff is smeared all over the floor where he was previously pacing and now he was on the floor it was almost pooling around him.

While you were observing him he seemed to quickly get bored of you and laid his head down on his arms with a loud huff. You forced your eyes to not follow the movement, but you also took in how he seemed to have no apparent claws. If they were simply filed down or he didn't have them, you didn't know. Neither of you really got anywhere like this, so you decided to just bite the sour apple.

“The anaesthesia in your veins is probably making you feel a bit dizzy, but it should wear off soon enough. Beyond that, how are you doin–”

“Shut up and kill yourself.”

You almost let your jaw hang open but you firmly closed it. You know Solomon said he cusses, but this is a bit beyond your expectations. “That's not very nice, but I understand. However, I won't kill myself-”

You were once again interrupted by the gravelly voice that belongs to 7B, his voice sounding even raspier and dry now that you're close enough to hear him swallowing around every other word.

“I genuinely don't give a f*ck about being nice, no human deserves it. You don't deserve it. It's the same way you guys are talking about me. That Maddi human, she wants me dead. You guys are just incapable of killing me. Just leave me alone to rot, then everyone is happy. That would be better than your pathetic attempt of playing fawn with me.”

“You don't have to like or trust anyone here. I’ve read what people in the other place have done to you. All I will tell you nothing like that will happen now you’re under my care. All I will do is rebuild your health..”

You trailed off when you saw how he was building up to cut you off again. His fur bristled in agitation, arms twitching. But as you expected him to probably spit at you, he instead slumped down like a puppet cut from its strings.

“Whatever. I don't care. Leave me alone.”


Leave me.

You don't fight him anymore as he turns his entire body away from you, head facing the back wall. He’s probably exhausted from this whole ordeal, perhaps those dark spots under his eyes weren't his fur patterns but just huge eyebags. Although he seems to lay in a resting position you doubt he will actually get any sleep.

You're startled from your thoughts when you feel a hand lightly tap on your back. Solomon is staring down with a mournful expression, you’re not certain how long he listened to your short conversation. But the end result is just expected.

“I’m sorry. I should not have suggested it.”

You quickly brush off his apology while you're standing up again peeling your eyes off the matted fur of the creature in front of you.

“Don't be. He has had it difficult, I did have to know how he’s doing and I definitely got a gist of it now.”

While you're still close you can even hear how 7B’s breaths are shaky and raspy and you swallow back the sudden lump in your throat.

“I think we should call it a day for now. 7B needs his rest most of all and I think I also need some… chill time after my outburst from earlier. I apologise for that. It must not have been the best first impression of me.”

At this he seemed to chuckle and waved it off. “Don't feel sorry for that, it was quite amusing to see. I’m glad you picked a fight with my former boss, don't think I see you as lesser now. You might even have raised my own expectations for you, haha.”

“I have to disappoint because I usually don't pick fights with my superiors.”

You held each other's gaze for a bit before you both attempted to stifle your chuckles. Solomon suggested you should head to your room while he plays around with setting things up and you remind him how he doesn't actually have enough clearance to leave the room at the moment. He looks surprised but hides a slightly bashful look after he realised his mistake.

Together you leave the cell after Solomon finishes some small things he was busy with. Just before you closed the door you gave one last glance at 7B. But he hadn't even moved an inch since he first turned his back to you. You sigh and let the door close behind you.


GUYS next month, in May I'll be celebrating the 1st anniversary of this fic. I wanted to do a special and most common is a Q&A or a request event. I think I'll be doing both in this case!

You can leave a comment here under a chapter, leave it in my Tumblr ask, or comment on the blog post I will be posting about it very soon.

-the Q&A questions can either be directed at: Me the Author(questions about lore/writing/etc.), a specific character, or all of the characters!
-the Requests, for example, are something you would like to see happening (in-universe) in this fic. Or a scenario between characters, ect. don't be shy!

Chapter 35: Log-35


You had a nightmare. But plans are being made, information is shared and Conversations are going great. Even 7B was speaking to you! Isn't that amazing progress? He's a little sh*t, but that's a character trait, not a flaw.

How your sleep-deprived ass is doing? Don't worry about it, there are more important things at hand.

(it's all very brief) Death, Blood and Gore, Self-deprecating thoughts, Drowning, Abuse, mention of vomit, Heed the tags.


This almost hit 4k words,, sorry this became a lengthy one. ;p

Unfortunate notice, I can't go back to the weekly updates yet, I've been hit with the AO3 curse and lots of things happened in the past two weeks. The biggest one is that I stopped my college course and am now busy researching to apply to a new one. The other is my abuser got a movie made about himself and it premiered (about his 'tragic' past lmfao) and this all hit a bit hard. So I haven't done much writing..

Regardless, I hope you enjoy this big chapter! I dropped a lot of bombs and I hope you're able to catch them all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You can't scream, you can't yell for help or even make a single noise. The only thing coming out from you is the gurgling noise of you choking on your blood. Mammon’s there, he can't help you. All he does is grin victoriously down at you with the meat of your throat in his mouth. He spits it out and laughs. His cackles echo in the too-small room and rattle your skull until it feels like it will explode.

The image of him becomes distorted. His teeth are longer and sharper, and his wings seem to grow enormous, taking up the whole space with the size of them. caging you in, refusing to let you go. You can do nothing but helplessly press against the space where your neck used to be. You try to mutter an apology, a plea, a prayer maybe. But more crimson spills and you fall.

Another scene, another memory. You’re on the floor, and you’re still useless.

You’re crawling, but there is nothing for you but the end of your life. Your intestines are spilt on the floor like a gruesomely drawn painting. You don't even try to push them back in, you know you can't do anything. Levi’s there, but he’s not who you know. His image is dark and blurry in your rapidly fading vision. You plea to him to help you. He won't, you know he won't. His gaze is too hungry, too cruel.

A great force hits your side knocking you off your knees and across the slippery ground. You try to breathe, but you can't. You’re underwater, water is rapidly flooding your lungs and you try to hold your breath. Your body is attempting its best to save you, but it won't work. You know he won't let you.

Levi’s hand is large and it easily cradles your body, you wish it did. His hand is pressing against your torso against the floor of his tank, you beg him to stop, it hurts. He doesn't listen. He presses harder and you hear, no– feel your ribs cracking, breaking under the pressure. You try to cry, try to scream. you can’t hear it. More water rushes in, and what little of your body that was left gushes out from between Levi’s fingers as he crushes your body, it snaps it two with no effort. You should be dead. You shouldn't be able to feel it once your spine broke. But you did. And you drown.

Another moment, another memory?

You have your hands wrapped around somebody’s wrist. They are calmly talking to you, you don't know what the voice is saying. It sounds angry, it sounds upset. You would almost say it sounds desperate. Maybe it’s your voice, no it can't be. The wrist, the hand, it’s wrapped snugly around your throat, blocking off your airway. You try to tug it off, but you can’t, they are too strong and you're oh so weak.

Liquid drips on you, for once it’s not your blood. But it burns like acid through your skin where it makes contact. You can't scream, only some meek tears spring out of your eyes. The voice is mocking you, and the hand applies just a little more pressure and you feel your neck snap–

Another piece, it’s not your memory.

You're on your knees, begging, sobbing, you don't know why. Big ugly tears are streaming down your face. You’re grieving, why are you grieving? You claw at the ground, you’re so upset but once again you're too weak to help. You’re only human, why must this have happened to him? He never deserved this, it should have been you. Your hands touch something, it’s not solid and it slips through your hand. You don't care. Sobs tear themselves out your throat and hiccups shake your body while you cradle ashes close to your chest–

You open your eyes. Body moving before you know what you’re doing as you rush to the toilet, violently throwing up your dinner from last night. You don't know if the tears streaming down your face are from the nightmares of the act of coughing up your stomach. Your body is trembling from fatigue as your mind tries to catch up. The cold tiles of the floor provide a nice relief from your burning body.

You haven't had a nightmare like that in months, yea sure you still had your usual nightmares but those have significantly calmed down. You can't remember having such a physical reaction to a dream since shortly after the incidents. You flush the toilet once you feel like you're not going to vomit again. You push yourself up on shaking legs to rinse your mouth with water from the sink. You can't explain those last two dreams, at least what you remember of them. The fear immediately wiped a large portion of your memory after you woke up.

You decide it’s not worth stressing over as you spit out the sour taste in your mouth. You have a whole day ahead of you and you intend to make it worth it.


The brothers can tell you’re feeling off, which only makes them clingier. Not that you necessarily mind. You however wished they would stop fighting over you.

“Oi! Can ya stop hogging them all the time you slimy freak! You’re rubbing your gross fishy smell all over them.”

On the contrary, Levi’s hand that had been wrapped around your middle pulls you closer to his large body. You feel a heavy thunk against the top of your skull and by the movement you assume it’s him trying to nuzzle into your hair, although it’s a bit difficult how he's in his normal size. He’s been so ever since you’ve walked in the room with Mammon.

“Lmao, I'm not going to. As if your dusty-ass feather scent is all that great, it’s putrid.”

“You dickhe*d-”

As Mammon said, Levi got over his apparent grievances quite quickly, however, it was clear he was still in quite a grumpy mood. He hasn't really said anything to you yet but he’s been almost excessively clingy. Just like you thought earlier, you don't mind. However, his sudden touchiness is quite a new development. Although you need to make sure the boys don't tear eachother apart.

“Guys please, I just got back. I don't have the energy to wrestle two of you at once.”

Above you, Levi just snickers and Mammon makes an offended little noise “Hah! As if ya could even do that!”

You squint at him as you threateningly wiggle your fingers “I could find a way. I heard you don't like large amounts of water.”

Ironically enough this started another fight, although one that didn't include you being pulled from either side like two kids fighting over a beloved doll. It did include you mopping the floor as Levi repeatedly tried to splash Mammon to your chagrin.

Now you were drying Mammon’s wings with a towel, some semblance of peace returned. At first, Levi was angry you weren't going to dry him off with a towel and you reminded him he lives inside water. When he became pouty you grabbed an excess towel and ruffled his hair with it, then you leaned close and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. He quieted down and settled with a vibrant purple on his face. Now he’s lying close to Mammon and you

As you were dapping the wings, his tail had been restlessly hitting your ankle. You usually should take it as a cue to ask him about something, but you’re not exactly sure what. Although you can make a pretty good guess, considering the topic that was present the last time.

“So, that 7B or whatever, Diavolo said something about him being a Minotaur, but what the hell is that?”

Immediately you saw Levi’s fins flair in agitation. You definitely need to work on that, if they need to work together.

“Well, I’ve met him already so-”

Both brothers instantly turned around with diverse levels of shock and surprise. “Whaddya mean you already met him? Ain’t Barbs say they had to settle first and ya had to meet that other human first?”

You petted the tail that was by now wrapped around your waist to calm the harpy down a little, you’d need to be freed from Mams soon because Levi also looks like a thunderstorm.

“Let me explain your first question first please, he isn't exactly a minotaur. His lower body looks like it, yes, the cloven hooves and all. But his head is quite human-looking while it should have been one of a bull or cow. Apparently, he is also fluent in English, so we made a plan.”

At the word ‘plan’ Levi scooted significantly closer to the both of you, his ears perked. Mammon’s wings which had gotten ruffled with discontent started to hover above you before you waved your boys off.

“Nothing too exciting don’t worry. Well, it kind of is but it’s more I want to request something of you two.”

The harpy’s shoulders that were tensed, slumped with relief and Levi also let out a quick breath. Still, he seemed excited about what you had to ask. Hurriedly you explain it to them.

“So as you heard 7B has had a lot of difficulties and horrid experiences at the other facility. But he’s also sentient like us and thanks to the discovery he can understand and speak with us. It's decided that we would like to arrange an early meeting between you guys and him. I must warn you though that he is still technically locked up since he’s still a dangerous threat, so that may be upsetting or triggering.”

By now Mammon had let go of you and Levi had slithered up to your side, he’s still big and easily created a thick barrier with his tail behind you. Taking the free chance you leaned against the scales to take some weight off your feet. You felt it briefly twitch but otherwise, he didn't move.

He did open his mouth. “Isn't that like super duper fast? It’s almost like a badly written anime on Devlix, where a newly made human knight instantly gets dropped in front of a century-old dragon lmao.”

You hummed in agreement but there was more to it.

“Yeah, it is. The meeting would not be in like a week. But I hope it happens before this month ends. As I said he went through so much, I am withholding a lot of information but he got it rough. I want him to see you guys so he can maybe realise I won't be torturing him. And I think he will find a lot more comfort in non-humans. He doesn't have to like me or his handler, I do however want him to feel safe.”

And now you lean in close and continue with a whisper.

“There are currently three highly dangerous and powerful creatures in the facility. They already tightened things up with Mammon, Levi only tried to escape once so not a lot happened. But 7B has a long history of escape attempts so he will try again. Diavolo is bound to reinforce the security. So we do not have time left. The faster we can get an alliance with 7B the better.”

You feel Levi's fins anxiously twitch and move, his fingers have taken a hold on the bottom of your coat and you feel him tug at it periodically. Thankfully not hard enough to pull you down but you do send him a questioning gaze.

“Well if you put it like that it makes it hard for us to say no.”

You give him a soft look and continue to give Mammon a small smile as well.

“Sorry, don’t feel forced. The whole experience might be triggering. It was for me when I met him. Please do remember if you agree and it feels bad once you’re there we can immediately leave. We all share the same floor after all.”

The harpy nods in acknowledgement and you feel Levi knocking your head with his, only one more ‘monster’ left to seek out.


After spending the day together you brought Mammon back to his room and he gave you one last hair ruffle, called you an idiot, and shoved you out the door with a blush he failed to hide.

Before you headed back to your quarters you took a little detour to the left, towards 7B. Especially in the beginning, you’re going to spend an obnoxious amount of time with your new ‘friends’. It’s mostly to get 7B used to your new presence. Solomon isn't all that bad either to work with, even if he feels a little off. Although you can't really say anything about being an oddity.

The scratches near the door didn't put you off anymore, 7B does not have claws. It must have been caused by some of the stuff being moved in.

Walking in didn't feel all that strange either. Solomon’s access to the room was granted last night, so he left a message saying he’ll be busy from the morning to get the little details of the room right. You don’t know how he got your email considering you didn't get his, but you don't mind.

While you were texting with the man you remembered you had forgotten to ask about the strange black liquids coming off 7B and quickly ask him. The time you waited for his reply set your nerves off. But even after he was typing for a while it was only a few short sentences you received. The black liquids were 7B’s blood. Before 7B’s transfer nothing was said to him about injuries so Solomon’s theory was that he began self-mutilating of stress during the journey. You asked him if 7B’s blood had always been black, Solomon tells you no. back when he just got samples it used to be red. The conversation died off afterwards. You tried your best not to let it bother you.

What did bother you, is how he had done more than just a ‘little’ renovation as what he told you yesterday. It seems everything was moved to a different location beyond what was either bolted or melded into the room. It’s a bit impressive. You don't know how he managed to move the desk. That thing is heavy and you’d know.

Solomon wasn't sitting over there though. He was in front of 7B’s cage, presumably talking but his voice was so low you couldn't make out any words. You stepped closer and the minotaur seemed to notice your presence quicker than him. He was lying down like he was when you left him yesterday, but 7B shot upright the moment you got closer.

Solomon staggers upright as well to turn around in your direction with wide eyes, but his shock calms down when he sees it’s you. He smoothes over his expression in a pleasant smile as he co*cks his head in your direction, it seems he didn't hear you entering. “I didn’t know you would be visiting today.”

You wanted to give him an answer but your gaze was stuck on 7B who was suddenly stalking near the bars of the cage, his eyes uncannily focused after you were used to the blurrier ones from the drugs used to subdue him. As you stride towards Solomon, 7B mimics each step to seemingly stay as close as he could without really being so.

“I will be trying my best to visit at least once a day for the coming time, although I can't quite guarantee when I can. At least not now, I am already scheduled to work with 7B, but that wasn't meant to be until about 2 weeks. Also, why is he…?”

Awkwardly you waved at 7B while he loomed nearby, his expression impossible to read with the messy hair. Unfortunately all Solomon does is shake his head and place a finger under his chin. “I actually haven't seen him move since just now. Not even to eat or drink.”

You frown lightly, that's not great. But you somehow seem to have some effect on him, since 7B is rather close to the bars his raspy breathing seems to be even more audible. Maybe your ears are going bad because you swear he’s inhaling louder than exhaling. Does he have a lung infection? The odd twitching of his body seems to be even more intense. You’re not looking forward to the health checkup. You fear what you will see.

“What were you speaking about by the way? I couldn't really hear you.”

His expression widened in surprise for a moment before it fell in a forlorn one. “It’s not important. I don't think he was listening to anything I was saying. Maybe you could give it a try? You definitely have his attention.”

You somehow did, when you looked back at 7B his face was almost pressed against the bars, once he noticed you looking he flinched back. You heard the rattle again, but you couldn't see the spikes move since he was now standing upright, even if it looked quite slouched. While you were taking in the moody minotaur, Solomon continued.

“Yesterday you also spoke to him and he actually responded. You seem to have some hidden charm, perhaps try that again?”

“He told me to kill myself, I don't know if you could call that me charming him.”

“Different love languages perhaps.”

You gave him a deadpan look, but were shocked to hear something you would describe as a laugh behind you. You were too slow to catch the laugh before it turned into a coughing fit, but fast enough to see the grin 7B tried to hide behind his hand.

You hopefully looked up at Solomon and he gave you a secret yet victorious smile in return. With a vague wave, he said good luck and goodbye as he walked to the newly set-up desk, now on the other side you noted.

You turned your full attention back to 7B, who wasn't looking at you anymore, but he did come closer to the bars again. You decide to risk it and sit on the floor close to the bars. It’s still relatively safe here. If he were to reach out his arm through the bars at best he would graze your knee, as fear tries to settle in you keep reminding yourself he doesn't have claws like the others. From what you have read and witnessed the minotaur is not the fastest creature on the planet, and you’re used to Mammon’s speed regardless.

“...Since we are on the topic, I hope killing isn’t your actual love language.”

You expected more silence, more snarky remarks, perhaps a little threat just because. What you didn't expect was him slumping down on the floor with a loud thud. The ground shook a little from the sheer weight of the guy, and you swore you heard a faint noise of surprise from Solomon in the back. 7B didn’t do anything else beyond closing his eyes, you heard him loudly inhale again and twitch.

You looked at the floor where he was lying, still caked in what you now know is his blood. Some of it had dried throughout the day and is beginning to flake off. You looked before at the layout of the room here and a hopeful idea sparked.

“Did you know we can separate parts of the cell you’re in? There over on the right everything is still clean, if you move there later or tomorrow we can close it and safely clean the space here. Then you won't be laying down on the gross floor here.”

You didn't expect him to say anything, but his answer came out grumbling. “I’ve slept on dirt, mud, and stone all my life. A bit of blood won’t put me off from sleeping. I’m not picky.”

You hummed and decided to push just a little. “I assumed that yes. A lot of the creatures that come in slept outside all their lives, but that doesn't mean we can't make you more comfortable here. If you let us in we can maybe put a bath in there. I think you used to take baths before to clean yourself.”

His tail swished, but you know it’s not in excitement, the movements were too sharp, too twitchy. He breathed in and opened an eye to look at you. “Whenever the humans found me too dirty they would just hose me down, why change? I know there are drains behind me along with the floor being slightly slanted, that's why it’s there isn't it?”

“Well not necessarily. I didn't have any say in how the floor plan was designed. I just guessed they remade it to resemble your previous place. But that doesn't mean I will utilise it like they did. Unless you prefer the hose over a warm body of water.”

‘No,” 7B closed his eyes again, a grimace on his face. “I can't remember when I had a proper wash…” A shudder from him.

You took the opportunity with both hands. “We could try to do it tomorrow. However, I must warn you that I'm not permitted to give you a brush for your matted hair or a towel to dry you off. I hope that isn't too much of a bother. I’d like to, but right now I can't.”

And just like a switch has been flipped his body spasms away from you, growling and all he stares. “How could I forget? You’re just a meek human. Following the whims of whatever you’ve been told to do. Get away before I chew you in half.”

You tried to get a word in but before you could his throat made the oddest gurgling sound and just in time you moved away from where he spat at you. In horror, you realise that where his spit landed the floor boils. The smell of acid penetrates the air and you swallow painfully around a vague memory. You're startled out of it as he rattles his spine.

He scoffs and with a weird sort of half-crawl-crouch gets even further away until his back meets the wall here he slumps down on the ground. You dare to approach the bars where you touch the cold metal, making sure to avoid the melted spot on the floor. You call out to him, he doesn't even respond anymore beyond the sharp-rattle sounds.

You decide that this is enough for today and instead turn to the other human in the room, who’s doing something. You walk up behind him to look over his shoulder as he shuffles around with several storage folders. He opens some to rake his eyes over a few pages, writing some things down before moving to the next.

You don't necessarily recognize the papers, but as you skim along with Solomon you see 7B’s name now and then. Along with the page layout that you connect with Simeon’s work, you bet that this is 7B’s previous Lab documents. Suddenly you're extremely grateful Solomon worked in the laboratoriums previously as you have no clue what to look at.

“Do you want to ask me something or are you content with reading over my shoulder?”

You hum a tune as you skimp over something to do with bloodwork, just getting dizzy at the graphs you're seeing. Should bloodworks even have graphs? “I did want to ask you something, yeah.”

He turned around with his chair to face you with an inquisitive look in his eyes as he took in the excited smile that was slowly forming on your lips.

“Say, Solomon, are you interested in meeting M-02 and L-03?”


I genuinely hope you guys are looking forward to the next chapter as I think it's been one of my favourite chapters that I've written! I went completely overboard with it, but I think you'll be able to read that xD

(Note, you can still send Q&A questions here (or in my tumblr asks)! Be aware that I won't respond to them as I am collecting them all to answer them all in one big post!)

Chapter 36: Page-36


Once you've grown familiar with your daily life you tend to forget or miss the smaller things. Things that you may not notice anymore due to a warped perspective, but a stranger certainly does.

How does this world look like from another human's eyes?


AA I loved writing this chapter so much!! Not much to say except to have fun reading this! Also with this, we have OFFICIALLY hit the half-way point of this fic! Crazy after almost exactly a year. A whole year of big fish simp-ery

Ah, there is a little violence and threatening in this. (from the brothers lmao) But it's so minor that I didn't want to put it as a warning. It's just the brothers being a wee ol' bit protective (possessive)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Upon arrival, it was already quite clear this location was going to be different from the previous one. The energy radiating off the place was buzzing, practically bouncing across every surface. Compared to other, where depression and gloom clung to every worker and subject. Here there was an almost tasteful joy in the air, it was good to wash away the heavy aura 7B gave off.

Diavolo, he’s a unique character. The sombre mood he carried because of the reason for the transfer did not dampen his bright spirit in the slightest. As the loud man was speaking about the coworker he was going to work with, Solomon had to squint his eyes a little to make sure his retinas did not burn. Despite this, he could not get a single read of the man.

Solomon was assigned Barbatos to give him a quick tour of the new facility. The butler gave a polite smile, but not to his master. Solomon was lucky Barbatos managed to stick around him long enough to be shown where his room was. At last, he was dropped off at the cafeteria as Barbatos left. It seems Solomon can finally get a taste of what a truly joyful space is supposed to feel like.

But he’s not here just to frolic around. He may love to fool around a little, but he is too a man who craves nothing more than knowledge and wisdom. Right now a person is walking around in the facility that he knows nothing of but a name and brief description of their personality. Diavolo was quick and eager to boast how they achieved a bunch, but not actually what they did.

It was probably best to approach some lower-tier workers, he learnt they tend to be nervous and fidgety but not as guarded and suspicious to strangers. They were awkward when he spoke to them as he suspected, but once he got to prying around about their workload, they weren't shy of praising themselves against the danger they faced. His old badge was a blessing in disguise, they were nervous about his ranking but as they saw he ‘is’ from a different location they relaxed just as fast.

Slowly he edged up the ranks of the workers as he let them tell stories about themselves before scooting in the question of who the wonder worker was. But to his surprise and slight annoyance he learnt little or very mixed opinions about them.

The most he learnt was about a male harpy they apparently dragged around everywhere. which is also the ‘beast’ they managed to tame? Solomon wasn't sure how big he was supposed to be, everyone either compared themselves to the harpy or the wonder worker. The most common trait was his sharp talons or his big wings, once or twice he heard about a sneaky tail that liked tripping people.

About the wonder worker, it was even more difficult to scrape information together. Some of those who have been working here long term explain how they were once very sociable. But after M-02’s incident, who he learnt was the harpy, they became a lot more withdrawn and now they don't tend to mingle too much with other workers. Curiously enough their name and a worker named Simeon tend to be muttered in the same breath when spoken about their social interactions.

Fortunately despite their anti-social tendencies, he managed to run straight into them. While he was looking for another person to squeeze information out of.

“Well, you’re in luck, because I'm standing right in front of you! It’s pleasant to meet you, Solomon.”

He was not sure what he was expecting them to look like or act, but the person in front of him was not what he had in mind. Solomon had to force his face to relax as he felt the strong energies practically soaked into their clothes. He had expected the harpy’s bouncing energy, he got a feel for it as he felt around the old connection where the two usually have lunch. But the other liquidly aura was something he had to get used to quickly.

“It’s lovely meeting you directly, nobody seemed to know where to find you. They all told me to look for the harpy instead? I thought subjects weren’t allowed in personnel spaces but everyone kept telling me to not worry about it.”

He eagerly took their hand in his and gave it a firm shake. Their energy was faint, but healthily pulsing under his grasp. He's been surrounding himself with so many non-humans it's nice to have another human at his side for once.

They fell into a nice small conversation. They were hesitant and guarded, but he was happy to prove himself to be trustworthy. Their energy felt pure, optimistic and hopeful and he soaked it in. Briefly, he was worried the person he would be working alongside would be a stuck-up or domineering person from what he had heard. Sure, he knew how to work around people like that, but it’s pleasant to have a genuinely nice person around.

It was refreshing to meet somebody who wasn't shy to ask about him as well. As it turns out, they aren't really shy about anything.

After a little to no convincing they took him down to “their own level”. Upbeat they spoke about the two other creatures they were caring for, saying everybody else was too scared to. In all honesty, Solomon was a bit iffy about those creatures already, on several occasions gapingly deep scratches were on the walls and even spots on the floor that they carelessly stepped over. He doesn't think they even know they are there. Along with the old blood splatters, the fear of the newbies may have been correctly placed.

He gets even more emphasis on the last part as this person was f*cking fearless.

Solomon never liked Maddi, her energy being all distorted told him enough. But he had some semblance of respect for the woman, her plate wasn't light. The little Wonder on the other hand, held no such mercy, ripping the woman apart with words alone. Even daring to make a jab at Diavolo, he likes their guts.

7B has also not been ignored by them. Solomon has briefly worked with him in the past. But in most instances, the minotaur had been almost disconnected from the world around him. Any contact he’d made with the humans was either to insult them or him trying to kill them. So seeing, hearing, him speak in a semi-normal conversation was worldview-shattering. They aren't even realising what a breakthrough they’d made in such a short amount of time.

He's only been here for a solid three days and anyone keeping up with Wonder's relentless pace would have been fumbling if it had been anyone but him. But he has enough experience under his belt to make sure he doesn't stay behind.

Despite them running around like they didn't have enough time in a day, they were patient and thorough explaining their subjects to him.

The harpy, M-02 prefers to go by the name of Mammon. He’s the most accepting when it comes to humans, he’s also been around the longest. However, he has a streak for being mischievous and tends to be very possessive of Wonder. Any hostility shown would be because of that.

They hesitated a bit when explaining L-03, he’s a Leviathan that was captured by the facility about 9 months ago. He's very antisocial but not dangerous. They also warn him to not get spooked about his large size, as it tends to scare people. While L-03 doesn't speak English he can understand it perfectly. He can also do a little sign language if Solomon knows it as well. He happily informed them he’s completely fluid in both ASL and BSL.

The meeting would take place somewhere in the afternoon. To make sure they both get their basic duties done, the Wonder asked if they could meet in the cafeteria first so they could walk together to Mammon. They would pick up the harpy to walk to L-03 as transportation isn't available yet.

After a brief catching up the two are standing in front of Mammon’s door. Solomon was inspecting the deep cuts in the concrete walls and floors while they were typing in some sort of password while complaining about old technology.

He enters the cell and is shocked at what he saw. He almost thought he arrived at a zoo enclosure. All of a sudden his shoes were crunching on pebbles and gravel instead of squeaking on the unblemished white or grey flooring. Even the walls were painted a gentle colour of light brown. The only reason he knows he wasn't, is for the condensed amount of energy stuck inside, nearly drowning his lungs when he breathed in. He follows them blindly as he admires the many wooden play structures around the room until he almost bumps into them when they suddenly stop and turn around.

“He isn't climbing around so he’s probably taking a nap in his nest. He doesn't like strangers close to it, so I'll wake him up and bring him over. I kind of forgot to mention to them I would invite guests, so they aren't really prepared.'' He gave them acknowledgement and away they jogged to where the harpy’s nest supposedly was.

He decided to look around the spot they left him at, he thinks this is the most furnished cell he has seen so far during his work career. If he hadn't guessed it by the way the Wonder’s eyes sparkled when they spoke about Mammon, the care and detail that went into this space would have told him enough. From the floor, everything in the cell was easily visible, and he could distantly see Wonder standing close to a corner. He carefully traces a finger along a scratch mark on one of the many play structures, even when he splayed out his whole hand it didn't even touch all five points. Just why are all the creatures so large? He always ponders if the human species has always been small compared to the dangerous beings that lived among them since the beginning.

As he lets his mind drift he notices how the shadow he has been casting on the trunk slowly managed to grow in size. And he was harshly reminded how harpies are winged creatures, so it should have made sense to look up instead of straight.

In a blur a large body crashes against him, causing him to land on his back on the hard rocky floor. The light behind his eyelids disappeared as the overhead lamps were blocked out by its wingspan. He feels something heavy press down on his sternum, not enough to be painful but just enough so he has a little difficulty breathing.

He forces his eyes to open and is met with two blazing golden eyes.

“Who are you and what are you doing here? I don't recognize you as one of my handlers.”

The harpy– Mammon lowers himself closer to his face, two muscled arms on either side of his head as a maw of very sharp teeth closes in. There is no outward threat beyond the heavy taloned foot on his chest, but he suffocates in the raw amount of aura pouring out of Mammon and he struggles for a moment before he can force his mouth to make a sound.

It comes out as a harsh exhale but it seems he doesn't need to do anything else as he hears their voice coming from outside the walls of wings. Like a puppet on a string the harpy lets go of him and practically skips to where the little Wonder is.

Solomon brushes off some of the kicked-up dust from his fall as he sits upright, coughing out some of Mammon’s leftover energy. And to his amusem*nt, he witnesses how they are scolding the harpy for a moment before running to him. They offer him a hand and in one smooth movement they pull him upright, absentmindedly brushing some dust off him while sputtering out apologies. A quick look to Mammon showed him how the harpy was looking like a kicked puppy instead of the blazing sharpness that was about to shred him seconds ago.

“I’m so sorry, I didn't think he’d act like that… Mammon! Apologise right now.”

Moving to stand next to Solomon the harpy took the human’s place in front of him while his head hung low, a frown clearly on their face. Mammon did give him an apology before starting to complain. “Who the hell is he even? You never bring in strangers without a warning. He smells weird.”

Okay ouch his pride.

No speaking was necessary as they gave him an introduction, he watched as the harpy’s agitated feathers relaxed, especially when they told him Solomon wasn't going to work on him. He had half an ear on the conversation the two had going on, but he couldn't help but try to pick apart the harpy.

The calm facade didn't quite go past him, the way his wings ruffled each time Mammon's eyes landed on Solomon or the way his hands were still tightly clenched. He’d expected his tail to be twitchy and flicking around like he’d seen with 7B and other tailed creatures. But intriguing enough it was gently wrapped around the lower legs of Wonder. The two were close, he had to hide a chuckle when Mammon flicked their forehead with a finger.

Now the three of them are on the short walk to L-03, Solomon and them walk in front as Mammon trails behind. He can feel the daggers being shot into his back but he ignores it for the information Wonder is giving him. They are speaking about Simeon, a close friend of theirs from what he connected. They are sad he can't meet him alongside the other two, annoyed at his busy work schedule.

Entering the Leviathan’s cell was not as spectacular as Mammon’s. He was thankful but confused as to why the liquidly energy wasn't that big of a presence, he assumed it belonged to L-03 if Mammon’s aura was the other one. If anything this looked like any other large aquatic containment. If the harpy's cell looked like that, why is this one still so bland? He voiced the last thought out loud and they giggled as if he were telling a funny joke.

“Yeah, Mammon’s room looks like that so he can get some permanent enrichment and just be more comfortable. It wouldn't make a lot of sense if we decorate the land if L-03 is inside the water 90% of the time." They turn to the harpy before continuing.

“Mams, I’m going to show him the observatory real quick. I know you can't walk down the stairs with your wings. Don't call him to the surface yet, I want there to be a little barrier between L-3 and Solomon if that was the reaction you had.”

Mammon's face heated up at the admission, muttering something incomprehensible before sitting a few metres away from the water’s edge. Solomon nodded when they asked him to follow them, leading him to a heavy door at the very right edge of the pool. They need to push open the door with all their body weight.

“As you heard, here is the observatory, that's what we used to do here regardless. Ever since Le– L-03 and I became friends he’s usually near the surface, and it’s pretty clear when he wants some alone time. The changes we made are pretty recent, we are quite proud of it if I may say so myself.”

With a brisk pace, they walked down the twirling staircase, continuing to speak about a renovation, following in their footsteps with an easy smile on his face. With what his previous boss and Diavolo told him he’d assume the other human would be just another high-level worker. One that managed to get quite lucky by not only surviving but also rising to the top. But it seems Wonder has no idea just how much power they seem to hold in their hands. No.. this is not such a normal human. They will do well for what he wants.

Getting to the bottom door they held it open for him to go first and he gave a quiet thank-you, even if they immediately walked in front of him again. Not that he minded, his eyes were drawn to the side. He’d seen how large the pool was from above, but he never expected it to be so lively underwater.

Gentle shades of blue and green overtook everything in the space where he stood, you could have told him he suddenly teleported to the middle of a kelp forest and he would have believed you. It’s like you took a piece of the ocean floor and put it here smack middle of the facility. He turned to face them, but they were much closer than he expected. The light in their eyes resembled his. “It looks amazing, right? He has never told us where exactly he lived before so I tried my best to guess by context clues, but he seems happy with it. Let's walk a bit further so I can call for him.”

He followed their lead again as he noticed something particular. While he already thought the staircase looked dusty, here he could see his footprints on the white floor thanks to the large layer of dust coating everything. Yet where they stopped there was still grey on the floor, but it wasn't because of the dust. No this was clearly a well-loved spot where the floor gave away from the white-painted layer to show the grey floor beneath. He wonders what happened here.

He doesn't get much time to think about it as a knocking on the glass takes his attention away from the floor and instead to Wonder who has a private smile on their lips. “He’s a bit shy to strangers.”

He doesn't step closer and decides to instead watch from a distance. For a few seconds, he notices nothing, he is about to suggest if they should perhaps knock harder until a blurry black mass moves in the back. A mass that keeps getting bigger and bigger the closer it gets.

A small hidden chill creeps up his spine as some kelp gets pushed to the side, finally revealing the Leviathan. Lord almighty is he large.

His eyes scan around in question before settling on them, a huge maw with razor-sharp teeth opening into what Solomon assumes is a grin. L-03 comes close to the glass and he worries for a second as the shadow he creates with his body completely shrouds both of them in darkness.

However, it seems the Leviathan hasn't quite noticed him yet. He looks at the other human with a confused smile, and almost too late Solomon releases he’s signing to them. And it seems he already forgot the sign they speak is quite.. Lacking to put it politely.

L-03 does a simple wave, taps a pointed finger against his chest and then points to the floor. Really, the only positive thing is that his hands are so large that it’s slightly readable.

“Hello, why–here?”

He assumes they are signing something back with how their arms move but from his position he can’t see it. He can see what L-03 signs back, a fist knocks once on his chest, both his hands cover each other in a reverse butterfly shaking it up and down briefly.


They make a motion back and Then L-03 signs something back Solomon can’t translate, but they shake their head, suddenly turning around to face him instead. As Solomon sees Wonder happily pointing at him, he feels the cutting look the Leviathan sends him. He dares to step closer to the glass and try to introduce himself. He waves, pointing at his forehead like a soldier, and then pointing at his chest, finger signing his name at the end. Making sure to say it out loud too in case he can lipread.

“Hello, my name is S-o-l-o-m-o-n.”

The Leviathans' displeasure doesn't necessarily grow, but it also doesn't lessen. Solomon looks at Wonder for a little help with the awkward situation, but they humorously scoff and turn around to sign at the Leviathan “up–explain” by pointing and rolling horizontal palms forwards. L-03 nods but doesnt leave yet.

“He’s feeling a bit iffy but don’t worry, he won't try jumping you.”

He falls in pace with them and in a joyful mood chuckles. “Honestly, if he did I would know where your subjects get it from.” He finishes with a wink in their direction. He gets a playful push against his shoulder in return.

“Like I said, Maddi was an exception.”

This introduction went a whole lot better, most importantly he didn't have to hurt his back for it. It was clear neither subjects really wanted him there, something he was used to really, but they at least tolerated him. Although Solomon was uncertain if either of them were interested in him or not. They bombarded him with questions, especially Mammon. Probably because L-03’s communication was limited to a few signs he asked less then he would have.

Solomon danced around the truth with most of the answers, but he had no qualms being honest with the more simple ones. Such as how long he has worked at the previous place, what he does, why he works with 7B, mostly work related. He tried again to not focus on the two monsters, but they were so intriguing.

He finally understood why he wasn't hit with raw energy when he stepped in L-03’s cell, it was all largely concentrated inside of the water. They were all sitting close to the ramp and just dipping his fingers in the water gave him a shock. His body twitched to sample it, but he had no equipment to dissect it.

He watched how the two, three really, interacted with each other. The two subjects, as opposed as they are from each other, get along amazingly well. And as Wonder explains to him, are capable of smoothly communicating despite the different languages. Solomon lets it pass; he can understand it all regardless.

What is most curious however is how they interact with the other human. He’d seen many human- non-human relationships during his line of work and even before that, positive or not. But never in a way like this.

They seemed to be attracted to Wonder like a bee to honey, fawning over each movement. Mammon especially seemed to be their shadow, it almost seemed like he wanted to hide them underneath his wing at all times. L-03 had some more limited movement due to his tailed nature, but it didn't seem to hinder him at all as he had the advantage of height.

He stayed the closest to them at all times, touching their hair, their clothes. Solomon had worries about the long and sharp claws at the end of his fingers, but the way he did it was almost tender. A small hunch flickered at the back of Solomon’s mind.

The rest of the day was nothing special. Solomon spends most of it talking to Wonder, signing all the while. They realised just how fluid he was in it and wanted to learn from him, happily he took on the job of a teacher and explained each sign they had trouble with or taught them new ones. Even L-03 joined at some point. He immediately saw the Leviathan trying to sign along, but he waited for Wonder to point it out as he didn't want any hostility happening.

Mammon wasn't really interested in learning any sign, and nobody forced him to. Solomon was a bit confused when he saw Mammon pick up a work tablet and start using it. He didn't ask but Wonder explained to him it regardless, trying to sign along with their words.

“Don’t worry that he’s touching important information, the tablet is pretty much on baby mode.”

He corrected them on the sign for information, and thanked them for telling him. “Why do they have it then?”

“L-03 mostly uses it to watch anime on Devlix”


Solomon determines it better to stop questioning things about Wonder’s way of working.

The afternoon went on like that, as night was about to arrive as told by his watch he told them he’d rather visit 7B before going to his room. He could almost see the two creatures sigh in relief and he tries to not get offended by it, at least Wonder seemed to be a little sad about it. They wiped off invisible dust and attempted to stand up. He was quicker on his feet and offered a hand, they gratefully took it and he was inside elated how he could feel their energy sparking against his.

“I assume I will see you tomorrow, Wonder?”

They smile at him as they wave him off at the door, he happily gives one back. “Of course Solomon. Give 7B my greetings, I need to spend a bit too much doing cleanup here to visit him today.”

“Fret not, I'll send the message across.” With one last wave he was off to the right, the upturn of his lips falling off as the door closed behind him. There is a lot to work on, but the situation is salvageable. Trust with the others will gradually build up. Wonder definitely seems to like him, and their creatures seem to copy them in some regard. Solomon befriending all three of them is just a matter of time, and he has enough. There is just one issue left.

He stands in front of a cage, 7B’s cage. He leans against the cold bars as he looks.

Melicious aura is dripping and oozing out of the minotaur, a never ending stream of what he would describe as thunder clouds. He remembers first meeting him, he had a little more lifeforce back then, he still had some energy and Solomon swears to this day he saw it sparkle.

“Being huddled all day back there won't make you healthier. You’re not eating, barely drinking enough. I'm grateful you followed Wonder’s advice and let me clean the cell at least. But like this you’ll rot away regardless.”

He gained no response, that much was expected. 7B has always been more on the silent part. Genuinely in all these years, the conversations he heard from Wonder has been the most he heard him speak. However, Solomon knew something nobody else did. Something he learnt in a moment of weakness from the minotaur.

“...What would your brother think if he knew you were willingly starving yourself–”

He was just in time with pushing himself off the cage. Where he stood moments earlier 7B’s hands were, teeth bared as he growled out. “Don't you dare mention him to me.” In his agitation more acid dripped out his mouth and melted the floor beneath him. Solomon didn't stop.

“I know what the other humans put you through. I saw. But this new human means well, they genuinely want to help you. Their heart might be a bit too big for their body, but you won’t get anywhere if you don't accept their help.”

All he received is a cruel laugh, the sound forced. Straining against 7B’s unused vocal cords. “Oh you’d adore their heart wouldn't you? Seeing you are lacking one.” Solomon stares hard at the horned creature, an unbridled mountain of fury battling against his patience.

“It would be in your best interest to at least try and follow their words.” Solomon's prompt did not reach him as 7B continued as if he never heard him at all. The minotaur turned his back on the human.

“Truely, in this wretched and cursed place. Is it a secret to you who the actual monster is, Solomon?”

He did not say anything more, 7B stopped listening long ago. Solomon watches until the creature undoubtedly falls asleep again, that's what he always does. He knows the minotaur asked a rhetorical question, but he couldn't help humming affirmingly as a small grin built up on his lips.

Truely, who doesn't hold a secret or two here?


So... have I changed any opinions on the man? Well, whenever or not Solomon is bound to show up some more! He's curious about Wonder and can't wait to see what is in store for them~
(if you read my latest Tumblr post you know Levi has gotten some competition /j)

Note that the Q&A is still open! next week I'll be starting to answer them. Hopefully, I'll get this anniversary art finished on time too, I miss my old art program *sniff*

Chapter 37: Log-37


I'd like to call this: Barbatos goes through his emo phase but he's trying to be desperately subtle at it but is failing miserably. The inner goth is clawing its way out

Alternative summary:
Mc tries to fight off their sleep paralysis demon. (figuratively and literally)


(I had to cut this short as it was becoming too long for a standard chapter, so if there is an awkward switch that's why!)
Well I say 'standard' but big lore is happening- But even larger lore happening soon and most of my recent chapters keep hitting 4k and I need to watch out before it becomes the norm (it's supposed to be 2k lmao)

ALSO, there will be back-to-back updates for the anniversary! Surprise!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The nightmares kept increasing.

There hasn't been a night since you felt like you had a good night’s rest. You don't have any convenience store down here where you could buy concealer to hide the eyebags that steadily get deeper and darker by the day. Easily brushing off concerned comments, it's a piece of cake to find excuses. After all, you just got a new subject, you were just as tired when L-03 first arrived.

Simeon, Levi and Mammon didn't believe it. You hoped their patience would be strong enough until you could fix yourself.

Enough time passed and you were officially ‘promoted’ to being 7B’s main handler, along with the brothers of course. Your time with 7B increased significantly, and so did the time you spent with Solomon.

The man had his unique quirks to be fair, especially when it came to his… food. You vividly remember when you told him it was time for lunch, he asked if you two could eat together. Of course, you agreed, but when Solomon took out his lunch you asked him if he accidentally switched it with some sample he was working with. He just smiled confusedly at you and took a bite out of ‘it’. You swear it was still moving. Solomon said he made it himself.

On another day he offered to share it, you had to politely decline.

Your coworker also tends to get absorbed into whatever he is working with. In the early stage of this, you can still get his attention. After that, the man is gone. You can relate, so you don't try to bother Solomon much when you notice he is in the zone.

Your other ‘buddy’ also shares some similar traits, especially on the focus part. It eerily reminded you of the beginning of your friendship with Levi. You were mostly speaking to 7B through the bars, and you weren't sure if he was listening to what you were saying. With the exception where on rare occasions he would huff back a comment, a reply, or just the general curse. However, that wasn't the weird thing. No, there were times when the minotaur would stare for hours at the wall, the drains or just at the void. No matter what you said or did could snap him out of it.

Mealtimes were odd experiences. At most, he did what you previously saw. He would sit with his meal in front of him and he’d just stare at it with that blank expression of his. You tried reassuring him that it wasn't messed with. That it was fresh unaltered food, he didn't budge.

For some reason, it was Solomon who got him to eat. There would always be a vocal fight, 7B always tried spitting his acid at him. But after some struggling the man always managed to get the minotaur to eat at least one or two bites before 7B would shove it away. You don't know what Solomon says to him that gets him so worked up, yet compliant. Your coworker tends to ask you to move away so he can speak with him. You don't wish to intrude as Solomon hasn't informed you of the details of this ‘trick’. Any methods he’d learned to work on 7B he always explained, this he didn't. You wouldn't pry.

As Diavolo promised, regularly his head popped up while you were trying to speak or work with 7B. He’d usually ask how things were going and how everyone was feeling and leave again, he was a busy man. Still, seeing Diavolo more often like this made his presence feel less unsettling. However brief it was, suddenly seeing his red hair and bright smile pop up made you return the sentiment.

To your inner frustration, Barbatos was still nowhere to be seen despite him saying he’d also regularly check-in the last time you spoke to him. Barbatos is eluding you and it’s getting increasingly on your nerves. This unknown of where he stands with you, with Levi is giving you as much stress as the nightmares are.

Another week passed, keeping your head upright was becoming a daily struggle.

Even Solomon has given you concerned inquiries about your well-being. You say it doesn't matter, it will pass. The next day you found a very mysterious vital lying on your desk, a small note attached to it. The contents of the bottle were suspiciously sparkly when you swirled the liquid around.

“A recipe I remembered from when I worked at the laboratory. It should help with falling asleep! ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ “ There was a crude chibi drawing of Solomon’s face winking next to the writing, surrounded by little stars.

He didn't say anything about it that day and neither did you, although your pocket was a little heavier. You didn't have the heart to tell him you had no trouble falling asleep, but rather staying it. There were enough times in the past week when you felt yourself slipping away while you sat at the desk, reading through some of 7B’s genetic information while your vision slowly got darker. Only to feel invisible claws digging into your stomach and tearing it open. There was nothing when your eyes snapped open, it was just a dream, but they kept you awake.

Another day, another restless night. You were sitting in front of 7B’s cell, telling some story about a vampire encounter you had. The memories are foggy through your sleepless haze. You remember that a woman with suspiciously vibrant eyes started speaking to you, asking for directions to the toilet. Before you could lead her there several security men jumped her and to your horror, her face morphed into something grotesquely non-human. Not noticing that your volume is trailing off while explaining how the vampire had killed her handler, took their clothes and attempted to fake their identity to escape. At least until 7B’s voice, which was far too loud next to your ear, startles you out of it.

“What's the matter? Are you tired? Your face is looking awfully hollow.”

Your eyes which had gotten half-lidden and blurry shoot right open as you stare at the minotaur’s sad*stic grin, his voice mocking and dripping with fake pity. Him being much too close to you for your liking caused you to hastily shuffle backwards. 7B’s arm was outreached and his palm slayed open as if to touch, caress your face. He let it fall again without dropping his grin. Instead he leaned against the bars with his temple, staring you down like a cat playing with its prey.

Despite you feeling worse for wear, 7B seems to brighten up per day. Apparently fueled by your sleep-deprived state. No matter, this was the best time to do stuff when he was in such a good mood.

You had to ask for Solomon’s help carrying the thing over, but at least it wasn't for nothing. The minotaur, admittedly, stunk. A genuinely putrid smell was always present on him, Solomon admitted he became nose-blind to it. You didn't and insisted on fixing it while he seemed compliant enough.

7B spits just one “f*ck off” before listening, just enough patience to place the large tub and fill it with some lukewarm water while he was at the separated part of the cell. It was an old thing, back from Mammon’s time. In the earlier days, you used to clean him with nothing more than a bucket, a few towels and your dreams. Thankfully Mammon got comfortable enough so you could get him a large plastic tub so save time and pain. Now you reasoned that the plastic is sturdy enough for 7B too, but if he got violent he wouldn't be able to do any damage.

Dare you suggest 7B tries eating the plastic, previous… studies.. suggested he would be able to digest it just fine.

So this is where you are now, Solomon at your side as you lowered the bars separating 7B from the new tub. Making sure to not stand too close to the bars lest he lashed out. He didn't>\. He carefully approached the blue-coloured tub hunched over and all, briefly circling it like it was going to attack him if he were to make a sudden movement. 7B briefly glanced over to you and Solomon, his face riddled with confusion.

“... You got me some water.. What's in it? It’s not boiling cause there is barely any steam, but no acid. I can’t smell it, I can't smell anything from it, have you gotten a new chemical that my nose can't pick up?”

You forced your face to remain passive but on the inside, you were fuming. A gentle tap on your back and a look from Solomon reminded you to breathe through it. You were too tired to keep being this angry.

“No, it’s just some lukewarm water. I wanted to add some soap but decided just plain is better. You're free to ignore it or use it to bathe yourself. If you ask us, we can refresh the water if it becomes too dirty.”

Neither of you anticipated him going along with your plan, but it seems your misery had put him in a really good mood. He first dipped a hand in, immediately pulling it out like it burned him. Your body jerked at the thought the water somehow hurt him, but he slowly put his hand in again with no problem. Looking over at Solomon for reassurance after your brief loss of composure proved to do the opposite, as your coworker’s face was slack in surprise when 7B submerged as much as he could in the shallow tub. A new different horror overtakes you.

You had completely forgotten to take the precaution of him drowning himself! Your hands had gotten clammy from the stress of the unexpected danger, luckily there was no need to fear as he just rolled around and started properly bathing himself. The way you and Solomon almost slumped in relief told you he had the exact same possible situation in his mind.

It wasn't long before 7B deemed it enough and sauntered out of the tub, walking in your direction with loud sloppy noises as his fur loudly slapped the floor. You took a precautionary step back along with your coworker. It was no use as the minotaur got as close to the bars as he could before shaking himself dry, drenching you and Solomon in jet-black water droplets. 7B showed all his teeth in a satisfied smirk when he was finished.

“Clean the water.”

Okay then, better than nothing.

You and Solomon continued cleaning and filling the tub four more times before 7B deemed himself clean enough. Each time the water was just a little less black until the last bath, where it was just a bit tinted a muddy grey. You still felt bad that you couldn't give him a towel or brush. But he didn't seem to mind, at his easy expression and lax body posture.

Exhaustion and fatigue had your body trembling from all the extersion you had going on. Solomon wasn't doing much better, the man clearly not used to a lot of movement, you didn't blame him. You cornered the minotaur once more behind the separation gate, to get rid of the tub and quickly hose the floor down for any dirty residue water.

“I feel so gross. I’m sorry Solomon but I'm going to switch clothes before doing anything else.” You hear him chuckle behind you as you shrug off your coat. Ugh, this is so disgusting.

“Didn’t you work with a Leviathan for like almost a year? How are you still grossed out by some water?” You had half a mind to chuck your drenched coat at him, but he’s new and valuable. You’ll get revenge for his witty responses later when you’re more confident with his stay.

“As I remember you telling me the black stuff is his blood. I can handle some aquarium water just fine, but I'd rather not walk around in somebody’s old diluted bodily fluids.”

“Ah, but fish pee is more acceptable? I think I remember you telling me you’ve swam in L-03’s pool. What do you think he does in it? Do you know the sign for piss–?”

Goodbye, Sol’. I'll be back in a moment.”

You did not hang around long enough to hear whatever comeback he would try to make as you immediately shut the door behind you after a prompt middle finger. You need to go to your room and try your best to forget about the pee remark. If only Solomon knew you’ve done way worse with Levi at this point.

As you walk past his room your stomach flutters. You’ve been missing him a lot lately. extended periods of time have been happening where you didn't see him. Every time you’re there he’s usually rambling about a season or movie he watched. You loved listening to him, but it feels like there is just never enough time in a day lately. Not enough time to show him your slowly blossoming affection.

Fighting off every urge to walk in there right now as you wouldn't get far. Simeon is working right now and one look at your ‘admittedly’ blood-stained clothes would send you right out. You decided to take the loss and take the walk of shame to the elevator. As you stood there going up, you didn't expect to stop as you had just risen one level. You politely stepped to the side as the doors opened, only to freeze still.

The moment he stepped in you jumped to the buttons and pressed all of them, your back to the door so he wouldn't be able to escape again lest they open.

“Ah, if you wished to press the button for me there was only one necessary. I was meant to go to the top floor.”

Your stress level was perhaps in your throat but an opportunity to be this close to Barbatos, where he could not conveniently escape was not something you would pass by. Especially since you know there are no speakers in here beyond the horrid music playing out of the one present. Your exhaustion temporarily shoved to the side.


“Barbatos, how do you know L-03’s name? And why are you not telling anyone, explain that to me.”

He had that smile on his face, not the placid one that seemed carved on him. No, he was looking at you as if you were a pet doing a trick. “It is of no concern, as the Lord’s servant it’s only natural I know of everything going on here.”


The door opens behind you again, he doesn't flee. But he has that knowing look and you almost argue that's worse than trying to chase him down. “That is exactly what I want to know. I wished to keep it a secret that he can speak. That's a valuable piece of information so I made sure it was nowhere to be documented. So how do you know?”

He didn't move from his place, he did politely clasp his hands in front of him. “I tend to know a lot. Although I don't know the exact reason you decided to keep Levi a secret. Would you mind telling me?”


This is the floor you were supposed to be at, he knows as he saw which button was lit up before you pressed them all. He says nothing as the doors close behind you again. You can play this game as well. “As a servant you should know your manners, it’s impolite to ask somebody a question as retaliation for their question.”

He slightly co*cked his head to the side as he observed you back. “I apologise, that was rather rude of me. It’s not that simple how I gather. The lights are bright and blinding in this place, but I prefer to stay in the shadows. Whether that be a corner the lamp doesn't quite reach or the shadow of the young lord, all are the same for me. Some are more preferable to be in”


Okay, what the f*ck does that mean.

“Well since I answered your question, it is only fair to answer mine back. Don't you think little warden?”

You ground your teeth together, there was no actual usefulness in what you got, but with the look he is giving, you know he isn't going to say anything more unless you do. “Levi was incredibly anxious and withdrawn. Diavolo is ambitious and wishes to know everything, while he has never typically forced my hand, no good would come from forcing Levi to speak when he doesn't want to. Which is more often than not.”


Barbatos steps closer, you wish you could take a step away. The light of the elevator seems to flicker. You weren't sure if the dark spots in your vision were due to your sleep-deprived state mixing with your anxiety, or if Babrbatos was causing you so much panic you were starting to hallucinate.

“I.. I have no intention of sabotaging Diavolo’s project of rehabilitation or Protection. However, I prefer to keep my subjects as stress-free as I can. I wished to introduce the fact that Levi could speak, but I thought no good would come if he found out I lied. That's why I am still hiding it. Why are you withholding the information from him?”

You lied several times during that, and you hoped your eyes weren't giving it away. If Barbatos knew, he had no intention of letting you know. He stepped back and you could see clearly again. The light is still flickering “I only have the young lord’s best interest at heart. Everything he needs to know, I tell. He is satisfied with all of the progress you have made so far, I see no need to intervene.

Ding, last level before you’re at the top.

“It makes no sense. What do you gain from this? And it still doesn't make sense how you know. I’ve never let it slip, the others that know he can speak as well.. They wouldn't let anything go past them.”

He doesn't answer, not until the elevator beeps once again. Signalling the end.


“As I said, I am in servitude. I do what is asked of me, as solitary as a job it usually is. But I do not mind, as I prefer where the light does not reach. Shadows are everywhere, I suggest you keep an eye on them.”

Babrbatos doesn't move until you step to the side, letting him walk past the elevator doors. Just before you’re out of reach you impulsively decide to grab his sleeve. He stops and turns towards you. He doesn't look surprised.

“You're going to Diavolo, right? Can you send him a message that I want to request a visitation form so L-03 and M-02 can visit 7B? Under heavy guidance of course.”

That does seem to make him stumble a bit. Not literally, but the way his eyes widened and the polite smile slipped off his lips for a second might have been the same as if he fell flat on his face.

“I will rely on the request, but may I ask why so soon? Your methods worked so far, but 7B still seems quite unstable.”

You let go of his sleeve as you took position between the doors of the elevators so they did not close as you continued. “That's exactly why. Both of them have settled in here at the facility, and all three of them are eerily similar. My best guess is that if the two of them can get 7B to see how he won't get mistreated here he might be more prone to cooperation. Especially since a health checkup will be happening soon.”

He didn't argue, he just nodded. “I will inform him of your requests and your reasoning.”

You silently sigh in relief, one positive thing at least. However, just as you walk back into the elevator you hear him almost comically fake cough behind you. “I assume the original reason you were here was to get some refreshments, you look quite… soaked through.”

You cringe inwardly but address it regardless “Yeah, comes with the job.”

He speaks once more as the doors close. “Please try to get some proper sleep as well, we need you to be at your best. Have a pleasant evening, Warden.”

Slumping against the wall as your body finally stops being so tense. You think that was the most tension-ridden conversation you have ever had with Barbatos, he took everything in stride. As you press the button to go down again you can't help but ponder what he said.

Basically nothing.

He spoke about shadows and darkness a lot, but what does it have to do with how he gets information he shouldn't be able to know? You entertain the thought of a black-market somewhere in the facility, but drop it just that quickly.

Your head hurts. You don't want to spend your brainpower on this... Why does Barbatos keep calling Diavolo Lord? Is that where he gets his money from? How’d you even become a lord… something you have to get right? Ugh! Stop overthinking this! Let's just go to your room first.

You cool your head down while you wash the grossness off you, almost falling asleep standing in the shower. Only to be shocked to have received a message from Diavolo on your tablet immediately after stepping out.

“I’ve gotten your request from Barbatos! I decided to give you your permission prematurely, just be sure to fill in the proper forms later on for documentation. I trust your decisions, Doctor!”

Yeah, okay you're telling Solomon that you’re going straight to bed. There is no way everything is going this well. You’re going to sleep and wake up and be smacked with a brick of misfortune. Yes, that sounds more like your life.

… And in case you're not dreaming, some arrangements need to be made around this meeting. You remember reading how 7B has slaughtered other subjects at Maddi’s facility. As much as it sucks, you’re making sure he stays behind the bars while Mammon and Levi are over. There is not a chance you're going to let any of them get hurt.


Big things went down in this chapter! I don't think I've written something that made me stress alongside the character, I was tense the whole time,,, Even though I knew what will happen!
What did you guys think Barb meant? He's not just speaking utter gibberish, Mc is just not that good at thinking atm. Although I'll admit he was vague as hell. So don't feel bad if you don't get it yet!

(I've had so much fun answering all the Q&A questions! It is technically still open, but I can't guarantee I'll make a drawing/doodle for it in time as I've done with many others,,
I'll post the responses here as a chapter (temporarily), and on my Tumblr!)

Chapter 38: Log-38


I think it's time again I politely ask you to look at my tags again to remember what my fic is about :3

The brothers finally see each other again, but at what cost?


I apologise for the late chapter, my personal life has been a bit... hectic.
And it was my birthday on the 17th :D, just a lot happening sorry

SO! The very very long-awaited meeting is finally happening! Don't worry I gently lead you guys through the beginning, be sure to put on some protection before reaching the end~

I love writing the brothers' interactions, I should seriously pair them more often. Well, when they behave I shall

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You had quite a massive checklist of things you’d prefer to have done or ready before the month ends. Before many important things will happen. But you’re happy to announce the thing you’ve been working on for surprisingly long, can finally be checked off.

“Ha! What’d the humans say again? Oh right! Levi you’re such a slowpoke, I bet a snail is even faster than you at this rate- Ack–!”

Mammon’s teasing was cut short when a foot painfully stomped on his tail. It wasn't you or Simeon misstepping. No, it was a furious Levi who was now running after the harpy. He wasn't stumbling or even pausing to regain his balance as he was reaching for Mammon's wings. A loud yelp when he grabbed a feather and pulled it out. You’re just happy it wasn't a primary one.

Levi was threateningly swinging around Mammon’s feather like a sword while Mammon just gawked bewildered at him. “That's what you get, you annoying older brother!”

As you're watching whatever is going down from the sidelines, Simeon is laughing just as hard as you. You don't think either brother notices it with how absorbed they are in their weird type of tag but you can barely breathe from the laughter you're holding back. You give Simeon a pat on his shoulder as a thank you. After all, he is the reason this is happening right now.

In your absence, he was the one who continued teaching Levi how to walk. Due to his busy workload he couldn't do it too often. But you know Simeon is probably a better teacher than you, so you wholeheartedly trusted him. Now Levi has no problem walking, running or climbing. However, he doesn't quite get the act of jumping yet, but you’re all working on it.

You're just thankful for Simeon in general. As you catch your breath you try your hardest to fight off the immediate drowsiness and nausea you get from repressing your laughter. The nights keep getting rougher, it barely feels like you can get a blink of sleep before the terror of your dreams shakes you awake. It was impossible to ignore and you're so grateful none of your friends have asked you about it yet. But you're unsure who will break first. You or them.

When it looks like Levi is about to pluck every feather off Mammon’s body you decide to step in and de-escalate the situation. The brothers settled pretty quickly when you tugged the Leviathan from the situation. He’s been pretty docile to whatever you do lately, you’ve been finding it very suspicious but he hasn't done anything strange yet.

It’s not the only weird thing that’s been happening, he’s being extra clingy today as well. Maybe the reason was that the meeting with 7B would happen in just a few hours. Maybe this caused him to be a bit more stressed? However, the way a blush is just constantly on his face whenever he touches you has you raising an eyebrow. As you thought earlier, he hasn't done anything weird. Just holding your arms, your hands, leaning on you. But he’s acting so flustered about it that you involuntarily keep blushing yourself, even if you don't have a reason to.

For some reason, Mammon isn't fighting Levi off you either. You know better than anyone he can be a bit.. protective of you at times. He hasn't made a noise or complaint about his brother’s touchy tendencies today. If anything he can’t stop bothering Simeon, constantly playing pranks and tricks on him. You think you have seen Simeon nearly trip three times on Mammon’s tail and you don't think the harpy is stopping until your best friend is laying flat on his face.

You decide to stick close to the desk, Mammon is less likely to be mischievous around important and fragile equipment. Guessing he is just letting out his stress or anticipation. Well… if he’s using Simeon to get it out of his system, you're not stopping him.

You feel Levi rubbing his cold nose against the back of your neck in an achingly familiar way. His arms wrapping around your middle and suddenly you're grateful Mammon is so busy with Simeon. You gently lay your hands on his and shyly smile as you lean back into him. “Not that I mind, but how come you’re such a cuddle bug today?”

He doesn't give you an answer, just buries his face deeper. A hot puff of air as he makes some odd noise behind you. You stay silent as you soak up his affection.

After you receive a message from Solomon that 7B is ready for the visit you hug Simeon goodbye before he departs for the laboratorium again. “Please don't be too reckless little Lamb. I'd like to see you again in one piece.”

You hug just a little tighter before letting go of him. “Me? reckless? I don't understand why you would describe me like that.” Fighting off a grin when you saw his unimpressed look.

“No seriously, don't worry. Solomon will be there and Barbatos will be joining us as well within minutes,” You leaned just a bit closer as you whispered to Simeon, making sure the brothers didn't hear you. “-you also know 7B will remain behind the bars during the visit. I haven't told the two of them yet, but they will probably understand when they see the state he’s in.”

He grimly nods but forces on his graceful smile as he addresses your boys. “See you later Mammon, Levi.”

They both mutter back a goodbye as he leaves. The two of them exerted some of their energy by now. Levi was lying on the floor resting his legs. He can walk now, but only for so long before he says his legs start cramping and become painful. You're not sure if it's due to his tailed nature or simply because he isn't used to walking yet. Debating on asking Meph where he got his cane from.

Mammon was one to shake you out of your thoughts. “So we are meeting this new guy today, right? Somethin’ about changing his mind? Do we need to read a script or do we just say whatever?”

“Not scripted at all. I want it to be genuine, you don't have to change his mind. All we want is for him to be more comfortable and less scared. So just say whatever you feel like. Don’t be surprised if he’s very hostile though. He really doesn't like others and I think he’s antisocial as well.”

“Worse than Levi?”

"Way worse.”


Conveniently you clapped your hands together and helped Levi stand up before more arguing could occur. “Well, let's not wait any longer. Come on guys, we need to get moving before we’re late.”

“It's like 2 doors down, there is no way we’re late lol..”

“With you guys anything is possible.”

There was a little grumbling from your aquatic partner but beyond that no complaints. When you swipe your badge to exit the room Mammon takes place on your right and Levi locks arms with you on the left. Two powerful forces on either of your sides and you couldn't feel more comforted.

As Levi said it, the distance is to laugh about. Somehow the two ended bickering above your head in such a short time but you ignored it in favour of getting them to the room. Mammon was joking about Levi needing to have his hand held to be able to walk, until he unexpectedly stood ramrod straight.

You turned around to look at Mammon as he took a deep breath. It caused all his feathers to fluff up and you could hear the faintest agitated rattle. His eyes locked on the door that is the entrance to 7B’s room. Before you could ask what’s wrong, Levi beside you also deeply inhales and flinches.

You grow more concerned by the second until Mammon speaks. You couldn't understand it, it wasn't his usual chirp or tweet. No, it came from deep inside his chest and rumbled out his throat, a sound very unlike what you are familiar with. Levi also responds in kind, in a sort of unsure yet affirmative way.

“Guys, I can't understand you. What is happening?”

Levi shifts awkwardly on your side, his gaze switching from the harpy to yours. Despite this Mammon was the one that answered. Sounding like he is forcing it out his mouth, a deep growl accompanying each word.

Death. Everything here smells like rot and death.”

You breathe in as well, but there’s nothing. There’s the vague smell of the sea that accompanies Levi at every second, but nothing that would indicate rot. You don't know how familiar Levi is with dead bodies but you and Mammon are definitely aware of what decay smells like. But you suppose their noses are more sensitive than yours.

You wreck your brain about what could be the cause of the smell. And for a split second, you worry if Solomon just made some ‘food’ again. You can't imagine anything going wrong that horrifically with 7B without your coworker informing you.

Still, you start to feel as unsettled as your boys look. Untwining yourself from Levi you decide to walk ahead. He stumbles from the sudden lack of support but latches on easily enough against Mammon, who doesn't even move. “..In that case, let me check in real quick with Solomon. Just a moment.”

You hurry to the door to open it and enter the room, you inhale again, nothing. You let out a small gasp of surprise when you feel a hand touching your shoulder. Solomon is looking at you in confusion and a bit of concern, he was much closer to the door than you anticipated. He glances over your shoulder where your boys are still standing in the hallway.

“Hello Wonder, did something go wrong? Or did they just not want to meet 7B anymore? They are kind of just staring…”

You’re quick to reassure him they do want to go on with the meeting, just a little something came up unexpectedly. You look around Solomon at 7B, who was on the floor with his back turned to the both of you. Visually there wasn't anything wrong, no black liquid pooling anywhere either.

“Did you by any chance bring anything from the lab or did you just cook? When they approached the door they stopped and said this cell smelled like rot. So they are a bit hesitant about entering. But I don't smell anything myself so I came to check it out first to see if anything happened.”

He hummed and looked around too as if he wasn't there the whole time. He too takes a big sniff but his expression doesn't change. “Well, it could be that they just smell 7B. I know we gave him a couple of baths but I don't think years of grime get washed away that easily. Maybe you become nose-blind to it as well?”

You shifted nervously. The intensity of Mammon’s expression did not fit well enough with the smell of some old grime. There was little you could do regardless so you decided to just suck it up. “Alright, I'll just get my boys.”

At first, you wanted to wave them over. But at Mammon’s extremely tense posture, you decided it's better if you walked in with them. You take Levi's arm and you debate taking Mammon's hand. But the memory of him almost breaking your wrist with Levi makes you hesitate. You instead decide to lead him along by his forearm. It takes a bit of force to get him to move closer but he eventually does.

As you walk through the door you're unfortunately proven correct to not trust him to hold back. He stands there just beyond the door’s opening clawing at the floor. His talons crumpled the concrete beneath him as if it were made of chalk. Cautiously you speak up when he doesn't move for several moments. “Mammon-”


At once several things happen. The one you notice at first is how the door behind you snaps shut, faster than you know it’s supposed to be able to do, the one immediately after that is the sound of lightbulbs exploding and Levi vibrating next to you. His eyes are cast wide open, thin slits and glowing. His free hand was touching the door’s badge scanner, which is smoking with electricity sparking off it.

The second thing is how 7B snapped around at a speed unknown to you. His gaze swiped over everybody but Mammon. They are stuck in a stalemate as you look over at Solomon with panic probably seeping out your face. The man was holding something bright, you think it’s a taser. Solomon is slowly sneaking closer to you, his eyes glued to the harpy. You're not sure what to address first, things are about to get messy. Then 7B spoke.


Hell broke loose.

“Belph what the actual f*ck are you doing here, are you 7B!? Is this where you've been this whole time and I didn't know!?”

The harpy jumped forward against the cell’s bars. You assume he attempted to bend them, break them if there is anything to go off from the metallic rattling sound coming from it. He isn't successful by the growls and the swears you hear. There is more shouting from Mammon, but you don't hear any response from 7B. The minotaur is just silently staring at him. Due to Mammon fluttering around and throwing himself at the bars, you don't get a clear view but you're almost certain he’s shaking.

He isn't alone as Levi’s grip next to you becomes tighter the longer you both watch Mammon in shock. The Leviathan is still shaking and when you look at him there’s a hint of familiarity in his eyes. “Levi, do.. Do you guys know him?”

You see it strains him as he tears his gaze off the two monsters to look at you, his eyes still glowing faintly when he does. His breathing is laboured and distantly you realise he’s at the start of a panic attack. “Bel-Belphie, or– or I guess Belphegor. He’s our youngest. He’s the reason we went to search outside our territory. The reason both of us got caught by humans.”

It finally dawns on you that you're utterly f*cked. Mammon’s attacks on the iron bars keep growing more aggressive and more frenzied. “Why the f*ck is this sh*t so strong–” his talons are creating deep groves in the floor as if he desires to dig them out if necessary.

Levi stops his shaking only to start up his own growl low in his chest. For the briefest moment you wish to tell him now is not the time, until you feel your body being tugged away from him. “If either of you decide to lay a finger on Wonder or me, I will not hesitate to use violence to protect us.”

“N-no! I would never hurt them! Neither would Mammon or Belphie–”

You barely hear the surprise in Solomon’s voice at hearing Levi speak to him. “You’re all hysterical. I am taking them away to a safer place until this is settled–”

You feel like crying, but clearly, somebody needs to reclaim some sort of authority over the situation. Mammon is still shouting, but it's unintelligible. He switched off English. So did Levi as he was muttering at himself, maybe pleading at your coworker. You took a deep breath until you screamed out as loud as you could.


A dizzy wave hits you immediately and you have to swallow back the taste of sourness. Your body is trembling and each limb is too heavy to carry. You don't have a plan, you have no clue what you need to do. The room was deathly silent as you could only hear your own ragged breathing. Your only reassurance is that you know your boys would never harm you, not intentionally. 7B… Belphie is not within striking range and Solomon…

Shaking the man off was your first step. To your relief, he complies without a struggle, even if your legs wobble beneath you. “Solomon, you let me go right now. Neither Mammon nor Levi would ever cause me danger. Stop threatening them.”

You look over at the quivering, almost crying mess that is Levi and decide to leave him alone. You focus your attention on the other ones. Mammon is staring at you kind of stupidly, like it was the first time he ever saw you. 7B only has his eyes on.. His older brother. You point an accusing finger at the harpy.

“The reason.. sh*t.. The reason your biting and gnawing on the bars is not working is because they are reinforced to handle acid. No… ha.. amount of struggle could be able to break it down. So stop acting like that and let's talk about your.. Your other brother–”

“Another one that has been imprisoned.”

You almost tumble over, the black spots in your vision not aiding you in the slightest. A “What?” barely gets out of your mouth before the harpy speaks again. He doesn't look at you threateningly, he wouldn't, he wouldn't– The only thing coming out from you is the gurgling noise of you choking on your blood. Mammon’s there, he can't help you. All he does is grin victoriously down at you with the meat of your throat in his mouth. He spits it out and laughs-

“Yeah. We will talk about it when he isn't in a cage like an animal.

Despite fear locking up your body, stiffly you take a step closer. And then another, and another until you're away from the door opening and barely five steps away from the harpy. “The reason he’s there is because he has a very long history of being abused. Because of that, he has an even longer history of maiming and killing humans. And right now he doesn't have the trust required to not be-”

“The way to unlock the cell is on the computer.”

You almost bite your tongue as you look at 7B, no, Belphie. Seemingly the first time he spoke back as Mammon looks as startled as you. And then it dawned what he was talking about. You look at Mammon pleadingly but he isn't seeing you anymore. Only hearing the minotaurs words.

“I saw when they were operating it. There’s a button on-screen to open and close my cell right after they log-in.”

sh*tsh*tsh*t. You try to reach out, to stop it but you know you're too late. Mammon was too blinded by the reunion of his youngest brother, whose eyes shone with a self-satisfied glimmer. It was nothing compared to the bloodchilling sentence Mammon spoke next “I know. I know their passcode. They use the same code for everything, Simeon’s birthday.”

Regret and betrayal runs its course through your veins. After all these years you’d never thought he would just… You watch as the harpy makes his way over to the computer desk. You could try to stop him. But you know your strength could never match his, instead you look at your only lifeline left. Solomon tried to close in on Mammon again as he too caught wind of what the harpy was about to try. Thankfully with wide motions, you convinced the white haired man to come over to you instead.

“Okay i know this is all very bad but listen- You're my last hope.” Solomon doesn’t touch you but he looks ready to pick you up to run away. He nods long to what you say but he looks no less convinced. “You need to run. Ask Levi to open the door for you, and call for help. Anyone that can trigger a security squad to come down.”

Solomon looks at you like you asked him to turn the sky purple. He opens his mouth to protest, you're sure. You grab him by the shoulders instead as you give one last desperate plea. “Solomon, please just do this. I may have had barely seven hours of sleep this week alone. Three steps and I will faint. I would ask Levi but they would see him and restrain him instead. Please help us.”

He’s conflicted. His eyes dart between Mammon, you and Belphie. But with a huge sigh of relief you see him give one final nod. Just before he leaves you make one last request.

“Please refrain from telling anybody Levi can speak, or that you know his name at all. I will explain it to you later. But keep it a secret or else even more lives could be in danger.”

You're asking a lot, you know. But this is the best you can get in a situation like this. Especially as you hear a faint “Aha!” in the background coming from Mammon. No doubt he has logged into your account. Your work account.

Solomon does as you asked, he runs. The door opens briefly, just enough for him to pass through. And you're eerily reminded of the past. You don't know which of the brothers this situation resembles most. Not when you hear a gentle hiss. The hiss of the gate unlocking.

You hear Levi shout in the background, you hear Mammon cheer as well, you think. But you can't understand it. Your eyes are latched on to the beast in front of you.

Belphie stands up slowly, as if it was the first time using his hind legs. With one of his hands he supports himself as he trudged to the opening of the cell. Like this, at his full height you're certain he’s taller than Mammon. You’re shrouded by the darkness his shadow creates and then there’s a faint whisper in your ear that doesn't reach you.

The smell of acid hits you first. The sour scent burns the fine hair in your nostrils. Now you get what the brothers were speaking about earlier, as the looming creature in front of you was an omen that reeked of death.

Belphie smiled down at you and you connected an unfortunate dot in your brain. He doesn't need talons or claws. With a wide-open grin, where the acid is leaking through his tusks like saliva, shows you perfectly fine he doesn't need those other things.

“Amazing… This is amazing, Little Wonder. Ahaha yes! Now I can finally achieve what I was meant to do from the beginning!”

Every hair on your body rises with instinctual fear as he slowly opens his arms. To invite you in for a hug.


I wonder what will happen next chapter...
Surely Belphie is going to give them a nice ol' hug to thank them for taking care of him. Nothing else.

(ALSO, better news I finally finished writing ARC 3! I can finally start writing ARC 4, my second favourite one frfr)

Chapter 39: Star-39


Did you know there is a star called the 39-Arietis? Officially it’s named Lilii Borea, it is a star visible to the naked eye as long as you use a telescope. However, something notable about this is the Chinese name. Romanizationed it’s called “Wèi Su èr”, translated into English this would be “Second Star of the Stomach.”

Ah… Why am I explaining this again..?

TW//heed the tags, or else I'll spoil it. Nothing too explicit or gory.


Fair warning, I HATED writing the fight scene, reading it may reflect that. I’m not used to physical AND mental fights at the same time. It’s unfortunately something that was far out of my comfort zone. (I legitimately never wrote about fighting before until now. And their unique anatomy wasn't helping lmao) This scene was so critical since early development/planning but actually jotting it down made me want to tear out my hair. Sob

Regardless, I hope you this almost 5k word chapter. It's a big one so strap down!
(A reminder, all the slanted speech is said in a non-human tongue.)
And WOW there were a lot of new people commenting last chapter. Hi newcomers! :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Solomon was blabbering again.

He doesn't even know what it is about right now. All these two humans do is talk to him, today is, unfortunately, no exception. The need to sleep drums against his skull and soaks into his very being and existence. But he can’t. So instead he holds an ear open to try and catch something the white-haired man is talking about.

Belphegor didn’t bother remembering his name at the time, he was under the weird man’s ‘care’ before. He'd leave regardless and he didn’t have the energy to spare it on something useless. No matter what the man knows of him. Unfortunately, his stay seems to be more permanent, however short that may be. Despite all this Belphie quickly noticed the man is more chipper than usual, and it somewhat sounds genuine.

He doesn't catch all of it, just the words that pique his interest. He hears the words; creatures, visit, hope and Wonder the most. Belphegor has his back turned to Solomon, yet the minotaur continues to try and conceal the grimace that comes on his face upon hearing the name.

That smaller human is almost exclusively referred to as little Wonder. This weird nickname is just plain stupid, and he can’t get why he keeps entertaining that vermin. The hair on his body bristles as he thinks about them, why he can’t get them out of his head. It makes him want to claw their face off, wipe it from his brain.

There is something about them, something about their presence and smell that strikes him as familiar. Which is impossible, yet his instincts keep disagreeing with him. Screaming at him to relax, to sleep, his herd is here, there is no danger. Which is f*cking stupid as he hasn't seen his herd in over a decade. Yet their very presence seems to sooth an unknown itch in his head.

The speaking stops for a moment. He breathes a sigh of relief until another voice joins. The Smaller one’s voice. Belphegor’s body instinctively relaxes for just a second until he forces himself to remember this is a human. Not part of his herd. His body isn't sure if it should tense or relax and it results in weird twitchy movements.

He pretends to not care about whatever they're talking about, yet he can't help but catch how worried their voices sound. He snickers under his breath. Solomon seems to be unaffected, but the smaller one clearly suffers greatly from their lack of sleep. Giving him great enjoyment as they struggle to keep their head up day to day. He'd once been close. Now he’s waiting until they droop just close enough to his cell bars to tear them apart.

He’s in too deep fantasising about all the ways he’d rip apart the human’s body. Perhaps limb for limb? Antagonising slow then, so they’d feel as helpless he has been feeling all this time. Maybe he’d just trample them under his hoofs, human bodies are laughably soft he’d learned. He’d watch as they’d hopefully scream and trash beneath him, unable to do anything against his strength and he’d be free–


His body shoots upright before he even realises what he’s doing. His bones creaked and muscles pulled taut as he turned around, one hand balanced on the floor so he wouldn't tumble over as he tried to focus on what he believed he heard. Surely, surely he’s hallucinating. He must be drugged again by the food he’d been given, something injected into his veins during small naps he managed to get into. Belphegor blinks slowly as his vision adjusts and finds out that what he’s looking at is real .

Mammon’s right there. He looks the same as he did before, before everything. If anything he looks healthier, his bristled feathers almost shine brighter than the lights above him. But that's impossible.

Belphegor knows he’s weaker than his brothers, he’d always known and it never bothered him. He’d been angry, upset and careless. That’s how the humans caught him, in a moment of vulnerability in his grief he let his guard down as he got too close to human civilization. Something he tended to steer away from despite his curiosities.

It was Satan, Asmodeus and Levi who were capable of blending among them. They had safety in their strength lest anything go wrong. But how did Mammon manage to get trapped in their hands? Yeah, he’s an idiot most of the time but nothing stands against his power, beyond Lucifer of course. Belphegor can barely get past the lump in his throat but at best he could let out a whispery;


It’s like his mind zeros on the harpy, it’s not that difficult to do as he pounces over. Belphegor watches as Mammon’s hands grip the bars and try to bend- or even tear the things out of place. He knows it won't work, he’d done it so many times and he doesn't even know what materials these things are now made of.

Mammon is speaking to him, but he can’t understand it. It’s in the harpy’s musical-sounding language and Belphegor frankly never bothered to learn it. The language Lucifer taught them all made communicating easy enough, even as he regrets it now. Mammon is now down to vigorously shaking the bars. Belphegor listend how the occasional human swear slips through the angry chirps and tweets.

Seemingly Mammon got his tongue back for a moment, even if it was in human. But it sounded more like he was speaking to himself in harsh whispers. “I’m gonna get ya out, don't be afraid okay? I’m not going to let you rot in here.”

Belphegor wasn't even aware he was shaking as his mind and heart were torn in two directions. Now with the close proximity and the harpy’s wings frantically fluttering the smells he couldn't place before suddenly click. The reason the small human had that odd scent was because they smelled like Mammon , and he smelled like them too. Meaning the two must be physically close for long periods of time.

The harpy's talons scrape on the floor now, like he's trying to dig Belphegor out. It won't work, his acid barely works on the reinforced floor of his cell. He tries getting a word out, but he’s too ecstatic and fearful of finally seeing his brother again. Maybe he’ll get out now, maybe they will all reunite again–


Like a command from the leader Mammon stops moving and clamps his mouth shut. Belphegor almost lets his jaw drop at how the harpy’s entire demeanour changed within seconds. Just because of that dumb stupid human. The human he forgot was even in the room. They are spewing nonsense again, shouting at Solomon as well. Belph doesn’t care about their words, as his eyes trail back to Mammon. The harpy seems entranced by them. Making the minotaur's fur bristle with irritation. He doesn't know what the small human did with his older brother, but he will make sure they’d pay for it…

“Another one that has been imprisoned. Yeah. We will talk about it when he isn't in a cage like an animal.

Belphegor’s mind blanks for a moment, there is no way they’d just let him go. Is Mammon trying to free him? Well of course he is, but he can't do it alone. The small human is much closer now, but he isn't focused on that. Only the humans can…

“The way to unlock the cell is on the computer,” he says before he thinks, completely missing the way Mammon’s face snaps in his direction. No, Belphegor was turning over his brain as he tried to remember. What he has seen them do time and time again. “I saw when they were operating it. There’s a button on-screen to open and close it right after they log in.”

He watched with a slowly growing grin how Mammon immediately went to work. Seeing the humans got increasingly more scared and stressed because of it. Even as the two humans are standing right in front of the minotaur his gaze is locked on the fluttering wings that are fluffed up in excitement. His tail flicks in anticipation, they are so close–

Click .

That's all he wanted, needed to hear.

It was all so easy afterwards. The small human. The little wonder, was trying to scurry away, far too late. No matter, he’ll make sure he and his brother will never be touched again by this strange human. Out of sheer excitement, he loses control of the acidic glands in his mouth for a mere moment. Not even caring if it destroys the fur when it dribbles down.

“Amazing… This is amazing, Little Wonder . Ahaha yes! Now I can finally achieve what I was meant to do from the beginning!”

It was like hunting a wounded newborn. Knocking them off their feet with ease, they were practically falling over their own legs anyways. He knows of their night terrors and how much it has weakened them. Belphegor was aware he’s taunting dying prey, but it’s much too fun! He’s above them. The hand around their necks fits there so nicely, gasping beneath him as he refuses to let the air go to their lungs.

He wishes he could stretch out their suffering for longer, to make the humans feel a fraction of the pain and agony he’d been going through all this time. But he couldn't. Reinforcements are probably on their way so their best chance at actually escaping must be now. He’ll make it quick, just this once.

He lets his acid collect behind his lips. Oh, where shall he let it flood? Their stomach? Oh, that'd be antagonising slow... Especially if he doesn't aim for major organs. Ah, but no. As Belphegor looks at those shining eyes of the human, despite being hurt and deprived of oxygen, still so determined. To survive, to fight, to live maybe. Those eyes that always look at him with twinkling stars in them. No matter how much he cusses or threatens them. Yes, he shall melt those temptingly pretty eyes right off them.

He lifts his head up to keep any acid from slipping out before he wants to. He glances down, he aims and he–

Like a boulder crashing against his side, he gets swept off his hooves. He and his attacker roll once over each other on the floor before Belphegor gets pinned down. Instinctively he attempts to defend himself from whoever it is just to momentarily pause when he realises it’s Mammon.

“What in the f*ck are you doing Belphegor? Why would ya do that!?” The harpy’s snarling face is close to his, he doesn't think he’d ever seen his older brother this angry. He’s all teeth and harsh sounds. A spark ignites in his chest at the realisation his brother is angry because Belphegor was trying to kill the stupid human, not because of the humans fighting back to thwart his plans. He bares back his tusks as he tries to fight his brother’s restraint

“I was doing us a favour! Getting rid of that disgusting filth– do you not realise what they have been doing to you?”

He shoves Mammon off himself and stands up, barely getting enough room before Mammon takes hold of his arms again. His claws easily caught grip on Belphie’s matted fur. The two forces against eachother in a battle of strength. The minotaur knows he is studier and bigger than his brother. But Mammon has the advantage of that long ass tail which causes Belphie to trip and stumble backwards, just enough so the harpy is capable of pushing him down.

“Levi! Move your ass and get our human! I don't know how wounded they are-”

Belphegor crashes into something, he can’t even feel the sting of whatever sharp poked him. Too dizzy from hearing the name. Levi? Levi is here too? He wants to look, but when Belphie feels Mammon advancing again he has to move quick. The fur on his body protects him, but he knows his opponent. His brother doesn't have that privilege everywhere. In one strong movement, he twirls the two of them around. Taking the chance now Mammon’s claws are stuck on him. The harpy’s back now on the floor as he cusses up a storm.

He takes hold of the Mammon’s wrists as he makes sure he doesn't accidentally step on his brother's body or his wings which are spread out in a usually impressive display. However, his feathers are tangled with whatever lab equipment the humans have been placing around the room. Must have been thrown around during their fight. Belphegor meant to stay collected, but at this reminder, of the sh*t the humans do, made his wrath boil to the surface. Even if that isn't his forté.

“That human, they messed with your brain. BOTH your brains. Humans cannot be trusted! They take and take, they will do anything to get what they want! You don't even know all they did to me. They wanted to cut off my arm to see if I'd regrow. And that is nothing of the worst.”

In a show of agility, Mammon bends his legs close to his chest, far enough so his talons can sink into the fur of the minotaur's shoulders. With a powerful flap of his wings and a turn of his body, Mammon manages to reverse the situation. Belphegor feels himself being flung around the room, crashing against more of the boxes the humans hadn’t unpacked yet.

He scrambles to pick himself up again, his hooves slipping on the sleek floor. Mammon is approaching him like some sort of feral animal about to attack. It leaves a horrifically sour taste in Belphegor’s mouth and he knows it isn't the acid. He flares his spikes upright as Mammons tries to circle him.

“This human is nothing like those others, don't even try to compare them. I know there are some deeply rotten humans among them. But they, my humans, are unlike any. Simeon is so gentle and compassionate. Even if he is forced to take samples and other data from me as required by the uppers’, he treats me with nothing other than a careful hand and kind words. If he were a harpy he’d be the perfect caretaker.”

Belphegor knows his herd is a messy mix-match of several different creatures. For him, it’s more like a large community. But he knows people like Lucifer, Mammon, Levi and Satan have instincts that go much deeper. He doesn't get all that protector, leader and caretaker stuff they always spew about. But he knows sure as hell those titles do not belong to a human of all people. He doesn't even remember hearing the name Simeon anywhere. He makes a feint to the side as he sees Mammon’s stance change.

“And them, my human… they are so much more than any other. They are understanding, determined and if nothing stubborn to a fault. They never belittled me or hurt me in any way, they never used me like my flock before Lucifer’s. They are my friend, my family and my flock. Just as much as you are Belphegor.”

In the way the harpy crouches he knows he’s about to pounce and Belpgegor knows he won't be able to move in time to avoid it. The high pitched screeching of Mammon’s talons scraping on the floor as he launches himself was his only warning. Instead of dodging like Mammon probably expected him to do, Belphegor ducks and keeps one arm out. With some strain, he catches the top part of a wing.

While Belphegor intends to slam him down, Mammon's tail wrapped around the minotaur's chest with lightning speed. Making both of them go down with a loud thud. Hearing surprised clicking at the back of the room. Quickly he realised Mammon softened Belphegor’s landing with his own body and he used the opportunity to gain the high ground. Taking the harpy’s shoulders and trying to shake some sense back into his brother. Ignoring how he could see Mammon’s and his blood smeared across his tanned skin.

“They… you seriously think they are part of your flock-” Like a switch has been flipped their positions swapped where Mammon was holding his arms down instead. His bared teeth mere inches from his face. Even though his tusks are bigger than Mammon’s sharp fangs, an instinctual shiver of fear trickled down his spine at the thought of those fangs in his flesh.

“They are! They are MY humans, and nothing you say will change that, belphie.”

To his surprise, even Levi– Levi was here too, he remembers– Butted into the fight. Belphegor heard the command too, protect our human, Mammon said. And Levi was. His scaled tail took most of the space in the room, how neither of them bumped into the gigantic Leviathan was a wonder. Levi held the human close to his body, even hissing when he felt Belphegor’s eyes land on the small limp thing in his grasp. “They have a place in my pod as well, Belphie. I get it if you can’t understand it, but they are important to us. We love them.”

He breaks into hysterics, disbelieving laughter making his whole body shake. Earning concerned looks from both his brothers. “Ha! Really? Do you truly believe that? You’d rather pick the side of a human you’ve known for how long, over your own brother-” Belphegor’s tone got progressively angrier until Mammon cut him off with a snarl.

“I'm not picking a side, both of you are my flock– Stop resisting!” He felt how Mammon's grip faltered from his arms and he used his head to knock him off. His brother disbelievingly touched his forehead which was now bleeding, perhaps he bonked him too hard. Mammon recovered quick enough and now both of them are hunched low, practically on all fours as they circled each other around the room. The harpy not quite aware of his little brother’s plan.

“But you are picking a side. Their side! How could you choose them over me, over us? You found me and Beel in that decaying place and now you’re just going to leave us to rot again! All for a dumb human that will die within a few meagre years. Surely you know how fast they expire, how quickly death takes them underground.”

In a fast movement, Belphegor turned around to the main part of Levi's body, where he was cradling the seemingly unconscious human and was speaking to them. Completely unaware of what was happening between the other two brothers. He reaches and pounces towards Levi but Mammon jumps on him mid-air and pins him down on his stomach with a rib-crackingly loud thump. Talons slicing into the thick matted fur as the harpy drags them further away from the distracted pair, closer to his cell. Drawing just a bit of blood when the minotaur struggles underneath him.

“I love both of you but you are not hurting any other members of my flock. Give up Belphie you will not win against me.” He’s not hearing his older brother. No, his eyes are glued stuck on the only others in the room. Levi was giving a kiss to the human, his lips practically covering their entire forehead. But it’s a kiss nonetheless. The way his eyes soften as he looks at the human, the gentle smile on his face. It’s like Belphegor gets dunked in lava at the realisation, and not even Mammon can’t drag him out of it. “We can sort this out if you calm down for just a moment–”

“I will slice out your throat in a moment!”

His brothers are too far gone from this human’s manipulation. Kissing is something human, only something that human mates do. And here Levi is doing it to them, even if it is on the wrong place. The human managed to trick Levi into becoming mates– He felt the taloned grip soften for just a moment, as he lay there still in disbelief. With a growl Belphie actually managed to buck off the unguarded Mammon in his newfound fury. Belphegor hurried to the side just out of reach so the harpy couldn't jump him so easily anymore.

Both of them are in haggard states. His own body feels sore and painful. His arms and back ached from where Mammon’s claws and talons had subconsciously scratched and cut him. Not that the harpy looks much better, his body is covered in scrapes, bruises and shallowly bleeding puncture wounds where Belphie's horns managed to penetrate.

Mammon’s eyes are sharp, thin slits stare the minotaur down. Belphegor knew from the beginning when he got tackled that he wouldn't win this fight. But he also knew that most of the harpy’s bones are hollow, from the one time he broke a bone.

If Belphegor could get a leg then he’d at least be capable of dragging him out of this wrecked place. Levi has always been a follower, a listener, if both of them leave he’d be right behind them. Even if Levi takes the human with him, he’d deal with that later. Belphegor gets his body ready to jump. One chance only, more chances his brother won't allow him–

All at once, like a rope is being tied around his neck he gets tugged down, his head hitting the floor with force. He groans in pain as he attempts to push himself upright again, but it's like he’s being crushed with weight from all sides. He struggles against this invisible restraint with little success, his muscles straining with the strength he’s using.

Face full fury he looks at his brothers but both their expressions look equally startled. At least until Mammon sharply turns around, his anger seemingly returning by his bristled wings.

As the door opens all kinds of humans flood inside. Belphegor snarls and attempts to get upright again, anything to stop being strapped on the floor. He fails as the force that's keeping him down is too strong, just like the restraints they use when they– . Even worse, Mammon seems to realise Belphegor can't get up and takes the opportunity to hold him down himself. He bucks to try and get the harpy off, but the angle is all wrong for his legs and his hooves can't even touch the floor. And with two against one, he knows he doesn't stand a chance anymore. If he even had one in the first place.

Fiery red floods his vision as the human he knows as Diavolo walks to him headfirst. Other humans dressed in grey holding weapons crawl around him like a live shield. He knows why, he’s the boss of this whole operation. Instinctively he feels his spikes flare up but all he gets is a hit on the back of his head.

“Dude cut that sh*t out. You’re already incredibly f*cked, don't make it worse.” Belphegor tilts his head sideways to snarl at his brother but the invisible force tugs him down again. Mammon seemingly wholly unaware of what was happening to him. He can't fo anything but squirm underneath him.

You’re seriously more worried about the consequences some humans will make up. Rather than getting us out instead!?” He practically spits it out. Another human dared to come closer to him, closer than all the others, he’d never seen the green-eyed man before. But he recognises the weird white-haired man standing right next to him.

He allows acid to pool in his mouth again, he refrained from letting even a drop land on his brother but he won’t spare these bothersome humans. The unfamiliar one held a gun, a tranquiliser gun if the pink thing at the end was anything to go off by. He was holding the gun aimed and ready to fire. Oh, he’d like to see the humans even try–

Groaned in pain when the force on him got even stronger and tighter. He was able to hold himself up by his arms before, but now he’s practically lying flat on the floor from the intensity. His breaths coming out faster and shallower as it’s starting to strain his lungs. As if the unseen force expands and moulds themselves into hands, it pries open his jaw, his acid spilling from his lips, unable to spit it out like this. The green man seemed unbothered, even as the floor melted underneath the minotaur.

“Subject 7B, your sentience has been proven and you shall be given a chance to do the containment procedure by yourself. Re-enter your cell now or we will use necessary non-lethal methods to contain you again. Make the right choice.”

‘Make the right choice’ his ass , there is no choice being given. From the corner of his eye, he sees how Solomon slowly uncovers the smaller tranq gun he is hiding behind him, his eyes on Mammon. Belphegor throws his head back hitting the harpy’s chin, earning a string of curses from behind him and a softened grip. But the minotaur only has his attention on the two men now. Especially as the hands disappear and allow him to close his mouth again.

The first sentiment seems shared as the men’s frowns deepen. The green man was close enough that if the human jumped at him, he could touch Belphegor’s face. The gun was threateningly aimed at his now exposed neck. “I shall not repeat myself 7B. Listen or do not.”

As if the world is against him he attempts one last warning, one last growl, but it comes out weak and pathetic. His throat was not made for growling regardless. He was not made for this.

Mammon is half-off him now, mostly holding onto his arm as if he could escape now. Levi has that small human cradled in his arms like they are something precious, something to be protected. All while Belphegor is on the floor like some dirty stain. More and more humans have crawled into the room. He won't get out, he’ll just waste what tiny amount of energy he has left in his body.

They won this fight, he lost. And even though he is the loser, he’ll make sure they; that disgusting human who took what little he had, loses everything they have.

“Fine. Fine! You guys are the stronger ones, I give up.” he chucks off Mammon’s hand and the harpy doesn't reach for him again. He’s looking at him with suspicion in his eyes but he leaves Belphie be. The humans re-brandish their guns at the minotaur's movements and all he thinks about is how those small beings are still scared of him, despite the state he’s in and he feels the smallest and pettiest amount of pride.

Belphegor stands up again, as properly as the slouched posture is. He’s exhausted . He dismisses all the humans in the room, although he gives one glare at Diavolo who's been silently staring at him the whole time and giving orders to the other humans. He refocuses on his brothers and them alone.

“That human of yours, I don't know what they did but they are manipulating you.” Mammon’s face twisted in anger and Levi was offended enough he bared his gums. Belphegor is almost sure the Leviathan would have done something had he not been so distanced while protecting ‘their human’. “Every word they have said is a lie, something to get under your skin where they’ll be safe from you. Tell me honestly, how many experiments have they done with you, on you?”

Levi’s snarl lessened and instead became a mild frown, but Belphegor saw it flash on the second oldest’s face. The pain, the hurt of remembering. Gross satisfaction crawled up his throat at being correct. “Humans are determined and thorough. They will stop at nothing until they figure you out and then they discard you when you have no use left. That is our destiny in this place.”

Mammon looked conflicted and thank f*ck he finally got those gears turning, even if it was too late. They couldn't escape anymore, but perhaps at a different time. And oh , he’ll make sure that human won't even have bones left when he’s done. Carefully he turned around to shuffle himself back to his cell. “Go be played with, I’m sure your dear human can’t wait to see you. After all, we are not leaving this place ever, are we? I don't know how long you’ve been here, but expect many more years.”

With dragging feet, he steered towards his cell, almost a perfect replica of his previous one. Minus old bloodstains and other remains they never bothered to clean up while he stayed there. He lingers in the cell’s opening for just a moment before looking one last time at the harpy and the Leviathan who both have varying levels of concern and doubt on their face.

“You know who your brothers are, who the humans are. Try to remember who your family is before making any more choices.” He trods further in the cell and no sooner had his tail been inside does it snap shut behind him.

Stumbling Belphegor reaches the back wall, his body practically slamming against it while he drops down. The floor is cold like it has always been. With shaking hands, he grabs his ears and pushes them tight against the sides of his head. His skin aches when he pulls it too harshly.

He knows it won't silence the noise in the room, never has he wished for silence in his life before. Never before has he yearned to be alone. But this is the best he’ll get as he enters another dream-like state. Just on the edge of sleep, but never resting.


A ton of you were hopeful that belphie wasn't going to hurt Pearly. I think you guys were underestimating just how much he suffered. He needed a stress relief ball and MC was right there for grabs.
Also, the reason Mammon was acting the way he was in this and the previous chapter will explained too! Loads of things happening in everybody's mind.
And.. *slaps the unreliable narrator tag* POVs do funny things, especially If your vision and mind are clouded...

I wonder how our Pearly is doing...

Chapter 40: Log-40


So uhm.. Pearly isn't doing too well... on any front actually.
They should really consider talking to that therapist again, things are getting a bit too overwhelming

TW//attempted homicide, violence, choking, mild blood, mild mention of vomiting, self-depreciation, in general Mc is being very negative about themselves, unreliable everything
(tell me if I missed anything!)


two things,
1. I did not proofread this chapter at all. So if you see any mistakes you can point them out!
2. As May is over it's time to get back to my bi-weekly updates, sorry! I'm not confident I'm far enough with my writing to not accidentally mess up my posting schedule. so for now back to the old days haha

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Amazing… This is amazing, Little Wonder. Ahaha yes! Now I can finally achieve what I was meant to do from the beginning!”

Every hair on your body rises in fear as he slowly opens his arms, to invite you in for a hug.

“What a generosity to have freed me from this prison. Saving me with all that kindness in your heart. To think I’d be freed by a human after all this time. It's ironic, isn't it? How else could I thank you?”

You take a step backwards and he slowly closes in, his grin still wide but with a disappointed edge. Your legs are shivering from exhaustion, you can't win this... But you’re not about to offer yourself up on a plate. “Nuh-uh, I don't think so.”

The spark reignited in his eyes and the horrid foreboding feeling you already had worsened by ten times. He co*cks his head forwards while he continues to dreadingly slow advance on you. “What, you don’t want to hug? I was really hoping to share my joy with you, but okay…”

Too late.

You try to turn around to the others in a fruitless attempt to still save yourself from your end. But Belphegor pounces forward, the top of his head ramming against your chest. The initial impact knocks all air out of your system; it feels like your ribs have been hit with a sledgehammer. You can’t even scream out your pain before your body hits the floor. You slide across the unforgiving floor and you're not sure what pain to focus on first.

Breathing hurts like you're being stabbed in the chest with each inhale. The back of your head throbs painfully when you try to move and the places your skin touched when you skidded across the floor burn. Not even given the opportunity to roll to the side before he’s on you again.

“...How can I express how I’m feeling right now? What can I do?”

Standing in front of you his face is painted with sad*stic contours. He has no intention of letting you go. Weakly you raise your hands in front of you. With his palm, he slaps them aside as he takes hold of your chin. He's crouched above you and he forced you to look up at him. The small motion makes your head pound and your vision blurry. His cackling laughter thunders above everything else

“You humans really are foolish, idiotic, weak creatures, aren’t you? Don’t blame me for doing this to you, blame yourself for trying to save me.” You can't see him anymore through your blurry sight, but his words drip like poison in your ears. You want to make a noise, anything but his hand moves from your chin to your neck and he squeezes.

“Hehe, does it hurt? Finding it hard to breathe? I'm sure it must be very unpleasant. You hit the floor pretty hard. I have to say, finally seeing a human’s face twisted in pain like this… Why it’s so much fun! I can barely contain myself!”

You think you hear him say something else. You’re unable to understand him over the ringing in your ears. The lack of sleep, the concussion you probably have from hitting the floor, and now being deprived of oxygen. Your body cannot handle all the stress it’s being put through and slowly you feel yourself slipping away. At last you hear a disgusting gurgling noise, like he’s clearing his throat.

Like breaching the water's surface you can unexpectedly breathe again with a wet shuddery inhale. It hurts, f*ck it hurts so much you cant think. Faintly you hear a loud thump, yelling maybe. Caring about will do you no good. You turn to your side to curl up, anything to get rid of the pain coursing through your body. Instead, your nose is flooded by the smell of pure acid. Blearily you open your eyes just long enough to see the floor boiling. Mere centimetres from where your face is.

You flinch backwards, as minimal as the movement is and you feel your stomach acid trying to worm itself up. Instead you try to focus on your breathing and finding a way it hurts the least. nothing really works but at least you're allowed to stop moving.

That was until there was suddenly somebody next to you again. Instinctively you tried to squirm away from whoever it was. Theyaregoingtohurtyouagaintearyouapart- Something large and cold touches your face and your eyes snap open again. He’s there, his large orange eyes frowning down at you with a firm determination in his gaze.

“Pretty, oh pretty pearl please look at me. You're, uhm, you're going to be fine! This isn't anything that hasn't happened before. I think-”

A wet sob tears through your throat. Or was it a laugh? You don't know but you laid all your weight into the hand that was busy trying to cradle your head. “Mammon– wheres, Mammon…?'' Levi actually scoffs at you before carefully turning your head side to side, maybe he is looking you over for any injuries. “Don’t worry about him, the moron is strong enough to hold himself against Belphie. Focus on yourself.”

“I can't– why do I always mess up everything” Levi hushes you as he takes your full body weight. You hiss and curse as moving your body still hurts way too much. Apologies spill from his lips, you know he’s trying to get you away from the danger. The danger that are his brothers, your breathing becomes harsh again.

Now you're not as focused on getting yourself to safety or accepting death, you become slightly more aware of your surroundings. There is still so much noise surrounding you. Loud thumping, the sound of bodies colliding against each other and the little furniture there is in the room. The brothers are still shouting and growling angrily, you don't want to understand them.

Levi has you cradled against his chest and a wave of déjà vu makes your eyes watery. It is so hard to remain awake now you know you wouldn't be hurt in his arms. “I messed up so bad didn't I?” You feel like crying, you can't.

“What? No way, nobody would have expected a plot twist like this.” He pauses for a second to yell something, probably at his brothers. You push your head firmly against his chest and hope they quiet down as the ache in your head becomes unbearable. “If anything it's Mammon being his usual idiot self and not listening to you… Hey, hey now. I now know better, so you better stay awake!”

Startling yourself lucid again as you were unaware you were starting to drift asleep. You murmur something against his skin, probably saying something about how much everything hurts and everything is too loud- You shock awake again as Levi is shaking you again.

“Not on my watch. I'm not allowing you to fall unconscious again while you're in my protection.”

“Dude, I’m so going to pass out.”

“Well dude, don't do that. That’d be so uncool of you”

You danced on the thin line of awareness and dreamland for some time, you think. Levi was talking to you and each time you did not respond fast enough according to him he’d shake you awake again. Once he did it too rough and it felt like your chest was being stabbed, he made sure to be a bit more gentle about it. One time you tried to ask about his brothers but he silenced you with the tenderest kiss on your forehead. “Fretting over dumbasses is no use. Worry about yourself and just keep listening to me okay? I’ll help you like you helped me.” You blamed your misty eyes on your probably-mild-concussion.

At some point, Levi’s arms around you tensed. He had lifted you closer to himself to where your face was in the crook of his shoulder as you slung your arms around his neck. Well, as far as your arms could go around his neck. One of his large hands easily held up your body while the other cradled your head and back. The exhaustion was pulling more on your eyelids than any injury could, you’re babbling nonsense into his shoulder but he found it enough you're still awake.

For a moment you wanted to prop your head up to look at what got him so tensed. That was at least until the noise in the room exploded again after it had been relatively quieter. Quickly you shoved your face as deep into Levi's neck as you could. Anything to block out the noise. To appease Levi you complained about everything although you're not sure if the slurring sentences coming out of your mouth could even be considered English.

His body is sending you a lot of mixed signals. You feel him move significantly suddenly. He's been mostly in one place after he picked you up but you can feel him move around now. The strong muscles under his skin are tensing and relaxing continuously. At first, you didn't feel too concerned, but as you felt a slow growl building up in his chest you needed to put a stop to this.

You tried to lift your head again but Levi pushed your head down with a finger. Okay yeah, this needs to change. “Levi, what is happening, let me see.” He didn't remove the finger, but when you pushed against it he did not force you back down. There are a lot more people now. Even if they all seem a little blurry.

In particular, you notice how Diavolo and Barbatos are there now along with a bunch of other humans. Mammon is also standing close to your boss, speaking to him by the way his head moves. But he does not have his eyes on you, instead he looks at the ground and you ignore the sting of pain it brings you. The butler seems to be the bravest and takes a step closer to you when he feels your gaze fall on him. You suddenly understood it when Levi moved back in response with a warning hiss.

You pushed yourself even further away from Levi's chest just far enough to make the leviathan look at you. When you softly called his name his eyes looked at you. While they were slits when he looked at Barbatos, now looking at you his pupils were impossibly round and enlarged. You could barely see the orange and purple ring around it.

You placed your hand on his cheek, if anyone questions this behaviour you’ll just act more delirious than you actually are. Perhaps you don't have to act with how woozy you feel. With the contact, the subtle hiss made place for a low purr, probably unnoticeable were you not leaning against his chest. Levi leaned affectionately into your palm as if he fit in it. You whispered quietly to him.

“C'mon, you need to put me down and let me go to them, Levi.”

The pur was interrupted by clicks of displeasure but you shot that down. Even when he gave you the saddest puppy eyes when you did. “Levi, Love, I need medical attention and a good nap. I don't know how much longer I can stay awake, I'd like to be checked out by a professional before I fall asleep. okay?”

He whined pitifully but he did as you asked. Your legs didn't quite work in supporting your weight as you let go of his neck. Levi was already there, holding his hand out to keep you steady. After some more reassurances that yes I’ll be fine against his sad little warbles and clicks. You dared to take a step out of his reach. He chirped again but did not chase you. Turning around properly to see Barbatos standing a small distance away.

A painful pinch ran through your lung and you don't think you can do this alone. “Could you help me? I'm.. not that stable at the moment.”

The slightly unsure strain of his lips melted away as you finished speaking. Seemingly that was the only reassurance he needed as Barbatos confidentially stepped closer to you. He has an eye trained on Levi but the Leviathan was docile, laying with his arms on the floor, his gaze tracking each of your movements.

Barbatos placed a careful arm under your shoulder as he helped you along closer to the door, no idea you moved that far away. You almost felt weightless, you weren't sure if this was the concussion or lack of sleep but it felt like your feet weren't even touching the floor. The small distance he kept you talking, you understand why it’s so important but you were so tired.

Scorching heat touched your face and blearily you opened your eyes you didn't know had closed again to see bright blue. Simeon was speaking to you while he caressed your cheeks, but everything sounded like it was underwater. You felt yourself being passed around but almost everything was lost to you. Gently you were laid down on a brancard, hissing when the back of your head touched the flexible material.

They were trying to put that weird thing around your head to stabilise your neck surely, you can't remember its name. But you pulled yourself free to take one look to the side. Mammon was looking at you, he was hunched over with his hands almost touching the floor. You met his eyes, you weren't sure what expression you were wearing but his face flashed with sadness, anger and guilt before he looked in the other direction. If a tear spilt past you could blame it on the pain.

The medics tried to force your body to still to get the thing on. But you had to do one last thing. “What, what will happen– Please, don't. It’s not their fault-” The medics made way for another person. He’s back gently stroking your cheek and hair.

“Lamb dear, they will be fine. Barbatos is speaking to L-03. Diavolo got Mammon under control. And the other man... Uhm.. ah, Solomon is keeping 7B in check. Don't fret, he’s back in his cell. He won't hurt anyone anymore. I will make sure the two of them will get safely back to their room.”

You probably mutter something else back at him, but he had calmed you enough for the medics to force that thing on your head and strap you down. Something cold was pressed close to where it hurt the most and you were lifted before you could do anything else.

The whole time you were being transported you could faintly hear your best friend talking to you, his warm hand tightly holding yours. The ceiling looked like it was moving in ways it shouldn't and a sudden spurt of nausea urged up your throat. So you firmly closed your eyes and continued listening to him. Now and then during your trip a medic opened your eyes to flash a light into them but they mostly left you alone.

The scent of sterile air hit your nose like a familiar friend. You were being moved again, into one of those moving carts you think. There was more noise filling the room and you wished you could put your hands on your ears, but they held down your arms.

A lot of things happened around this time. Swearing you heard Simeon angrily address somebody but the increasing cotton in your ears made it hard to tell. You were moved to an actual bed and they all finally stopped touching you.

Once it was established you weren't about to die any second, as if you were, most of the medics left. Significantly reducing the volume in the room. some nurses littered around, all were waiting for one face to show up.

You slowly sat up from the lying position they put you in and nobody stopped you. Simeon lends you a helping hand on your back to help you get upright without any hiccups. Ah, it’s an ice pack he carefully holds to the side of your head. Okay, yeah, then you most likely have a concussion. You're unsure as to why breathing still hurts so much. He offers you a glass of water and you mumble out a thank you. You take tiny sips against the steadily growly nausea.

At last the face you were dreading pops in through the door opening. “I know I am on call for emergencies. But it’s never been used before. Who could possibly need my specific assistance…”

His cool coloured eyes landed on you and you cringed inwards a little. Even more so when his usual stoic and calm expression managed to shift into one of unfiltered displeasure. The person he was talking to noted his switch in mood immediately and quickly took their escape.

"Hiiii…. Raphael… How’s it going..?”

His lips pulled tight along with the frown on his brow. It's the fact you know he would rather die than curse or else you know he’d be swearing up a storm. You made one last attempt to save your skin.

“Let’s look at the positive here, I arrived conscious this time!”

“You say that as if it is something I should congratulate you for.” He loudly sighed and even Simeon next to you tensed at the sound. Remembering he was close you send him a pleading look, make sure he doesn't kill me instead.

Simeon shifted closer to the doctor, but the man picked up a clipboard and pushed Simeon to the side with the edge. “I don't care. Tell me what happened and what the injuries are so I can make a diagnosis and come up with a treatment.”

Raphael dragged over his chair to the bed you were sitting on, pen at the ready. Simeon took his place next to you on the bed, offering his hand. You tightly squeezed it and began the story of what exactly happened.

You were doing relatively fine, all the way until Belphegor’s part came. The nausea came back tenfold. Somehow Raphael managed to see it on your face and seemingly magic-ed a bucket for you to throw up in. During your retelling, you made sure to not look at either face. Especially when you came to the parts admitting how since Belphie’s arrival you could barely get in a wink of sleep without night terrors. With the tightening of Simeon's grip, it was crystal clear how he was feeling about it.

Slowly, and throwing up only twice after Belphegor jumped you, you managed to get the whole event out. Deciding it was better to keep out everything he told, rather said to you. Knowing neither Simeon nor Raphael would be able to tell your secret, as it was already clear you could barely recount what happened after your head hit the floor. Along with the fact Levi was so determined to say Belphie wouldn't hurt you. This means there used to be a different Belphegor underneath it all.

After you explained how you arrived at the medic ward you slowly trailed off and fell quiet. Raphael mostly let you talk, he asked a question or two for clarification on certain things. But he was mostly writing everything down. No doubt to present to Diavolo later. Simeon hasn't said a word since you began.

You dared to glance up at him where you had your head hanging down. Simeon wasn't exactly looking at you, his eyes glued to where he was holding your hand. His stare was hard and cold. For once in your life, you couldn't discern the expression on his face. Nor the expression he was feeling. It left a bitter taste in your mouth.

Raphael, bless the man, seemed to take notice of his friend's mood as well. He called out Simeon’s name, then twice before he seemed to take notice.

“You know where the patient scrubs are? We’re going to do a full-body scan and they’ll need new clothes afterwards.”

His reaction was slow, his mind was occupied with something and you couldn't tell what. When he stood up he gave a strong squeeze with his hand before he left with a determined stride. As soon as he left the room Rahpeal raised an eyebrow in your direction.

You didn't speak a word, you didn't know either. However, there is one thing you did know for sure. Even though you planned to let the three meet to create peace, you did the exact opposite. Mammon didn't listen to you. Even against direct orders to create safety he went ahead and freed Belphegor. They’ll know Mammon had access to restricted information on your account if he even felt an inch of desire to know.

In his eyes you are a monster now, imprisoning his younger brother. Denying him freedom. The harpy– Your best friend feels no remorse for his actions you can almost say with certainty. Even if he probably feels guilty you got caught in the crossfire.

You hang your head in your hands as regret fills your being. With a pained sob that constricted your breath, you got one last thing out.

“I ruined everything, didn't I?


I've been so busy with life that it's a little insane? if I tell you normally I don't have anything going on it would be the truth. just like Levi, I'm very introverted. But for the past two weeks I've been more outside my house than inside! And all the while I've been having great inspiration too. Let me write and draw damnit!

Better news, we get to learn more about Mammon and Levi in the next chapter! The three of them will finally talk about some VERY important unspoken issues they have been kinda ignoring

Goldfish in a Bottle - Lucky_Fluffy (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.