What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)? (2024)

What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is similar to cryptocurrencies, except that its value is fixed by the central bank and is equivalent to the country's fiat currency.

Many countries are developing CBDCs, and some have even implemented them. Because so many countries are researching ways to transition to digital currencies, it's important to understand the CBDC meaning and what they mean for society.

Key Takeaways

  • A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat currency.
  • A nation's monetary authority, or central bank, issues a CBDC, which promotes financial inclusion and simplifies the implementation of monetary and fiscal policies.
  • Many countries are exploring how CBDCs may affect their economies, financial networks, and stability.
  • It's important for people and nations to understand the CBDC meaning because the world's economies are moving toward the use of digital currencies.

Understanding Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Fiat money is a government-issued currency that has no physical commodity like gold or silver backing it up. It is considered a form of legal tender that can be exchanged for goods and services.

Traditionally, fiat money has been banknotes and coins, but technology has allowed governments and financial institutions to supplement physical fiat money with a credit-based currency model that records balances and transactions digitally.

Physical currency is still widely exchanged and accepted. However, some developed countries have experienced a drop in its use, and that trend accelerated during the pandemic.

The introduction and evolution of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have spurred additional interest in cashless societies and digital currencies.

Governments and central banks worldwide are exploring the possibility of using government-backed digital currencies. When and if they are implemented, these currencies would have the full faith and backing of the government that issues them, just as fiat money does.

Purposes of CBDCs

In the U.S. and many other countries, many individuals don't have access to financial services. In the U.S. alone, 6% of adults didn't have a bank account in 2022. In 2020, 13% of U.S. adults who had bank accounts used costly alternative services like money orders, payday loans, and check-cashing services.

1. The main purpose of CBDCs is to provide businesses and consumers conducting financial transactions with privacy, transferability, convenience, accessibility, and financial security.

2. CBDCs could also decrease the cost of maintenance that a complex financial system requires, reduce cross-border transaction costs, and provide those who currently use alternative money-transfer methods with lower-cost options.

3. CBDCs would also reduce the risks associated with using digital currencies, or cryptocurrencies, in their current form. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, with their value constantly fluctuating. This volatility could cause severe financial stress in many households and affect the overall stability of an economy. CBDCs, backed by a government and controlled by a central bank, would give households, consumers, and businesses a secure means of exchanging digital currency.

A CBDC also provides a country's central bank with the means to implement monetary policies to ensure stability, control growth, and influence inflation.

Types of CBDCs

There are two types of CBDCs, wholesale and retail. Financial institutions are the primary users of wholesale CBDCs, whereas consumers and businesses use retail CBDCs.

Wholesale CBDCs

Wholesale CBDCs function similarly to holding reserves in a central bank. The central bank grants an institution an account in which to deposit funds or to use to settle interbank transfers. Central banks can then use monetary policy tools, such as reserve requirements or interest on reserve balances, to set interest rates and influence lending.

Retail CBDCs

Retail CBDCs are government-backed digital currencies used by consumers and businesses. Retail CBDCs eliminate intermediary risk—the risk that private digital currency issuers might become bankrupt and lose customers' assets.

There are two types of retail CBDCs. They differ in how individual users access and use their currency:

  • Token-based retail CBDCs are accessible with private keys or public keys or both. This method of validation allows users to execute transactions anonymously.
  • Account-based retail CBDCs require digital identification to access an account.

It is possible to develop two types of CBDCs, wholesale and retail, and have them function in the same economy.

Issues Concerning CBDCs

The Federal Reserve has identified issues addressed by CBDCs, as well as matters that must be addressed before a CBDC can be designed and implemented.

Issues Addressed by CBDCs

  • Eliminate the third-party risk of events like bank failures or bank runs. Any residual risk that remains in the system rests with the central bank.
  • Can lower high cross-border transaction costs by reducing the complex distribution systems and increasing jurisdictional cooperation between governments.
  • Could support and protect U.S. dollar dominance; the U.S. dollar is still the most-used currency in the world.
  • Remove the cost of implementing a financial structure within a country to bring financial access to the unbanked population.
  • Can establish a direct connection between consumers and central banks, thus eliminating the need for expensive infrastructure.

Issues Created by CBDCs

  • If the U.S. financial structure drastically changes, it's unknown how it would affect household expenses, investments, banking reserves, interest rates, the financial services sector, or the economy.
  • Effects that a switch to a CBDC could have on a financial system's stability are unknown. For example, there may not be enough central bank liquidity to facilitate withdrawals during a financial crisis.
  • Central banks implement monetary policy to influence inflation, interest rates, lending, and spending, which in turn affects employment rates. Central banks must ensure that they have the tools needed to impact the economy positively.
  • Privacy is one of the most significant drivers behind cryptocurrency. CBDCs would require an appropriate amount of intrusion by authorities to monitor for financial crimes; monitoring is also important because it supports efforts to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
  • Cryptocurrencies have been the target of hackers and thieves. A central bank-issued digital currency would likely attract the same crowd of thieves. Therefore, efforts to prevent system penetration and theft of assets and information would need to be robust.

Issues Addressed By CBDCs

  • Free from credit and liquidity risk

  • Lower cross-border payment costs

  • Support the international role of the dollar

  • Aim for financial inclusion

  • Expand access to the general public

Issues Created by CBDCs

  • Financial structure changes

  • Financial system stability

  • Monetary policy influence

  • Privacy and protection

  • Cybersecurity

CBDCs vs. Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency ecosystem provides a glimpse of an alternative currency system in which cumbersome regulations don't dictate the terms of each transaction. Such transactions are hard to duplicate or counterfeit and are secured by consensus mechanisms that prevent tampering.

Central bank digital currencies are designed to be similar to cryptocurrencies, but they may not require blockchain technology or consensus mechanisms.

Additionally, cryptocurrencies are unregulated and decentralized. Their value is dictated by investor sentiments, usage, and user interest. They are volatile assets more suited for speculation, which makes them unlikely candidates for use in a financial system that requires stability. CBDCs mirror the value of fiat currency and are designed for stability and safety.

CBDCs in Use and in Development

Central banks in many countries have launched pilot programs and research projects to determine the viability and usability of a CBDC in their economies.

As of March 2024, three countries had a functioning CBDC: the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Nigeria. The Eastern Caribbean Currency Union halted its CBDC for technical reasons and started a new pilot program.

There are 36 CBDC pilots in operation and 19 of the G20 have programs in development. The BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are exploring a CBDC.

One example of a failed CBDC attempt is the United Kingdom's Britcoin, which existed between 2011 and 2019.

According to the Federal Reserve, the U.S. is one of those countries that is exploring whether a CBDC "could improve on an already safe and efficient U.S. domestic payments system."

Is CBDC a Cryptocurrency?

Though the idea for central bank digital currencies stems from cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, CBDCs aren't cryptocurrencies. A central bank controls a CBDC, whereas cryptocurrencies are almost always decentralized, meaning they can't be regulated by a single authority, such as a bank.

Does the U.S. Have a CBDC?

Not yet. The Federal Reserve and its branches are researching CBDCs and ways to implement them in the U.S. financial system. President Joe Biden has ordered the development of a national strategy on digital currencies.

Is a CBDC Based on a Blockchain?

A CBDC can be based on a blockchain, but it doesn't need to be. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Digital Currency Initiative found that distributed ledgers could hinder the efficiency and scalability of a CBDC.

The Bottom Line

Many countries are researching or developing central bank digital currencies, and three have implemented them. A CBDC's main purpose is to provide businesses and consumers with privacy, transferability, convenience, accessibility, and financial security.

Many individuals throughout the world have no access to bank accounts, so a CBDC would give them a way to be paid, hold their money, and pay bills. CBDCs could also decrease the maintenance a complex financial system requires, reduce cross-border transaction costs, and give people who use alternative money-transfer methods lower-cost options.

What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)? (2024)


What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is similar to cryptocurrencies, except that its value is fixed by the central bank and is equivalent to the country's fiat currency. Many countries are developing CBDCs, and some have even implemented them.

What is CBDC in simple terms? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a digital version of a country's central bank money or fiat currency. Fiat money is not tied to a physical commodity such as gold or silver.

What is an example of a CBDC? ›

Examples include the Sand Dollar by the the Central Bank of the Bahamas, the Naira in Nigeria, the Digital Rupee launched by the Reserve bank of India, and the Digital Ruble by the Bank of Russia.

What is the central bank digital currency solution? ›

CBDCs are digital currencies issued by central banks, akin to digital forms of paper money, thus more stable than non-government-backed cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. CBDCs are inherently digital and designed for digital environments, unlike typical digital transactions that transfer traditional money online.

Is the US going to digital currency? ›

Critics say there are massive privacy and security issues and an electronic currency could give the US government unprecedented control over transactions. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in March the possibility of launching a digital dollar in the US was slim to none.

Will CBDC replace cash? ›

2. Will a U.S. CBDC replace cash or paper currency? The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash and is considering a CBDC as a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them.

How is CBDC different from cash? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is similar to cryptocurrencies, except that its value is fixed by the central bank and is equivalent to the country's fiat currency.

Will cash become obsolete? ›

If it's been a long time since you pulled out actual dollars and coins to pay for something — here's a conversation for you. It might seem like cash is slowly becoming obsolete. But, Brett Scott says it's a false narrative that we're all pining for a cashless society.

Who owns central bank digital currency? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC; also called digital fiat currency or digital base money) is a digital currency issued by a central bank, rather than by a commercial bank. It is also a liability of the central bank and denominated in the sovereign currency, as is the case with physical banknotes and coins.

Is CBDC good or bad? ›

Put simply, a CBDC would most likely be the single largest assault to financial privacy since the creation of the Bank Secrecy Act and the establishment of the third‐​party doctrine. The threat to freedom that a CBDC could pose is closely related to its threat to privacy.

Should we get rid of cash? ›

Cash remains essential to millions of Americans who don't have bank accounts. Plus, digital payment systems are linked to your identity. Eliminating cash would mean giving up some of our financial privacy, as the government and data-hungry companies could more easily snoop on our daily lives.

What happens if the US goes to digital dollar? ›

Here in the U.S., if the Fed issued a digital dollar, that digital dollar would be substantially identical to the cash dollar and could be exchanged as such. The exchange rate would be constant, as they would be the same thing created by the same governmental mechanism.

What will replace the dollar? ›

A future counterweight to the greenback could take a number of different forms, such as a central bank digital currency, a stablecoin, a basket of existing BRICS currencies or a currency backed by precious metals like gold and silver.

What is the point of CBDC? ›

CBDC, like blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, enables customers to use unique digital fingerprints to identify themselves to banks. This helps banks avoid working with unverified actors, which can deter their implication in fraud and other criminal activities, including money laundering.

Who controls digital currency? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC; also called digital fiat currency or digital base money) is a digital currency issued by a central bank, rather than by a commercial bank. It is also a liability of the central bank and denominated in the sovereign currency, as is the case with physical banknotes and coins.

Is CBDC risky? ›

A UK House of Lords economic affairs committee report concluded that a CBDC poses two main security risks: first, that individual accounts could be compromised through cybersecurity weaknesses; and, second, that a centralised CBDC ledger could be a target for attack from “hostile state and non-state actors”.

What is CBDC for dummies? ›

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital form of fiat money, directly issued and regulated by the central bank of a country.


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