Stain robber had asked to be arrested United Press International AUBURN, Maine An unarmed man felled by a blast from a policeman's shotgun during a robbery attempt pleaded with two police departments to arrest him hours before he was killed, authorities said Friday. Relatives of Joseph Richard Libby, 21, of Lewiston, said police refused to provide the help the troubled man so desperately sought, and charged officials with covering up the The News-Leader Saturday, August 25, 1984 5A entire story, "He hadn't committed a crime, he knew he hadn't committed a crime," said Androscoggin County Sheriff Joseph Laliberte. Libby early Monday evening spoke with sheriff's deputies asking to be locked up. Shortly thereafter he made the same request at the Lewiston Police Department. "'He came in and said he wanted to get arrested and that's a fact," said Lewiston Police Capt.
Laurier Dehe- tre. "'He said he'd been drinking or and have organized a protest march something and needed for Sunday which will lead past the Later that night, bluffing that he police station and nearby restaurant. had a gun in his pocket, Libby held Libby had a history of minor arthe assistant manager of the Denny's rests and was scheduled for a court restaurant in Auburn hostage in a appearance the day after he was robbery attempt. killed. But police said they could find Within minutes, police entered the no outstanding warrants, so he could restaurant and killed the would-be not be detained.
robber with a single shotgun blast at Officials said police were justified blank range. shooting Libby since witnesses repoint Several local residents are out- ported they thought they had seen a raged police shot an unarmed man gun. Fire sweeps through crowded rooming house The Associated Press ASBURY PARK, N.J. Fire raced through a rooming house Friday morning, killing a woman and her son, and 12 other people were injured, some as they jumped from windows. "It looks like there was arson," said fire Capt.
Louis Severino. Authorities said the blaze began about 5:20 a.m. in a wooden stairway that residents of the Jefferson Motor Inn said had been the scene of a fire 24 hours earlier, It was under control by 6 and third-floor were jumping windows, out land in the pool, I think, but they didn't make it," said Scott Carr, whose girlfriend and her three small children escaped without injury, his wite and son had died. "I left my Judith Arose, 39, and her son, Ken- wife and kid up there. I yelled to neth Fitterer, 17, died when they them, but I don't know if they got were trapped in the bedroom of their out." third-floor efficiency apartment while Jane Schoninger, 46, Ben Codner, her husband, Raymond, escaped, said 60, Paul Blesses, 20, and an unidentipolice Capt.
Frank DiBiano. fied man in his 20s were in critical "AIL I know is I heard the alarm, condition with extensive burns at the opened the door and saw a bunch of Jersey Shore Medical Center, said flames," Arose said before learning "spokeswoman Bobbe' Nicotetti: Beautician cuts robbery attempt short ATTENTION PARENTS! United Press International GREENVILLE, Ohio A beauty salon manager said Friday she foiled a would robber by scaring him so badly he threw two bags of money into the air and ran off. Sara Wade, 23, said she yelled, "I'm not giving up," while pursuing the -age thief, prompting him to throw away the bags containing $300. "I stopped to get them and he disappeared into said Ms. Wade, who manages the Heritage House Beauty Salon in Greenville, about 30 miles northwest of Dayton.
Ms. Wade said she saw the teenager sitting behind her desk when she walked to the front of her salon about 3 p.m. Thursday. "He had two of our money bags under his arm and when approached him he asked if he could help me," she said. said, 'What do you think you are and he jumped up and ran out the front door," she said.
Ms. Wade followed the robber through two nearby parking lots, lost sight of him for a moment and then spotted him crouched behind a car. She ran around the car and he started to flee, but turned first to look at her, she said. Ms. Wade then yelled to him she wasn't giving up and the money bags went flying.
Registration for students in kindergarten through grade six in the Springfield Public Schools will be held on Wednesday, August 29, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in each elementary school. A child must be five years old before October 1 to enter kindergarten and six years old before that same date to enter first grade. Parents should bring, for students entering for the first time, a birth certificate, and proof of compliance with the state's immunization law. Classes for all students in the public schools start on Tuesday, September 4.
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