Westside Primary Student Handbook 2023-2024 (2024)

Westside Primary School “We Can… We Will” STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023-2024 Mr. Glendon Jones, Principal gjones@wcboe.org Ms. Erica Henkel, Lead Teacher Ehenkel@wcboe.org 6046 Quantico Rd. Quantico, MD 21856 Phone: 410-677-5117 Fax: 410-677-5860 Website: www.wcboe.org/schools/wps Facebook: @wcboewps

2 | P a g e On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff, welcome to Westside Primary School – home of the Mighty Mustangs. The following pages outline several important items to ensure you and your child’s experience while at our school is both positive and rewarding. Westside Primary School has an “Open Door Policy.” If at any time you need clarification on county/school policy, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We wish you and your student a wonderful and productive school year. School Mission Statement Tc hhiel dmr ei sns ihoanv eo feWq ueaslt soipd pe oPrrtiumnai triye sS ct oh oboel ci sh taol l ef onsgteedr awci at hr i rnigg oa rnodussacf eo ne tnevni tr oannmd et hn et wa bhiel irtey at lol use that knowledge at the application level. School Hours 8:45 a.m. School building opens for students 9:15 a.m. Instruction begins 3:45 p.m. Instruction ends/Dismissal begins 4:15 p.m. End of school day Arrival of Students Sa vt uadi leanbtl se mt oapy r no voitdaer sr iuvpee rt ov i ssicohno. o lI fpar i os tru tdoe nt ht ea rerni vt er ys at ifmt eer a9b: 1o5v ea . ams. , t ahne raedaurl et mn ou sat dsui gl tns hcliamss/rhoeormin. at the school office. Students will be given a tardy slip prior to going to their Dismissal of Students/Notes De ai sc mh idsasya .l bSet ug di nesn pt sr ol ema vpitnl yg aptr i3o: r4 5t op3. m: 4. 5 Ppl.ema .s ec rne oa tt ee at hcalta si ns rsot roumc t idoi ns r oucpctui orns ua nn dt i lt h3 e: 4l5o sps. mo f. vwahl ue an bnl ee cienssstar ruyc.t i Sotnuadl etni mt sewf oi l rl naol lt sbteu dc ae lnl et sd. t oWoef fai cs ek ftohra pt asrt eundtesnwt shoonal ryr bi vee pt oi c tkheed suc ph oeoal rtl oy pu ni ctki l uapp pa rrei onrt ti so p3r: e4s5e np t. mt o. As idgdni tt ihoensatlul yd, esnt ut do eunt tosf ws cihl lonool .t Ab tet ecna dl l ea dn cteo wt hi lel boef f ri ceec of or dr epdi caks- ua pn up na reexnc tu sperdo vei da relsy addi somc tiosrs’asl nfor ot em. Tshc ha no ok l yiof ua i ns tauddveannt cies f po ri cakdehdeur ipn gp rt oi otrh itso s3c :h4e5d uulnel. e s s t h e

3 | P a g e Student Attendance Ts chheoWo l i cdoami l yi c; oh Co owuenvteyr B, wo aer dr eoaf l Ei zdeuicl lant ei os ns eAs t tme na dy acnacues Pe oal i sc tyurdeeqnuti rt eos mt hi as ts at li lms teu fdreonmt s sactht eo no dl . Pc hl ei lads et or e tbuer na ba sneontte ftroo ymo usrc hc ho iol dl . ’ sWhiot hmoeurto oamn toetaec ho ef r ei xf ci tu isse n, es ct ue sdseanrtys f owri lyl o bu er recorded as unexcused. If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed early, please send a note in the morning so tteraanchspeorsrtcaatniopnr,epplaeraeseyonuorticfhyiltdhefoorflfeicaeving early. Likewise, if there is any change in afternoon in writing no later than the morning of the day that ttheleepchhaonngeewnilelendosttboeohcocnuor.redF.or the security of our students, last minute requests via the Parents of our Prekindergarten students are required to sign an Attendance Agreement. Excessive absences may be grounds for dismissal from the program. Vacation requests are due at least two weeks prior to the dates of absence. A maximum of tinhraenedeaxpcpursoedvevdapcartioiorntodathyes acbansebneceu.sed during the school year if the paperwork is turned Parents and Visitors to Our School Ts chheo Wo l edsat ys .i dPea Pr er ni mt saar ny dS cvhi soi ot ol rasdmmui ns ti sut sr ea tti ho en ma na di nsftraof nf twdeol coor mt oe eynot ue ratthaensyc ht iomo el adnudr isnhgo ut hl de ipmr omc ee dd iuartee lrye qr eupi roerst yt oo ut ht oe hs cahv oe oal voaf fliicdedtroi vseirg’ ns liinc eannsde . oAb ltla vi ni s iat ovriss,i tpoarr epnatsss,. T h e s i g n - i n awnidthvcooluunnttyeearnsdmsuchstowolesaarfethtyepvriosicteodrupraesss. while in the building in accordance School Messages bA es as ep np tr oa pu rt oi amt ea, tsi cc ah lol yo l t oa dymo ui nr i sptrriamt iaorny wp ihl lo sneen. dU no luets as ut thoemr ea ti es da nm ee ms s ea rggeesn. cTyh, emme es ss as ag ge es ww ii ll ll bo tehseernstcihnotohl er el al at et eadf teevr ennoto. nY oo ur ema ar lyy geevt ean imn ge sassa ga er ei nmdiinv di deur aol lf ya cPoTn Ac emr nei entgi nygo uo rr cmhai lyd b’ seanbos eonncee ,i na st hweeol lf.f Pi clee at os er ehsepl po nuds bi my ml i setde inaitnegl yt ot ot hyeo uwrhi on lqeumi r ey sisf aygoeuaus steh tehr ee ci sa lal - gbraecakt f we aatyu rt eo tsot aoyb tcaoinnni ne cf ot er dm. aI ft i yoonus hpar roevdi di en tt hh ee mo f ef iscsea wg ei .t Th haen Secmh oaoi ll aMdedsrseesnsg, emr eSsyssatgeems may be sent electronically as well.

4 | P a g e Parent/Teacher/School Communication At the beginning of the school year you will receive a message from your child’s teacher to jwo ii tnh tthheei irr Cc lhaisl ds D’ sotjeoa. c hC el ar sas nDdo jaoc ti isv ai tni eas mt aakziinngg pwl aacye fionr t fhaemcillai es ss rtooo cmo ndna ei l cyt. Aa ndndoi tui onnc ea l l ys c, haodoml - wi niids teraet ivoenn tus .t i l i zWe se thhaev esi tfeo utnod s hCal ar es s Dr eomj oi ntdoe rbs e a na nd outstanding communication tool and hope all our families will participate. Westside Café  B cl r a e s a s k ro fa o s m t i . s available each day to all students, free of charge and is served in the  tLhuen Wc hi ci so ms ei rcvoeCdoduanitlyy Pf ourb sl itcuSdcehnot so lisnwt he eb sci at ef eat te rt hi ae fbr ee eg i on fn ci nhga rogf ee. a cMhemn uosn tahr .e p o s t e d o n  S n t u u m d b en er ts . use an account number daily. Please assist your child in memorizing the  OF eudr esrcahl oGoul ipdreol ivniedse se sf rt ae be l iasnhde dr efdour c tehde l upnr cohg rfaomr . a Al l pspt ul idc aetni ot sn sw ha or es es ef anmt ihl yo mmee eitns tt hh ee oS tpaef nf iantg t ph ae c Bk eo ta. r dA onfe Ewd fuocramt i omn uws ti l bl ep rcoocme spsl etthe ed ae pa pc hl i cyaetai or nasn da nrde tnuor tni ef yd ftaomt ihl iee ss cuhpooonl . cmoamk pe l et ht ieo ni n. dI fi c ya ot iuo nd oo nn ot ht ewf iosrhmt op raopvpi dl ye df oar ntdh er eFt ur er en/ tRheed fuocremd tMo eyaol su rP cr oh gi lrda’ smt, epa lcehaesre. Tinhfeormscahtoioonl hwoimll ethreelnatehdavteo TrheecoFrrdeeo/fReydouucredreMqueaelsst Parnodgrawmil.l not continue to send  Carbonated beverages are not permitted in the café.

5 | P a g e Car Riders and Daily Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures Il of oypo ui sbor innl gy yf ooru rt hceh iul ds et oo fs cbhuosoe ls, da nr odp t- ho ef f si si doenlloy t i ni s tuhne svuips ietrovri speadr ksitnagf f l po ta rakrienag. . TAh es cf hr oono tl es amf eptlyo yuepeo wn iel lnbt eeriinn gt hsec hvoi soi lt.o rApt at hr ke i ne ng dl oot f t tohgerde ae yt ,s ittuidsennet cs eesascahr ymf oo rr nailnl gp taor eenntssupr ei c hk ii ns /ghuepr cstaurdreidnetrs stotutdheenctasrtso. wait in their cars in the visitor lot pick up line. An employee will deliver oIfbytaoiunwa ocaurldtilcikkeettaonpdlvanerfiofircaytoiounr fcohrimld. to be a daily car rider, please contact the office to Wicomico County Dress Code Policy Pmlaeianseofvfiisciet. www.wcboe.org to locate the dress code policy. Copies are also available in the Please note that the current dress code policy does not permit the wearing of flip flops in elementary schools. All shoes must have an asanfkeltey/mbaecaksusrtreadpuarnindgprerocetescst. the feet. This is especially important as a Shorts and skirts must meet the specific length requirements. Tank tops, strapless tops, and spaghetti straps are not permissible. To thhee sr tsu, dr eednut cder et hs se coocdc eu ri sr ei nn tceenodfeddi st oc i pc rl ienaet epar opbol seimt i vs ,e asnc dh omo al icnl itma i ant es aof fe rt ye sapnedc tofrodresreilnf at nh de school so that effective teaching and learning can take place. Marvelous Manners – Guidance Department Ws t ueds tesni dt se. POrui mr da ar yi l yS cmh oo ronl itna gk easn pn roiudne cienmme anitns t iani nc liundg ea apfoosciut isv oe nl etahren vi nagl ueenov fi rtohne mmeonnt tfho ra na dl l reciting the school pledge. School Pledge I will come to school each day. I will do my best. I I w wI i i l w l l l b i f l e o l w l k lo i e n w a d r a t m l o l y t e h v se e m r ri y u le o le . n s e . . All these things I will do to be a good citizen.

6 | P a g e From Our School Nurse, Mrs. Dailey Swpei ll ll iansg, bt ah ti hn rgos oamt ba rcec ai dkef anst ts/, lmu na yc hr eoqrugi reet tai ncgh awnegte/ os of iclleodt hdeus rfionrgyroeucre cs hs ,i lads. Wo c ec uars ka tt hsac thyoooul , lwe aev ae rae cahbalne gteo ocf hcal ontghee sy oi nu ry ocuhri l cdhiinl dt o’ s tbhoeo kc l bo at hgesso yt oh ua t hi faavne apcrcoi vd iednetds. h oTuhlids wc l oi ltl hheesl po rpfrreovme nhtayvoi nugf ryoomu r hcahvi lidn gs ittoi nc owme et /tdoi rstcyhcol oo lt hi ne st hf oer ma ni dedxltee on fd tehdeadmaoyutnot borfi nt igmnee. w Please make sure all health questionnaires and forms are completed before your child attends school. Medication at School Wa hPenhyysoiuciracnh’sildMisepdriecsactrioibnedomrdederic. ation to be given during the school day, always request Doctors have these forms, and they are necessary for the school to administer medications. All medications are handled by the nurse and must be provided by the parent of the child. Please keep iandmo ci nt odr t’ sh aotr dt heer . s cI fh yoooul i hs anvoet apne yr mq iut et es dt i ot on sa, dpml ei ansi set ce or notvaecrt- Mt h res- .c Do ua inl et eyr, omuerdsi cc ha toi oolnns uwr si teh. o u t Volunteers Needed Wa s ea l colvaes svrooloumn t ev eorl us natteWe re, sf ites li dd et rPi pr i mc haarpyeSr cohnoeo, el !v eWnht evtohl eurn it te ei sr ,yooru “ratti m e home helper”, we are grateful for your time and commitment to Woffeisctesaidte4P10ri-m67a7ry-5. 1I1f7y.ouThaarenkavyaoiula. ble to volunteer during the school year, please call the We welcome volunteers at Westside Primary School! Children love to see their parents working in the school for them. Please join us! Weather delays, Closings, and Dismissals Iyfotuh ewriel l i rs eicnecilveemaenn at uwt oe amt ha teerda tnedl espchhoonoel icsa dl l eol anyyeodu, rc lhoos me de oarn dd i/somr ics es lel dp ehaornl ye ,. YHoout l i cnaena ta l4s1o0 c- 6a 7l l 7t-h5e1 0W0 ,i coormc hi ceoc kC tohuenwt ye bBsoiat er ,dwowf wE.dwuccbaot ieo. onr gS.c hAosoal l wC laoyssi n, lgo c a l r a d i o a n d television stations will also broadcast the information. Please remember, students may not arrive at regular time on delay days, nor may they remain in the building if school is dismissed early.

7 | P a g e Pony Pages POluera sPeo vniys iPt aoguers spc hr oovoild’ se Cs lpa as sr eDnot jsoawn de bf saimt ei loi er sAwp pi t ht oi nv fi oe wr moaut ri osnc haoboolu’ st mt hoeni rt hclhyi lnde’ swsspl eetctief irc! gwriat dh ei nl ef ov reml haat pi opne fnrionmg s oaunrdSwp ehcaita tl hAerye aa rDe eapnadr thma ve en tbseaenndl eoaurrn si nc hg .o oY lo’ su Pwr ii lnl cai lps aol !b e p r o v i d e d COMAR 13A.08.01.14 CreOgMarAdRinrgesgeualarctihoenss: require each school to announce or publish the following regulations Am. 1a y- Am pa rkien ca i pr eaal ,s aosnsai sbtlaenstepa rr icnhc oi pf aal , sot ru ds ce hn ot oolns secchuor iot ly pgrueamr di s eosf ao rp ounb lai csscchhooool -l sponsored trip if the searcher has a reasonable belief that the student has in the sBt. u1d- eAnpt ’rsi npcoispsaels, saisosni sat na ni tt epmr i ni nc ivpi aoll,aot irosnc oh foao lr suel ec uorri trye gguulaartdi oonf oaf pt hueb ll iocc sacl hboooalr md . a y m a k e a ssetuadrcehntosf. the physical plant of the school and its appurtenances, including the lockers of Lost and Found Py ol euars ec hr iel md ’ se mn ba me ret. o Tl ahbies l wa lil l lc oeantasb, lsew setaatfef r tso, l ur entcuhr nb otxhees , i tbeomo sk bt oa gtsh, ee tcco. rwr ei tcht syteuadr e, pn ltewa sheecnhfeocuknodu. t Itfhyeol uo srteaanl idz ef oyuonud aarree amiins stihneg caanf eitteermi a .d u r i n g t h e s c h o o l Physical Education Reminders and news from Mrs. Noelte! Tt hhee sscthuodoelnyt es aorf. WS tPuSd ewni tl sl lne ea er nd tmo ahnayv en epwr ospkei rl l ss haoneds wf oorr pk hoyns i tchael i er douwc ant if oi tnn ec sl as s tshtroo ug ge ht ot huet rger me aet me sbt ebretnheafti t Ufgr og smacnlda sost haenrd broeomt sa ianr es anf eo.t sAasf et hseh owe se aftohrepr hbyesgi ci nasl t o g e t c h i l l y , p l e a s e education.

8 | P a g e PE Wikispace - http://westsideprimarype.wicomico.wikispaces.net/ Tc ohme mP Eu wn iitkyi swpealcl en ews isl lebvee nu st se,dt ot osuhpa dr ea taec ftai vmi tiilei esst oh na twcha ant bset uddoennet saat rheodmo ei ntgo i nk ecel aps tsh, teows hhaorl ee family healthy, and includes interactive games pertaining to the curriculum. Westside Wellness Blog - http://blogs.wcboe.org/mnoelte/ Pf aamr ei lnyt sh ecaalnt hsyh. aTr eh e( obrl ohge lapc ttsh ae si r ocuhri lodnr lei nn es hc oa mr em) ruenci itpy etsh aa tn dw oi dr ek as st of og re tkheeerption ge atshi el y ws hhaorl ee itdo etahse tbol oi ngc, ri te ai ss eo nwl ye lnl neec sess.s aCrhyetco*k i tnhcel ubdleo gy of rue oq ru eyno tul ry cf oh ri l du'ps df iartsetsnaanmdei.d e a s ! W h e n p o s t i n g Box Tops for Education By eoaxr sT, oapnsd ifto rr eEa ldl yu ccaatni omn ahkaesa bdei fefne r eanr oc ue .nIdn ffaocrt ,otvheerB2o5x Tt oo p ss cphroooglrsa ms i hn ac es h e1l9p9e6d. g iTvhe ea l mB oo sxt oTnoepbs i l l ai opnp d oglilvaer ss pofaratbicuipttaonnt.s the ability to earn money for any school across the country with just the touch HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Buy participating products and use the Box Tops app to scan your sdteosri eg nraet ce edi ps tc.h oTohleo na lpi np e .i dEevnetni f iief sy oeul i’ rgei bsl eh opprpoi nd gu cot ns l iannedo re adroni ni ngg gs r oa cr ee r yc rpeidcikt ue dp , tyoo uy coaunr sstcihllosoulbgmetistayochuercdki!gital or email receipt with the Box Tops app and earn. Twice a year, our Bwoex cTaonp smeaakren. i nS go s, rl eeta’ sl l yg ai vded ouupr, atne da cthheer ms ot hr ee ps euopppl oe rtth at ht epya rnt iecei dp aat en,dt hgei vbei gmg eorr teh ek iidms ptahcet oTphpanorktuyonuityfotroysouucrceseudp.pToorgt!ether, we can help make a big difference.

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Westside Primary Student Handbook 2023-2024 (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.