DVD Talk Forum - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn) (2024)

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DJariya07-20-18 10:09 PM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Losing James Gunn also hurts from the geek and technical standpoint.

I know he's a big proponent of 4K and I believe he oversaw the 4K transfers for the 1st 2 Guardians movies when they went to disc. And he loves shooting extras and talking about the movies and the MCU.

Shame, that he just couldn't keep his f*cking mouth shut when it came to his political viewpoints. Then this dirt resurfaced/ When he wasn't talking sh*t about Trump, he seemed like a fun personality chronicling the making of his movies.

bluetoast07-20-18 10:21 PM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

If the nerds could survive Edgar Wright having to exit Ant Man after sucking the character’s nuts for like six years and still getting two good movies, they can handle Gunn leaving this.

mspmms07-20-18 10:33 PM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by bluetoast(Post 13375991)

If the nerds could survive Edgar Wright having to exit Ant Man after sucking the character’s nuts for like six years and still getting two good movies, they can handle Gunn leaving this.

- and had Wright not left Ant Man we may not have had Baby Driver :shrug:

Ranger07-20-18 10:57 PM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Disney was real quick to fire Gunn... Wonder if there is more to the story.

I remember when Aflac fired Gilbert Gottfried for the Japan quake joke.

Double_Oh_707-20-18 11:52 PM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by dex14(Post 13375914)

I really can’t see them throwing out his script. That would be dumb as f*ck.

Originally Posted by Mike86(Post 13375933)

I totally see that. Unless he plans on letting them use it and goes uncredited.

Marvel still used parts of Edgar Wright's Ant-Man script and gave him credit for it. Don't see why they wouldn't do the same thing here.

windom07-21-18 12:08 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

It'll be OK. Disney has Ron Howard on speed dial.

Abob Teff07-21-18 12:30 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Can we get a meme of Mickey Mouse wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and making half of the recent Marvel and Star Wars directors disappear?

Troy Stiffler07-21-18 12:40 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by slop101(Post 13375981)

Unlike Gunn, Cernovich doesn't have a high-profile job to get fired from.

I'm sure he's making plenty from whatever PAC the Russians are funneling money into to indirectly pay Cernovich for his services.

Nesbit07-21-18 01:04 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

This is Cernovich's gig now. He got my favorite political commentator, Sam Seder, fired from MSNBC for 24 hours and a few of the sponsors from his youtube show pulled out due to an obvious joke about Roman Polanski. He's a piece of trash.

Anyone saying that James Gunn shouldnt be speaking out on politics at a time when many believe our country is under attack has an AWFUL take away from all of this. I'm not offended by Gunn's tweets, acknowledge those that are, but either way "Sit down and shut up" is not the answer.

Troy Stiffler07-21-18 01:16 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

He is very active on Twitter too. It’s neat to occasionally shoot the sh*t with filmmakers on Twitter. I like when it’s personal and not curated by a PR department to promote a new movie.

That kind of engagement is also good for business. Kevin Smith was one of the originals with his forum. Alex Proyas also had a forum where he was very active. Now there’s Twitter.

This happened fast like with Rosanne. If I had to guess, I’d say that they have clear training and lines that can’t be crossed in their contracts. Though you’d think Disney would have done some research before letting him in.

Josh-da-man07-21-18 02:39 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by DJariya(Post 13375973)

Gunn said on Twitter that he spent almost 1 year writing the script. That would be really stupid to trash his script after all that work he put in for characters he knows.

If anything, Gunn should get at least a "Story by" credit to satisfy the WGA. Whoever gets hired and I don't envy them will probably want to take a spin on his script and make adjustments. So they will probably get a screenplay credit. I doubt they will hire someone to solely work on what Gunn has written. Scripts usually go through multiple re-writes before and during production, so something will be touched up by whoever they hire.

Credit the screenplay to "Judas Booth."

actionjackson2907-21-18 03:15 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by Nesbit(Post 13376056)

This is Cernovich's gig now. He got my favorite political commentator, Sam Seder, fired from MSNBC for 24 hours and a few of the sponsors from his youtube show pulled out due to an obvious joke about Roman Polanski. He's a piece of trash.

Anyone saying that James Gunn shouldnt be speaking out on politics at a time when many believe our country is under attack has an AWFUL take away from all of this. I'm not offended by Gunn's tweets, acknowledge those that are, but either way "Sit down and shut up" is not the answer.


I'm assuming a lot of blue check marks are deleting old tweets right now.

Gunde07-21-18 05:09 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

It's a "funny" thing how "one side" can say and do any kind of reprehensible sh*t with no consequences, while the "other side" can't wait to jump on "their own" at any time no matter if it's one person or 100 million that's feeling outraged.
The "other side" should really learn from the "one side" and try the "yeah, so? What about XXX?"-approach.

mspmms07-21-18 05:42 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by Abob Teff(Post 13376039)

Can we get a meme of Mickey Mouse wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and making half of the recent Marvel and Star Wars directors disappear?

The best I can do right now:


stingermck07-21-18 06:26 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I will have more to say but for right now all I will say is this..<a href="https://twitter.com/JamesGunn?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JamesGunn</a> is one of the most loving,caring,good natured people I have ever met. He’s gentle and kind and cares deeply for people and animals. He’s made mistakes. We all have. Im NOT ok with what’s happening to him</p>&mdash; Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) <a href="https://twitter.com/DaveBautista/status/1020502763430559744?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 21, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

dex1407-21-18 08:24 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Should Disney now fire RDJ for all his past mistakes?

Hmm... this doesn't seem very Ant-Man like! Fired!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/oY-HyKBhtpg" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

TGM07-21-18 09:16 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

again... it's pedophilia related and it's Disney. they had no choice here.

Deftones07-21-18 09:24 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by TGM(Post 13376140)

again... it's pedophilia related and it's Disney. they had no choice here.

They had same choice to make 6 years ago and did nothing. The jokes are the same but the climate is different. Stupid he was fired.

slop10107-21-18 10:11 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by Deftones(Post 13376146)

They had same choice to make 6 years ago and did nothing. The jokes are the same but the climate is different. Stupid he was fired.

Exactly. Gunn hasn't done anything questionable in the time since then (he apologized then, and it was dropped). This is not new sh*t - why are we acting like it is? There should be some sort of statute of limitations on this stuff.
And yet most of the same people outraged at Gunn all say how trump's past liaisons are in the past and shouldn't matter now....

Mike8607-21-18 10:25 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by Double_Oh_7(Post 13376027)

Marvel still used parts of Edgar Wright's Ant-Man script and gave him credit for it. Don't see why they wouldn't do the same thing here.

Key difference is that Wright was removed due to creative differences not because of damaging/offensive/disgusting comments like Gunn made (no matter how long ago).

Troy Stiffler07-21-18 10:31 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Not to take anything away from Peyton Reed. But Ant-Man was still very-much an Edgar Wright movie. And so is part two. His creative input is obvious.

cultshock07-21-18 10:40 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by Mabuse(Post 13375966)

For me, when it comes to comedy, nothing is taboo.

Yep, totally agree.

Originally Posted by Deftones(Post 13376146)

They had same choice to make 6 years ago and did nothing. The jokes are the same but the climate is different. Stupid he was fired.

Very true, and unfortunately this is the world we live in today. :(

d2cheer07-21-18 11:10 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

Originally Posted by TGM(Post 13376140)

again... it's pedophilia related and it's Disney. they had no choice here.

No sh*t. I find it shocking that people can't understand that. But this thread went exactly where I expected it to go.

Ranger07-21-18 11:30 AM

re: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn)

GOTG 3 better have a good soundtrack.

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DVD Talk Forum -  Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (2023, D: James Gunn) (2024)


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In plainer English, this means there will be no Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, or at least not one that will be anything like the first three. For further proof, when asked by fans if there were any plans for a Vol. 4, Gunn flat out stated that there were none.

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3 is available to buy only at Digital retailers on July 7 and arrives on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD on August 1.

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The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, directed by James Gunn, ended with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, which was released in May 2023. “I would think it would be a huge loss for Marvel if they didn't find a way to bring back the Guardians of the Galaxy,” Saldaña said on The Playlist's podcast, titled Discourse.

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Marvel Studios has already promised more Star-Lord

At the end of 2023's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Peter Quill — now apparently retired from saving the galaxy — returns to Earth and reunites with his grandfather, with the post-credits scene showing them enjoying a quiet breakfast together.

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There's many reasons this group will not be back. There could be more Guardians movies, but it won't be with this group,” says Gunn.

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The film perfectly encapsulates each character arc, from Drax and Nebula's raising of the children to Gamora's search for a family and Star-Lord's reconciliation with his relatives, the film's ending truly means the end for the Guardians that have been around since 2014.

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At Marvel Studios' San Diego Comic-Con panel in July 2022, Feige announced that Black Panther: Wakanda Forever would conclude Phase Four, with the following films and series becoming part of Phase Five: Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Marvels, Secret Invasion, and Ironheart.

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Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | Disney+

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Bautista is serious when he says he'll never play Drax again. He said on “The Tonight Show” last year that his “Guardians” director James Gunn had crafted such a “perfect exit” for his Drax that coming back to Marvel as him would “tarnish” the character. “With Drax, I just got to end the perfect way,” he added.

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Superman (2025)

James Gunn was already writing a new DC film by the middle of November 2022, and revealed it to be a Superman film the next month.

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Guardians of the Galaxy 4: Will there be a Guardians 4? At the moment, it looks unlikely that the Guardians will come back for a fourth movie – at least in the form that we currently know them – but nothing is really impossible.

Who is the girl at the end of Guardians 3? ›

Phyla, a new character from the original Marvel Comics, is introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and becomes a member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy team. Phyla's significance is revealed in the post-credits scene, where she joins the new team led by Rocket.

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Drax the Destroyer is no longer a Guardian of the Galaxy by the end of “Vol 3.” He stays behind on Knowhere to help Nebula protect the population, which sees an influx of children and animals rescued from the High Evolutionary's ship.

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The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return

Star-Lord could be part of the new team that forms in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty before fighting to save the multiverse in Avengers: Secret Wars. If the character does not join the Avengers, or even if he does, Star-Lord could also appear next in a solo project.

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Ideas to discuss with your children

It has many violent and disturbing scenes and scary characters, which makes it unsuitable for children under 13 years and some older children.

Is Guardians of the Galaxy Phase 5? ›

At Marvel Studios' San Diego Comic-Con panel in July 2022, Feige announced that Black Panther: Wakanda Forever would conclude Phase Four, with the following films and series becoming part of Phase Five: Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Marvels, Secret Invasion, and Ironheart.

How many Guardians of the Galaxy are there? ›

Two sequels have been released: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023).


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