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cultshock05-17-23 01:30 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Saw it last weekend with the family, we all really enjoyed it, I wouldn't mind seeing it in the theater a second time. Not quite as good as the first one, but better than the second one IMO. Cosmo the space dog is awesome, and it's always a treat seeing Howard the Duck again.

Joe Schmoe05-21-23 08:01 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Didn't care for this much. I didn't need to know Rocket's backstory, and I didn't buy for a second that it's always been his story. (Don't recall which character said that to him.) The villain's constant yelling at people was really annoying, and I didn't expect a movie about rescuing kids and animals. I would have preferred a story where the Guardians get a lead on Gamora's whereabouts and spend the film tracking her down and Quill doing his best to charm her so she'll stay with the group. I thought Groot looked too much like a stuntman in a costume. I'm not familiar with Warlock from the comics, but he was teased in another movie, right? He was very unimpressive in this one. Almost no one laughed at the jokes in the theater I saw it in. Perhaps most of them were spoiled by the many trailers and ads Disney released ahead of the film, or maybe my fellow moviegoers grew tired of the endless arguing that was intended to be funny? Big disappointment.

Goldberg7405-21-23 09:15 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

There’s a theory that at the end of the film when we hear Groot say “I love you all” he really said “I Am Groot” and we (like Gamora) are able to understand him now.

We are all Guardians of the Galaxy now.

DJariya05-21-23 09:28 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Joe Schmoe(Post 14275594)

Didn't care for this much. I didn't need to know Rocket's backstory, and I didn't buy for a second that it's always been his story. (Don't recall which character said that to him.) The villain's constant yelling at people was really annoying, and I didn't expect a movie about rescuing kids and animals. I would have preferred a story where the Guardians get a lead on Gamora's whereabouts and spend the film tracking her down and Quill doing his best to charm her so she'll stay with the group. I thought Groot looked too much like a stuntman in a costume. I'm not familiar with Warlock from the comics, but he was teased in another movie, right? He was very unimpressive in this one. Almost no one laughed at the jokes in the theater I saw it in. Perhaps most of them were spoiled by the many trailers and ads Disney released ahead of the film, or maybe my fellow moviegoers grew tired of the endless arguing that was intended to be funny? Big disappointment.

Wow, pretty harsh review. If it doesn’t work for you, that’s perfectly fine. But I don’t recall that you’ve liked any MCU movie. At least not post Avengers Endgame.

Why So Blu?05-21-23 10:11 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

It's holding well at the boxoffice. 32% drop or some sh*t like that.

mwbmis05-21-23 10:34 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

I saw it again last week, and I liked it even more the second time. While saying it was my favorite since End Game sounds like damning it with faint praise, I did really enjoy it quite a bit, and I looked past some of the flaws I had with the first viewing. I re-watched Guardians 2 this weekend and even enjoyed that more post Vol 3 so it helped there too.

Two observations though...I think in character Nebula would no longer be that angry. She spent five years with Rocket as an Avenger creating real friendships. Sure she would still a surly character, but some of her more angry outbursts rang a little false for me. Second, the ending where everyone goes their separate ways felt more like something that happened because Gunn and some of the actors were leaving than it did something the characters would do.

I would expect we'll see at least Rocket, Groot, and Nebula in the next Avengers movie though.

Xander05-22-23 10:40 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

I liked it a lot, but the animal experimentation stuff was hard for me to watch, even knowing it was all CGI. :(

I also didn't love what they did to Adam Warlock's character, but it didn't bother me enough to make me not like the film.

Definitely got teared up when they finally saved Rocket's life. Good stuff overall.

B5Erik05-22-23 11:14 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

You said I was a bad dog. Take it back!

windom05-22-23 11:33 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Would there really be a newspaper headline like that about Kevin Bacon's "alien abduction"? At this point everyone on Earth knows that aliens are real. If he was taken off the planet by "aliens" would they still be calling it an "alien abduction"? Wouldn't it be more like "Kevin Bacon kidnapped by aliens" or something similar?

tanman05-23-23 02:54 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

The more I think about it and watch breakdowns like this, the more I like the movie. It seems like James Gunn really put a lot of thought into the whole trilogy and the themes these characters represented and the journey they've been on. It really is a great series. The best in the MCU IMO.

cultshock05-23-23 04:14 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Goldberg74(Post 14275625)

There’s a theory that at the end of the film when we hear Groot say “I love you all” he really said “I Am Groot” and we (like Gamora) are able to understand him now.

We are all Guardians of the Galaxy now.

I've heard that as well and it makes sense, a nice touch.

Michael Corvin05-23-23 11:04 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Saw it early tonight and really liked it. The Guardians films are the only MCU flicks I enjoy and it delivered. However it did feel a bit long in the tooth. How long did we really need to see the camera pan around Kraglin while he stood there watching the invasion before pulling out the whistle? Did we need to see Drax try and lay down on the couch three times? The joke worked once. I love Nathan Fillion but that whole sequence to the the die overstayed its welcome.

My kids loved it more than part 2, but I'm not sure. I need to rewatch both again. I loved Rocket's backstory. I loved that every character got the right amount of development and screen time. I really liked what they did with Gamora, but it still fell short in a few areas for me. Ego was a better villain than purple clad Dr. Henry Wu and Lobot. I do agree with the sentiments above about all the yelling, it doesn't make him more intimidating, just irritating. He was much more interesting in the flashbacks than as the villain in the present day. I'm not familiar with Adam Warlock from the comics but his being a tad stupid just didn't work for me.

Part of the appeal of Guardians is the fantastical and otherworldly charm it has along with all the crazy inhabitants, but there's still a limit, IMO. Some of the character designs in this were just bizarre to bad. From Ninja Turtle rejects to the ridiculous looking organic suits Nathan Fillion wore with the security team. Also as mentioned above, while I DID end up liking the characters of Floor, Lyla and Teefs, first thing I thought was Sid from Toy Story (as previously mentioned). Some of it was just too "out-there" and felt like they were conjured up by someone co*ked out of their head on a bender. Had me wondering about what kind of crazy sh*t Gunn's going to put in the DC-verse.

I loved the soundtrack and even the more modern tunes chosen. The No Sleep 'til Brooklyn scene was especially awesome considering every character got a moment to shine.

So unless I'm oblivious, the infamous Star-Lord didn't don his mask once in this, opting for Peter Quill for the whole flick. Kind of an odd choice.

Lastly, I need some help since I'm not an MCU acolyte and haven't seen anything since Endgame (except for Wandavision and the Guardians Holiday Special):
1. How did Thor depart? Is that explained in Love and Thunder?
2. What's Gamora's story? They kinda glossed over it here. She's a younger version of her previous self prior to meeting Quill. Got it, but how? When? Is that explained somewhere? Infinity stone something or other? Or was that just "it" and we're not supposed to ask any questions?
3. Where did the iPod with modern music come from? Did that happen in the Holiday Special? Kinda watched that one and forgot it once it was over.

Originally Posted by Deftones(Post 14269777)

So what are the theories about Star-Lord's return? Cameos in upcoming Avengers movies? Full blown solo movie? I hope just cameos. He is only a good character when he has someone to play off of.

I'll throw my hat into the ring with something different altogether. The MCU is kind of a mess right now and they don't have RDJ as an anchor anymore to help draw people in. They need a new "guy" and Chris Pratt is probably a cheaper get. So my prediction is that Pratt will be the new RDJ anchoring everything together and cameoing in as many things as possible and possibly move into leading the next iteration of the Avengers. Since he can be himself and doesn't have to sit through hours of makeup like Bautista and Saldana, he could play Star Lord for quite some time.

tanman05-24-23 12:40 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Michael Corvin(Post 14276557)

Lastly, I need some help since I'm not an MCU acolyte and haven't seen anything since Endgame (except for Wandavision and the Guardians Holiday Special):
1. How did Thor depart? Is that explained in Love and Thunder?
2. What's Gamora's story? They kinda glossed over it here. She's a younger version of her previous self prior to meeting Quill. Got it, but how? When? Is that explained somewhere? Infinity stone something or other? Or was that just "it" and we're not supposed to ask any questions?
3. Where did the iPod with modern music come from? Did that happen in the Holiday Special? Kinda watched that one and forgot it once it was over.

1. Yeah it's shown in Love and Thunder that they part ways after teaming up for the first few minutes of the film.
2. Gamora died in Infinity War when Thanos sacrificed her for the soul stone. This Gamora came from a few years in the past when Thanos learned about the Avenger's time heist and piggy backed with the Avengers to the present time.
3. The MS Zune came from Yondu in vol. 2. Craglin gave it to Peter at Yondu's funeral saying he picked it up and was going to give it to Peter.

dsa_shea05-24-23 07:52 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by windom(Post 14275803)

Would there really be a newspaper headline like that about Kevin Bacon's "alien abduction"? At this point everyone on Earth knows that aliens are real. If he was taken off the planet by "aliens" would they still be calling it an "alien abduction"? Wouldn't it be more like "Kevin Bacon kidnapped by aliens" or something similar?

Kevin Bacon is not a kid.

Inhumans9905-26-23 05:57 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Karen Gillan put together a 25 minute behind the scenes week in her life while filming Guardian's video. I just watched it via another website. It really is a nice look behind the scenes, and I did not realize that while filming Guardian's she was also doing publicity for The Bubble, which came out early last year on Netflix. It looks like she put the video up on YouTube a couple days back, and Marvel must be okay with it since it has been 2 days and counting and is still available to watch.

Michael Corvin05-26-23 08:45 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Actually watching that right now. I had to laugh at her Covid test. What a joke that was. They barely even got the swab in her nose. Every time I had one they tried to touch my brain.

Josh-da-man05-26-23 09:23 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Michael Corvin(Post 14278000)

Actually watching that right now. I had to laugh at her Covid test. What a joke that was. They barely even got the swab in her nose. Every time I had one they tried to touch my brain.

I didn't watch the video, but with the home COVID tests you just stick a short swab into the opening of your nostrils and swish it around five times. Only goes an inch or less.

The tests they had in earlier days of the pandemic had these big long things that looked like they were about eight inches long that they jammed way up in there. I never took one of those, but I saw them done on tv.

Meathead05-27-23 04:50 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man(Post 14278007)

I didn't watch the video, but with the home COVID tests you just stick a short swab into the opening of your nostrils and swish it around five times. Only goes an inch or less.

The tests they had in earlier days of the pandemic had these big long things that looked like they were about eight inches long that they jammed way up in there. I never took one of those, but I saw them done on tv.

Yeah those early tests were nuts with how far they went in.

I asked them if the sample was from the nostril or my brain...? They were not amused. lol

Nesbit05-27-23 10:06 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Saw this a week or so ago. Think it might be my least favorite of the three despite doing some things (villain and not overstuffing it with jokes) the best. A great end to a great trilogy though. Probably the best in the MCU and I say that as a huge fan of the cap trilogy.

IBJoel05-28-23 11:36 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

I definitely feel like I need to watch this again, because I felt so lost during most of it. Nebula has a new arm that does anything? Cosmo has been a longtime member of the team? The Guardians control Knowhere? The final Groot line also bothered me, because why are we JUST NOW part of the family? Like wasn't everyone super invested in these characters by the end of the first film? Or if not then, the second?

I think my least favorite aspect of the film was the main throughline: Rocket. His backstory has already been heavily implied, if not outright stated, to be the result of experimentation. Then he's out of commission for most of the film. It feels like taking away the agency of the character in the middle of exploring them.

Those are just my gripes with the film though. I did generally enjoy it. I might not have been in the right headspace going into it.

majorjoe2305-28-23 02:38 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by IBJoel(Post 14278395)

I definitely feel like I need to watch this again, because I felt so lost during most of it. Nebula has a new arm that does anything? Cosmo has been a longtime member of the team? The Guardians control Knowhere?

Some of this is covered in the Holiday Special. I assume Nubula upgraded her arm at some point after Endgame.

RocShemp05-28-23 04:07 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by majorjoe23(Post 14278454)

Some of this is covered in the Holiday Special.

Is it really? I just started watching the Holiday Special right now and, much like in Vol. 3, Cosmo is already very much part of the team. Now Nebula does mention that they bought Knowhere from the Collector (which might explain how they got their hands on Cosmo, as well as Howard the Duck out and about like a free fowl in Vol.3) but... I never got the vibe the Collector owned Knowhere, but rather lived there. Also, didn't he die in Infinity War​​​​​​, killed by Thanos before the Guardians arrived and Del Toro's scene as the Collector was an illusion Thanos created using the Reality Stone?

I think I'll just do what I did when I watched Vol. 3 and assume this is all the result of unseen events, like the decimation of Xandar prior to Infinity War.

majorjoe2305-28-23 05:39 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

He collects things. I think it makes sense that he would buy the head of a space god to live in. That’s a baller move!

tanman05-29-23 05:10 AM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

I'm not sure if this is the right thread to discuss, but anyone ride Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind at Epcot? I'm really confused as where it fits in the timeline.


Abob Teff05-29-23 09:56 PM

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) -- The Spoiler Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Goldberg74(Post 14275625)

There’s a theory that at the end of the film when we hear Groot say “I love you all” he really said “I Am Groot” and we (like Gamora) are able to understand him now.

We are all Guardians of the Galaxy now.

That was how I took it in the moment ...

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DVD Talk Forum -  Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: Gunn) - (2024)


Did James Gunn wrote Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Gunn had initial ideas for a third and final Guardians of the Galaxy film by November 2014, and announced his return to write and direct in April 2017 ahead of Vol. 2's release. Vol. 3 explores the origin story of Rocket, with whom Gunn personally identifies.

What will Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 be about? ›

Is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Sad? ›

Rocket's backstory is also very disturbing, and the villain is very scary. Please note that GotG 3 is very sad, and will make you cry.

How long is Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Three? ›

Settle in for an epic. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is out now in cinemas to bring the MCU trilogy to an epic conclusion and for that finale, the movie has delivered the longest Guardians outing to date. The new movie runs for a confirmed 149 minutes and 51 seconds, or nearly two-and-a-half hours.

Who is the little girl at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Phyla, a new character from the original Marvel Comics, is introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and becomes a member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy team. Phyla's significance is revealed in the post-credits scene, where she joins the new team led by Rocket.

Is James Gunn done with Guardians? ›

Following three Guardians of the Galaxy movies and a holiday special, Gunn has left the MCU to run DC Studios, and the director has revealed what he hopes will happen to the team in Guardians of the Galaxy 4 or other projects.

Why did people cry at Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Whether it's Rocket Raccoon's harrowing backstory or the fact that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marks the end of an era, viewers will definitely find themselves tearing up during the film. Vol. 3 treated fans to many wholesome and heartwarming scenes, but also numerous upsetting and sad moments.

Did not like Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 also seemed to want to cram in way too much into one movie. We could have just had the Rocket origin story and the film would have been just fine. Trying to cram in so many story elements ultimately hurt the exposition of those elements.

Who is the dying mother in Guardians of the Galaxy? ›

She was ultimately killed by Ego after he planted a tumor in her head that activated her brain cancer. Meredith is portrayed by Laura Haddock.

Will there be Guardians of the Galaxy 4? ›

In plainer English, this means there will be no Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, or at least not one that will be anything like the first three. For further proof, when asked by fans if there were any plans for a Vol. 4, Gunn flat out stated that there were none.

What is Star-Lord's name? ›

Peter Jason Quill, also known by his alias Star-Lord, is a fictional character portrayed primarily by Chris Pratt in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.

Was Miley Cyrus in Guardians of the Galaxy? ›

Why did Marvel replace Miley Cyrus in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'? Miley Cyrus participated in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' in the role of Mainframe, but the star did not reprise her role in the third instalment of the successful Marvel movies.

Who wrote Guardians 3? ›

The movie was written and directed by James Gunn. It stars an ensemble cast featuring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Will Poulter, Sean Gunn, Chukwudi Iwuji, Linda Cardellini, Nathan Fillion, and Sylvester Stallone.

Did James Gunn work with Marvel? ›

James Gunn Used to Work for Both Marvel and DC

quickly hired Gunn to direct The Suicide Squad reboot, which led to the Peacemaker TV series, both of which received positive reviews from fans and critics.

Was James Gunn involved in I Am Groot? ›

Additionally, James Gunn voices a wrist watch and Trevor Devall voices Iwua, a shapeshifting alien who mimics Groot, in the first season.

Is James Gunn directing Guardians of the Galaxy 4? ›

So like anyone would, many fans asked Gunn the burning question, whether there will be a Guardians of the Galaxy volume 4 in the future. Unfortunately, every time he was asked this question, Gunn only replied stating 'No', shutting down all possibilities of a last dance with the GOTG team.


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