David Lu and his characters confront JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 (2024)

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JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 and Brianlego98-Brian

Paula Wright-Julie

Kasey Jacobson-Eric

Sidney Wilford and Michaek-Joey

Annabella Richardson-Princess

Martin Stepney-Paul

Keira Williams, Amber and Jenna-Salli

Hector Burns-Hugh

Grace Gunnarsson-Grace

Jemima Lee-Amber

Francisco Da Cruz-Young Guy

David Lu-David

Kelly Gray-Bella

Queen Emmaroyal98-Emma


Nancy Jenner-Kate


Police Officer-Wiseguy


In JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19's apartment, JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 was relaxing.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: Wow! It's a nice day to relax! Hopefully, nothing bad will happen today!

Then JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 heard his phone ringing.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: Oh, looks like I got a message. It says, 'Jamie, come to the park! We have a huge surprise for you! You will love it!'.

So JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 got off his chair to walk off.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: In this case, I'm going to the park and find out what my surprise is.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 left his apartment.

When Jamie arrived at the park...

Jamie approached Kasey Jacobson, Paula Wright, Sidney Wilford, Annabella Richardson, Martin Stepney, Keira Williams, Hector Burns, Grace Gunnarson, Francisco Da Cruz and Jemima Lee, only to get confronted by them, much to his shock. He was confused.


JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: Um, I came to the park and see a bunch of angry faces. Who are you people? And why are you angry at me? What did I do wrong?

Paula: Of course you did something wrong Jamie! You did a lot of bad and disgusting things in the Vyond community recently! In case you don't know who you are. I am Paula Wright, and behind me are my friends Kasey Jacobson, Sidney Wilford, Annabella Richardson, Martin Stepney and Keira Williams. And on my left is Hector Burns, Grace Gunnarsson, Jemima Lee and Francisco Da Cruz. I will start off by explaining what you did wrong. A few days ago, I saw some Dark Truth videos and Community posts from various users. One: you made Dark Truth posts out of RockstarMicahTheVyonderSonicRoblox&Tal_onFan2K5, SeanTheAnimationAndTrainEnthusiastFanatic, GabeTheGamerPlushieCollectorAndAnimator2K8, JamisonTheNintendo&AnimationFan, AustinTheSuperiorVyonder2021, and WanZhitheFloralVyonder218 with invalid reasons. Not only that, but you're the one who's behind the impersonation accounts out of those users, including TwilightFlameStudios08 also known as Vicky on Discord, and you also made bad videos out of those users proving you're a cyberbully. What the hell is your problem, Jamie? You should know that impersonating anyone is illegal.

Kasey: Two: when you impersonated Vicky on Discord, you gave her a false hatebase by posting inappropriate pictures of animals to FelipeTheGamer&CarFan10 so you can make Vicky a zoophile, but instead, the plan didn't work, and now you're a zoophile yourself.

Sidney: Three: when you tried to leave the internet for the first time, you turned off comments on your videos and Community posts and you privatized all your videos to avoid blacklash proving you can't handle hate or criticism. Also, you deleted your channel a few days ago so you can get away with your unforgivable actions which shows you're trying to avoid people hating you for what you've done.

Annabella: Four: you spammed hundreds of crying and angry emojis proving how much of an imbecile and Manchild you really are! Come on! I wouldn't even dare spam a single Emoji just so I can get people to get my attention!

Martin: Five: you supported a dead topic user, and you acted like him a few days ago proving that you're a criminal user and criminal user supporter. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you five, six, seven, eight, or nine years old? I'm getting tired of users like you putting me in an angry mood.

Keira: Six: you take trolls way too seriously especially those who made killing videos out of you, proving you can't handle trolls. Come on, trolls are meant to be ignored.

Hector: Seven: you keep simple on girls like your OC girlfriend Renae, your other OC fictional characters, and you use your OC characters as the only people you support on social media when you commit massive crimes and betrayed everyone in the community in April 2024.

Grace: Eight: not only you destroyed your OC characters' reputations, but you even destroyed Ellie Watson, Chloe Walker and Hannah Manzano's reputations proving your a reputation destroyer.

Jemima: Nine: you made a buttons and Bose treatment video out of a user making you a cyber bully once again.

Francisco: Ten: you cheated on DanaThePakistani&CountryFanatic AUTTP by hitting on her and making her be your online girlfriend. When in fact, Dana isn't into any relationships at all. You even forced Dana to add you to her videos when it's her opinion to add you or not, proving you're an attention seeker.

Paula: Eleven: you made the role plays unfair on RetroMiller's Discord server proving you can't handle a single piece of dark humour or edginess.

Kasey: Twelve: you spammed your apologies just because people keep on denying your apologies for what you've done in 2022, 2023 and 2024 proving that you're a liar and manipulator to everyone. I feel bad for those people who fell and accepted for your apology. However, I'm glad that there were some sensitive people who denied your apologies. This also proves you can't handle people denying your apologies.

Sidney: Thirteen: you are ungrateful for anyone to add you to their videos which is what helped you get to 2,000 subscribers and if it wasn't for their help, nobody would have cared about you anyway.

Annabella: Fourteen: you manipulate everyone to cut ties with innocent users and you send your fans to attack innocent users and try to give them false hatebases just because they called you out as a traitor and because they never added you to their videos. This proves of an imbecile you are and I'm glad that everyone are now cutting ties with you for all the pain you caused in the community.

Martin: Fifteen: you are sexually attracted to animals proving you're a furry.

Keira: Sixteen: you make your evil troublemaking crew The Dark Master your favourite crew as you rarely feature your heroic crew The Light Masters in your video proving you're a dangerous troublemaking group supporter which is unforgivable in this community. This proves you're a criminal user supporter.

Hector: Seventeen: you simp on girls and treat them as if they are gifts from God for no reason whatsoever because they are very beautiful.

Grace: Eighteen: you made your OC bite someone's ear off on RetroMiller1997's Discord server and you destroyed her reputation.

Jemima: Nineteen: your grammar and your videos are so terrible that you make yourself and your characters sound like they are toddlers or kindergarteners. You also talk too much in your videos and waste so much time instead of doing what you're supposed to do proving you're a Time waster and last but not least.

Francisco: Twenty, your videos don't have enough effort put into them and your characters are bland with no intriguing personalities whatsoever ever.

Paula: I agree with everyone. I just cannot believe you betrayed everyone who cared about you in the community. Words can't even describe how furious we are at you. You were a good user back in 2022 to 2023 until in 2024 you went downhill and betrayed everyone and fake your apologies. I don't know why everyone denied your apology for acting like a spoiled brat.

Kasey: Oh! In addition, we have already called the police to arrest you. But before you get arrested, there is more innocent users who used to like you but now hate you after what you did coming to the park so they can teach your lesson. You won't get away with this!

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 began to cry and cower.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: No! Please!

David Lu, Kelly Gray, Brianlgo98, Queen Emmaroyal98, Fluttershy106, Nancy Jenner, Amber, Isaac, Jenna and Michael were approaching behind JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: I don't want to be taught a lesson and get arrested for what I've did! I'm so extremely sorry for what I did! And I promise I won't do it ever again! Please will you all give me another chance!

David Lu called to JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19, as JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 turned to David Lu and his friends.

David Lu: Oh hell no, we are all not going to give you another chance for what you did! You lost all your chances and crossed the line big time, Jamie! Consider all your apologies denied because no matter how many times you apologize, it will always be denied forever!

Kelly: I agree with my boyfriend! What you did last Friday and last month was unforgivable! Traitors like you make me sick!

Brianlego98: I agree with what Kelly said! You gave Vicky a false hate base a few weeks ago by impersonating her on Discord and posting those inappropriate pictures of characters from A Bug's Life to Felipe, and Felipe used the pictures as evidences against her so her YouTube career is destroyed and get called out for being a zoophile. Also, I find it very laughable that you would do this to the other users you've impersonated just because they didn't add you to their videos!

Queen Emmaroyal98: I agree with Brian, it's a good thing that I never liked you in the first place, especially when you start acting stupid this year! Oh, I forgot to mention that David did destroy one of AndrewTheAnimator2305's OC character back in 2022, but he learned his lesson after he got called out by some people, whereas you never learned your lesson! You're an adult, not a kid anymore, and your actions will lead to consequences!

Fluttershy106: I'm glad I never liked you to begin with, especially how you acted last week and last month by acting like a crybaby, begging people to forgive you, and impersonating famous Vyonders, like seriously, you need to see therapist to have your brain checked because this is not normal behaviour from an adult.

Nancy: I agree with Mickey, you even play with your community tab as if it was a toy, when in fact it should be used seriously.

Amber: Tell you what, Jamie! You even sound like a Manchild in real life as some users heard your real life voice on some of your live streams and some of your voice reveals. I must say, you sound way too young to be a 19-year-old and more like a 13, 14 or 15 year old!

Isaac: Also, when you impersonated RockstarMicahTheVyonderSonicRoblox&Tal_onFan2K5 on YouTube, you portrayed him as a violent and racist person by making him rant on Israel including beating up his girlfriend and breaking up with her for being a zoophile when she isn't. Now not only you're racist to Americans, but also racist to Jewish people and every people from Israel!

Jenna: I agree with what David's trusted users said, you even make Dark Truth posts out of many innocent users which all didn't work because all of your Dark Truth posts have invalid reasons.

Everyone became livid at JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19, scaring him.

Michael: And last but not least, I may be a bad user, but I still despise dangerous people like you! Anyway, don't you dare lie about that you recently created an imposter account out of a dead topic user called AbhinavTheNewYorkVyonder2K4, and even tried so hard to claim that he was the real Abhinav by saying he forgot his password and had to create a new account! What do you have to say about this, Jamie?!

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: Okay fine! I admit it! Yes! I did create that imposter account out of abanov because I support Abhinav so much ever since he wished me a happy 18th birthday! And also love simping on his girlfriend Jessica Slider by making her look prettier. In addition, I used Felipe's real face to use it as my face reveal, because I didn't know what Abhinav looked like in real life! And later, I closed the impostor account after JulianTheSpartaRemixer&VyonderFan called me out for it! Please! I'm sorry! I'll be ashamed of myself and never do it again!

Everyone threw a fit.


Kelly: Also, when someone called you out for making a Dark truth video on one of your videos you made, you called him out for being a hater towards you and forced him to delete that video he made out of you! This proves you can't handle a single hate and criticism!

Brianlego98: And because you made so many Dark Truth posts out of innocent users, you will be blocked from all their channels including mine, Mickey's, Amber's and David's, I strongly despise cyberbullies and you're one of them! Consider your apology denied for the rest of your life and you can't be trusted anymore!

Jenna: And there you have it. we're all cutting ties with you for all the trauma you put us through in this community which just causes more fighting and not ending it!

Isaac: And because of all the trauma you have put us through in this community including impersonating other Vyonders, the police is already here to arrest you for good!

Isaac pointed to the police.

Isaac: Police, get that guy in the aqua hair right now!

Just then, the police officer rushed in, and grabbed JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 and handcuffed him.

Police officer: JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19, you're under arrest for impersonating innocent users in the Vyond community, posing as Vicky on Discord and sending inappropriate pictures of animals and making the Vyond community so toxic along with all the other bullcrap you've done! You have the right to be quiet! Anything you do or say will be used against you in a court of law! Let's go to the police car right now!

The police officer took JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 away.

JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Police officer: And stop crying like a stupid motorcar! I'm tired to hear that sound!

Everyone felt bad.

Jenna: I just can't believe that Jamie would betray all of us like that. The Vyond community just gets worse and worse every year. Maybe later this year we could even have another user who gets turned into a traitor, and then if it keeps happening, the Vyond community will be done forever.

David Lu and his characters confront JamieTheDisneyChannel&CartoonNetworkFan19 (2024)


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