Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

a a a a 1 a Dee. 23, (Mo.) LEADER-PRESS Today's Market For complete stock market details, read The Daily News, regularly, 1:30 STOCKS Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner 209 S. Jefferson Phone UN 9-2591 2:30 NEW YORK TIME Du Pont Penney (C) Eastman Kodak Phelps Dodge Emerson Dis. Electric Philip Morris Ford Phillips Pet. Gen.

Dynamics Radio Corp. Allied Stores General Electric Republic Steel Allis Chalmera: General Motors Reynoida Tob. American Airlines Gen. Tele. Safeway Stores American Molora Gillette St.

L-San Fran American Standard Greyhound Sears Roebuck American TO Gulf Oil Socong Mobile American Tobacco Central Rand Anaconda Cop, Harvester cal. Beth. Steel Sid. Oil Borg Warner Kennecott Copper Sterling Drug Burroughs Lisa Myers Studebaker Chrysler Tulip Swift Co. Montgomery Ward Tena.

Gas Continental Airlines Motorola Texaco Dayco NY Central Union Carbide Deere Co. Olin-Mathieson United Aircraft Dow Chemical Pacific Pet. United Air Lines Livestock (The Union Stockyards of will be Christmas closed Friday in Observance holiday.) LIVESTOCK HOGS Salable 100. Supply small. Too few of any class to establish prices.

SHEEP AND GOATS Salable 25. Too few of any class to establish prices. CATTLE AND CALVES Estimated receipts 650, including 600 at regular cattle and call sale. Terminal supply very small. Too few sales of any class to establish prices.

Too few sales at mid morning to establish prices at auction, Cash Grain Courtesy Springtield MEA Milling Market Company CORN No. 3 shelled $1.30 WHEAT Hard Soft BARLEY 48 lb. test OATS Bob Hope Hurt, Show Goes On BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) Bob Hope is going on with the show despite two ligaments in his left ankle that were torn when somebody shoved him off the stage. With his ankle taped, the 63- year old comedian performed Wednesday night for King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Sirikit, and about 200 guests at the Royal Palace grounds. He was to give another show in Bangkok today, and a spokesman said he didn't think the schedule in South Viet Nam would be affected.

Hope and his troupe leave for Saigon Friday. SAFE LEFT BUTTERFIELD Burglars entered the post office here Wednesday front door night by breaking the glass, pulled the but safe left about a without foot from the wall, taking or opening it. Barry County Sheriff Bill Hemphill theorized they were frightened away. Postmaster Mrs. Paul Sisco reported nothing taken.

U.S. WEATHER WEATHER DATA FOR SPRINGFIELD Temperatures: Highest yesterday 65; lowest yesterday 33: lowest this morning 511 highest this years 72 in 1964: lowest this date in 78 years 5 in 1963; high a year ago 72: low year ago 40. Precipitation: Rain or melted snow from 6 a.m. yesterday to 6 a.m. today heaviest rain this date in 78 years 2.86 in 1932.

Sun: Rose this morning sets tonight length of daylight 9 hours, 36 minutes. Data supplied by U. S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau: first column. highest temperature second, lowest last night: third.

precipitation dur: ing past 24 hours ending 6 a.m. Stations High Low Prec. Albuquerque 34 .24 Amarillo .05 Birmingham Boise Boston Buffalo, N. Chicago Columbia Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth Fort Smith Fort Worth Kansas City Little Rock Los Angeles Memphis Miami Beach Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Omaha Phoenix Pittsburgh Sail Lake City Seattle St. Louis SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington West Plains Wichita MISSOURI Showers and thundershowers tonight and Friday.

Turning coldFriday, Low tonight in 500. High Friday In 000. south to upper treme northeast. ARKANSAS Mostly cloudy and mild through Friday. Showers tonight Friday 62 to Lowe spreading east Friday afternoon.

Highs KANSAS Southwest winds 25 to 30 mph east shifting to northwesterly late today and tonight. Rain southeast, snow northwest and raja or snow northand south central. Colder over most Friday rain or snow south. and 800W elsewhere Colder south, Low tonight near northto 35 to 40 in southeast. High Friday to 30 northwest 35 to 40 south- Produce U.

S. Rubber Steel Upjohn Western Union Westinghouse Southwest Missouri eggs: Market weak. Prices 1 cent to mostly cents lower. Supplies tally ample for the rather slow pre-holiday clearance. Few lots of Large 2 cents above quoted range.

Prices paid to producers, cents per dozen, candled and graded after livered to door. of buyer, cases exchanged. for 24. hours ending at 10 a.m., Thurs day. Eggs priced under buyer quality and volume incentive.

Consumer grades: Large or better, 40-42: A Mediume, A Smalls, Large, 37-39: Dirties and Checks. 25. Sales to Missouri breakers: Market unsettled. Trading very light. Too few reporting to quote market, Prices paid by breakers, delivered to dock.

32 pounds minimum average, cases exchanged for 24 hours ending at 10 a.m., Thursday. Noon OTC Quotes (Reinholdt and Gardner) Bid Asked Anheuser-Busch A. Chance Carboline Chase Nat. Life Ling Tempo Midwest Fire Mid-West Nat. Amer.

Modern Sec. Life Ocean Drilling Ore. Ida, Ozark Air Prog. Securities (wo) R. C.

Can Russell Stover SI. L. Ship. Fed. Barge Tidewater Marine Tower Nat.

Life Edwin L. Wiegand Noon Prices Mutual Funds Quotations Bid Asked Affiliat 9.20 9.95 Chemical Fd. 16.52 18.06 Divid Shrs. 3.90 Bal. 12.84 13.87 Eat Stk.

16.62 Fidelity Fd. 20.23 21.87 Inc. Invtrs, 8.19 8.95 Mass Inv. Tr. 18.75 19.95 Mass Inv.

Gr. 10.85 11.80 Telev El Fd. 9.92 10.81 Welling Pd. 14.83 16.16 One William Street 15.96 Puritan Fund. 11.28 12.19 Cap.

Trend. 13.99 15.21 30.91 Fidelity 28.44 Nat. Inv. 20.29 21.94 Sec. 7.15 Nat.

Sec 9.50 10.38 Nat. 5.23 5.72 Nat. 10.34 11.13 Children, Lawyer To Share $9350 In Court Award Circuit Judge Jack A. Powell has awarded $9350 damages in a $74,700 damage, suit filed against Rachel Skidmore, Kansas City, and Jerry Lee Matherly, Route 7. Cars driven by the defendants and Mrs.

Frances Sue Bass, Route 4, collided June 10, 1964, at Kansas and High. Children of Frances Sue and Guy Bass, Jr. were passengers in the car driven by Mrs. Bass. Beverly Jean Bass, 3 years old when the suit was filed Nov.

24, 1964, was awarded $6500 damages. Ronald Dale Bass, 6, was awarded $600, and Donald David Bass, also 6, $2250. The judge awarded one third of the total judgment to Charles D. Martin, attorney for the plaintiffs. Three-Car Accident Hurts 2 Youngsters Tamera Cantrell, and her brother, Howard, 2, children of Mr.

and Mrs. Ragsdale Cantrell, 913 East Locust, were taken to Burge Protestant Hospital for treatment of injuries suffered at 11:20 a.m. today at Jefferson and Division. Tamera suffered possible nose fracture and both children received possible head injuries. AAA ambulance attendants, who took the children to the hospital, reported the youngsters were injured in three-car crash.

WEST PLAINS (Special) Construction of a bulk fertilizer plant here by the Gulf Oil to be leased to the PeaseMoore Mill, will begin soon and is scheduled to be finished by early spring. The complex will include a bulk fertilizer blending plant, storage areas, office space, and a weighing facility. Prees: Wirephets RAIN- Snow is forecast northern Thursday Plains. night Rain for the central Rockies and showers are expected along the north central Pacific Coast, the upper Great Lakes region, the middle Mississippi Valley, central Plains, and the Colder temperatures are predicted In the central Plains. Deaths AURORA Funeral services for Morris H.

Toalson, 45, Aurora, who collapsed Sunday while directing musical per formance and died Wednesday, will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the First Christian Church here. The Rev. Robert M. Simpson and the Rev.

Michael McGinnis will officiate and burial will be in Maple Park Cemetery in Aurora under direction of Marsh. Mr. Toalson had been directing a number of the Ozark Belles, members of the Sweet Adelines, and was acknowledging applause when he collapsed and struck his head on concrete floor at the Kraft Foods plant in Springfield. He died at 8:34 a.m. Wednesday in St.

John's Hospital in Springfield. An autopsy was performed Wednesday morning, but results were not available. A member of the First Chris tian Church and the Optimist Club here, he is survived by his wife, Georgia; two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Ann Minger, Springfield, and Mrs. Judy Lea Matney, Wichita, his father, M.

H. Toalson, Springfield; a sister, Mrs. Barbara Rowton, Austin, and two granddaughters. MORRIS H. TOALSON MRS.

L. D. KELLER Funeral services for Mrs. L. D.

Keller, 51, wife of well entertainer L. D. Keller, 1723 East Florida, were to be at 3 p.m. today in Ralph Thieme Chapel with the Rev. George A.

Wilson officiating. Burial was to be in Greenlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Keller died at 10:30 p.m. Monday.

in Burge-Protestant Hospital. MRS. OTIS AMIS Mrs. Anne Belesakos Amis, 64, Kansas City, former resident of Springfield, died Wednesday in St. Joseph's Hospital in Kansas City, Born in Belgium, she lived several years in Springfield 1 before moving to Kansas City in 1939.

She was a member of Holy Trinity Catholic: Church, and Woodsmen of the World Club in Kansas City. Surviving are her husband, Otis; two sons, John N. Smith, Sandy, and Louis J. Smith, Raleigh, N. three daughters, Mrs.

Elena Angelo, Shawnee, Mrs. Mary A. Perkins, Ottawa, and Miss Georgia Belesakos, of the home; a brothJohn N. Schmitz, Kansas City; 18 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m.

Friday in Holy Trinity Catholic Church with burial in Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Kansas City, Kan. RETHERFORD INFANT Thomas Allen Retherford. 12- day-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

Dwayne Retherford, Route 2, Fair Grove, died at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at St. John's Hospital. Officials at Jewell E. Windle Funeral Home said an autopsy was performed but results were not available.

Other survivors are two brothers, Ronald and Lawrence, and a sister, Tammy, all of the home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. MRS. FREIDA ARBEITMAN Mrs. Freida Arbeitman, 74, a former resident of Springfield, died at 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday in Valley Presbyterian Hospital in Van Nuys, Calif. She was the widow of Nathan Arbeitman, who owned several shoe stores in Springfield for many years. He died in 1946. Surviving are two sons, Ben J. Arbeitman, 1041 East Stanford, and Harold, Sherm a Oaks, two daughters, Mrs.

Charles Lazerus, North Hollywood, with whom Mrs. Arbeitman lived, and Mrs. Max Lam, North Hollywood; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Friday in North Hollywood. MRS.

WILLIAM CHILDERS Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Laura Childers, 72, Route 1, Nixa, will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday in Herman-Lohmeyer East Chapel with the Rev. Eugene Arney officiating. Burial will be in Maple Park Cemetery.

Mrs. Childers died at 1:15 a.m. Wednesday in Burge-Protestant Hospital after short illness. MRS. AMY CAMRON NEOSHO Mrs.

Amy Camron, 83, a resident of Neosho 10 years, died at 10:05 p.m. Wednesday in Sales Memorial Hospital here after a five-day illness. A former resident of Mt. Vernon, she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Seaton, Mojave, Mrs.

Doris Neill, Neosho, and Mrs. Thelma Beggs, Van Nuys, two sons, Charles and Hubert, both of Modesto, two sisters, Miss Netta Henrichs, Denver, Colo, and Mrs. Gertrude Jennings, Springfield; eight grandchildren and 13 greatdren. Max L. Fossett of Mt.

Vernon will announce arrangements. Turn sweaters and wash them inside out. This method lets the wrong side of the garment bear the brunt of any agitation or friction. The matted balls that form from laundering then will be on the wrong side and can be removed with a stiff brush. Daily Record SPRINGFIELD.

POP ALMOST 100,000 ALTITUDE: 1324 FT. CLIMATE: FINE HENRY LEE FREEMAN Henry Lee Freeman, 66, of 2044 North Grace, was dead on arrival at 2:10 p.m. Wednesday at Burge-Protestant Hospital after an apparent heart attack. A member of Central Bible Baptist Church, Mr. Freeman was a retired custodian.

A native of Ozark, he came to Springfield in 1943 from Pottersville. Surviving are his wife, Carrie Mae; two daughters, Mrs. Faye Jennings, 1717 West Smith, and Mrs. Wilma Price, 2107 North Grace: three sons, Hobert, 2029 North Grace, Harold, 2059 North Grace, and Lee, Nixa. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs.

Louis Jordan, Lucien, and Mrs. Martha Homan, Verington, and 19 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 12:30 p.m. Friday in Thieme Chapel with the Rev. Gilbert Thomas officiating.

Burial will be in White Chapel Cemetery. CHARLES MATHIS MONETT Charles Mathis, 80, McDowell community, died at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in St. Vincent's Hospital here after short illness. A retired farmer, Mr.

Mathis is survived by two sons, Joe, of near Galena, and Max, Pittsburg, Kan. a sister, Mrs. N.A. Williams, Kansas City; and four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m.

today in Buchanan Chapel here with the Revs. Tim Larkin and Charles. Hemphill officiating. Burial was to be in Sparks Cemetery near McDowell. MRS.

WILLIAM J. DENTON MOUNTAIN GROVE Mrs. Effie Elizabeth Denton, 80, Mountain Grove, died at 1 a.m. today in Texas County Memorial Hospital in Houston after short illness. She was injured in an automobile accident some time ago near Bendavis, but hospital authorities said her death was not related to injuries suffered in the accident.

A lifelong resident of Texas and Wright counties, she was member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband, William James; and five brothers, Riley Hutsell, Mountain Grove, Clarence, Rockport, Eli, Colorado, Ival, Independence, and Ancel, Conway. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Barber Chapel here with the Rev. Homer Smith officiating.

Burial will be in Number One Cemetery, north of Huggins. MRS. MARY MURRELL SEYMOUR Mrs. Mary (Frankie) Murrell, 90, died at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday in the home of a daughter, Mrs.

Arthur Gore, Seymour, with whom she lived. She was a lifelong resident of Wright County until seven years ago when she moved to Seymour. Her husband, Leonard Murrell, died in 1963. Surviving, in addition to her daughter, are two sons, J. Seymour, and Route 2, Hartville; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be at p.m. Friday in Seymour Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Wilbur Cravens and the Rev, L. E. Stapp officiating.

Burial will be in Steel Memorial Cemetery in Hartville direction of Bergman Miller of Seymour. ALBERT ELI SIGMAN WILLOW SPRINGS Funeral. services for Albert Eli Sigman, 79, Route 2, Willow Springs, will be. at 2 p.m. Friday in Pine Grove Church with the Rev.

Gerald Montgomery officiating. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery under direction of Burns. Mr. Sigman, a farmer, died at: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in his home.

Surviving are three brothers, Horace, Charley and Roy, all of Willow Springs; and two sisters, Mrs. Effie Mitchell, Willow Springs, and Mrs. Iva Richardson, Lebanon. JESSE R. MOORE LAMAR Jesse R.

Moore, 85, Lamar, died at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday in Barton County Memorial Hospital where he had been three weeks. Born in Woodstown, N. Mr. Moore was member the Presbyterian Church.

He of was a retired railroad engineer and member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Surviving are his wife, Jessie; two daughters, Mrs. Iris Marshall, Joplin, and Mrs. Phyllis Hamilton, El Centro, son, Glenn, Minneapolis, and 12 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Arrangements are by Bruce Konantz of Lamar.

MRS. NELL PAGE WALNUT GROVE Mrs. Nell Page, 78, a longtime Walnut Grove resident, died at 6:30 a.m. today in Dimmitt Memorfal Hospital in Humansville where she had been a patient six weeks. A member of Turkey Greek Baptist Church, she is survived by nieces and nephews.

She was the widow of Edgar Page. Doyle 1. of Walnut Grove will announce arrange. ments, RALPH W. BEAMER LAMAR Ralph W.

Beamer, 68, Lamar, died at 2:55 a.m. Wednesday in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City, where he had been three weeks. Born in Barton County, Mr. Beamer was a veteran of World War IL. Surviving, are three sisters, Mrs.

Roxa Crouch, Lamar, Dr. Maude Beamer, Kansas City, and Miss Lilly Beamer, Los Angeles; and two brothers, Paul, Los Angeles, and Fred, San Diego. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Bruce-Konantz Chapel here with the Rev. Roy Wheeler officiating.

Burial will be in. Waters Cemetery near here. CLAUDE GROVES MILLER Claude Groves, 79, Ruidoso, N. former Miller resident, died Monday in his home after three-month ness. Surviving are daughter, Mrs.

Margarette Burton, Ruidoso; and two sons, Ryan and Le. roy, both of San Angelo, Tex. Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. today in Morris-Leiman Chapel here with the Rev. Floyd Friar officiating.

Burial was to be in Brick Church Cemetery southeast of here. MRS. SUSIE PETERSON MOUNTAIN GROVE- Mrs. Susie Olive Peterson, 78, Route 1, Mountain Grove, died at a.m. Wednesday enroute to hospital in Springfield after three-month illness.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Thelma VanBuskirk, Iowa Falls, Iowa, and Mrs. Erma Rogers, Mountain Grove; a sisters, Mrs. Vera Wilson, Harlingen, a brother, Leonard McDowell, Pierre, S.D.; and five grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.

Friday in Craig Hurtt Chapel here with Lynn Hixon officiating. The body will be transferred to Wagler Funeral home in Griswold. Iowa, for services at 2 p.m, Sunday and burial in Flint Cemetery. LON W. WILSON BRANSON Lon W.

Wilson, 68, Hollister, died at 11:30 p.m. Monday in Skaggs Hospital here after a lingering illness. Surviving are his wife, Reba; a son, Donald, New York; a sister, Mrs. Gladys Blunk, Hollister; two brothers, Alfred, Springfield, and Carl, Sacramento, and three grandchildren, Funeral services were to be at 10 a.m. today in Whelchel Chapel here with Dr.

R. M. Good officiating. Burial was to be in Ozark Memorial Cemetery. MRS.

JIM VALENTINE MOUNTAIN GROVE Funeral services for Mrs. Shirley Valentine, 30, a former resident of Mountain Grove, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in the Barber Chapel here. The Rev. Darrel Friend will officiate and burial will be in Manes Cemetery, Mrs.

Valentine died Tuesday morning in St. Margaret's Hospital at Kansas City, following a lingering illness. Death was attributed to cancer. She was a graduate of the Plato High School. Survivors include her husband, Jim, of the some at Kansas City, son, James Dale; three brothers, Billy, Larry, and Ricky, sister, Kathy, and her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Fletcher, all of Graff. Also surviving are the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Pittenger, Lynchburg, and the paternal grandfather, Cleve Fletcher, Mountain Grove. WALTER C. WALLACE BRANSON- Walter C. Wal.

lace, 70, Branson, died at 4:45 a.m. Wednesday in his home after an apparent heart attack. A member of the Branson Christian Church, Mr. -Wallace was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, Ethel; son, George, Enid, two sisters, Mrs.

Bollie McCray, Moline, and Mrs. Frank Hodges, Aspen, and three grandchildren. The body will be transferred to the Watts Funeral Home in Moline, for funeral services at 2 p.m. Friday with burial in Moline Cemetery. MRS.

FRANCES TURPIN CASSVILLE Mrs. Frances Lula Turpin, 88, of the Hill City community, died at. 10:30 p.m. Tuesday in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Letha Amos, Oklahoma City.

Surviving are another daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Roden, Jenkins. several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren. Funeral services were to be at p.m. today in Culver Chapel here with the Rev.

Clyde MeCormack officiating. Burial was to be in Arnhart Cemetery near Purdy, WALTER G. KREMP LAMAR Walter G. Kremp, 71, Route 3. Lamar, died 10:45 a.m.

Tuesday in his home after an apparent heart attack. Born in Barton County, Mr. Kremp was a retired farmer, Surviving are his wife, Ollie: son, Harold, Route 3, Lamut; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. today in Chapel here with the Rev.

Roy Wheeler officiating. Burial was to be in Lake Cemetery here. BIRTHS Mr. and p.m. William Ghan, Mans- St.

field, To Mr. a Denald McCarty, Route boy, 8:41 p.m. Wednes: To D. Garrison, 1:18 Thursday, St. To Mr.

and Donald 405 Nichols, boy. 10:32 a.m, Wednes: das. To Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Buffalo, a boy, 7:37 a.m.

Thursday, Burge-Protestant. FIRE ALARMS Grass fires reported Wednesday 2015 West Kearney, 12:34 p.m. 3054 Benton, 12:47 p.m.: 1840 West Hoves, 1:27 p.m./ Kansas and Division, 5:44 Cher Kansas and Division, 5:43 p.m. Grass fire which started Cherty and Chadwick line railroad tracks, 6:27 p.m. Wednesday, spread across fleids before it controlled at Barnes Lane, Firemen said blaze reached lumber varda but serious damage LOSSES REPORTED Maxine Elliott.

Pythian, ported loss of sweater Gary Hesse, Route 2 theft of two hub cape from car Missouri State College C. E. Heath. 3000 West U. re ported theft of caliber rifle from Some between Nov.

29 and Dec. James Mondy. 2221 West Olive, reported theft of hub cap from car home Tuesday bight. Lorene Carskaddon. Route Republic, reported theft of four cape from First Baptist Church Tuesday night.

BRIEFS SISTERS AGED 15 and 13, who had hearing two weeks ago in juvenile court, returned for further hearing today. Juvenile Judge Douglas W. Greene placed the two on probation after he found that the differences with their mother had been cleared up in the last two weeks. TRIAL IS SET for Jan. 6 in magistrate court for Mari Mitchell Keithley, 23, Route 3, Galena, a service station attendant.

Keithley pleaded innocent Wednesday to an insufficient funds check charge in connection with a $29.86 check given Sept. 11 to Shopper's Fair. Keithley remains in jail a $500 bond. A 33. YEAR OLD Western Grove, man, arrested for investigation of vagrancy Tuesday night, was released Wednesday without charges after check disclosed he was not wanted elsewhere.

PAUL J. HARRIS, 2724 West Sunshine, charged in Webster County with a no check, is also charged in Greene County with defrauding an innkeeper, Harris, who remains in jail in Marshfield under a $1000 bond, is accused here in connection with an unpaid bill of $350.52 at the Lamplighter Motel. MRS. RALSIE McELHANY, 73, Route 2, Republic, who died Dee, 2, left an estate of 84, including $15,000 in real estate, according to an inventory on file today in Greene County probate court. WALTER B.

ATON, 64, of 1307 South Jefferson, electrical contractor who died Dec. 4, left an estate of $36,730.35, including accrued salary of $20,710 from the Aton- Luce Electric Company, according to an inventory of the estate on file today in Greene County probate court. THE SPECIAL SCHOOL district of St. Louis County will consult next week with David W. Berryman, director of vocational, technical and industrial education for the Springfield public school system.

Berryman will talk with an architect and school administrators in working equipment out needs building for a plans new and cational school to serve 27 schools in St. Louis County. MEN WHO CAN qualify as radio operators are being sought by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, according to Capt. C. W.

Huston, commander of Springfield's Troop D. Examinations for applicants will be given at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 12 at Troop headquarters in Jefferson City. Men who are interested in applying for jobs, with salary starting at $415 a month, may obtain more information from the state patrol.

BY THE WAY Dr. Roy Ellis, president emeritus of Southwest Missouri State College, recalled his senfor days at the college as he watched the tall campus smoke. stack being dismantled Wednesday. Ho said he remembered climbing the stack in 1912 to remove a banner flown by the junior class. The stack, built for coal-fired furnaces, is being removed by Heinnecke Company, polis, for $5500.

GROUND BREAKING JOPLIN Eugene F. White, president of turned Autotronics, Wednesday the first shovelful of dirt at the site here of new plant for the firm, which moved here from a St. Louis suburb with the aid of $550,000 industrial bond is. sue approved In September. Actual construction will start in two weeks.

Always keep a rubber mat on the floor in front of your fuse box to eliminate the possibility of shock in case your concrete I I I I I basem*nt floor is damp. Magistrate Court Civil and Betty suit account Finance Against Wesley and note: aka set for Jan. 11. and Nancy City Lewis, Finance suit on $218.04: against Jimmy set for Jan. 12, Johnson, account Sima, suit: against Judgment for plaintiff Charles for Biedermans against default for possession of tv set stand.

TRAFFIC COURT Ella Martha Elkins, Wheaton, fined $10 for failure to yield right of why. fined $10 for improper lane and $10 Janice Watmough, 736 9 Walnut, for leaving scene of accident William McKinley Waldman. Boone, Iowa. fined 85 for running stop sign. 3142 For speeding James Stacey, East Portland, fined Robert C.

Route 6, $10. POLICE COURT Marvin Jones, Pleasant fined $16. for drunkenness Brown, 2134 East Bennett Perry: 622 South Kansas, Eugene R. Stephens, 717 South Park. Janice Taylor, 1411 East Lombard.

George Wood, 2010 East Page. NEW RESIDENTS Herbert W. Elwood Road from Stockton. Danny E. Misemer.

1239 Fender Drive from Kansas City. CHANGE IN LOCATION Orval Ikerd 11. 2533 West High from 1637 East Central: William D. Jones, 1400 East McClernon from 833 South Nettleton. Ronald Sartin, 616 North Brown from 2545 North Campbell.

Vance Sumner, 1064 Locust from 815 South Market. Forrest Windham, South Luster from 1124 East Portland. CITY UTILITIES NEW CUSTOMERS Sycamore Inn, addition. 203 South Glenstone, $59,800. Cleo Rooker, addition.

716 War. nut. $1000. C. W.

Roberts, garage, 1801. West Lynn, $700. Jess Erwin, enclose porch. 2430 North Park, $500. Mrs.

Masers, roofing. 1121 Concord, Hugh Thompson, carport, 718. North Brown. $150. County Homes of Tomorrow, six-room dwelling, 628 Sylvania, $11,500.

Huff, remodeling 3411 West Mo. 266. $3500. 1256 Sonny Prince Inmon, Avenue. five $10,000.

room dwelling, Wes Price, dwelling, 1263 Prince Avenue, $10,000. Wes Price, five room dwelling. 1255 Prince Avenue, $10.000. BUILDING PERMITS CITY Marriage Licenses APPLICATIONS FILED Marvin H. McCullough, 42, of 700 and Alice Evans.

47. El Dorado Springs. Ronald Ray Bennett, Marshfield and Theresa Ann Herren, 17. Route 5. Don Glenstone, Lamar and MeTeer, Marilyn 18, of Faye 1111 17, of 2817 West Kearney.

Presley, Michael Blades. 19, Route Republic. and Patricia And Rolufs, 21. DIVORCE CASES PETITIONS FILED Jo Ann Buff against Ted L. Buff.

FEDERAL COURT CIVIL CASES Jerry W. Hayes, state of Arkansas, against Dan Neugebner, state of Mi souri, asked $10,101.38 damages for loss of tractor truck, trailer and merchandise Oct. dismissed 20, on 1964, in motion Texas of plaintiff. County collision: CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL CASES Harry Cooper Supply Company against George Glendenning, asks $3194.80 in ac. suit.

William Springfield C. Churchill. Laundry asks Company $1026 against damage suit. nesday. An 18-year-old youth complained that he and two friends were In his car in the Mill Road vicinity of Sunshine and Ingram Wednesday afternoon when newspaper carrier nit his car with papers the name youth and said the he man called the man turned around his and came back; the youth said he and locked friends the rolled doors the windows up and the and the man broke window with his fist: they license number; deputies contacted the man.

who said he was tired of kids and aggravating break him and did lose his temper would the window: he said he before wait he for made the youth restitution: to file charges 11:37 p.m, Wednesday K. Williams, Route Willard, ported his finding additional items Dec. home, which was burglarized 17; the new items are a jewelery box and containing costume jewelery, purse, some of his daughter's his. Tory notes: 8:38 a.m. Thursday.

radiators Mullen reported theft of eight Auto Parts, and 3211 12 West batteries Mo. from 266; Truxan SHERIFF'S OFFICE woman complained that her son-inis drinking and had called and threatened to kill her: she advised he showed up: 2 p.m. Wed- Non-Farms Jobs Up in Missouri For 9th Month JEFFERSON CITY (AP) Missouri's non-farm employment has gained for the ninth straight month, rising to 600 by mid-November. The state Division of Employthat ment Security reported today was an increase of 4,100 over October and 43,400 more than a year ago. Herman Julien, director, said seasonal increase of 2,400 in non-manufacturing industries and 1,700 in manufacturing accounted for the gain.

The total civilian labor force in November was 1,892,700, down 45,100 from October. Unemployment totaled 58,500, an increase of 1,500 over October but down 10,400 from ago. The unemployment rate at year mid-November was 3.1 per cent compared with 3.7 per cent year ago, Bose Named for Air Defense in Europe WASHINGTON (AP) Maj. Gen. George V.

Underwood, who has been chief of Army information for five years, will become commander of all U.S. Army air defense units in Europe, the Pentagon announced today. in He will to headquarters Kaiserslauten, West Germany, abou Feb. 14. Underwood trip currently Viet is on an inspection to Nam with the Army chief of staff, Gen.

Harold K. Johnson. DIAMOND Robert Fuller, stationed at the George WashIngton Carver National Monument bere since 1952, has been section assigned of to the the public Jefferson relational rial in St. Louis, which includes the new waterfront arch. POLICE CALLS Lawrence Lines, 904 East Monroe, reported theft of 1963 Corvette from rear of Lines Music Company, 219 South Jefferson.

between 3:30 and 5 p.m. Wednesday. AUTO ACCIDENTS Car driven by Harvey, 1844 East Bennett, struck parked car owned by Ivan Ellingsworth, Route 2. Rogersvile, and two parking meters in 400 block West McDaniel, 9:30 a.m. Wednes day.

driven by Mark Shepherd, 717 West Chicago, and W. Wyatt, 1857 North Delaware. collided and Shepherd auto hit parked truck by J. Freeman, 2523 North National, 1200 block East Commercial, 12:55 p.m. Wednesday.

V. Cross. Jr. 2253 Concord, charged with driving with Improper brakes after colliding with track driven by S. C.

Shelledy, Route 2. Willard, at Atlantic and Lyon. 4:40 p.m. Wednesday. Ford Against Employe Sears Roebuck Store reported check cashed by man Dec.

17 had been returned from Union National Bank, where an official exthe account had beer closed because he had Police written too many checks against it. said the man's mother reported per 500 had been receiving treatment and she had been paying off his checks. Lige Jordan. 53, of 532 North Weaver, was taken to Handley Hospital at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday after suffering for in possible heart attack on parking 300 block West McDaniel.

Punitive Use 103 Profs Write Protest to LBJ WASHINGTON (AP) House Republican Leader Gerald L. Ford said today the draft call not be used for punitive purposes. Ford's statement, made publie by his office here, gave a bipartisan flavor to protests raised in Congress and in some legal quarters about the reclassifying of a number of Michigan students as 1A. The students thus put into the prime draftable group had staged sit-ins at a draft board office in Ann Arbor, Mich. as an anti-war protest.

Ford said Selective Service should be used only to supply the required number of men for the armed forces. Any violation of law, be added, should be punished under regular statutes, not by means of the draft. In another development, a group of prominent law professors sent letter to President Johnson, urging him to say that "the draft will not and legally cannot be used as a weapon to stifle criticism of administration policies, or to impose conformity on issues which vitally affect the American people." The letter, signed by 103 professors from many leading law schools, criticized Lt. Gen. Lewis B.

Hershey, director of the draft, for saying that students who took part in "unlawful" demonstrations would be reclas. sitied 1A. The letter said there were "serious doubts" about the legality of this procedure. Gravel Truck Dumps Train ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) saw.

foundations seats ripped and from their passengers thrown into a jumble. One man's arm was dangling. Another's leg looked like it was broken." Mrs. Ed. Kellina of Houston, was describing her view after a fast-moving Santa Fe railway passenger train hit a loaded gravel truck at a crossing.

Two locomotives and five cars were derailed, ripping out 400 feet of Twenty track of the near train's Disneyland. 200 passengers were injured and the truck driver, Bernard Ray Franco, 20, of Orange, was killed instantly. Police said witnesses told them LanFranco drove through flashing red lights at the crossing into the path of the train. The train, traveling 65 miles an hour, on run from Los Angeles to San Diego, careened off the rails and skidded for a quarter mile. Board Votes to Fire Joplin Plant Leader JOPLIN (Special) Harry Yedor, president of American Fixture, which moved here from St.

Louis more than a year ago and employs about 300 persons. said he has been asked to resign. He had been with the firm 20 years and its president since January. Board Chairman Alvin Mendle confirmed that Yedor had been relieved of his duties following a vote of stockholders and directors: termed it a "regrettable business The firm manufactures department store display fixtures. Parkview's FBLA To Aid 2 Chapters Parkview High School's chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America will Install two FBLA chapters in nearby towns.

Representatives will go to Willard High School Jan. 12. A date has not been set for the visit to Marionville. Those going from Parkview will be Terry Hilton, President; Pam McMullin, vice-president; Frances Glenn, secretary, and Mrs. Dorothy McClure, spon sor and the installing officer.

Give your expandable blood to an unexpendable American..

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.