Mother Knows Best: A Loud House Fanfic - Pixelectrical (2024)

Mother Knows Best: A Loud House Fanfic - Pixelectrical (1)

----- A little Prologue for context -----Mother Knows Best: A Loud House Fanfic - Pixelectrical (2)

Four less sisters and seven years later, the Loud House was significantly more quiet than it once was. Despite most of his older sisters moving out, nineteen year old Lincoln, along with Leni, had no thoughts of doing the same.

Summer had come around. His father had taken the younger siblings out to Aunt Ruth's for a week, leaving only three to reside in the house of Loud for a time: Lincoln, Leni, and their mother, Rita.

For Leni, it would be a normal, albeit quiet, week. The same would not be said for the other two...

----- Story -----

The day started off like any other. Lincoln walked downstairs, smartphone in hand, wearing only the shirt and underwear he wore to sleep. The only boy in the house took a seat in the middle of the couch, a blanket to his left and the remote to his right, and turned on the TV. When the show he tuned into ran to commercials, he pulled out his phone and checked his social media.

His timeline was filled with pictures of well-endowed women he was following, defining features exposed or barely clothed. He forgot to switch off of his alt account before going to bed. Initially, he wasn't bothered, but as he continued scrolling down, a particular piece from "Thicc_QT", one of his favorite models, caught his eye.

The image before the white-haired boy consisted of the woman, her left hand placed to her hip, showcasing her mountainous rear. The only piece of clothing covering her was a pair of thin yellow panties, appearing as if they might snap at a moment's notice.

A good portion of her face was cropped out of the picture, leaving only her lips to be seen, curled into a smirk. Despite that, Lincoln knew who it was. He had seen her countless times before. After all, she was friends with his sister, Leni.

He admired "QT's" backside for quite a bit. The angle, the choice of clothing(or lack thereof), the pose, the smirk, and especially the centerpiece that was her posterior. It was a sight to behold.

By the time he put his phone down, he noticed the elephant in the room.

Before him was the monster in his underwear, erect and pointing upward. Once he put his hand on it, it stiffened more. And to add insult to injury, his legs fell asleep.

"Oh, no.", Lincoln gulped. "What am I gonna do?".

The answer was obvious to him, but he had to think about the situation presented to him: He was in the living room, the central point of any house, with an erection bigger than some of his action figures. Could he really just do "that" without getting caught?

"Hmm...", Lincoln began thinking. "Mom's asleep and Leni's in the bathroom, and she takes forever. You know what? I think I can do this.".

It was decided. It was worth a shot.

He began to pull off his underwear, unleashing the beast from it's cage. He spent a moment to let it bask in the room temperature enviroment, which felt like the cool air of autumn compared to the warmth from his body heat.

After that, it was time: His embrace in the right hand and his phone in the left, showing the image that started this.

"Look what you made me do.", Lincoln whispered to the phone, a husk tone coming from his voice.

"It's because of you, I'm this hard. You and your...", he began to trail off.

"...Your hand. And, and your smirk...", He muttered.

"...And your big... fat... f*cking... BOOTY!".

His hand, wrapped around his shaft, started off slow then getting faster and faster. His eyes focused only on the pictuce of "QT", focused on her smirk, focused on her enormous ass.

"Yes... Yes... Oh, yes. I-I can do this. Yeah, yeah, I can do this.", Lincoln moaned.

He wasn't close yet, but he knew he'd get there. Wouldn't be much longer until-

His head immediately shot to the right as he heard the door to his mother's room slowly start to open up. If she saw him doing "that" in the living room of all places, she'd have a fit. It didn't help that his legs were still asleep. He noticed the blanket to his left and put it over himself as fast as possible, hoping it would be enough.

The door opened as Lincoln's mom, Rita, was exiting her bedroom, wearing only a bathrobe, which did barely enough to cover her large breasts.

"Oh, morning, Lincoln.", she yawned, mustering her best attempt at a speaking voice.

"U-Uh, morning, Mom.", her son stuttered, turning his head to look at her, trying to come off as casual as can be with what he had between his legs.

Fortunately for Lincoln, his mother was still half asleep, so she did not question why there was a big lump under his blanket or why he had one over himself in the summertime. As she slowly walked around the couch, she mumbled something to herself about coffee.

When the freckled boy saw that his mother turned her back on him, he quickly checked under the blanket to see if his problem had subsided. To his dismay, it did not.

He turned his head back to his mom. She walked as slow as ever, still facing away from him. Unbeknownst to his conscience, his eyes lowered to stare at her behind.

It was quite huge, comparable to the models he admired in private. Each slow step she took made her doughy cheeks wobble like an unstable wagon on a bumpy road. The bathrobe she wore, while doing the bare minimum in covering the upper half of her body, failed spectacularly in hiding most of the lower half. You could even see her massive ass bare if she were to bend over.

As Rita walked out of view and into the kitchen, Lincoln snapped out of the trance he was in.

"Did I just... check out my mom?", he thought to himself. "Well, she does have a lot of... a lot going on. It's hard NOT to notice, after all. Plus, people always say that looks amazing for her age...".

The boy tried to rationalize for a minute why he stared at his own mother's backside like that. Conflicting feelings flooded his mind. Could it be that..?

With his boner still hard, no thanks to his wandering eyes, and his legs still asleep, he pondered his options: Could he finish before she returned? Could he try and hide it until she left for the day? Was there another solution hiding in plain sight? He was at a fork in the road, time feeling faster than usual.

Before he had time to choose the first option, he heard footsteps from the kitchen, approaching the living room.

Rita arrived in the living room once again as she took a sip from her mug. The blonde that had passed through the living room like a fairytale giantess now walked to her destination in a more normal manner, her defining features jiggling less.

"Aw, man.", Lincoln bellowed in his mind. "Now, I gotta hide it.".

The bottom-heavy milf took a seat on the sofa to her son's right, noticing something was... off about him. From the strange look on his face to the blanket he had over most of his body, she could tell that something was up. It seemed as if he was hiding something, glancing at the lump under the blanket, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions.

If Rita had to tell the truth, she had walked in on Lincoln undressing a few days ago. She had seen what he had down there, even if it was only for a moment before immediately shutting the door, shouting out "Sorry, sweetie!". She couldn't believe it. She was astonished by it's size.

On that day, conflicting feelings rose in her mind. Could it have been that..?

"Are you okay, honey?", she asked concerned. "You're not sick, are you?".

Being hit with the sudden question, Lincoln had to come up with an excuse his mom could believe.

"Oh, uh- N-N-No! I-I'm just cold. T-That's all.", he answered, hoping she would take it at face value.

"During the summer?", she added.

"Y-Y-Yeah.", he continued. "I t-think the AC m-might've blown all the c-c-cold air into my room. Yeah, I'm p-pretty sure th-that's it.".

The mother and son locked eyes for a moment. In reality, it was only a few seconds, but for Lincoln, it felt like a few minutes.

"Oo-kaaay...", Rita said, taking another sip from her mug. "Well, you just sit there and ... warm up, I guess.".

The anxious boy let out an exhale of relief from his nose, surprised he was able to talk his way out of what could've been the most embarrassing situation he'd ever had with his mom, hell, anyone in general. Then the curvy blonde got up from her sofa, leaving an obvious imprint on the cushion her huge bottom sat on.

"You mind if I change the channel?", She asked.

"Oh, sure, uh, help yourself", he insisted.

She slowly walked to the coffee table where the remote sat, her boobs reacting like gelatin to her movement. The closer she got to the couch, the more suspicious the lump in the blanket appeared. In a lazy attempt to grab the remote, it slid from her hands, falling down on the floor, closer to the boy on the couch, closer to that odd lump.

When the pear-shaped mother bent over to retrieve the remote, eyes focused on the lump, she knew what it was. It was only for a moment, but she could tell. The shape, the size, even the slight throb through the covers. She knew exactly what was up.

She didn't say a word about it however, as she didn't want to make her and/or her son feel awkward. During the moment she inspected his "little" secret, Lincoln stared at his mother's tremendous booty. The bathrobe had fallen off enough to see what he could of it bare, as it glistened in the late morning sun.

After this unintentional exchange of glaring at one another, the son looked the opposite direction as the mother started back to her seat, but not before pulling down her bathrobe.

As Rita flicked through channels, Lincoln tried his best to come up with non-lewd thoughts, in hopes that his problem would shrink down. Somehow, it was working. Slowly, but surely, his schlong started returning to it's flaccid state. Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way for long.

After a minute of flicking, the blonde had finally stopped on the weather channel.

"No, no, no, no, no!", the white-haired boy cried out in his mind, as the monster he had almost conquered returned with a throbbing rage.

The woman on screen, reporting on the weather for the week, had huge breasts. Her suit wasn't buttoned all the way, allowing for some of her chest to be seen.

"And I was so close, too!", Lincoln pouted internally. He tried to hide his issue the best he could as the reporter continued.

According to the reporter, it was expected to be around 90-100 degrees fahrenheit at the absolute hottest. She walked over to the other side, her cleavage bouncing up and down, continuing that there'd be a moderate chance of rain later into the week.

The weather report concluded.

"You know...", Rita began. "I'm kinda shocked they allowed her on set, especially with tit* like that. I swear, those things were going crazy every time she moved".

"Yeah. Uh, right.", Lincoln agreed.

Finally, after what felt like forever, his legs awakened from their thousand year slumber. Under the blanket, he tested to make sure they could move properly, from crossing his legs to curling his toes.

"Now's my ticket out of here!", he thought to himself. He began to get up off the couch.

"Well, I think I'll just go back to my room, now.", he announced to his mother. "Maybe the cool air laid off in there.".

Once he was on his feet, he began stretching, bones popping like bubble wrap. As he raised his arms out, the blanket covering him ascended with them.

"Okay, dear. Hope you feel better.", his mom said, knowing more than her son thought she did.

During his stretching, the blanket that had covered the freckled boy's body thus far, started slipping out of his hands. Once he realized this, it was too late. And like that, the blanket dropped dead on the floor.

Hearing something fall, Rita quickly turned to Lincoln, only to find him naked, his big hard co*ck revealed to her.

"OH!", she exclaimed, getting up from her seat. The now exposed boy began stammering, his face beginning to glow red. He was unsure of the outcome, so he expected the worst.

"Lincoln, sweetie, calm down." she spoke softly. "You're not in trouble, okay?".

In the midst of his panic stricken attempt to explain himself and apologize at the same time, he abruptly paused, "Wait, I'm not?".

"No, not at all.", she reassured him, stepping closer. "I'm just shocked by how... big it is... Plus, I kinda already knew, ha, ha.". The white-haired boy's face had gained a darker color of red upon hearing that.

Despite the mixed signals Lincoln recieved, his erection stood tall, throbbing proudly. Both stared at it for a moment.

"How long has it been hard for?" Rita began to ask. "Uh... Around ten to fifteen minutes before you walked out the bedroom?", Lincoln replied.

"Huh...", She crouched down to observe his member. As it continued it's rhythymic throbbing, she took a look at his testicl*s, which also appeared quite sizeable.

"That's a good bit of time this big 'ol thing's been hard, huh." She responded, then asked a question both she and her son would've NEVER expected to hear from one another:

"You don't mind if I... feel it, would you?"

Lincoln was at a lost for words.

"First my mom sees my meat, and now she wants to touch it?", he thought to himself. He couldn't come up with an answer, but something else did the job for it.

"Uh, sure.", he answered, not from his brain or from his heart, but from his dick.

After being granted access, Rita began to fondle her son's genitals. She put one of her hands on his skyscraper of a penis, slowly sliding up and down from the base to the head, while occasionally rubbing the head with her thumb in a circular motion. The other hand lifted his balls. They felt as heavy as they appeared, looking as if they grew in size.

The freckled boy stared at his mom, essentially giving him a handjob, as slight moans of pleasure exited his mouth. The delicate touch of her hands on his gigantic shaft had gotten him harder than before, small clear droplets coming from it.

"Oh, Lincoln.", she giggled, eyes shifting to his face then back to his crotch. "Now we HAVE to do something about this."

"Um... Do you think we have enough time for that?", Lincoln muttered hesitantly.

"Of course.", she answered. "Leni's in the bathroom, and you and I both know she takes forever. We have more than enough time to ourselves, honey.".

Lincoln stared into space for a moment, then looked down to the monster below in a throbbing fury.

"Okay.", he decided. "Yeah, let's do this.".

"Good boy.", the mother thought to herself as a warm smile showed on her face. "Let's head into my room, just in case.", she said out loud.

As the two entered the bedroom, they took off what they wore. With what little they had covering them now laying on the floor, both were completely naked. Lincoln took a good long look at his mom, her sizeable breasts jiggled as did her large ass.

"So, any ideas on what you'd like?", Rita asked, her fingers wandering across her body.

"Hm... Lay on the bed.", he answered.

"Oh, you mean like this?". The blonde laid on the bed as her son demanded, her voluptuous backside sticking out upward.

"Perfect.", he smiled.

He got up on the bed with her, his penis twitching in excitement as it got closer to her bakery of a behind. He was really about to do this. He was about to f*ck his mother.

"You ready, dear?", she asked. "Yeah... Yeah. I'm ready.", he replied in eagerness.

Lincoln had placed his enourmous co*ck on Rita's massive booty.

His moans were almost immediate, as it sunk down into her cheeks. Soon after, he put his hands on her ass, his hips now moving back and forth.

"Aw, man! Oh, f*ck! Oh, yes!", he let out in delight, watching the top of his embrace disappear and reappear from the milf's immense bottom. She giggled, recieving satisfaction in the fact that she was getting her son off.

He slowed down, allowing her soft cheeks to massage his member, pressing his hands on them for more effective stimulation. Once he stopped altogether, the blonde started shaking her waist, her dumptruck jiggling in the process. A pattern emerged: He'd go at a good pace, slow down, then stop and let her buns jiggle on his sausage.

After a few minutes of hotdogging his mom in this pattern, Lincoln's hips sped up as he began smacking her doughy ass, as a racer would to their horse.

"Mom?", he called. "Yes, honey?", she responded.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna...", he uttered.


His grip on Rita's wobble wagon tightened as his pride fired onto her back, covering her with his warm white seed. His body slowed down as he tried to catch his breath amidst his moans. He took a moment to observe the mess he made on her back before moving over to the bed to lay next to his mother.

"Wow, Lincoln. I knew there was a lot, but I didn't know you had THAT much in you.", she commented. "If only I'd have known about this sooner.".

"Yeah.", he replied, still taking deep breaths. He laid there, relieved. He thought that a buttjob from his mom was all he needed. That it would be enough.

"Uh, Lincoln?", he heard his mother call. He turned to face her, notioning him to look forward.

He was taken aback by what he saw before him. The monster between his legs had not let up.

"I think you still have more to spare.", she added.

He watched it throb for a moment before he sat up on the bed.

"You know what that means...", he spoke up, no longer winded from his last cum rush.

The bottom-heavy blonde, with no words said, stuck her heavy booty out like last time.

"Ready when you are, sweetie.", she smirked.

Lincoln positioned himself on the same spot of the bed, met with the same sight of his mom's rear as last time.

This time however, he penetrated her meaty ass.

"Oooh!", Rita let out from the impact of his huge dick entering her.

"Did that hurt?", her son asked concerned.

"Don't worry, Lincoln. I'm fine. I just... Haven't felt this way in a bit.", she reassured him. "Just keep going.".

Only a third of his meat was in her. With a gulp, he slowly inserted more of it in.

"Mmmmmmm...", the mother moaned as the rest of his penis made it's way into her.

Once all of it was inside her ass, a question was asked by Lincoln: "You ready?".

The answer from Rita: "Yes, honey.".

The son's hips began moving back and forth. Her wide load would meet his pelvis each time he shoved his humongous co*ck in and out of her. The pleasure both felt was immeasurable. It was satisfaction the curvy milf desired- no, NEEDED for so long.

"Oooooh, Lincoln! Ooooo! Mmm, yes!", she shouted, making her pleasure known to her son.

"Oooh, aaah! Ooooh, Mom!", he moaned back.

Lincoln's member was in esctasy. And to think, he'd been using his hand to try and please it around half an hour ago, and now it was going in and out of his mom's gigantic rear. He'd have never thought it would happen, but he was glad that reality didn't disappoint for once.

During this, he also thought about each time he stared at the blonde's irresistable posterior, from the sweatpants she typically wore that complimented it to the bathrobe that failed to cover it. He thought about each time it showed itself to him, each time it jiggled at his direction, each time it had beckoned him to f*ck it.

He started huffing and puffing as he began slamming his meat into her doughy bottom faster.

"Oh! Ooh, Lincoln! Ooooooh, Lincoln!", Rita yelled, the lust overtaking her as it did the boy behind her.

"Mom! I... I'm gonna cum again, Mom!", he announced in the same volume. He was reaching his limit.

"Pull it out, sweetie! Pull it out! I'd rather clean the sheets before...", she trailed off. Doing as she said, Lincoln started pulling his large shaft out of her ass, feeling about as good as it did when he pushed it into her.

A popping sound emmitted once his tower of a dick exited his mother. After that, he put it inbetween her sizeable cheeks again, thrusting faster and harder. This was it. It was coming to a close.

"Ah! Uuh! Oooooh! Uunf! Yes! Yes! Oooh, yeah! Ooooooh, yes!", he shouted.

"Cum for Mommy, honey! Cum for Mommy!", she responded.

Lincoln had reached his climax.

"AAAAAAAAHH! OOOOOOOHHH, MOOOM! OOOOOOOOHHHH, MOOOOOOOOM!", he screamed as his big, hard, throbbing co*ck shot thick loads of his sem*n up in the air, only to land back down on Rita, covering her huge booty in the white goo. His moaning, as did his rapid thrusting of the milf's ass slowed down until he eventually stopped, winded from another good time with his mom.

The exhausted boy observed his crotch only to be met with a shrunken penis. It was over. The monster between his legs was pleased.

He went back to the same side of the bed he laid on when he first exerted himself.

"Wasn't that... Wasn't that great?", the blonde next to him asked.

"Yeah.", he answered inbetween deep breathes. "What a rush.".

"We should... do this again soon.", she suggested. "Consider it 'mother/son bonding'.".

"Yeah...", he repeated. "Yeah, we... should...".

"That's my boy", she smiled to herself.

The two laid on the bed for a while until-


They both jumped up as darkness consumed the house.

Leni could be heard shrieking from the bathroom upstairs.

"Strange...", Rita spoke up.

She went to the window and peeked through the curtain. A dark gray sky met her.

"It wasn't supposed to rain today.".

----- End -----

Mother Knows Best: A Loud House Fanfic - Pixelectrical (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6354

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.