The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

0 0 0 0 0 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30. 1953 American Stock Exchange Issue 100's Close chg. Fox Brew Fuller (G) -H-I GatineauP pf5 2 105 Gellman Mig 3 Gen Accept 6 Gen Alloys Gen BidS Plywd Cp Gen Ply pf 1 Gerity-Mich. 4 Giant Yellow.

7 Gilbrt (AC) 7 31 Glen Aldn 48 Glenmore 1a 4 Gobel Inc 5 Goldfield 14 2 1 Gr Rap Var .40 4 Gray MigCo 1 9 Gt A 4b 125 Gt Di7 GtLakes 103 GIN 2.40a Greer Hydr .40 19 Griesdieck 2 Haelan Lab HallLamp 10d Htfrd El Harv Brew HathawyBak 1 11 HavLith. 25. Hazeltine Hecla Min 3 HelenaR Helena A 1 2 Heller 1.20 11 Hercul Stl .20 6 Hoe Co A 1 7 Hollinger 4 Holophane pf 5 104 Humble0 2.28 18 69 HydroElS 1 HygradeF 24 Ill Zine 1.60 Imp Oil .80.. 8 Imp Tob Can 2 Ind pf 4 985 InsNAm 2a 90 IntHyE Int Petrol 1d. 44 InvRoyal 29 Ironrite 1 O'Mahny (e) 25 5 Jim Brown Str pf 5 2 Jupiter Oil.

..211 Kaiser-Frazer 26 Kennedy's 1.20 3 Key Co Kidde (W) 2.. 4 KingsCoLt .60 2 KirbyPetrl (el 11 Kirby Pet Knott Hotls 1d Kobacker .80. KroppFrg 18 Laclede-C 1.40 16 L'AiglonAp .40 LakeShrM LakeyFdy. 80d 8 Lamson .60. LanstonM Lefcourt 1.40.

Le Tourn LibertyFab LockeSteel LoneSGas 1.40 10 29 LaLandExp 2a Lynch Corp 1. 14 Me Pub 1.20 Mapes 2.40a 39 1 14 McKee B2.40 24 McWms Dr 1d 7 MeadJohn 3 Menasco 30 MerrittCS wts 4 Mesabi 16 MichBmp 15 MicroHone 1e 2 MidStsPet (e) 39 Midland Stl 2 2 Midvale Mid-West Ref 3 MillerWohl .40 Mining Can 1d 7 Mo Pub Srv 1d 3 22 Molybdenum 1 20 Monogram Pic 4 Monon Power pi 4.40 .84 13 MtnSts Tel 6 110 Muntz TV Inc 4 MurrayOh Muskegon 2 Muter Co .60 N-0-P Namm's Loes. Nat Alfal (e) NatBI1Hss (e) 18 25 Fl .80 25 Nat Phoenix. 222 11 Nat Radiat .60 103 Nat Research NatRhM 1.200 21 Nat St Nat Trans 3 Nat Un Radio 00 NestlLeM 1 New Brit DO 17 NEng TT 8 113 New Hav NwHavCk pt NJ Zine 3.. 17 41 NwPkMin 13 NY Hond 2.95d 27 Merch .40 83 NY Shipbldg.

29 NiagShre Niles-Bm 1.20a Nipissing Non-Ferr Met 40 Northeast Air 6 No Can Oils. 27 2 NoAmRay pf3 43 NIndPS p4 97 Oklah Gs 2 1 Okonite Old Town (e) OldTown cm pt Oliver Un Filt Olymp RT (e) 8 0'Okiep 6.64d Pacif Cn 1 Pac 5 rd pf Pac 5 rd pf A PaGE pf 00 JAN. 29, 1953 Sales in Net Sales in Net Total Transactions 470,000 Shares -B-C Sales in Net Issue 100's Close chg. ABC Vend 6.0 26 ACF Brill wts 5 Acme 2 AcmeW 2.40 Aero Sup 6 Ainswth 17 Air Assoc 4 Airfleets 2 Air- El 1.20 1 Ala Gt Sou RP 8 Alaska Airins 14 Allegh wts 26 2 15-16-1-16 Allegn Airl 91 AllAmEng wd 7 Allied Prod 2a 26 Altes Br AlumCo Am AmLaundry Marac 10d 2d 8 2 Am Meter 2.. 2 AmRepCp 60 AmThread 4 Anac Ld 81 3 Anglo Oil Ltd Apex Electric 8 Argus Cam 4 Ark Gs 73 ArkNG A.60d 116 17 ArkNG 6p1.60 Aro Eqp 11 Asso A.

136 AtiCstLn 5a 116 Atlas Corp wts 0. Atlas Ply 1 Auto Stl Pd .40 02 Auto Ayrshire Coll 1 Bailey 2 Baker (e). Bald Sec 32 Banff Oil 41 Barium Stl 5 Basic Refrac 1 5 Beck Sh 1.30 3 Beckman Inst 13 Bell Tel Can 2 39 Bellanca Air. 6 Benrus 3 Benson $650 Birdsb 1.20d 5 16 Blumenthal 1 2 Bohack 5 Brad Foote Braz LP id 9 Breeze Cps 2 BdgpGL 1.40 Co Brown 3 pf 3 2 Brn Dist .80.. 2 Brn Rub 13 Bruce Co 3 BuckeyePL .80 4 17 Budget Fin 4 xBunker 1a 8 Burma Mn Ltd 36 Burry Biscuit 4 Cable El Prod 2 .10 5 El Pw .60 13 Calv Cns 32 6 -1-16 Can South Oil 16 Cdn Atl Oil 13 5 7-16-1-16 Can Marconi.

32 CapCity Pr 2d 2 Cap Trn 3.90d 5 Carey 1. 5 Carnation 2a pf5 4 Castle 1.20a.. 1 Catalin 7 Cen Explorers 48 Cen Ill Sec Cp CnIllSc Cessna 28 Charis Cherry-Br .60 1 10 CircleW 1.60a 1 City Auto 02 2 Clark Cn Clarostat 11 Claude Clinch Cl Colonial 8 Colonl Sd 10b 2 Colts Mf 4a 70 Col Mach CmmdreH Con Engr .40. 12 Con Gas 9 14 Con Min 13 ConRoyal 8 Cont AirL 2 8 Cont Fd 11 Cornu Gld Mn 2 Coro Inc 14 10 Corroon pf1 5 Cosden Pet 1. 4 Creole Pet 6a.

Croft Co CrowlyM Crn Pet 14 1078 Crown ConAtI Sg 31 CurtM 1.40d 16 D-E-F DaitchCr Davidson .40. Day Mines 2 Dennsn deb 8 Det Gr Ir 1 Det Stl Prd 2e Dome Explor. Devon Leduc 41 2 Diversey Dobckmn .80.. 1.40 A DomesFn 6 Dow Br Drilling Exp 14 Driver-Hr 2a 38 DuMont A 24 Duraloy .20.. 4 DuroTst 15de East 1..

19 EastGF Ea States Cp. 1 EaSts EasyW 19 16 El (e) 32 245 Electrogrph 1. Equity Cp 18 EquityCp pf2 Eureka CpLtd 47 Eureka Cp wts 29 Fargo Oils Ltd 9 Fed Pet Ltd. 10 Fire Asso 3 73 Flying Tiger 8 FordCan A 2a 67 Ford France. FordM Ltd 7 FtPittBrw NEW YORK COFFEE FUTURES CONTRACT Open High Low Close May 53.35 53.35 53.35 53.35 off 00 July 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.03n off 1 Dec.

51.95 51.95 51.92 51.98n off 00 Sales, 13 lots: n-nominal. PROPOSALS MILL CREEK PROJECT PA-2-17 The Philadelphia Housing Authority will reTIE INVITATION BIDS ceive bids for: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION (Including Demolition, Site Improvements and Utilities) HEATING AND VENTILATING (Including Distribution and Domestic Hot Water Distribution) PLUMBING (Except Domestic Hot Water Disribution) ELECTRIC WORK (Including Site Lighting and Distribution, LAWNS AND PLANTING of the Multi-Story Buildings. Nos. A1 and A2. containing fifty-nine dwelling units each.

No. containing sixty dwelling units: and the six Two-Story and four Three-Story Dwelling Units. Nos. Q1 and Q10. inclusive.

containing forty dwelling units--in all. two hundred and eighteen dwelling units- and a connected Boiler House at the MILL CREEK PROJECT. 46th and Aspen Streets. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania.

In addition to the GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Contract. separate prime contracts will be let for HEATING AND VENTILATING. PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL WORK. AND LAWNS AND PLANTING.

-Bids may be delivered by mail or in person to The Philadeiphia Housing Authority, 9th Floor, Robinson Building. 42 South 15th Street. Philadelphia 2. Pennsylvania, until 1:00 P. M.

(E S.T.). March 18th. 1953. Bidders may also deliver their bids between the hours of 1:00 P. M.

and 2:00 P. M. March 18th. 1953. to the Auditorium of the Board of Education.

Administration Bullding. Parkway at Twenty-first Street, Philadelphia 3. Pennsylvania. No bids will be received after 2:00 P. M.

(E.S.T.). March 18th. 1953. at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the auditorium of the Board of Education. Administration Building.

Parkway at TwentyArst Street. Philadelphia 3. Pennsylvania. Proposed forms of Contract Documents including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of The Philadelphia Housing Authority. 9th Floor.

Robinson Building. 42 South 15th Street. Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania. Copies of the Documents may be cbtained on and after January 30th. 1953.

by depositing $50.00 with The Philadelphia Housing Authority for each set of documents so obtained. Such deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the plans, specifications. and other documents in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. The A certifled check or bank draft, payable to Philadelphia Housing Authority. U.

S. Government bonds. or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and accepted sureties in an amount equal to five percent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and materialmen's bonds issued by satisfactory sureties. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications may be paid on this project.

The Philadelphia Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of (50) days subsequent to the opening bids without the consent of The Philadelphia Housing THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSING BLAIR AUTHORITY. P. LEE. Date: January 30, 1953.

Chairman. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by The Philadelphia Housing Authority for Furnishing. Mix1ng and Delivering 9200 Pounds of Grass Seed to The Philadelphia Housing Authority. at its Central Office, Ninth Floor. Robinson Building.

Fifteenth and Chestnut Streets. Philsdelphia 2, Pennsylvania, until 11:00 A. on Tuesday. February 10. 1953.

at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Form of Specifications. which includes the Bid and Bond Forms, is on file and can be obtained at the above specified address. THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSING AUTHORITY. P.

BLAIR LEE, Chairman. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE OF 1854 TONS FERROUS SCRAP OFFERED FOR SALE BY PANAMA CANAL COMPANY UNDER INVITATION 15 (previously called circular 14). will be received at Panama Canal Company, 24 State New York 4, N. Y. and at Office of Superintendent of Storehouse.

Balboa. Canal Zone, until 10:30 A. M. February 26. 1953.

Blanks a and information available at 24 State New York 4. N. Y. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT. ROOM 302.

this office until 1:30 o'clock P. Eastern City Hall Annex. Sealed proposals received 0 at Btandard Time, Thursday, February 19, 1953. in Room 313. Class UP Uniforms for Police Department, The form of contracts and bonds required to be entered into may be obtained in Room 715.

City Hall Annex. A. ALBERT CHERASHORE, Commissioner, -Counter JANUARY 29, Securities The prices are obtained from the National Association of Securities Dealers and other sources but are unofficial. They do not represent actual transactions; they are intended as a guide approximate range within which these securities could have been sold (indicated by the or bought (indicated by the at the time of compilation. Industrial Stock Week 49.50 Month High.

.49.67 1952-53 Low. N. Y. BANK STOCKS Issue Bid Asked Bk Amer 1.60 32 Bk Manh 1.60 34 Bk York 14a 388 400 Bankers Tr 2.20 Chase Natl 2a 50 Chemical 2 51 Continental Corn Exch Empire Trust 3 142 147 First Natl 20a 397 409 Fkin Natl te) Guaranty new 72 74 Hanover Bank 4 Irving Trust 1a 25 Manufacrs 2.80 Morgan. JP 10e 289 297 Natl City 2 52 NY Trust 14a Public 2a US Trust 14 288 298 aPlus extra or extras.

Cash stock. xExdividend. WORLD BANK BONDS Bid Asked 25 '54 2s '55 2s '56 2s '57 2s '58 2s '59 2s '60 2s '61 2s '62 '71 3s '72 '75 3s '76 '81 BONDS Issue AlanWdStl Bway41st Grahm-Pge 4s'56 NE Water 5s PhilaTr 3-6s PhilaTr U. S. TREASURY (YIELD Maturity June 1 Aug 15 U.

S. INSULAR Philippines Philippines Puerto Rico INDUSTRIAL Fabs Inc Inc pf 3 4 A 19 8 6 Candy 3 33 35 pf 23 25. Co 41 Rk Drydk Dist Oil Sul Chm 15 Mfg 5 Maid pf 27 i 48 wi DF Fuel 6 41 Co 8 Shirt 13 14 34 133 Stl Cem Refet 16 Sec 3 15 pf El 3 Cola Appli 14 Gold 19 pi 55 31 D'y pf 63 Dev 45 48 Tool 50 Rub 43. 44 47 Co Natl 1 Alg Std Arms 93 Rac 21 23 8 Stkr 19 Brd 15 17 28 Airc pf 13 17 15 Co Nt 3 pf 20 Corp 19 KF 43 46 Adv 25 27 Prod Cbn 52 57 21 Milling Screw 72 76 Wk 48 50 0 3 C1 Cl 17 pf 42 45 Prop 19 20 Mills 17 Corp 183 Oil 29 23 25 pf 87 93 30 Pd pf 6 pf 74 78 Rsh Inc 33 343 CI 14 Pkg 42 441 Inc Artists Dye Drill A Illum Print Potash 36 38 Sugar Truck Util Co 18 Conc 3 Cp 4 5 Sug Dare 25 Mfg Disny 12 13 PtMf 69 Stl Study Notes, Will In Dual Tragedy Special to The Inquirer READING, Jan. Police today studied the handwritten will and two other barely legible notes: in an effort to determine a motive that caused a Fleetwood stove works inspector to slay his stepdaughter and then commit suicide.

The three notes were written by William C. Himmelreich, 38, who shot himself through the heart with a rifle, probably on Tuesday night. Police said his stepdaughter, Annie Readinger, 17, was shot through the a head Monday bodies of the two were discovered in their Fleetwood home last night. The girl was the daughter of Himmelreich's wife, Helen, who died last May. Canadian Bomber Missing; 5 Aboard VANCOUVER, B.

Jan. 29 (UP). -A Royal Canadian Air Force twinengined Mitchell bomber was reported missing tonight on a flight from Saskatoon, to Vancouver. The Air Force said there were five men aboard. It was the second Canadian Air Force plane to vanish over southern British Columbia in two days, Obituary Mrs.

Charles S. Horn, Sr. REHOBOTH BEACH, Jan. Anna T. Horn, widow of Charles S.

Horn, pioneer business man of this resort, died this at Fairholm, a nursing morning, Seaford, where she had been for the past few months. She was 92, and the oldest local resident. Born in Wilmington, she first came here during the summer of 1882, settling permanently in 1899. Mrs. Horn was active at St.

Andrew's Episcopal Church in Wilmington in her youth and later was organist and choir singer at All Saints here. She had six sons, two of whom, the oldest William Arden New York City, and the youngest, Charles S. Horn, of Rehoboth survive. Services will be Saturday at 1 P. M.

at All Saints Church here with burial in the Wilmington Brandywine Cemetery. Charles B. Cox FREDERICK, Jan. 29 (AP). -Charles B.

Cox, who came from an old Pennsylvania hotel family and had operated hotels in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, died at his home here today. He was 76 and had been ill about a month. Mr. Cox was born at a hotel his father and operated at Millersville, subsequently mother, worked at the Eagle Hotel in Lebanon, the Updegraff at Williamsport, the Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia, the Colonial at York, the New City in Frederick, the Anthony Wayne at Waynesboro, and at Woodstock, and Hanco*ck, Md. Survivors include his wife: a son, Charles B.

Cox, of Miami, and a sister, Mrs. Daniel Thayer, of Frederick. Funeral services will be held here Monday, with burial at York, Pa. Mrs. Harry W.

Keely Mrs. Matilda C. Keely, widow of Harry W. Keely, political leader and city official, died Wednesday at her home, 2527 Aspen st. Mrs.

Keely was a member of the Philadelphia Turners and other German societies. Her husband, who died July 16, 1944, was Receiver of Taxes under the administration of Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick. He also had been a member of the State Legislature and was deputy clerk of Quarter Sessions Court at the time of his death. Mrs.

Keely is survived by a son, Harry of Easton, a daughter, Mrs. John Blood, of this city, and four grandchildren. Services will be held at 1 P. M. today at the funeral home of Andrew J.

Bair and Son, 3925 Chestnut st. Burial will be private. Mark E. Rissmiller, Jr. Rissmiller, READING, of 145 Jan.

N. 8th E. a clerk in the Philadelphia office of the Reading Co. for 30 years, died today at St. Joseph's Hospital, here.

He was 49. Mr. Rissmiller was a member of the Maidencreek Lutheran Church, Blandon, and six fire companies. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Mark E. Rissmiller, and two sisters, Mrs. John Tate and Miss Nettie Rissmiller. Funeral services will be held 2 P. M.

Monday at the Schaeffer Stump funeral home, Kutztown. Burial will be in Blandon Cemetery. Theodore J. Hopkins READING. Jan.

-Theodore J. Hopkins, manager of the Graybar Electric for the years, died this morning in the Reading Hospital, where he had been a patient for three weeks. 55 and resided at 302 Harvard Lincoln Park. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Hopkins moved to Lincoln Park six years ago.

He was an Army veteran of the First World War. Surviving are his wife, Thelma Hopkins; a son, Theodore at home; a brother, Leo A. Hopkins, of Palmyra, N. and a sister Mrs. Otto Klatt, of Owatonna, Minn.

Mrs. Leonard J. Tipton Mrs. Blanche Jessie Tipton, widow of Leonard J. Tipton, died Wednesday at her home, 5840 Theodore after a short illness.

She was 75. Mrs. Tipton is survived by four sons, Claire, Kenneth and Marshall, all of Erie, and Leonard, of ledge, Delaware county, and four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy McCoy, of Warren, Mrs. Sylvia White and Mrs.

Elsie Seabold, both of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Gladys Keen, of Bryn Mawr. Services will be held at 11 A. M. tomorrow at the Stroud funeral home, 600 N.

63d st. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Other Obituaries On Page 43 Art Center Registration Registration at the Cheltenham Township Art. Center, Ashbourne and Rowland will be held during the week of Feb. 9, it was announced yesterday.

28, 1953, NATHAN, husband of the late Rose, of 3137 Euclid father of Mr. David Bagel, Mr. Hyman Bagel, Mrs. Lillian Weinrach, brother of Mr. Bagel.

Relatives, friends are invited to funeral Memorial services precisely, Goldsteins' Chapel, 2129 N. st. Int. Mt. Sharon Cem.

(Shiva will be observed 3137 Euclid ave.) Of N. Wildwood, N. Jan. 28. 1953, WILLIAM aged 89 years, beloved husband of Mary (nee Law).

Servicees 8 P. at Ingersoll Funeral Home, Wildwood. Int. 10:30 A. in Greenwood Phila.

Friends may call Fri. eve. 27. LEO husband of EMMA M. (nee Stoffel), of 5959 Windsor ave.

Relatives and friends. employes Folcroft Motors Co invited to funeral 9 A. John P. Donohue Sons. 5400 Market st.

Solemn Requiem Mass, Most Blessed Sacrament Church. 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

Friends may call 7:30 to 10 P. M. on Jan. 27, 1953, ISABELLA. beloved wife of Russell Bowers.

Relatives, friends and employes of John Sidebotham. are invited to attend services on 10 A. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Effie Rossino, 4321 Waln st. Int.

Northwood Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. 25, JOHN husband of Edna J. Brady (nee Morrisey).

Relatives, friends and employes of Woodland Depot, PIC, and PTC League of the Sacred Heart. invited to funeral 9:30 A. at his home, 5232 Litchfield st. Solemn Requiem Mass, Church of St. Francis de Sales, 11 A.

M. Int. Cathedral Cem. Friends call Friday evening. Jan.

27. 1953. BRIDGET wife of the late Bartley Brett (nee Gallagher), of Stonepark. County Sligo, Ireland. Relatives, friends and B.

V. M. Sodality. invited to attend funeral on at her late residence. 2009 W.

Ontario st. Solemn Requiem Mass, Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church. 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Sepulchre. Viewing Fri. eve, his residence, 210 Upland Merion, on Jan. 27, 1953. FREDERICK K.

BUROUGHS. Service for relatives and friends on Saturday at 1:30 P. West Bair's. Laurel 1820 Hill. Friends Chestnut may st.

call Friday 7 to at interment 9 P. M. 27. 1953, ANDERSON husband of Frances M. Calhoun, of 7201 Wayne Upper Darby.

Pa. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services 2 P. John P. Donohue Sons. West Chester Pike at Lynn Upper Darby, Pa.

Interment Calvary Cem. Friends call Thursday, 7-10 P. M. CHAPPELL. 27.

of 308 W. Raymond BENJAMIN husband of Elizabeth McDonough and son of Benjamin, Sr. and Pauline Sherckx Chappell. Relatives and friends, employes of Motor Cargo, invited to services 11 A. Givnish Funeral Home, 5th st.

at Lindley ave Int. George Washington Memorial Park. Viewing Fri. eve. CHIARDIO.

-On Jan. 28, 1953, LEONARD, husband of Mary Chiardio (nee Ferri). Relatives and friends are invited to the funeral on Monday at 8:30 A. M. from his home, 932 Wharton st.

Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Annunciation at 10 A. M. Interment at Holy Cross. Friends may call Sunday eve. -Jan.

27. Relatives 1953, CAROLINE, beloved wife of James. and friends are invited to funeral 9 A. from 1010 S. 6th st.

Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Mary Magdalen Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

On Jan. 28, 1953, ANGELINA, wife of the late Nicholas. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 1933 S. Iseminger st. Solemn Requiem Mass, Epiphany Church.

9 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Viewing Fri.

eve. Arranged by Leonetti. of 186 Maple Englewood, N. on Jan. 29.

beloved husband of Martha Stephenson Cookman, father of Briant John E. and Arthur S. Cookman, Jr. Services 11 A. at St.

Paul's Episcopal Church Chapel, Church Englewood. Int. private. Please omit flowers. 28, NELLIE (nee Doyle).

Relatives and friends, also employes of Philco Cafeteria invited to funeral Saturday, 8 A Kester's Funeral Home. 609-11 E. Allegheny ave. Solemn Requiem Mass. 9 A.

Church of the Ascension of Our Lord. Int. St. Clair. Pa.

Friends may call Fri. eve. 28, 1953. JOHN GEORGE. husband of Matilda Diener (nee Brown).

atives and friends, members of Lodge No. 9. F. and A. Wyoming Tribe No.

7. I.O.R.M.: Phila. Rife Club and Cannstatter VolksfestVerein, are the services 2 P.M.. at his late residenze, 2536 N. 5th where friends may call Sun.

eve. Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Masonic service Sun, at 8 P.

M. (Arranged by Rowen Bell). Jan. 28. 1953.

MARGARET. wife of Thomas Dulligan, aged 76 vears. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral on 9 A. at the McGuinness Funeral Home, 34 Hunter Woodbury, N. J.

Requiem Mass, St. Patrick's R. C. Church, 10 A. M.

Int. New St, Mary's Cem. Friends may call Sun. eve. 27.

1953, HARRY husband of Frances Campbell Eggleston, of Ocean City, N. J. Relatives, friends and all organizations of which he was a member are invited to the services 2 P. Kirk Nice, 6301 Germantown ave. Int.

Ivy Hill Cem. Friends may call Friday evening. Somers Point, N. Jan. 25, 1953, KATHARINE, of 301 2d Ocean City, Survived by daughter, Mrs.

Jule deFord. Joan Funeral services private. Int. Arlington Havertown, Pa. O1 9427 Bustleton Jan.

27, 1953. LOUIS husband of Ella Toy Farrell. Relatives, friends and all organizations of which was a member are invited to the funeral 10 A. at the Funeral Home, V. R.

Fletcher Son, 9529 Bustleton ave, Services 11 A. M. at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Bustleton. Int.

adjoining churchyard. Friends may call at the funeral home Fri. after 7 P. M. Jerusalem Lodge No.

506. F. A. services Friday. 8 P.

M. 28. 1953, DR. WILFRID husband of Dr. Faith S.

Fetterman. Requiem Mass, Holy Cross Church, Mt. Airy, 9 A. M. Relatives and friends may call between 5 and 9 P.

Fri. at 7047 Germantown ave. Int. Calvary Media, Pa. GEMMILL.

-Jan. 27. 1953, formerly of Granite ARCHIBALD husband of the late Esther M. Gemmill. Relatives and friends invited to services 11 A.

McClurg's Funeral Home, 1665 Harrison Fkd. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends call Fri, eve. 433 W.

Diamond Jan. 28. THEODORE, brother of Laura A. Bergey. Relatives and friends are invited to services 1:30 P.

Hessinger Funeral Home, 2013 E. Susquehanna ave. at Front st. Int. Northwood Cem.

Viewing Fri. eve, at Funeral Home. 28th, EUGENIE 883 N. Preston wife of Fred G. Grob.

Relatives and friends are invited to services 2 P. Funeral Home of Louis S. Heim, Friends 8320 West Chester Pike. Highland Park. may call Friday evening.

GRUEL- 28. 1953. of 7204 York road. A. LLOYD.

husband of Mildred M. Gruel (nee Smith). Funeral services 10 A. at Whitemarsh Helweg's. 463 York road, Jenkintown.

Int. Memorial Park. Friends may call Fri. eve. 621 Crescent Glensuddenly, Jan.

27. 1953. GRACE V. (nee Hobensack), wife of Walter W. Hambrecht.

Relatives and friends invited to services 10 A. Easton at Edwin F. Glenside. Thies Int. Funeral Whitemarsh Home, Me- 124 morial Park.

Friends may call Fri. eve. 28, JAMES beloved husband of Margaret (nee Dunn). Relatives and friends, also employes of Railway Express Agency, are invited to attend funeral 8:30 A. from late residence, 3577 Emerald st.

Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Joan of Arc Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

Viewing Fri. eve. -Of 1086 Wynnewood ton. suddenly, Jan. 27, 1953.

WALTER. husband of Elizabeth J. Harris (nee Lake), Relatives, friends and employes of J. S. Thorn invited to services 2 P.

at Edwin F. Thies Funeral Home, 124 N. Easton Glenside. Int. Hillside Cem.

Friends may call Fri. eve. -Jan. 28. 1953, of 827 Cedar road.

Hollywood, formerly of Frankford. JOHN husband of Clara M. Horner. Relatives and friends invited to services 2 P. McClurg's Funeral Home, 1665 Harrison Frankford.

Int. East Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Sunday evening. -On Jan. 29, 1953.

EVA B. HUSTON, formerly of Sharon Hill, Pa. Service and interment private. Jan. 29.

1953. IKE. husband of Ida, of 2636 Fairhill father of Mr. Isadore Kaplan, Mrs. Lena Reich.

Mrs. Dora Levin. brother of Mrs. Lillian Kosloff. Mrs.

Emma Edwards. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral services 11:30 A. M. precisely. Goldsteins' Memorial Chapel.

2129 N. Broad st. Int. Mt. Sharon Cem.

(Shiva will be observed at 2425 S. American st.) -Jan. 27. 1953. RAYMOND beloved husband of Mae C.

Killian. of 429 Edgehill Glenside, Funeral 2 P. Rowland Funeral Home, 1415 W. Allegheny ave. Viewing Friday evening.

7 to 9. Jan. 28. 1953. MARY daughter of the late Bernard and Mary Loughrey King.

of 19 W. Spring Ardmore. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral Sat. morning at 9 o'clock. from The McConaghy Funeral Home.

Lancaster and Wyoming Ardmore. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Colman's Church. 10 o'clock. Int.

St. Denis Cem. Friends invited Fri. 7 to 9:30. -Jan.

28, 1953. WILLIAM beloved husband of Nelda Kohler, residence, 705 Knorr st. Relatives, friends and all organizations of which he was a member invited to funeral 11 A. John C. Kimmerle Funeral Home, 2127 N.

Broad st. Int. Forest Hills Cem. Friends may call Friday evening. -At Paulsboro, N.

on Jan. 29. ANTHONY, husband of the late Minnie Koons (nee Holzman), aged 87 years. Relatives and friends. also members of Pagawan Tribe No.

4. I.O.R.M., invited to attend the funeral on Mon. A. from his late residence, 38 Riverfront, Paulsboro. High Requiem Mass at 9 A.

from St. John's R. C. Church. Paulsboro.

Int. Pa. Friends call Sun. eve. 26.

CASIMIR. beloved husband of Kazmiera (nee Kontoft). of 1847 N. 7th st. Relatives and friends invited to funeral 8:30 A.

from mugene A. Gniewek Funeral Home. 2711 E. Allegheny ave. Requiem Mass.

9:30 A. St. Laurentius Church. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

Viewing Friday eve. 29, 1953, 5825 Wakefield JAMES, husband of Theresa Lackman. Relatives and friends invited to service 2 P.M., from The Osborne Funeral Home. 5426 Wayne Gtn. Int.

Ivy Hill Cem. Friends may call at' Funeral Home Fri. eve. LELDAHL. Of 6417 Tulip Jan.

27. ANNA ALFREDA, wife of late Robert C. Leldahl, aged 73 years. Funeral 11 A. from Funeral Home of David U.

Wright. 7015 Torresdale ave. Int. Sunset Memorial Park. Friends call at Funeral Home Fri.

eve. 7 to 9. Miller). wife of John J. Leonard.

Relatives 27. 1953. ANNA A M. (nee and friends are invited to attend the funeral 9:30 A. her late residence, 2925 Ruth st.

Solemn Requiem Mass. Church of the Visitation B. V.M.. 11 A. M.

Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. Gibbstown, N.

on Jan. 28. JOHN LESLIE, aged 66 years. Funeral services Mon. at 1:30 P.

from the Pettit Funeral Home, 228 W. Broad Paulsboro. Int. Arlington Drexel Hill. Friends call Sun.

eve. -Jan. 27. 1953, ROBERT of New Newportville, Pa. Relatives and friends are invited to the services Sat.

at 2 P. M. at the Funeral Home of J. Maurice Tomlinson, Bristol pike. Cornwells Heights, Pa.

Int. Sunset Memorial Park, Somerton, Pa. Viewing Fri. eve. LOHMANN Jan.

28. 1953. FREDERICK, husband of Edith Lohmann. Relatives and friends, employes of PTC, are invited to services 11 A. at his late residence.

3126 N. 33d where friends may call Fri. eve. Int. Mt.

Peace Cemetery. 28, 1953. JEROME, of The Pelham Park Manor, beloved husband of Dora Lutzky and devoted father of Mr. Herbert Lutzky. Service and interment at the convenience of the family.

Kindly omit flowers, 1 Freight Loadings Off 1.1% in Week WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 last week dipped below the preceding week and the corresponding weeks last year and in 1951. The Assn. of American Railroads reported today that loadings of revenue freight totaled 697,641 cars last week, a decrease of 7838 cars, or 1.1%, under the previous week. Compared with the corresponding week last year, this was a drop of 30,374 cars, or 4.2%, and with the corresponding week of 1951 a decrease of 86,525 cars, or Loadings by classifications, with changes from previous week and year ago, follow: Jan.

24 Pr. Wk. Yr. Ago Misc freight 370.391 8.429 Less than carlot- 67.380 1.336 Coal 127.509 Grain 45.184 -984 Livestock 8.040 -540 Forest products- 43.088 566 Ore co*ke 20.364 818 2.186 15.685 670 -516 Produce Prices Continued From Preceding Page ED JAN 22: A series of dull, forced selling sessions found all classes dressed meats sliding to low price levels, beef and lamb markets were particularly unsettled and declined most. Depressed markets suffered more from a lack of demand than from downward price pressure with some irregularity in movement manifest in a prevailing dependable demand for choice to prime beef rounds.

to a lesser degree ribs and loins and comparable grades of veal and lamb hindsaddles: other offerings were noticeably neglected. Compared with last week's close: Steer beef sold 2.50-3.75 lower: COW beef. 2 to 3 or more lower; veal, 2-4 lower: lamb, 3-4 lower: pork loins. 1-2 lower; otherwise about steady. Compared with the same period a year ago the current week's market compared as follows: Steer beef, unevenly 12.25-14.50 lower: COW beef.

15-16 lower; veal, 8-12 lower: lamb. 14-16 lower, while to pork 1 loins lower, were and 2 lower; Boston butts. steady spareribs 5 lower with prices in line with Thursday's closing market. cept for numerous cleanup deals unevenly lower, but no criterion of a true market trend. CHICAGO-(USDA)-Salable -Salable HOGS 1000: general trade rather slow after moderate.y active early round; butchers unevenly steady to 25c lower; closed fully 25c lower on butchers; most decline on weights 230 and heavier; sows largely 18.75-19.25: steady: most choice 180-230 butchers several loads choice 190-215.

19.35: top sparingly; 230-250, 18.40-19; 250-270. 18.50-18.75: 270-325. 17.50-18.40: choice SOWS 325-550. 15-17: few head sows weighing 600 and heavier 14.50 and below: good clearance; shippers took 4000. Salable cattle 2500; salable calves 300: small supply sters and heifers grading choice and better steady although prime virtually absent: kinds grading good and below barely steady; instances 50c lower; cows fully steady: bulls uneven.

averaging steady; vealers active, strong: good and choice fed steers and yearlings load to choice low-good 1391 steers carrying prime end 28; utility 14.50-19.50: few good and choice heifers 19.50-23.50: utility and commercial 12.50-14.50. mostly 13-14; canners and cutters 11-14; utility and commercial bulls 16.50-19.50; good bulls 14-16; mercial to choice vealers 24-33; cull and utility com12-22. Salable SHEEP 5500; fed lambs fully 50c lower; extremes $1 off; slaughter ewes steady; yearlings nominally unchanged; most good and fed wooled lambs 20-21: few loads 21.50; load mostly choice 116 lambs 18.50; utility to good slaughter ewes 8-9. -CATTLE 237. little change in market.

dry fed steers good to prime weighing 1300-1500. 21-28. cows, Calves, 171, good and choice 37-39. HOGS 246. local lightweight 16-18.

SHEEP 61, no lambs on market. NEARBY EGG AUCTIONS DOYLESTOWN WHITE: High Low BROWN: High Low Fancy large 61 51 Fancy large 57 49 Fancy med. 49 Fancy med. 48 46 Extra large 58 47 Extra large 57 Extra med. 49 Extra med.

49 Stand. Ige. 52 41 Std. large 51 41 Std. medium 46 Std.

medium 46 Prod. large 41 41 Prod. large 41 41 Pullets 44 44 Prod. medium 39 39 Peewees 38 37 Pullets 46 41 Peewees 37 37 Cases sold, 1199. COATESVILLE WHITE: High Low BROWN: High Low Fancy large 59 Fancy large 57 48 Fancy med.

50 Fancy medium 50 45 Extra large 55 Extra large 54 47 Extra med. 48 44 Extra medium 48 44 Cases sold 3558. CENTER POINT WHITE: High Low BROWN: High Low Fancy large 56 48 Fancy large 58 48 Fancy medium 50 46 Fancy medium 49 47 Extras large 59 47 Extras large 59 47 Extras medium 48 44 Extras medium 47 44 Standard Ige. 51 44 Standard Ige. 50 44 Standard med.

46 42 Standard med. 46 42 45 43 Pullets 45 43 Peewees 40 40 Peewees 40 40 Cases sold. 1996. NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH- Gum ROSIN trading was light and market was barely steady. Reported sales -624 drums equivalent of which one lot was export.

In addition, ATFA sales-188 drums ww. 47 WG. as is, on yard. The gum TURPENTINE market was quiet on tank cars with moderate trading at the export level. Reported sales-183 drums export.

Gum rosin, per 100 pounds net weight- drums, F.O.B. plant: ww 7.90: 7.53: or better 7.34 bags, F.O.B. plant: WW 7.75. Drums, export, F.A.S. southern ports: K.

Gum turpentine, per gallon, 7.2 pounds- -export, drums included, galvanized, 70c; black iron, 67c; F.A.S. southern ports. SPOT METAL PRICES NEW YORK- non-ferrous metal prices: COPPER a pound. Connecticut Valley, LEAD 14c a pound. New York.

ZINC 12c a pound. East St. Louis. TIN a pound, New York. NEW YORK Open Mch 33.29 May 33.64 Jly 33.86 Oct 33.62 Dec 33.67 1954: Mch 33.90 May 33.88 Jly 33.79 Middling spot age price spot markets COTTON FUTURES High LOW Close 33.31 33.15 33.30 unch 33.65 33.49 33.59 off 9 33.88 33.74 33.81 off 15 33.72 33.55 33.66 up 33.80 33.62 33.74 up 6 33.94 34.00 33.85 33.86 33.94 33.96n up up 33.79 33.79 33.79n up 9 33.90n up 5.

n-Nominal. in. middling at 10 southern 33.12. NEW YORK COCOA FUTURES Open High Low Close Mar 30.00 30.05 29.80 29.95 unch Jly 29.15 29.17 28.80 28.95n off 10 May 29.45 29.50 29.20 29.32 off 8 Sep 28.90b 29.00 28.80 28.80 10 Dec 27.75b 27.80 27.80 27.80n off 10 Sales. 199 lots.

b-Bid. n-Nominal. Spot Market: Average spot price, 30.50; Accra. fair fermented. 32.20: Accra, 31.70: Bahia, superior, 32.20; Bahia, Jan-Mar, 31.70; Venezuela.

La Guayra, ord 32.93. NEW YORK WOOL TOPS Open High Low Close Mar. 194.0 195.0 194.0 194.4 up 0.9 May 192.0 192.8 192.0 192.2b up 0.4 July 189.0b 190.0 189.0 189.3b up 0.5 Oct. 186.3b 187.5 186.5 187.0b up 1.0 Dec. 184.3b 185.0 184.0 184.5b up 0.9 1954: May 180.5 180.5 180.5 180.0b off 0.4 Certificated spots tops advanced 10 points to 195.0n; b-bid: n-nominal.

CHICAGO DAIRY FUTURES EGGS--STORAGE Open High LOW Close Pr. close Sep 47.00 47.00 46.70 47.03 Oct 47.05 47.05 46.70 46.75 47.05 Sales, 56 contracts. Mar 64.00 64.00 63.75 63.90 64.00 Do BUTTER-STORAGE Sales, 7 contracts. Y. Stock Exchange Hourly Sales And Industrial Averages Hour 30 Indus.

Volume 10-11. 330.000 11-12. .287.86. 360,000 12-1 287.98. 310,000 1-2 250.000 2-3 260,000 320,000 Total sales for the day 1.830,000 Summary of Earnings Reports -Net Income- Net on Common 1952 1951 1952 1951 $1.268.313 $982,011 $1.35 $1.04 2.894.379 2.267.636 12.91 10.11 1,046.686 999,640 1.67 1.59 49,479.066 39,375.946 4.99 3.93 90.900.771 106.531,293 8.80 10.43 a 183,323 a56.180 5.279,549 4.841.932 12.439,000 3.66 458.055 292,359 .41 .26 3.030,435 1,844,206 5.61 3.42 5.554,427 5.880.975 10.29 10.90 138 7,990,784 18.46 18.09 1,582,446 2.68 4.20 41 6.451.827 629.999 d745.855 1,498, 170 506,486 462.596 1.01 .92 972,355 575,363 981,425 1.065.917 3.30 3.67 2.987,431 3,185,083 .91 .97 25.098,368 22.788,104 10.72 9.74 2.316,791 3.549,567 7.29 11.16 1.560,879 1,443.786 14.939,181 11,045,567 2.723,104 2,040,607 d1.903.216 d1.950.263 16,191,616 13.887.228 2.97 12.68 217,365 426,043 .13 .26 554.593 1.065,164 .34 .67 73,700,000 5.17 5.11 8.363,952 7,955,840 9.68 9.21 923, 178 723,099 3.03 2.37 13,217, 172 9.527,000 4.97 3.55 14,258.823 8,993.381 6.36 3.36 13, 105.741 7,862.763 70.49 39.98 43.013,063 45,353.643 6.01 6.85 846,460 1,507.587 2.87 5.37 873,877 769,855 2.22 12.06 3,489.000 4,237,000 1.14 £1.79 11.655.792 8.509,651 27.02 18.90 4.538,096 1.06 .91 69.665.483 68.872.246 14.77 14.59 1,284.717 1,532.636 3.55 4.32 409,875 455.317 1.80 2.00 274.207 392.669 1.44 2.07 11.864,358 7.095, 122 3.54 2.11 b22.915,822 30.644.201 6.84 9.14 2.307.701 2.267.784 2.15 2.10 b-Including $3,626,000 tax credit.

d-Net Died PacLt 4.40 101 Issue 100's Close chg. Pac Petro Ltd 30 12 Pac pf5 103 Panesti vie 430 Pantepec Oil 79 ParkrP B1.20a 1. Parksb 1.40e 3 PeninTel 9 53 Pennroad 1 13 Penn 107 Pepperll 3a 1 Phillips Se .32 8 33- PierceGv 1.20 4 Piper Airer 3 PghLkEr 4d Pgh Mtls 2d 5 37 PlsVWn Polaris .40 2 Pratt PwCan Prent-HI Powdrell 1.80 A 2 Preston .08 Producers Cp 2 Pyrene Rath Pk 1.40 1 22 Reda 2 Regal Sh 10 ReliEE 1.60e 1 Richmd Rad. 2 RioG Gs 12d 4 RochGE pi4 Rome 1.20. 8 Roosevlt Fld 3 Rotary El 3d 6 40 Rowe Cp .80 Royalite .26 10 16 Ryan A 1 13 St Lawr Sapphire Pet 35 Savoy Oil Schick Schulte (D A) 37 Scullin 2.80d.

1 Scurry Oil. 22 2 5-16--1-16 1 SecuritiesCp 11 27-16 -3-16 Segal Lock 24 Selby Sh 1 SntlRad Serrick 1.60 15 2 Servomch 10b 18 Shatt Dn Shoe Am 1. Sher-Wms 3a 3 73 SimplicPat. 40d Simpson 2d Singer 2.40 Sonotone .32 So Coast Cp 11 SoCalE pt 2 47 SoCalE pf1.08 2 SoCalE pf1.12 So Pipe Line 2 8 Spencers 19 StdDredg 15d 28 Std Forg Std Oil Ky 2a 41 Std Pack 3 StdPk pf 1.60 Std Pr Lt. 61 StdP StdThom 10de Stein (A) Sterl Alu Sterling Eng.

Stinnes (Hugo) .20 Talon 4 Talon TampaEl 2.40 3 46 Technicolor 2. 8 Thiokol Corp. 1 TiloRoof 3 7 2d 136 ToddSh ToklanR 1 Tonopah 7 TransEmpOils Tri-Cont wts. 13 5 TrueTm 1.60*150 19 U-V-W Unexc'dCh (e) 5 834.. Uni Aire Pd 10 UniEls 2.40e UniShoeM 2 US Air Cond.

161 US Rub Recl 1S Int Sec. 3 US Radiatr 1e 13 USFoil 1de 5 Valspar Uth-IdaS 11 5 UnivConsOil 2 42 Vanad-Alys Stl 15 VenezSyn Venezueln Pet 5 17 Vinco Corp VogtMig 14 Waco Airerft Wagner vt 8 pf WalthmWtch 128 WasatchCp 1024 33 Webb 178 Wentworth Wn HomestdO 20 1 7-16 -1-16 Wn Leasehold 2 WMd 14d Whirlpool 1a. 1 White Aut 1 WichitaR Wickes .60 1 Wilrich Pet 4 15-16-1-16 Wilson Bros pf Woodly Pet 61 Woolwrth 14d Wright DOMESTIC BONDS Sales in Issue $1000 Close Chi Trans '78 10 NJ 4s B'93 2 Ohio Pw '68. Ohio Pw 3s 5 So Cal Ed 3s 11 FOREIGN BONDS Ital Pw Tr ct. 22 783.

Peru '97 2 Stinnes I 3 st 4s'46 144 Stinnes I 2 st 4s'46 3 141 sales. xEx-dividend. aPlus extra or extras. bPaid or declared payable in 1953. Accumulations paid or declared payable in 1953.

dPaid in 1952. eCash stock. Including liquidating dividend. NEW YORK RUBBER FUTURES NO. 1 Open High Low Close Mar.

27.75 27.75 27.70 27.70 off 15 May 27.25b 27.30 27.15 27.25b off 15 Dec. 26.20 26.20 25.95b unch. July 26.60b 26.85 26.75 26.75b off 15 Sales, 54 lots: b-bid. NO. 3 Mar.

26.00b 26.00 26.00 25.90n off 25 Sales, five lots; -nominal. NEW YORK LEAD FUTURES Open High Low Close Feb. 13.10 13.13 13.10 13.10b off 14 Mar. 13.10b 13.14 13.14 13.14b off May 13.10b 13.15 13.15 13.14b off 11 July 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.14b off 11 Dec. 13.10b 13.14 13.14 of 11 Sales.

14 lots; b-bid. NEW YORK COTTONSEED OIL Open High Low Close Pr.Close Mar. 16.75 16.77 16.66 16.69 16.67 Mag 16.40 16.40 16.32 16.38 16.28 July 16.05 16.07 16.00 16.02 15.95 Sep. 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.40 Oct. 14.85 14.88 14.85 14.88 14.80 Sales, 77 contracts.

NEW YORK HIDE FUTURES Open High Low Close April 16.45b 16.47 16.10 16.10b off 35 July 15.85b 15.90 15.65 15.50b off 40 Oct. 15.60b 15.40 15.37 15.30b off 34 Sales. 23 lots; b-bid. Spot light native cowhides. 16.

NEW YORK ZINC FUTURES Open High Low Close Feb. 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.39b off 11 Sep. 11.70 11.70 11.70 11.72b off 7 July 11.60b 11.65 11.65 11.65b off 10 Oct. 11.70b 11.75 11.75 11.75 5 Sales, 22 lots; b-bid. CHICAGO ONION FUTURES Open High Low Close Pr.close Feb 4.00 4.00 3.70 3.80 3.96 Mar 4.10 4.15 3.86 3.94 4.08 Nov 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 Sales.

1370 contracts. NEW YORK TIN FUTURES Open High Low Close Apr. 119.25b 119.87½ 119.87½ 119.87½ up Company Period ABC Vending Year Dec. 31 Alabama Gt. Southern R.

R. Year Dec. 31 Amer. Agricultural Chem. .6 mo.

Dec. 31 Bethlehem Steel Quar. Dee. 31 Bethlehem Steel Year Dec. 31 Boston Maine R.

R. Year Dec. 31 N. 0. Tex.

Pac. Ry. Year Dec. 31 Continental Can 10 mo. Oct.

31 Corby (H.) Distillery Nov. 30 Delaware Hudson Co. Quar. Dee, 31 Delaware Hudson Co. Year Dec.

31 Denver Rio Grande West. Year Dec. 31 Eastern Corp. Year Dec. 31 Gulf, Mobile Ohio R.

R. Year Dec. 31 Coal Co. Quar. Dec.

31 Hudson Co. Year Dec. 31 Illinois Terminal R. R. Year Dec.

31 Int. -Great Northern R. R. Year Dee. 31 Keyes Fibre Year Dec.

31 Laclede Gas 12 mo. Nov. 30 Louisville Nashville Year Dec. 31 Lukens Steel Year Oct. 25 Maine Central R.

R. Year Dec. 31 Missouri Pacific Year Dec. 31 New Orleans. Tex.

Mex. Year Dec. 31 N. Ontario Western Year Dec. 31 Ohio Edison Year Dec.

31 Pabco Products Quar. Dee. 31 Pabco Products me. Dec. 31 Phillips Petroleum Year Dec.

31 Lake Erie Year Dec. 31 Pittsburgh West Virginia Year Dec. 31 Pacific Lighting Year Dec. 31 St. Louis-San Francisco Year Dec.

31 Louis Southwestern Year Dec. 31 Sun Oil Co. Year Dec. 31 Superior Steel Year Dee. Talcott (James) Inc.

Year Dec. 31 Texas Gas Transmission Year Dec. 31 Texas Pacific Ry. Year Dec. 31 Toledo Edison Year Dec.

31 Union Pacific Year Dec. 31 U. S. Printing Litho. Year Dec.

31 Victor Equipment Year Dec. 31 Vogt Mfg. Year Dec. 31 Youngstown Sheet Tube Dec. 31 Youngstown Sheet Tube Fear Dec.

31 Universal Pictures Year Nov. a -Net after fixed and contingent charges. loss. 6-Estimated. 1-On fewer shares.

NBQ Thursday. .49.63 PHILA. BANK Issue Broad St Tr 3 Camden Tr 1.80 Fidel-Phil 2.60a Co Pa 8a FirstCamdn 1.60 Trust 2a GirardCorn 2.20 Industl Tr Title 2.40a Liberty 4d Ntl 1.40a Gtn 1.20a Phila Tr 5a Natl 2a Penna Co 1.60a Natl 5 Trst 3.20a Trust 2.50a Roosevelt Bk 3a Second Ntl Tradsmns 1.60a 1a aPlus extra d-Paid in 1952. Over-the-Counter Wed 1952-53 STOCKS Bid Asked 41 269. 2734 36 71 76 107.

135 150 44 190 205 111 114 105 42 32 or extras. xEx-divi- Fin Fkfd Land MktSt NtlBk No Phila Prov RE Wyo dend. U. S. TREASURY BILLS (YIELD BASIS) Maturity Bid Asked Feh 5 1.82 1.65 Feb 13, 19, 26 1.82 1.72 March 5 1.82 1.72 March 12 1.80 1.70 March 19, 26 1.82 1.75 April 2 1.80 1.72 April 9 1.86 1.78 April 16 1.88 1.80 April 23 1.92 1.86 April 30 1.97 1.92 TAX-EXEMPT BONDS Bid Asked CmwIPa 1.45s '66 City Phil '78 City Phil 106 DeiRvB 2.30s '84 97 99 Pa Tpk 2.90s '88 Pa Tpk '88 Chi Tran '78 PINYAuth 2s '74 99 101 FED.LAND BANK BONDS Bid Asked Feb'55-'53 99.0 99.6 Nov, '54 A 99.24 99.28 Oct'57-'55 95.10 95.18 '56 99.16 99.24 May, '58 98.30 99.6 Nov, '54 99.24 99.28 Bid Asked AberdeenP LandrsFC AbitibiPP LwyrsMtge do pf Lea AlabamM 12 Lear, Aeroquip Lear Aetna Std LibrtyL A I Inc 9 10 LibrtyProd Air Prod Lipe-Roll AirPrd A 11 Lithium Allied EIP 2 2:8 Loft AmBarge LoneStrStl AmBoxBd 19 LongBellL AmCladm Longchmps Am Dist Ludlow Am Enka 44 Ludman Am Exprs 18 19 Macfadden Am Furn 3 Macfdn AmHardw MacMillan Am Hosp 26 McBee Ami 111 pf McGrawCo AmInsulat Mallory Am-LaFF Manning Am Maize Marlin AmMariet 19 Marmon AmPhenol 18 19 Md AmPulley 12 14 MaxsnWL AmWringr Merch Anheuser 24 MetalTher Arden Mex do pf 47:2 Mex ArrowHrt Mich Art Metal Miller As Devel 9 MinOntPr As Spring Min As Transp Min Md AtomicInst 4 MissViBrge AugustaC MPc A Autocr pf 18 do pi Avon Pr 29 32 Monmouth BachmanU 8 Moore Bancroft 22 Moore-Hnd Bareco Oil Mtn BaruchOil NathanStrs Bates Mfg 9 97 NatiCaskt BauschLb NatiChloro Baystate 36 Natl Belmt Irn NationalGs Beneficial Natl BerkshFS NaturalGs Beryllium 63 67 Naumkg BinghmH NewBritM Black.Siv Nwmkt Blair Hold 2.40 2.65 Newpt Bluemn NorfSouth BostonHT Nicholson Botany Mlis NoA pf NA BowserInc No Riv 15 OhioMtch Brockway 21 Oswego Oswego Brunner Oxford Buda Co OxfdPapr Buff Eclip 19 PabstBrw BuloloGid Pan BurryB pf 17 Pantasote Bynndun BushTerB 10 Prkr 75 PatParch CamForge Pato Campbell 18 PennaEng CanSupOil PennFruit CapRecrds 5 do cnv Carborund Permutit Carlisle 6 434 Pfaudler Cedar Carpenter Pt Phila Cenco Cp 4 do PiaseckiH $4 CentiSoya Cent Tel 13 14 Plastic ChaseCndy Placer do pf Plomb Chesap Ind PlymCord ChiltonCo 17.

Plym Cinerama Polaroid Coca-Cola 43 46 PlsmthStl ClevCliffs 22 Colo Strs 36 38. Potash Colo IntG Price Cone pf Punta Cons Dbrn Purolator Cont 5 Read CopelandR Rem Revere Dan River 16 Richrdson Delhi Oil RichmCedr Delta Airl Riley Dent Sup River Det CT 32 RivrsideM Det Harv Robertson Det IntBr 25 27 Rockwell Rohr Dictaphne 60 64 RmCbl Di-Noc RoylDPet Dist Thea RussellFC Doman RussellMf Dravo 38 41 SacoLowll Drewrys SafetyCar DuMnt pf Dun Br ScrantnLc Schering Durez Pls 22 24 EastrnInd Searie SeabrkFms EastrnRac 3 SeatrainL Edison 15:4 1634 Sec Bk Ciectrol Sec Bk Electrolux Elk Horn 19 Shawmut SilverBIIM Emhart 101 105 Emp St Oil SkiatronEl ShepNiles Erie Forge 8 Fed Fairmnt 175. Smith.SM Skil 13 Smith, FiftyBwy FirstBank 30 FirstBstn Sou Firth Sterl SWLumber Flour Mills 8 10 Speer FooteBros SpragueEl FooteMinl 39 43 Std StaleyMfg Foundatn 8 9. Std Foremost 20 FownesBr 3 Stanly Fresnillo 10 Stern Sterling FullerDB 2 GarlockP Strawb Gen Anal 110 120 Strmbg Contr Strmbg Gen Crude StruthWls GenDryB Suo GetchelM 5 Susq Giddings Taca GtPt Cem Tampax Girdler 56 Taylor Glass Fbrs TemcoAire Gd Humor TennCentl Grace, WR TennCn GrndU pf 43 45 GtAm Ind Tenn Gt Pns DV Textrn Grinnell 66 Therm Gruen ThriftyDrg Gustin-B 17. Tideland Hajoca Time Harris Stl 31.

33 Timely Harshaw 35 Tobin Higgins 13 Torringtn Hoe (R) Towmotor HoffmnR 14 Tracerlab Holl Whit 37 39 TricoProd Hoover 20 Uarco HWaldorf 18 Ultrasonic loving Uni HudBayO Uni Pc HudPlp A Uni Hugoton UniDrill Hydrocarb Uni IndianaLm Uni Intl Cellu 28 30 US Intl RefU Intl Resist US Int Text 14 Uni Int Bakrs 18 UnivMjrEl do pf UnivMtch Int Mtr Fr UnivWindg ITE Circt 61 64 Upson ITE Vacm conv pi 80 ValleyMIr 6 VanityFr Jervis Corp Veeder-Rt Jessup Sti Verney JohnstonT Vicana Kaiser Stl 11 12 Victoreen Kaiser pf Virg KalamPch Vitro Kearney Walt Kellett Air 1.40 1.75 WarnerCo KendallCo 38 41 xWarnSw KendllRef WarrenBr Kent Mr 9 WebsterChi Kerr-McG 45 WellmnEn Keyes Fb 2414 West Kingsburg 3 Weyerhsr Kold Hold Wood Index of 35 Stocks ago. Holiday Year .45.06 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Issue Bid Asked Arizona Pub Sv Atlanta Gas Lt. Calif Oregon Pw 28 Cen Elec Gas Cen IlL El Gas 27 Cen La Electric. Cen Maine Pw Cen Pub Util Cen Vermont Citizens Util Comwith Gas Conn Lt Pw Duquesne Light Tenn Nat Gas Eastn Util Assn do cv pf El Paso Electrie Green Mtn Pwr Indiana Gas 25 Iowa Pub Serv 24 Iowa So Utils Jamaica Wtr Sup 30 32 Kansas Gas El Kentucky Utils 20 Mich EL Mich Gas Utils 13 14 MissouriK PipeL 81 84 Missouri Util New Eng 1574 NJ Nat Gas do pf NY Water Serv. 45 47 NE Wtr $2 No Indiana NW Pub Serv 16 Pacific Pw Lt.

Phila Co $5 pf. Portland Gas 22 Portland Gen El Puget Sd L. Repub Nat Gas San Diego Scran SpgBrk -W do $4.10 pf. 83 87 So Jersey Gas SE Pub Serv Southn Colo Pw 12 13 Southn Un Gas 20 SW Elec Serv 16 Pub Serv 25 SW States Tel Tenn Gas Trans Texas East Tran 18 Texas Gas Trans 17 Transc Gas Uni Tel Pa pf West Penn Pw 42. 44 Va Wtr Serv.

Westn Lt Tel. 25 27 Wisc Pw Lt Wisc Pub Serv 99 96 95 94 96 93 95 92 94 90 92 Bid Asked 104 96 99 '50 72 76 103 2039 '70. NOTES BASIS) Bid Asked 1.72 1.66 1.91 1.86 BONDS Bid '59 '57 114 '56 STOCKS Bid WhiteEOil 14 Wurlitzer Bid Aberdeen Affil Fd Am Busi 4.00 Am Mutl 11.93 Balanced xBlueRidg 9.79 Bond Inv 21.76 Boston 23.95 Broad St 22.57 Bullock 25.01 CanGenFd 9.50 CanFund 11.96 Century 16.10 Chemical 19.76 Christna 6775 do pf Comwith 7.01 Comp Bd 15.89 Comp Fd 13.00 Concord 12.42 Consol In Del Fund 17.19 DivGrStk Diversi Dividend 1.95 Dreyfus 10.54 Eatn Bal 32.10 Eatn Stk 24.20 Equity Fd Fidel Fd 18.80 Fnel Ind Founders 8.51 Fklin Cust do pf 7.22 Fundmtl 20.26 Ind 20.93 Gen Cptl 60.18 Gen Inv Growth 11.56 GrIndShr 27.58 Guardian 12.22 HowePlan Hudson 24.58 Incorptd 11.25 Independ Inv Amer 12.17 Inv Bost 12.01 Inv Mgm 17.95 Knickbkr Lexingt Manhat 8.10 MassInT 20.11 MassInG MassLfF 29.28 Mutl 14.88 Mutl Inv 15.92 Mutl Tr 10.94 Nationw 16.07 Natl Inv 11.89 NatResoC Natrl Res 4.60 NEng Fd 18.50 NAmT '55 NAmT '56 PacAm In do pi 25 Penna Ind Phila Fd 25.02 Pine St 14.98 Pioneer Putnam Sel Am 13.90 ShrehTB 26.70 Sovereign Asked Bid Asked York Corr 19 xEx-dividend. INVESTING Asked .92 1.02 5.04 5.46 4.33 12.97 9.58 10.47 10.70 23.40 25.89 24.40 27.40 10.27 12.95 17.41 21.37 6925 136 141 7.62 17.27 14.13 13.43 18.90 7.25 7.95 9.83 11.20 2.14 11.46 34.32 25.87 5.27 5.46 20.32 2.68 2.93 9.25 6.99 7.66 7.91 22.20 22.63 64.71 5.88 6.39 12.63 28.41 12.60 4.82 5.21 26.57 12.16 2.26 2.57 13.22 13.13 18.34 6.03 6.61 9.95 10.87 8.88 21.47 17.87 19.32 31.48 16.17 17.48 11.89 17.25 12.85 3.09 3.39 5.04 20.00 5.54 2.61 6.60 7.10 200 24.91 15.43 18.36 19.95 19.04 20.58 15.03 28.86 8.52 9.33 COMPANIES Bid Asked State St 71.00 74.50 Stein 22.70 22.93 Tech Fnd 8.90 Telev-El 14.54 15.85 Texas Fd 5.39 5.89 Uni Accu Incm 12.56 13.65 13.82 Uni 12.71 Uni Scine 6.12 6.69 Value Lne 6.04 Wellingtn 20.76 22.64 Whitehall 19.48 21.06 Wisconsin 4.30 4.66 Group Securities Instl 9.25 9.74 Gen Bond 8.90 9.75 Fully Adm 7.98 8.75 ComStkFd 9.15 10.03 LowPriced 7.49 8.21 Automob 8.67 9.50 Aviation 10.03 10.99 Building 9.37 10.27 Chemical 9.42 10.32 Elec Eqp 15.70 17.18 Food 5.19 5.70 Ind Mach 10.16 11.03 Investing 14.50 15.87 Merchdsg 8.42 Mining 7.35 8.06 Petrol 13.73 15.01 RR Bond 2.89 3.18 RR Eqp 4.73 5.20 RR Stock 8.85 9.70 Steel 7.55 8.28 Tobacco 4.49 Utilities 7.07 7.75 Keystone Funds B-1 26.42 27.63 B-2 24.68 26.92 B-3 18.83 20.55 B-4 11.56 12.61 K-1 18.23 19.89 K-2 27.79 30.32 S-1 35.93 39.19 S-2 18.97 20.70 S-3 17.81 19.43 S-4 7.67 8.37 Managed Funds Auto Shr 4.28 Busin Eqp 3.73 4.11 Elec Eqp 5.11 5.63 Gen Indus 3.49 3.85 Home Frn 3.30 3.64 NonFerrM 4.15 4.57 Paper Sh 5.29 5.82 Petroleum 5.34 5.88 Steel 4.89 5.38 National Securities Bond Ser 7.14 7.46 LowPrBd 7.35 8.02 Pfd Stk 8.12 8.87 Incme Ser 5.24 5.73 Speculativ 3.95 4.32 Stock Ser 6.10 6.61 Ind Stock 11.07 12.10 LowPr 5.85 6.39 Instl. Shares Avia Grp 14.60 15.97 Bank Grp .90 .99 Insur Grp 1.24 1.37 Stock Bd 16.63 18.19 Diversifled Funds Divers Stk 5.62 Divers Inv 6.95 7.62 x-Ex-dividend, INSURANCE STOCKS Bid Aetna Cs 108 Ins 59 Aetna Agricul I Am All Am Auto Am Eqpt Am FidCs Amins NJ 25 Am ReIns 38 Am Surty Auto Ins 91 Bankers 58 Boston Camden ConnGLf 185 Contl Cas 77 CrumFrst Empl Grp 52 Emp ReIn Federal 87 Fire Assn Firem 59 Firem InN Gen ReIn 38 Glen Falls Globe Rep Globe Rtg Gt Am In Hanover Htfd Fire 165 Htfd Stm Home Ins 40 Ins Co NA Asked Bid Asked 112 Jersey In 61 LincinNL 172 177.

Md Cas do pr pf cv pi Mass Bnd Mer Fire 43 45 Cas 28 40 Natl Fire 68 70 Un 95 NwAm Cs 41 43 NH Fire NY Fire 23 North Riv 190 Northeastn Northern Pac Fire 105 112 54 Pac Indm Peerless Phoenix 92 Prov-Wsh 28 30 ReIns NY Repub Tex 51 St Fire 40 Seabrd Sr Security 17 Springfeld Std Accdt 41 Travlers 750 770 US 170 US Fire US Guar 128 134 West Fire Shipping News Shipping News Arrivals and clearances of in the port of Philadelphia yester- day, as reported by the Maritime Exchange: ARRIVALS Californian, American, from San Pedro via Boston, consigned to American Hawaiian S. S. arrived at Pier 84, South. F. S.

Bell. American, from Tacoma via Bayonne, consigned to Weyerhaeuser S. S. a- rived at Pier 179, North. Robin Gray, American.

from Baltimore, consigned to Lavino Shipping arrived at Pier 53. South. Flying Enterprise, II, American, from Kobe via Baltimore, consigned to Isbrandtsen arrived at Pier 98. South. Steel Advocate.

American, from Calcutta via New York, consigned to Isthmian S. S. ar rived at Wilmington. Ulysses, Liberian, from Mina al Ahmadi, consigned to National Bulk Carriers, arrived at Hog Island. Pan-New York, American, from Corpus Christi, consigned to Charles Kurz arrived at Sun 011 Co.

Gulf Caribbean, American, from Corpus Christi, consigned to Gulf Oil arrived at Girard Point. Ventura, American, from New Haven, consigned to The Texas arrived at Eagle Point. Alamar. American, from Tacoma via Port Newark, consigned to Calmar S. S.

rived at Pier 179. North. Ragunda, Swedish, from New York, consigned to Norton Lilly and arrived at Pier 48. South Atami Maru, Japanese, from Kobe via New York, consigned to Lavino Shipping arrived at Pier 14, Porth Richmond. CLEARED Tento, Norwegian, in ballast for Albany.

Fletero, Argentinian, with merchandise for Buenos Aires via Noriolk. Dona Alicia, Philippine, with merchandise for Manila via Baltimore. Amagisan Maru, Japanese, merchandise for Yokohama via New York. Balticia, Swedish, in ballast for Santiago. Conastoga, American, in ballast for Covenas.

Goya, Norwegian, with merchandise for Antwerp via New York. Freetown, British, with merchandise for Las Palmas via New York. Leena Dan. Danish, with mercandise for Cristobal via New York. Pine Ridge, American, in ballast for Maracaibo.

Tunaholm, Swedish, in ballast for Halifax. Arsena, Panamaian, in ballast for Baltimore. Pas Piedras, Liberian, in ballast for Puerto la Cruz. Kuwait, Liberian, in ballast for Puerto la Cruz. Pennsylvania Sun, American, in ballast for Norfolk.

Union Sulphus, American, with residue cargo for Providence. Atlantic Refiner, American, in ballast for Harbor Island. Died 28. WALLACE husthe home of his daughter. Mrs.

Elias P. Greger, band of the late Emily Carey McChesnes, 128 Summit Upper Darby. Services Sat. morning. 11 o'clock.

George C. Toppitzer's Funeral Home, Garrett rd. at Lansdowne ave. Interment Arlington. Jan.

28. ELIZABETH M. (nee Davis), her home, 7275 Pittville loved wife of Matthew McIlhenny, aged 70 yrS. Relatives and friends. also members of P.

E. Free Church of St. John invited to funeral Saturday, 11 A. Kester's Funeral Home, 609-11 E. Allegheny ave, Int.

Forest Hills Cemetery. Friends may call Friday evening. GEORGE D. MORTON. of Honey Brook, suddenly, on Jan.

29. 1953. Relatives and friends are invited to attend SolMass at the Church of Our Lady of Consolation. Parkesburg, at 10 o'clock Sat. morning, Jan.

31st. Int. at St. Dominic's R. C.

Holmesburg, Pa. Kindly omit flowers. Those wishing to send remembrances, please contribute to the Coatesville Hospital, Chester County, Pa. Jan. 28.

1953. w. STAUNTON, husband of Dorothy Kinsley Moylan. of 421 Anthwyn road, Merion. Pa.

Relatives and friends invited to services Sat. 2 P. Funeral Home of J. Harry Stroud, 600- 02 N. 63d st.

Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Of 1540 W. Roselyn Jan. 28, 1953.

GERTRUDE (nee Kraft), wife of the late James A. Mullin. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral 7:30 A. Apts. Wm.

H. Battersby, 3316 N. Broad st. High Requiem Benedict's Church. 9 A.

M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Viewing Friday 7 to 9 P. M.

Jan. 28. CATHARINE widow of John F. Murphy, of 2100 W. Tioga st.

Relatives, friends, also employes of Lane Bryant are invited to services 1 P. M. Wildey Funeral Home, Front and Westmoreland sts. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem.

Friends may call Friday evening. NAYLOR. Jan. 27. at Reading.

CATHERINE NAYLOR (formerly of 2707 W. Somerset st.) Relatives. friends invited to Ryan's Funeral Home, 2504 W. Lehigh Fri. and to attend funeral 8:30 A.

M. Solemn Requiem Mass. Corpus Christi Church. at 10 A. M.

Int. Holy Cross Cem. Atlantic City, N. on Jan. 27.

1953. SAMUEL husband of the late Sushannah Scott Nelson. Service for relatives and friends on at 2 P. at Oliver H. Bair's, 1820 Chestnut st.

Interment at Mt. Moriah. Friends may call 7 to 9 P. M. NOCITRA.

-Jan. 26. 1953. of 1242 Manor Brookline, CLAIRE M. (nee Still), wife of Frank P.

Funeral service 8 P. Marvil Funeral Home, 1110 Main Darby, Pa. Int. Oberlin, Pa. Friends call Fri.

eve. Jan. 29, 1953, of 3701 ing ANNA, wife of the late Frank O'Neill, Relatives and friends invited to the funeral 3:30 A. Parlors of Harold B. Mulligan, 1119 W.

Lehigh ave. High Mass of Requiem, Church of St. Agatha, 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. Friends invited Fri, eve. on Jan. 27. HENRY husband of Mildred.

Relatives and friends invited to funeral 8 A. from his parents' residence, 2522 S. Edgewood st. Solemn Requiem Mass. Church of St.

Mary. 9 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

Friends may call Fri. eve. PENNA. 27. 1953.

ROCCO. beloved husband of Anna (hee Capasso). of 1036 Wolf st. Relatives and friends are invited to the funeral 8:30 A. from Teti Funeral Home, 2349 S.

10th st. Solemn Requiem Mass. 10 A. Church of the Epiphany. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. Viewing Friday evening. Island Heights, N. on Jan. 26.

1953, MAY, wife of the late Henry Pfeiffer. Service for relatives and friends on Saturday at 2 P. M. at Oliver H. Bair's.

1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Fernwood. Friends may call Friday eve. 28. 1953.

MORRIS, beloved husband of Frances. of 967 devoted father of Dr. Abraham Possoff. of Pittsburgh. dear brother of Theodore Possoff.

Mrs. Mary Freedman, Mrs. Esther Dubow and Mrs. Dora Paul, of Los Angeles. Relatives and friends are invited to attend services Friday, 12:30 P.

Raphael-Sacks Memorial Chapel, 1945 N. Broad. Int. Roosevelt Cem. 28.

1953, LOUISE wife of the late James A. Prescott. of 250 W. Abbottsford ave. Relatives and friends are invited to services 11 A.

Kirk and Nice, 6301 Germantown ave. Int. Harleigh Cem, Friends may call Fri. eve. Erdenheim, on Jan.

27. SANNAH MILLER, wife of the late Nicholas Rapine, in her 89th year. Services for relatives and friends from the residence, No. 9 Erdenheim Erdenheim. on Jan.

31. at 2 P. M. Int. Barren Hill Cem.

Friends may call Fri. eve. 28. BERTHA RAYNER. Funeral services 1 P.

at Penn Widow Home, 1401 E. Susquehanna ave. (Arranged by Titlow Bros.) On Jan. 27. 1953.

HARRY P. RINEHART. husband of Honora Devlin Rinehart. Service for relatives, friends and Lodge No. 9.

F. A. on Sat. at P. at his home, 402 E.

Wister Gtn. Interment at Gulph Mills. Friends may call 7 to 9 P. M. 27.

1953. LORETTA M. LUNDY. of 1973 Plymouth wife of the late Joseph Robinson, Relatives and friends are invited to the funeral 8 A. from the McCullough Funeral Home.

S. W. cor. 63d st, and Lansdowne ave. Solemn Requiem Mass af the Church of St.

Rose of Lima. 9 A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem.

Friends may call Fri, eve. 27. 1953. MARY. wife of the late John Rudman.

of 934 Nos Market st. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral 8:30 A. from Charies J. Roman Funeral Home, 1113 Mt. Vernon st.

Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Andrew's Church. 9:30 A. M. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve, Pitman, N. on Jan. 27, 1953, ELIZABETH F.

(nee Kennedy), wife of Harry D. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on at 1 o'clock at the Weatherby Funeral Home, 308 W. Holly Pitman, N. J. Int.

Lakeview Memorial Park. Friends may call Friday evening. 28. AMELIA FRIES, wife of the late Christian O. Schurr, 324 S.

Carol Upper Darby. Services Saturday afternoon, o'clock. George C. Toppitzer's Funeral Home, Garrett rd. at Lansdowne ave.

Int. Arlington, Friends may call Friday evening. 27, MARTIN husband of Christine Schwank (nee Jahn), of 201 W. Queen la. Relatives and friends invited to services 12 noon, at Mann Funeral Home, 219 W.

Tabor rd. Friends call Sat. after 10:30 A. M. 27, 1953.

EDWARD C. Relatives. friends and all organizations of which he was a member, invited to funeral 8:30 A. from his residence. 2727 W.

Brown Solemn Requiem Mass 10 A. Church of St. Francis Xavier, Int. Holy Cross Cem. Friends may call Fri.

eve. 135 S. 18th on Jan. 28, 1953. FRANCES wife of John D.

Shattuck. Service for relatives and friends on Fri. at 11 A. at Oliver H. Bair's, 1820 Chestnut st.

Interment private. On Jan. 21, 1953. THOMAS husband of the late Florence E. Stevenson.

Service and interment strictly private. 27. MARY STOCKTON (nee Relatives and friends invited to the funeral 1:30 P. late residence, 1928 E. Ontario st.

Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. 1219 S.

56th on Jan. 28, 1953. THOMAS husband of the late Elizabeth McK. Taylor. Service for relatives, friends and employes of Pennsylvania Hospital on Saturday at 11 A.

M. at Oliver H. Bair's. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Arlington.

Friends may call Friday 7 to 9 P. M. 26. 1953. FRANK husband of Anna G.

Tiedeken (nee Collins), of 524 Country Club Lane, Manoa. Relatives and friends, Holy Name Society, Men of Malvern, invited to funeral 9 A. John P. Donohue Sons, West Chester Pike, at Lynn Upper Darby. Solemn Requiem Mass, Sacred Heart Church.

10 A. M. Int. St. Cem.

Friends may call 7:30 to 10 P. M. -Jan. 28. 1953, BLANCHE JESSIE (nee Gorman), aged 75 years, widow of Leonard J.

Tipton, of 5840 Theodore st. Relatives and friends invited to services 11 A. Funeral Home of J. Harry Stroud, 600-02 N. 634 st.

Int. Arlington Cem. Friends call Fri. eve. 27, 1953, MICHAEL of 823 N.

4th st. Relatives, friends, also employes of Geo. D. Ellis and Sons, are invited to services 10 A. A Mercer Quinby'5, 1125 W.

Lehigh ave. Int. private. Friends may call Fri. eve.

Jan. 28. 1953. HELEN B. (nee Phipps), wife of James F.

Turner. Relatives and friends are invited to services Sat. at 1 P. Funeral Home of John C. Black.

314 Cedar Bristol. Int. private, Friends may call Friday evening. -Jan. 28.

1953. MARY L. O'BRIEN, wife of Daniel F. Waters, and daughter of the late John E. and Louise Krone O'Brien.

Relatives and friends invited to the funeral Mon. 9 A. at her home, 7139 Ardleigh Mt. Airy, where friends may call Sun. eve.

Solemn Mass of Requiem, Holy Cross Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. In lieu of flowers, kindly send donations to the Sacred Heart Cancer Home.

4825 A Jan. 27, 1953, ELSIE I. McADOO, wife of James A. Watson. Relatives and friends are invited to services 11 A.

from the Funeral Home of Floyd M. Bishop, 5408 N. 5th st. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem.

Friends may call Friday after 7 P. M. Killed in action in Korea on Sept. 4. 1950.

PAUL FORD WHITE. Relatives and friends, also 8th Army, 1st Cavalry ATe invited to funeral services 2 P. at his home, 2851 N. Hope st. Int, Mt.

Vernon Cem. Friends may call Fri. after 7 P. M. Atlantic City, Jan.

29, 1953, WILLIAM aged 88 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend services 11 A. Atlantic at Jeffries Keats. 1713 Atlantic City, N. J.

Int. Pleasantville Cem, Friends may call Fri. eve. 7 to 9. on Jan.

28, 1953 (nee Bennett), wife of the late William L. Withington, of 4142 Gilham formerly of Trevose. in her 92d year. Relatives and friends are invited to services 2 P. David F.

Lambie Funeral Home, 6621 Frankford ave. Int. Hillside Cem. Friends call Fri. eve.

ZINAR. -Jan. 28. 1953. JOHN son of Louis and Rita D.

Zinar (nee Sylvestrini), aged 4 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral 8 A. from his parents' residence, 3334 Tyson ave. Angel Mass. St.

Matthew's Church. 9 A. M. Int. St.

Matthew's Conshohocken, Friends may call Fri. eve. Cemetery Lots FOREST HILLS CEM. Sylvan Lawn Sec. A-142 Inquirer.

SACRIFICE, grave Whitemarsh Memorial Park, section O. Write P-185 Inquirer. HARRIS KEHR FOUNDERS I Wesley Harris Kehr, Est. Funeral Parlors 2428-2430 N. BROAD ST.

PA. SA 2-2428-2-2429 AIR-CONDITIONED FOUNDED 1878 OLIVER H. BAIR DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Telephone RI 6-1581 In Memoriam If you desire to insert an "In Memoriam" notice on the anniversary of the loss of your loved one--call Miss Sharp on RI 6-1600 who will be glad to assist you in preparing message..

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.